Why does this series cause so much controversy in the JRPG world?
because it's nintendo exclusive
>nintendo exclusive
>used to be sony exclusive
>acfag bait
>blunderfag bait
>wildly different spin-off to bring in people like xfag
There you go, two full years of daily post capped threads full of shitposting.
Which area are you most looking forward to seeing in the remake?
People who dont like anime somehow found this series despite the direct being an otaku who puts his fetishes in the games
Assuming the shoulder is going to be post game what are we going to do there?
Is it controversial? Most people seem to like it.
I can't even imagine how a post-game area would work
success breeds jealousy
I think he's spending a bit too much time on Yea Forums.
You posted it. Satorl Marsh was already beautiful in the Wii version, but the effects used for the trees and fog definitely show their age.
>Created a culture of SJWs vs Anti-SJWS
>Fanbase thinks it's not a cliche generic anime story because even through they act out anime cliches, personalities and clothing or lack of thereof it's deep
>Nintendo execlusive so it gets away with things most nintenbrains bash other JRPGS for like the Trails, Tales of,dragon Quest and Star Ocean series
>Dub vs Original debates
This franchise is doomed to be filled with shit
This. As usual on this board, most people seem to think the opinions that exist here speak for the overall consensus of the fanbase. In reality, most people love Xenoblade. I'd say XC2 was honestly the most controversial title in the fandom, but that's mostly due to the step up in anime cliches, and the overall art design being more anime esque.
Unlike several other JRPG series, this one is actually good and, while present, doesn't get carried nearly 100% by waifus.
And this
Every game is distinct in style from the other, each with their own passionate fans. Combine that with it being nintendo exclusive, containing a ton of flaws in each title, and varying levels of anime, and you have the ultimate recipe for shitposting.
Even so, MonolithSoft are based as fuck.
>>Created a culture of SJWs vs Anti-SJWS
This really isn't an issue outside of what, Resetera, and Twitter? Most people don't seem to give a shit.
>Fanbase thinks it's not an anime story
That's untrue, though. Most people who have been fans of the series for a long time are aware it's an anime. The director himself said most of the series was inspired by 80's/90's anime. You're paying too much attention to shitposters, and secondaries intertwining their opinions in the mix.
>Nintendo exclusive so it gets away with most things
That's also false. People criticize the plot, and characters all the time. It mostly gets drowned out because the arguments derail into screeching, as usual with Yea Forums though.
I will agree that the future of the fanbase, at least here anyway, isn't looking too bright.
Correct. It’s gets made fun of for being “too anime”, but that’s just by people who can’t name a JRPG besides Final Fantasy and Pokémon.
On what planet? The only thing that got people up in arms was XB2 and that was because some of the cutscenes felt like shit out of a mid-2000's harem anime.
Does it? I see more controversy within the fanbase desu with the 1 vs x vs 2 stuff
Xenogears was the only PS exclusive game.
Xenosaga got a DS version.
m8 you spend a little too much time on this awful website
Because it's the best current jRPG series and a Nintendo exclusive
>Why does this series cause so much controversy in the JRPG world?
If the JRPG world is limited to the delusional Nu-Xeno fanbase, I guess.
because the developer is biased
Yeah the infighting seems a lot worse than anything Xenoblade has with other jrpg series. It’s like even in the more civil threads they are just putting up with each other while hating one another’s guts.
The combat is different. There’s already always the debate about turn based vs action games in the Jrpg community.
it's just Yea Forums shitposting, there's no controversy regarding Xenoblade 1
X is harmless as well, 2 is the only somewhat controversial because of how wide the gap is between the love and hate the game receives
>there's no controversy regarding Xenoblade 1
Actually, I've been looking around and there's been quite a few "negative" reactions to the new model designs. That, alongside people saying
"Baaaw XC1 is an anime now!"
The people who don't like the new models are definitely just a small minority. Even on Yea Forums the consensus seems to be that they're a massive improvement.
>"Baaaw XC1 is an anime now!"
That's a bizarre complaint.
People who hate anime and their retarded "stop liking what I don't like", basically.
>Why does this series cause so much controversy in the JRPG world?
It doesn't, you are mistaking Yea Forums echo chamber with the rest of the world. Faggots here will complain about any Nintendo or Sony exclusive because console wars and muh board culture.
This didn't need to be in quotes. Also, A few dissenting opinions doesn't make a controversy. Otherwise, we'd have to say every game is controversial now.
It's really just Yea Forums. It doesn't help that people would continually make XC2 general threads on the board for well over a year with most of them only existing to circlejerk about the girls, when there was virtually nothing new to discuss after Torna. Unless you're counting the artbook, but even then that wasn't anything major.
What website outside of this board was actively mad, or shitposting about the new art design change in the remaster? Resetera is always complaining about something, so they don't really count.
>Nintendo Exclusive
That makes a difference because? Persona is Sony exclusive, but you don't see people being nearly as annoying when it comes to the game. At least here, anyway. XC2 harbored more shitposting in a good year, than P5 did in months.
Because snoyggers are literal children.
A better question is this: why is it wrong to dislike these JRPGs? Why is it wrong to dislike JRPGs in general? Imagine someone who hates cutscenes and waifus and just wants to play a game without them, and considers it absolutely pathetic that a game's only justification is "dude you can skip it." I paid 60 bucks for this product, I shouldn't have to skip anything. That comes off as a spotty and unfinished product.
Worst yet, I've never heard any other justification that didn't stem from a previous bias, or some kind of brand loyalty.
resetera likes xenoblade way more than Yea Forums thinks they do
there's more sonybros than nintendbros, so a nintendo exclusive causes more seething than a sony one.
