Why does Yea Forums think that traveling, when done right mechanically, isn't interesting on its own?

Why does Yea Forums think that traveling, when done right mechanically, isn't interesting on its own?
Look at BOTW

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Because Yea Forums is stupid and has shit taste

> look at BOTW
Exactly. I'd rather have game design, any game design that randomly generated scenerary.

Because every game world is limited in size, and you're going to find yourself going back and forth at the mercy of the dumb objectives

This, people actually think this game looks good, it's amazing.

It's a shame minecraft surpasses the limited game world aspect but can't make the randomly generated world to be remotely fun to trek.

probably because the vast majority of the posters on this board are sub 80 IQ pajeets who genuinely cant use their own heads and they only like games that are already well liked before they discover them

this board went apeshit for Subnautica and I can guarantee you that that game is very simplistic indiejank in comparison to whatever death stranding is. In fact, death stranding pretty much looks like kojima putting his silent hills ideas into a blender with something like The Martian and marrying the gameplay of what he knows best with something like subnautica meets the online element of soulsborne


That, and the incredibly small draw distance and height limit. Who gives a shit how much land you have to walk on if there's no massive mountains to climb up and see everything, and even if you do find one that's tall enough to do so, you just see an endless abyss in the distance

Should clarify that I don't require myself to see the entire world at once, but being able to, you know, actually appreciate the scale of it would help

>it's not a walking simulator if it's a game i like, which is why i use the term exploration whenever i'm just walking around

>durr BOTW has no game design
don't comment about stuff you know nothing about

>look at botw
>using glitches to fly across the world map is the best way of traversing it
Yeah, fuck botw lol

"Walking simulator" is a term used by retards who can't look past the surface aesthetic of games. They think a game can only be good if it lets them escape into an exciting movie scenario, they can't appreciate games that are purely fun from a mechanical perspective

Not really. Death Stranding isn't a walking simulator, but Gone Home, the game that created the term, is indeed a walking simulator.

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>when done right mechanically
There needs to be more threats than broken boots and slippery slopes so you don't fall asleep.

The STALKER series is kind of traveling done right, but there's quite a lot of threats. DS has ghosts and enemy factions, but the demo didn't focus much on it, they seem non-existent in most sequences, and as far as I can see, danger areas are marked down on the map. Which means there's huge swathes of territory with nothing to do other than walking around.

Also I’m pretty sure most of the posting that’s shitting on the game is done by like one or two people and people just baiting.

This is all because of normies and summerfags that flooded Yea Forums

BOTW was boring for a shit ton of people. The game completely lacked conflict and vision. I get it: people like walking sims. Not me.

>all these years later, still crying about Gone Home

hahahaha oh wow

>The game completely lacked conflict and vision

>"Walking simulator" is a term used by retards who can't look past the surface aesthetic of games.
It's simply used for games where you do nothing except walk, and on occasion, run. They're like a FPS without enemies, an adventure game without traps, a RPG without dialogues. Try to make them fit into any single genre and they'll come out as the worst.

This is what walking simulators are. The irony is, Death Strading is mostly about actually walking, and turning walking into a mechanic, which will be absolutely boring and pointless unless there are other kinds of challenges. There's some stealth and some combat, but there needs much more than that to be truly interesting.

It's okay man, you can like walking simulators. :)

>and now ds
christ what botw has done to you people

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Well shit, I was looking forward to this but BOTW was fucking horrendous.

Play more games

You mean RDR2. Devs moving to catch the Rockstar's of the industry

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keep seething bitch

>the only open world game I know is botw
How about MGS5 you brainlet

Why is this one RDR2 shill so obsessed with instances of developers mentioning RDR?

get out.
Oh yeah, who could forget the amazing barebones wasteland with no point in MGS V, amazing level design.

Devs talking and taking cues from you is as high as it gets user. Kojima is also obsessed with them

>Miyazaki, Kojima and Nintendo all on that R* dick

Damn, white devs do it again

that's the secret of this board. these virgin faggots want you to believe there's 30 or 40 of them, and that nobody would believe that someone is pathetic enough to sit and keep posting all day every day.

