What do you think Hitman 3 will be like?

What do you think Hitman 3 will be like?

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>Going after the partners
>Probably a mission where you whack Grey

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I just want a mission that can rival the White House mission in Blood Money. That was absolute kino. 47 assassinating the VP in one of the most secure locations on earth is just masterful.

More of the same 1 & 2 set up.

Blood Money was pretty good
>but user Contracts was the third one

Before that you will have 2-3 seasons on Hitman 2
Each season $60

Honestly, I am okay with that.
Any other game/dev -- fuck no. But IO is one of the few remaining devs who actually put care and attention into making their games. They're solid as fuck.

Basically, go cry more.

Don't sell expansion packs at $40 while only offering two MAYBE three regular missions. Stop wasting time on sniper assassin maps. If they want to do multiplayer, then make regular coop missions. Almost like Payday, but not shitty.

And have it run as smooth as Hitman 2016.

shit, just like every other one

I want a Hitman race mode

That would be interesting. Ghost is a fine idea, but who really cares about some numbers? Honestly if you could be in the same map interacting with the guy competing to kill the target first, that would lead to some really cool situations with how you can fuck with each other's strategies.

It will be just like Hitman 1 and 2. But with new maps.

So kinda like counter operative from Perfect Dark? That would be the fucking shit. Have one guy trying to protect the target and the rest be assassins trying to do the same and also competeing against each other

Splinter Cell had a multiplayer mode similar to that, too. It's honestly a real kino style of play. I still think Hitman has worked best as a single player, but I wish they would commit to something like that instead of sniper assassin.

what would be a good alternative to breaking into the white house? was going to suggest a secret society but they just did that.

A goddamn aircraft carrier

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season 3=Hitman 3

What? Hitman: Contracts has been out for like 15 years

White House is pretty extreme. They could do Fort Knox or Area 51.

pretty much this Hitman 2: SIlent Assassin is the only Hitman game that joke works for.
>he didn't get it for $15 on sale

>>he didn't get it for $15 on sale
I'm just waiting for the next sale at this point. They only have one map right now worth playing anyways

Resort comes out in two weeks so at least there's something else

I recently bought Hitman 2, paid for the extra shit to get the levels and story from 1. Done with 1, now playing through the story of 2, but apparently I have to pay MORE to continue after a certain point, and not all of it is even out yet?
This is some next-level jewry.

Instead of varying things up with the maps, it's going to be six attempts at recreating Sapienza.

I just realized that he was literally modeled after 47's face.

He is literally 47 with hair and beard.

required online, required agreement to terms of service

The ultimate jewish thing about it is you cannot even buy the regular missions by themselves and have to pay $40 for the whole expansion pass, even though you can buy pretty much every other mission for $11. My guess is they aren't going to release more than two regular missions on the expansion pass, so they pretty much selling the regular missions at $20 each. They know that no one would pay money for sniper assassin missions, so they force the bundle since people would spend $22 on the extra maps and not $40 on the pass.

>but apparently I have to pay MORE to continue after a certain point
Not really, the story will come to a sort of conclusion on map 6, the full game is 6 maps.
you don't have to touch the expansion pack if you don't want to, seems like it's only bridging the gap between season 2 and the upcoming 3.

>the full game is 6 maps.
Hitman 2 base game is only 5 maps with a sniper assassin map.

I think Hitman 3 is already hard worked on, and after the resort they won't release any major content for hitman 2.

I hope we won't have to do season 1 and 2 all over again. The sniper missions are useless

Another shitty bald man simulator. Miss me with this faggot shit. I want Tenchu back.

I think the devs still claim it's 6 maps with Hawke's bay, you don't have to agree, but the maps are for the most part bigger and better.
Season 1 had a few weak maps as well

Hitman 2016 really only has Colorado as a weak map, but Sapenizia and Hakiado are peak map designs out of the new Hitman games. Hawke's Bay is a worse training map that is stream lined in a way that guides the player while Hitman 2016 has two unique training maps that throw you right into it letting you figure out how the rest of the game works. Not to mention that there is is Patient Zero and other Bonus maps that come with Hitman 2016. Hitman 2 on the other hand has some really poor maps like Columbia and Whittleton Creek. Whittleton Creek doesn't even go past 15 level of unlocks, feeling like an incomplete map. I'm pretty sure they meant to add a sewer system since in Hawke's Bay you see a map of Whittleton Creek's sewer system, but they didn't finish it.

>Patient Zero and other Bonus maps
I meant other bonus missions, not maps. Sapeniza has two bonus mission, and Paris has the Christmas bonus mission. It's kind of lazythat for Hitman 2's Christmas mission they just re-ran Hitman 2016's Christmas map again.

probably will have a black female protagonist

Hawke's bay still has more replayabaility than the initial first impression gives off, and it has a unique look compared to how the training missions in 1 just looked like stages.
They sort of make up for it by giving us 2 new maps post launch, if you get them on sale I would say it's probably worth it, but I'm highly biased because I love this series.
Also, patient zero was pretty pricey when it came out too, I think it was 20$ to upgrade to goty edition, they had financial troubles at the time so it felt almost like a charity incentive.

If they're smart - more of the same. Slight tweaks here and there, but otherwise identical to 2016 and 2018.

If they make me replay all the previous levels all these fucking times once more to unlock said items for the third time, I swear

same rat poison and fire extinguishers everywhere