And like clockwork acfag shows up
>Persona is Sony exclusive, but you don't see people being nearly as annoying when it comes to the game
Have you never been to a Persona thread? I mean people would still be plenty annoying about it if it were multiplat but still.
Eryth Sea
I just want to jump out of the highest floating island to move the camera around to watch the landscape while I fall to the sea.
Shit will be kino
Lots of autists attached to the franchise as a whole, both fans and critics
it's not wrong to dislike those things. It is wrong to be a reductionist faggot who ignores everything people say about a game so that you can push up your narrative that they only care about "cutscenes and waifus".
>Persona is Sony exclusive, but you don't see people being nearly as annoying when it comes to the game
And yet it's acceptable to call people snoy trannies if they raise criticisms or just plain say they don't like the game?
There honestly isn’t a problem disliking JRPG’s; I almost put down XC2 several ones for how many anime moments it had, like Mythra waking up in Rex’s bed en attacking him. What I can’t stand are the WRPGfags who complain about waifus then jizz over romance options.
Cool, ACfag's here. Thread ruined because none of you can fucking help but feed him.
So you don't like hypocrites? That's perfectly fine. I'm no stalwart defender of WRPGs either, especially after what Toddy boy and Bethesda did to the genre.
why can't you climb up on top of the heads of any of the big titans in xenoblade 1 or 2
it's such an obvious opportunity for an amazing view but the closest they let you get is agniratha in 1 and going inside genbu's head in 2. let me climb up zanza's big dumb horn, fuck you
Thank you. I love WRPG’s too, Fallout especially, but I’ll be damned before I call Fallout 4 an RPG
Cant fucking wait for this game. Buying a switch so i can play through this game again. Best jrpg developer right now.
>there's more sonybros than nintendbros
Didn't the Switch just outsell the PS4 in Japan? As for burgerland, probably.
Ignore ACfag you dumb fucks
Burgerland is:
40% Xbone
40% PS4
20% Switch
user! WATCH OUT!
Japan? yes
Burgerland? no
also it's 100M vs 37M, so yes there's more sonybros than nintendbros
>XC2 costumes for the XC1 characters as DLC, or Challenge Mode rewards
It might be cool.
Because fucking retarded idiots try and say that it's not anime when the series has literally always been anime, and it has a super anime plotline to begin with, but MUH BRITISH VOICE ACTORS.
This has really only been an issue when it comes to XC1, and that's only due to the weak hardware of the Wii being unable to properly produce the anime visuals that were originally intended. Everyone can see that XCX, and XC2 are anime, or at least I hope they can.
Will you stop with the boogeymen already? Assassin;s Creed doesn't even relate to Xenoblade.
It's a niche series of jrpgs that gets talked about non stop, it only gets so much traffic because it's on a nintendo platform and only on a nintendo platform
I would also enjoy this
Which party members are worth taking in X? I'm guessing it's gonna force all kinds of retarded parties on me, but who's actually good? I've just been running around with Elma and Lin since the other 3 available are literally who.
Besides the gameplay, everything has been kinda bland so far. The character interactions made XB1 for me, and they're lacking pretty severely so far. Silent protag isn't really helping things there.
someone posted a picture of smash Shulk in Rex's outfit a while back and he honestly looks way better than Rex does in it
Honestly, this. Xenoblade 1 is probably my favorite title in the trilogy, and I can't wait for the remaster to release so I can experience the game in a new light, but damn the fanbase for the game have got to be deluded as fuck. I can't even count all the times I've seen someone think XC1 was a western RPG because of it's art design, but in reality the game is full of anime tropes, character archetypes, and etc. It just doesn't take it to an extreme, or overly apparent level until way later in the game.
Valak Mountain at night specifically
XB2's ice graphics were kind of shitty, if XBDE is on the same engine I hope they make them look better
The story missions will pretty much force Elma and Lin on you, there's eventually a lot more than just those 3 you're talking about, I just used whichever were my favorites
All of Mechonis now that Monolith can make high tech areas look good.
Easily this. I'm excited for areas like Valak, Satorl, or Eryth Sea, but I'm honestly more hyped for the Mechonis environment. I'm really hoping that they'll change up the color palette more, because Mechonis Field especially looked bland after awhile. There was supposedly another area of the Mechonis that was cut too according to the data files, so I'm looking out for that.
When XB1 first came out and started getting reviews, people commented on how the models and world-design seemed to pull inspiration from Western RPGs of the time (remember that New Vegas and Skyrim were popular around this time) and so they praised it for how much it borrowed from those games.
Of course that turned out to be the wrong comparison to make but people only understand things in terms of other things they already know
What's your wildest hope for the XB1 remake that doesn't involve changes to the story?
I want to say I like the updated models personally.
That's all.
I want most of the QoL stuff from X, 2 and Torna to be included.
>500% less character dialogue
>get rid of any cutscene that's essentially filler (aka any comedy segments)
>remove dialogue spoken during combat (it's really not necessary hearing the same lines over and over again)
>trim down the story and relegate it to lore logs or something, like metroid prime did
A truckload of changes would really change this game into a much better product.
I think it’s also because console JRPGs back then were very niche and otaku focused or just outright garbage, so they saw it as a step away from that. Probably why so many get triggered over XB2’s existence.
They should make it first person and allow you to dual wield weapons like in Skyrim, that would be great.