>amazing barebones wasteland
Like I said, very much BOTWesque

I agree the game does look amazing

Which is funny considering most people who love BOTW and Kojima games don't give a fuck about RDR2

Traveling is boring when the exploration is boring. In other words, the environment must be highly varied and interesting not just to get across, but look at as well. When all you have is endless fucking nature with no landmarks, you get bored of wandering around fast. Spice it up a little.

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How is it that no matter how much time passes, people who complain about ""emptiness"" in open world games haven't yet realized that they're ousting themselves as the irredeemable shut-in types who have never been outside of a city or outside in general except that one time they took a walk because the cardiologist said to and got bored in 5 minutes or less. Go to Alaska. find a moose. unless you're gonna bitch when you don't see one every hundred yards. video games are full of discovery, and good games are those that aren't saturated with it or force it but let you take it at your own pace. impatient faggots need not apply

It's been over 3 years, user. Do you really think you can try to sell the same lie every time? Don't forget to mention Ubisoft towers and breakable weapons.

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I don't understand why people complain about the exploration in BotW when there's almost always something interesting looking off in the distance, the areas are different enough to be rather distinct and there are a fair number of landmarks. The "Ubisoft Towers" were well done as from the top of them you can spot several places of interest off in the distance.

Hopefully the recent gameplay didnt show everything you could do. I wouldn't know really, since I haven't watched anything past the third trailer. But I can't wait for game to come out nonetheless, the threads are going to be great.
Leaving before I get spoiled.

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Except the environment in botw is pretty fucking plain 90% of the time, all the varied areas are... Honestly kind of small. A good 70% of the map is still the basic fucking field theme and this is coming from someone who actually thinks the game is fairly decent. All the specialized environment areas (the dark forest, fiery mountains/volcano, icy tundra, etc) are tiny which leaves most of the exploration as just material to use your horse to bypass most of it save for where you need to go for shrines, which are a one-and-done deal.

It does shit decently, but fucking hell it's far from perfect.

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I already saw the movie version of Death Stranding and it was shit. Why would I want to play it?

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hardware limitations.

So you can watch it with good actors instead of Kevin Cosner

Travelling in BotW was enjoyable because of how you could interact with the environment. Death Stranding in comparison looks very basic.


>Death Strading is mostly about actually walking, and turning walking into a mechanic, which will be absolutely boring and pointless
This is what I mean: it doesn't have to be. You're confusing the surface-level aesthetic with the actual gameplay. All you do in Pac-Man is move around in a maze eating dots and, and it's a fun game with real longevity. Likewise "all you do is walk" refers just to the aesthetic, there's no reason why that can't have challenge

>dude your job at mcdonald doesn't have to be boring if you just change your attitude

No that's not what I mean. Read the post again and think about it

See how he used a game for comparison then you went and used McDonald's as an example out of nowhere?

>game takes place across the entire United States
>is filled with jap cameos getting their mail delivered by small white men

What did Kojima mean by this?

BOTW was FULL of long ass stretches of nothing in between shrines and camps.
Didn't make it a bad game, just meant it was padded. DS is honestly looking a bit padded at this stage but we'll have to wait and see.

"filled"? I wouldnt be surprised if the cameo in the presentation was chosen as meticulously as geoff obviously was for the gamescom audience. The only other japanese cameo in the game is probably sakurai

Is was speculated that the "cameos" were going to be based on when Kojima did he world tour in search of an engine.
So we have;
>Hideki Kamiya
>Atsushi Inaba
>Shuhei Yoshida
>Goichi Suda
>Hidetaka Suehiro
>Tetsuya Nomura
>Shinji Mikami
>Sam Lake
>Plus all the other japs that he works with

the next time you meme about finnish people being asians sami khan is putting your insolent ass on a pike

>this is a non-asian man

try harder, user.

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i see this camp from trailer is the same one as the one from TGS gameplay