Unlike Sonyfags, Nintenbros actually have games to play so they can't dedicate an entire year's worth of time to nothing but shitposting other consoles' games
you play an arcade game (let it die 2 no mtx edition) to upgrade fiora
This. Also, Fiora should be a robot.
Oh come on. Nothing I suggested was that radical. I was just getting rid of some unnecessary trivial things. For example, I could name about 10 cutscenes that weren't even necessary for the story to be told. Like every one starring Metal Face. They just rehash the same "haha I'm a mustache twirling bad guy" over and over again.
Should I play my physical Wii copy on original hardware, or wait for the switch port? I've played maybe 5 hours with a classic controller, comfy game, but I was juggling a lot of games and haven't gone back. I hated the low resolution and blurry faces, but not sure if this version is actually adding new gameplay content.
Remastered music
At the very least we know that this version is adding new armour and an entire area that was cut from the original late in development.
Everything you suggested was pants on head retarded.
>Why does this series cause so much controversy in the JRPG world?
>JRPG world
What? Yea Forums? Please don't tell me you think Yea Forums is a representative of any "world" other than Shitpostvania
Yeah, and change the title for something that actually makes sense, like Robotic Alien Killer
What was wrong with the suggestions?
Might as well call it Monado: Beginning of the World
OP is clearly an autistic retard who spends too much time on Yea Forums.
"Looking around" just means squatting on Yea Forums's catalog for a few days.
>Combat additions like Blowdown, Launch, and Smash from XC2 to give the combat more flavor
>New arts for each characters in the party, at least 5
>New clothing options
>Including Vanea to the main party (She essentially joins Shulk's group around Mechonis Core anyway as a Guest, and has direct beef with Zanza, so..
Stop giving ACfag (You)s, retard.
Because it's an overrated shit series kept on life support by nintendo, directed by a guy who has literally never made a good game.
I want to say i dislike the updated models
thats all.
Only uncultured swine can stomach Xenoblade and its other wretched spawn.
The games have retarded versions of philosophy that Takahashi puts in his game to make it seem more "deeper" but does nothing and is usually just glossed over and moved on from.
In XB2 when Jin makes his announcement of why should the Blades be slaves to humans BUT gets entirely ignored after they escape that stupid dungeon never gets addressed even by Klaus himself. They simply write it off as Jin being a suicidal retard. Wow.
Man the writing is a joke and all the niggers that eat this shit are mouthbreathers.
Which do you think we'll get first, Xenoblade X on switch, or the next mainline entry?
Could go either way. I still think an X port will happen eventually, but who knows how soon.
There's still that one new IP they're working on. Apparently. Or at least getting more people for it.
I wouldn't expect anything Xeno related for a while.
XC3. If that wasn't clear enough already, them bothering to do a fullw blown remake of XC1 instead of porting XCX is really telling. They're obviously making sure to get the maximum possible playerbase by ensuring players can do XC1, then XC2 for the inevitable XC3 coming next.
Original shulk looks alright from the front but the side is a different story
Outside of Kingdom Hearts, Tales Of, the Megami Tensei franchise, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Dragon Quest, and Final Fantasy, Xenoblade stands out quite a bit. The development of the worlds presented in the games are amazing, and the plot is a step above most.
>Xenoblade stands out quite a bit
Yeah, its shittiness stands out quite a bit.
>the plot is a step above most.
Jesus christ
I hope they barely touch the gameplay. Maybe they can make Break an actual debuff and give everyone 1-2 new abilities, but that’s it. One thing they definitely need to add is X2’s exp rest system. With that, players won’t be punished for doing sidequests by becoming overleveled.
My assumption is that Monolith is going
>XC2 > XC1R > XC3 > XCX1R > XCX2 > XCX3
Takahashi is likely remastering, and retconning XC1 now, so they can jump straight into XC3 and finish off the mainline. From there on, the X series will likely get revived. Hopefully they borderline remake XCX1 in accordance to the original vision of the story that was presented in the artbook.
that's some bad business sense user. they're obviously releasing XC1 since it's connected plotwise to XC2 and they can get sales from people who've only played 2, their next move (aside from any totally new games) to maximize profits would be to release a XBX port alongside an announcement of XBX2.
It's a game that artistically was very appealing to non-genre fans and created a set of false expectations.
I think it deserves praise for its storytelling and pacing but I think it did a lot of things that were actually somewhat common in modern JRPGs but non-genre fans got exposed to for the first time in a while
Imgine being so much of a contrarian you like potato models to prove some dumb point
monster design is much better than the competition too. i love how the world feels alien and futuristic but also overgrown and natural. there are huge stretches of untouched land with huge high level beasts charging around ready to shred anyone who gets too close, even in early areas. it makes a nice change from most JRPGs where difficult content is gated behind linear progression so you can steamroll anything you're allowed to see. in other series the disparity between huge cities and forests/open fields feels strange.
People say that "hurr people hate it because muh nintendo exclusive" when it's the complete opposite, nintendo and smash are the only reasons this mediocre series has any fame at all.
I don't know if I can agree with that. The game spends way too much time with filler and it diddles its thumbs way too much. Infact, in the 11+ hours of cutscenes the game has, I think only one of them actually has significance in terms of the plot. Every other one seemed like just an attempt to tell jokes or waste time.
upset persons who exchange sex for money
Snoyggers can't handle the bants. Also they're third worlders who can only afford one console so they sling shit at anything not on their plastic box of choice
Now was the perfect time to do an easy port of XCX and teasing XCX-2 at the end of the port trailer. They didn't. If XCX gets a port, if ever, it's on Nintendo's next console. It was now or never as far as the Switch is concerned.
What if someone dislikes story heavy games period, and they're even more critical of sony in this regard? How are they a "snoygger" as you so eloquently put it?
>their next move (aside from any totally new games) to maximize profits would be to release a XBX port alongside an announcement of XBX2.
I'd disagree, honestly. Jumping between X, and the main series would kill the tension. We could potentially have XC3 around the corner to wrap up the mainline, but instead you'd rather see them dab into the X series for a few years? There's no doubt in my mind that X will get it's spotlight in the future, but it'd make more sense to push XC3. I don't see much point in remastering XC1 right now outside of connecting things properly for the finale.
It's the only JRPG their shitty company even tries to invest in. Look at Octopath it was forgotten in less then three weeks after its release.
Nintendo is good at one thing and that's bolstering sales for one title at a time so they can profit as much as they can since they dont have other titles conflicting with each others sales.
A good strategy for a sick company.
Can all Xeno fans at least agree that Monolith Soft makes the greatest worlds out of all videogame developers?
Seriously their shit is fucking beautiful.
>monster design is much better than the competition too
Glad somebody else agrees. I kind of want a monster raising spin-off with some of these guys.
>Infact, in the 11+ hours of cutscenes the game has, I think only one of them actually has significance in terms of the plot. Every other one seemed like just an attempt to tell jokes or waste time.
You didn't specify a title in particular, but even then, that'd be blatantly false. There's plenty of plot relevant moments that expand the lore, world building, or overall characterization.
Absolutely agree with you, Xbro. Seriously, other jrpg devs, are you EVEN trying?
Nice cherrypicked pics
octopath's problem is that it's hard to turn into a series. the world was pretty shallow, and all eight characters finished their storylines. it's called octopath traveller so they're tied to simultaneously telling 8 people's stories, and if they made a sequel they'd be forced to change the world completely and start fresh with the only carryover being the arbitrary eight characters. xenoblade did it right, the world came first so other stories can be told in the same (or similar) setting without losing out on the series feel.
It just occurred to me how overly diverse the monster designs are in this series. That is a big aspect of the series, though. Just the overall wildlife roaming around, the big dogs in their respective environments being levels above you to intimidate you, it's fun. Xenoblade nails the environmental aspect perfectly.
Absolutely. The worlds are seriously the best thing about Xenoblade.
If they did a port of XCX now they would have a harder time selling copies of a XC1 remake in the future. it makes more sense to do the XC1 port then wait a while before dropping the XCX port alongside a potential sequel reveal.
what tension? XC2 ended on an ending, if anything "killed the tension" it was releasing XC2 instead of X2. XC3 can come out at any time since XC2's ending had not inherent tension.
>It's the only JRPG their shitty company even tries to invest in.
>What is Fire Emblem
>What is Pokemon (albeit Gamefreak is to blame for a lot of the more technical issues)
But yeah, Xeno is probably one of the more major JRPG series present now. The Mario RPG's haven't been good for awhile.
I even love early xeno 2 enemies like those huge towering deer with blades on the backs of their legs. they just exist, they're not conveniently placed as a roadblock and they don't aggro as soon as they see you. xenoblade always nailed the world.
>Nintendo is good at one thing and that's bolstering sales for one title at a time
They are not doing that very well considering 1 and X were flops and 2 only got decent sales after being prominently shilled in 3 directs
Not necessarily.
The average consumer doesnt do a lot of research so they may not know that XBX isn't directly related to XB1
So how likely is someone to jump into XBX if they feel they still won't know everything in the franchise because they think (incorrectly) that the games are connected and they need to have played XB1 to 'get' XBX's story?
It's pretty likely
Hence why XB1 is the smart move in terms of Monolith Soft's resources: put the entire franchise as it stands on a single console for everyone to play and jump on board, avoid the KH-problem from the outset before you have 6-7 games available on a single platform to worry about
They're the only ones who know how to make shit to scale from concept art while also retaining a levle of detail that is needed for it to still feel big instead of just an upscaled asset
1 wasn't a flop at all.
They could probably get away with using "Traveler" as the series name instead of either "Octopath" or "Octopath Traveler". so the next game could be something like "Annual Traveler" with graphics like octopath telling the story of a single year in the world or something like that.
Either way, you're ignoring the fact that they decided to remaster XC1, instead of porting XCX. Which would imply that they want to focus on the mainline for now, before jumping back into X.
As someone who disliked fiora and shulk's look in xb2, I think this is an okay middle ground. Only complaint is that shulk looks a little too young now.
>Play other games
>Look at the concept art
>Concept art looks way better every time
>Play Monolith Soft game
>Look at the concept art
>The crazy bastards just took the concept art and made a 1:1 replica of it in the game
So good.
I'm not ignoring that, i'm saying that's the logical move to do before moving back to X.
>Persona is Sony exclusive, but you don't see people being nearly as annoying when it comes to the game
you're nuts
X was essentially on a dead console, so it doesn't have the same following as 1, and 2 have. It makes more sense to focus on them now, and revamp X entirely at a later time.
>1 and X were flops
Source? According to Monolith, they sold above expectations, and they clearly sold enough for Nintendo to consider continuing the series.
They fully realised the sort of worlds and artstyles you'd get from PS1 and PS2 era JRPGs. I was waiting for crazy shit like this since I was a kid and only MonolithSoft really deliver, even when really constrained like in XB2.
1 sold better than pandora's tower or the last story, and shulk was popular enough to make it to smash after the game was well received.
>People who dont like anime somehow found this series
You mean it appeals to non-anime fans? In which I would agree
>despite the direct being an otaku who puts his fetishes in the games
Now you've completely lost me, esl?
I'd say all of them are guilty of it. XC has overtly dramatic shit that overall doesn't contribute to the plot (aka Shulk having a seizure on the ground) XCX is guilty of half the scenes just being comedy shit with Lin (HAHA PIZZA XD) and XC2 just might be the worst offender, from half the blade introductions, to obvious forced humor segments (not even talking about "japanese humor.webm" there's plenty more to choose from) and even when the game tries to move the plot forward, it's in that ironic wink wink nudge nudge way, like this was borderlands or something.
>we won't let you get away with it you one eyed monster
>*mythra proceeds to smack Rex for absolutely no reason*
In terms of exposition, I find that wasteful.
I'll just agree to disagree, because I don't necessarily share the same view. I think it'd honestly be awkward to jump between X and the mainline unless Takahashi ends up connecting the series somehow.
I'm simply asking why everyone drags in console warring when certain critics don't even mention other companies.
I mean, I won't disagree that there's a lot of unnecessary drama filled moments that one could say hinders the story, but to say there's little to no instances where the plot, world, or lore in the game's aren't explored during the main narrative, would be a downright lie.
But the average consumer definitely see the "2" or "3" at then end of a title. You already said as much. All you do by doing +1 on your game's title, is getting less and less player playing your sequels. The average consumer won't go into XC3, XC4 or whatever if they haven't played the first ones, especially when the story are connected. Only a few big names can afford to do that, such as KH as you already stated. Or Final Fantasy, when it is widely known they aren't related.
We already had a LOT of people asking if they could start with XC2, and they indeed could because Monolith pulled a trick, and it was only the second entry, but it won't work for ever. That's why I think XC1DE's existence is to properly build XC3, coming on the Switch as well.
I was in the camp of "they'll do an XCX port on the Switch so player will jump on the soon announced XCX-2", but that was thrown out of the windows with XC1DE as far as I'm concerned.
I agree. I think it's a better move to solidify the continuity/world of the mainline games instead of jumping between two concurrent separate series with the same name. No need to confuse casual players, it'll harm both games overall. I loved X, but they should keep pushing and make sure the series is still around for a high budget sequel with plenty of time/care.
There probably are instances of meaningful plot progression, but they're buried beneath a mountain of memes and poor comedy.
pretty sure he made a typo and wanted to say "despite the director being [...]'
>Hashino: On the other hand, the clothing is quite flashy. Have you seen the butt of “Xenoblade 2”’s heroine? (laughs). Even with that, the world feels like it exists, and it must be because of your philosophy of how the people interact with things.
>Takahashi: Yes, because I don’t want it to feel like it’s not everyday life. With that being said, I do put in my fetishes. (laughs) It’s hard to balance it all.
>have you seen the butt of xenoblade 2's heroine?
Pyra has no butt.
Honestly, it doesn't matter that much. 1, and 2 are essentially alternate universe situations in terms of plot developments. You don't need to play both to understand 3, but you'd be right about the average consumer. I don't think that'll hinder the sales of the game, though. I expect XC3 to break a million and do well like 2 did. The same thing would apply to the X series as well, so I don't necessarily see the point.
>1 sold better than pandora's tower or the last story,
Damn, what an accomplishment.
>shulk was popular enough to make it to smash after the game was well received.
It was just another attempt of nintendo at shilling the series, very few people actually wanted shulk and even then it was mostly memes about the shitty britbong dub (im really le feeling it, le reyn time, etc)
I'm not sure that's true though.
Here's the thing: Xenoblade X would not have the same connotation necessarily for us as it would for the average consumer.
How many games that are the tenth or fifth entry in a series have their number as a roman numeral? It's enough that I'd say most people might think that somehow Xenoblade X is the tenth entry in the franchise.
Having XB1DE is better because it gives people an entry point where they might otherwise feel that the franchise is impenetrable.
Were not discussing Bayonetta user
holy based
Pyra has a perfect tight but, exactly the way it should be.
Again, we aren't talking about a specific title here, but I'm going to assume you're speaking directly about 2. In that instance, yes there's a lot of comedic situations, but I'd say the plot balances itself out on various instances. The second half of XC2 alone, which would start around the end of Chapter 6 has a lot of meaningful plot progression.
>It's the only JRPG their shitty company even tries to invest in
The fuck are you talking about? Nintendo markets the fuck out of Fire Emblem and Pokemon compared to Xenoblade, which is pretty modest even at this point.
Right, bayonetta is a decent game at least unlike xenoshit
This post made me realize how little in house JRPG series are still around at Nintendo.
xenoblade 2 honestly dropped so much of the comedy shit in its second half starting NG+ and running into the wacky anime cutscenes starting in chapter 2 was just as jarring as it had been the first time
I really found myself wondering why they were even there in the first place
They aren't even remotely comparable. Especially in the gameplay department
Nintendo has never had strong focus on RPGs. to be fair.
>Mario RPGs
>Mother (Which is now dead)
>And now Xenoblade
>starting NG+ and running into the wacky anime cutscenes starting in chapter 2 was just as jarring as it had been the first time
>I really found myself wondering why they were even there in the first place
It's likely because the writing for XC2's chapters were split between two teams. One team wrote the even numbered chapters, and the other wrote the odd. I didn't necessarily mind the banter, or comedic situations to a degree, but I did wish the plot took itself more seriously. It's why I prefer XC1.
>The second half of XC2 alone, which would start around the end of Chapter 6 has a lot of meaningful plot progression.
I take issue with that in 3 ways:
>the game should not need that much time to actually establish the plot
>the game still shoves in terrible humor
>I can't even take the serious storytelling when half the cast look like strippers covered in christmas lights
I'll be completely honest with you: I hate mixing and matching themes in games like this. If you're gonna have wacky outlandish character designs, don't expect me to take any story seriously. This was the same problem with Borderlands, like I said before. It's hard to take them seriously, or view any threat as credible when the game has dumb meme shit like Tiny Tina, or the meme spouting robots. If you're gonna tell a serious story, show some restraint with the character designs and world. If you're gonna make everything glowy and wacky and off the deep end in terms of fantasy, then I'd expect the story to follow suit.
To use another JRPG as an example, I played Fairy Fencer F a long while ago, and the massive mood whiplashes it had just took me out of the game entirely. The game attempts being serious and having characters die gruesomely, but then you have wacky giant cartoon teddy bears with a sword in their head.
Now that you mention it, that's pretty low. I'd put Golden Sun in here as well, but that series is practically dead. I hope they expand on JRPG's more in the future.
This. Xenoblade's marketing has been pretty barebones. Never seen an ad, be it in the subway or the newspaper, while it happens all the time for Mario/Zelda/Smash/Pokemon and some other well known Nintendo titles. And I wouldn't call Direct advertisement, only people already interested in Nintendo watch Directs, the average joe doesn't. Okay, I'll admit it had Rex's costume in BotW. Still, I think they should advertise it more. At least to Fire Emblem levels, as it sells about as much.
>Xenoblade's marketing has been pretty barebones.
LOL 20 minutes of a direct not enough for you?
The wasting chapter cutscenes to keep trying to build Amalthus as this sympathetic villian but hes just a typical "wah why didnt God answer my prayers" type of character was a bad idea. Also when the scene where Klaus just let's him take the cores of Malos and Pneuma was just headsratching.
"It was fated to happen" was such a dumb line. Amalthus was such an appalling bad villian that I dont get why Takahashi always tries to make them a victim of circumstance.
Xenogears had none of this gay shit and the ones who had tough lifes had to pay for their actions like that priest Stone or Shakhan. Ramsus he literally gets shit on all game and still he has a support system of literal super women by his side which was deserved because he always had them by his side when he saved them and in turn they saved him.
Japanese people genuinely love that shit
I think that a lot of the issue with those scenes is the shift in audio and visual design, from the eye stuff to the music and sound effects
If they didn't bring so much attention to themselves, I don't think people would have noticed as much.
Here's a good example. Poppi's awakening where you see the maid mode.
Instead of having the whole thing shift art-style for a sec, just have Poppi boot up with a less exaggerated "Welcome home masterpon Tora, would you like me to make you a drink"
Without cutting, Tora pulls the power-switch again and reboots Poppi to her normal mode.
When Rex asks, have the camera be behind him and Pyra, then when Tora says his grandfather set that mode up, have the camera pan over to the closet (in such a way that Tora is now out of frame) and then back to Tora (where he's now sweating).
Same joke but less heavy-handed delivery
I'm surprised they haven't made a traditional RPG in the Zelda series yet.
Golden Sun isn't dead, it's just finished. The story was told. They could theoretically make another Mother game (and I'm sure they will eventually, even if it's 10 years from now), but they're probably facing a similar situation to HL3 where the expectations are too high to reasonably satisfy the fans.
Xenoblade X and 2 had commercials on TV in America
>absolute zero controversy anywhere
>so much controversy, guys!
Because Neptuniablade fans constantly try to make their crappy game seem a lot better than it actually is
>the game should not need that much time to actually establish the plot
It honestly depends on the person playing. My first time through the story, it took me a long time to actively reach the 2nd half of the narrative since I was dicking around on exploration, and side quests. My NG+ run however, had me reach Chapter 6 in about a solid day since I was off from work. It varies from person to person.
>Terrible humor
>Character designs
These are more subjective opinions, so I wouldn't necessarily count them as direct issues to the story. I completely understand what you're saying, but that's just how the director does things. Xeno has for the most part always been a mixture of fantasy, and sci-fi. The combination of elements is a major aspect of the series identity. Maybe the series isn't wholly for you? I don't know man, but I respect your opinion.
>Golden Sun isn't dead, it's just finished
Can you be more WRONG? Haven't you play Dark Dawn?
>sprite based LOZ game in the style of link's awakening/oracle duology, but with dragon quest as a basis
>huge library of jolly music and interesting monsters, and even companions like tingle and BowWow
>hidden cucco superboss swarm
The issue here comes from the fact that you're trying to compare Xenogears, to XC2. I don't even find Amalthus to be a villain you're supposed to sympathize with, more like someone with flawed human traits. He's a controversial character here anyway since most people describe him as
>"Waaaah mommy issues!"
When that's not even 5% of his character.
The mixing and matching of themes is part of the appeal. It just isn't for you.
The first game doesn't draw much controversy. It's Xenoblade 2 that gets people on edge.
sorry chandler
Hopefully they change story up in the remake. The ending was garbage. If they were gonna start up that Melia stuff, then you know who should've died for good before the ending and Shulk moves on with his life like a big boy and it hints at him and Melia getting to know each other more at the end and you can use your imagination.
It's kind of like Avengers Endgame, where they should've never let Captain America go back, he should've died or learned to move on and appreciate life for what was in front of him instead of using time magic to fix his personal affairs.
>Golden Sun is finished
There's plot around for a proper sequel that wouldn't feel forced.
There's that buzzword again
I'm just overall dissappointed because the series feels like it contradicts itself constantly. it doesn't know if it wants to be a comedy or a serious story.
>Maybe the series isn't wholly for you?
Maybe so, but I often see threads in the catalog that say "Xenoblade is the greatest game ever, prove me wrong" so I always feel like they're inviting discussion.With Nintendo published/developed games in particular, I always go deep into analysis when I discuss them, because I care more than I would about a generic third person shooter or pretentious walking sim.
It's not two teams. Takahashi wrote the plot, then the two other writers (Takeda and Hyodo) wrote the script.for the even and odd chapters respectively while Takahashi was also writing his version of the entire script (or something like that). Then at the end they went over everything together and Takahashi revised the scripts by the other two.
The guy working on the even chapters (which include most of the lighter stuff), Takeda has been writing for the games since 1 and also supposedly did more of the writing for Torna, so I don't think it's entirely fair to give him all the blame for giving the earlier parts of the game such a comedic tone. Ultimately, Takahashi is the one who decided he wanted to make a lighthearted "boy meets girl" story and signed off on everything the other two wrote.
Fuck off, edgyfag.
Thanks for the more in depth explanation.
I think Nintendo relied too much on 3rd parties for jRPGs back in the Snes era, and got fucked hard when the tide turned during the PS1/PS2 era.
Unrelated, but have a Space Nia, as it's space day
How could I fuck up that hard.
Why does Sawano triggers ironic weebs so much?
>as DLC
Holly shit nigger kill yourself it's supposed to be the Definitive Edition that shit should be free specially since they are going to charge $50-60 for the remaster since it's Nintendo.
The first game is overrated trash as well, it just didn't have as much exposure. Now with the switch port more people will realize there is nothing special about the series.
>Fuck off, edgyfag.
>Wanting more serious plot developments means I'm an edgelord
This is unironically the same issue plaguing the Persona series now as well. Whenever you remotely mention a morally grey plot development, or something dark that has consequences, you get sperged at. I don't have a problem with more light hearted scenarios in JRPG's, but I'd like more serious developments to take place. Saying "edge" only makes you look childish, honestly.
>DLC, "OR" Challenge Mode rewards
Learn how to read before you sperge.
He what now?
To be fair, its a nice Mythra
Both series are similar, it's just that neptuniafags don't pretend their series is good
Silly cat, use gloves.
I still find it funny that the guy who wrote a lot of 1 did most of the dumb shit in 2.
That's great, and I'm glad you care. I wouldn't put so much merit, or attention towards people that blatantly say "Xenoblade is the greatest game, or series ever" because at the end of the day, the appeal varies from person to person. What do you lean towards more, though? Fantasy, or Sci-Fi?
It's dead but not finished. Takahashi bros (producers) decided to reopen the story and made a shitty third chapter because fans wanted. Sold worse, so no 4th chapter.
You posted it. Reminder to wait till nightfall before entering Satorl Marsh for the first time. One of the most captivating moments I've encountered in a game.
He returned to one of his oldest shitposting words.
>Both series are similar, it's just that neptuniafags don't pretend their series is good
They really aren't. Just because you saw girls in tight outfits with swords, doesn't mean the series have the same themes, or overall premise. Please think harder.
Oh did you play XC1 ace?
That's a secret, user.
>muh plot!!! muh themes!!!
Fuck off, real life is already shitty enough.
Stop replying to obvious bait.
Sci-fi for sure. I also enjoy fantasy from time to time, and I can enjjoy a mix of the two.
Funny enough, if we're talking Nintendo collaborated RPGs, my favorite has to be the mario series. They encompass alot of things I like and hope for in RPGs. Since it's a wacky plumber eating mushrooms and jumping turtles, it's kind of hard to make a super serious story about death or sadness or anything like that. So the devs always roll with the punches and give us fun memorable villains. And the best part is that they pulled it off in three different iterations, at least 7 different times. We get such memorable villains like Smithy, The Shadow Queen, Grodus, Dimentio, Count Bleck, Fawful, Cackletta, Princess Shroob, Antasma, and many more. They're all evil in their own ways, and even though they sometimes get outshined by Bowser, they nonetheless leave an impact.
But I play JRPGs for those moments. The character interactions, the humor, the crazy shit like Xeno 2 introducing 50 character members through the blade system etc.
If you want a plot that you can take seriously, I advise you to steer clear of the genre and the medium in general.
OK, how about we just have a harem ending. Add an original girl to the remake and Shulk has three girls fighting over him at the ending scene. It slightly alleviates some of the issues with the story and everyone is happy.
>muh xfag
Aren't you the little shitposter who whines about his boyfriend eric all the time?
I'm not asking for it to be super serious and dark and edgy. I just enjoy consistency in themes. Graphically, Xenoblade is on par with Kirby (plenty of colorful environments and funny light hearted characters) so when I see Xenoblade trying to do serious drama, it'd be like trying that in Kirby. Talk about mood whiplash.
It only causes "controversy" because it's a nintendo title, on any other console this crappy franchise would have been canned and forgotten a long time ago
Fair enough
>replying to a post over 2 hours old to try to dispute the existence of a well known shitposter that has admitted to his actions
For what purpose?
Xeno discussion being banned and kicked back to /vg/ when? This fanbase is by far the most annoying and deluded on Yea Forums
Nah, let's not go overboard. At least Xeno doesn't spam threads 24/7 like CERTAIN GAMES.
Give up already, you have been trying this for 2 years.
>Also when the scene where Klaus just let's him take the cores of Malos and Pneuma was just headsratching.
>"It was fated to happen" was such a dumb line.
I don't think enough people realize that XB2 Klaus was still a pretty fucking shitty person until shortly before the end.
The game doesn't give us any indication that he gave up on humanity for any good reason, it's just because "they turned out the same as before". He saw that the new humans were...human, and he got all bitchy and gave up, using "fate" as an excuse to stand by and allow everything to fall apart while he felt sorry for himself.
Even though he felt bad about what happened to everyone when his experiment destroyed the world...he still hadn't moved past the idea that he needed to not just rebuild, but "fix" everything in the same way he desired to before - and if that couldn't, or wouldn't happen, humanity was destined to fail. And Pneuma, Logos, the Blades and the Titans just got to go down with them because I guess they weren't worth helping.
Xeno series is bad
Takahashi has never made a good game (gears and saga are also terrible)
Monolith soft should be forced to develop zelda titles only
Shulk and all xeno content should be cut from smash due to simply not deserving to be there (even an eighth faggot emblem rep would be preferable)
The reason why it's heavy handed because it's meant to be endearing type of humor that would make Tora more relateable (admittedly, this resonates with the Japanese audience a lot more).
You want a more nuanced joke which would make Tora look like a legitimate creep and would alienate a lot of younger fans from playing the game.
>Fighting over him.
That is not an harem you fucking retard.
That doesn't answer my question, user.
try and be more subtle with the bait next time, you'll get more replies that way. nobody here gives a shit about smash either, it's like saying final fantasy is shit because noctis is in tekken
>able to sniff out ACfag from a mile away
>literally every post he makes gets at least 2 fully serious responses
Probably because he's being a lot more subtle than usual, though that doesn't mean much in his case.
>2babs will finally be able to play 1
I'm glad. That'll mean less shitposting.
If only the /m/ mods cared enough to get rid of his shit here too.
They've already gone on record to say that redoing XCX would cost too much money. We're getting either X2 or 3 next.
>That'll mean less shitposting.
>That'll mean less shitposting.
If these threads are any indication, the shitposters wont stop until any Xeno threads are banned from Yea Forums
>but I'd like more serious developments to take place
Why? JRPGs are terrible at doing serious plots. Persona 5, Xenoblade when serious, Nier: Automata etc. Every time these games try to make some serious political, social or philosophical commentary they turn to trash. I know teens like that but don't you (I'm assuming you're an adult) prefer reading about those things in books? JRPGs are a terrible medium for those types of stories. Or it just so happens that every serious JRPG story so far has been utter garbage.
That might be because I want to have a legitimate discussion? I don't know why I get called a troll.
The /m/ mods didn't ban me for example. Some of my posts were deleted, and I admit that I probably went overboard with my zealous enthusiasm. But can you really call me a shitposter?
That's a good one user, these threads have been ruined for a while, you just can't discuss this series on Yea Forums anymore
Whatever you say ACfag.
Just shut up in DxM threads.
That's because 1 is not nearly as profound as you think. It only appeals to tasteless teens because it's more serious. Older people prefer light hearted stories because they're not insecure or treat video games as a serious medium.
Most of the 20-30 year olds I know get pissed off at lighthearted or "wacky anime" stuff
>so when I see Xenoblade trying to do serious drama,
That happens in the second half and even then it's not so common. But I agree, the serious bits should be removed for the game to finally shine. JRPGs are terrible at serious stories anyway.
After my discussion with the mods, I'll be happy to tone down my more extreme viewpoints. I don't want people thinking of me as a troll. If I was a troll, wouldn't I use more low hanging fruit, like calling the series Neptuniablade, or calling the console the Nintendo Shitch? Do you think I would put all of this effort into each of my posts if I was just doing it for a shallow laugh?
Make no mistake, I want nothing but the best for every series, xenoblade being no exception.
At least he doesn't attack AC threads....I think.
>After my discussion with the mods
They actually sat down and had a chat with you? Please do tell
>wont stop until any Xeno threads are banned from Yea Forums
To be fair xeno threads consist of nothing but waifuposting since the games have nothing else going for them. Nothing of value would be lost.
>To be fair xeno threads consist of nothing but waifuposting
Just like this one and all the other Xeno threads when we get actual news/releases?
>nobody here gives a shit about smash either
lol go back to posting about how much sakurai loves xenoblade 2
More like a warning honestly. Didn't get banned because it wasn't shitposting, but my "extremism" was bordering dangerously close. I genuinely didn't think it was on the border like that.
Insecurity leads them to that. They are teens inside.
Prepare for a new level of shitposting complaining about all the XB1 stuff and Meliaposting at a new level
Imagine all the Hinatafags from Naruto and the Niafags from XB2 and now imagine their autism combined
half the number of shitposters but thrice as autistic
I like both. Light hearted is fine, but I don't like fourth wall breaking moments or things that don't follow the internal rules of the world for the sake of a stupid skit. I play JRPGs to grind and get immersed in some fantasy shit, and I can suspend my disbelief as long as it's consistent.
>Persona is Sony exclusive, but you don't see people being nearly as annoying when it comes to the game.
You are the most deluded creature that draws breath on this sorry planet. Chris-chan is closer to becoming the emperor of Japan than he is to spouting such nonsense with conviction.
>as long as it's consistent
BINGO We have a winner. Consistency is key to any narrative. Wacky light hearted shenanigans, or heavy emotional stuff. There needs to be a steady flow that isn't interrupted.
Meliafags are fucking ridiculous. It's been almost a decade and they fill threads with their butthurt.
>fourth wall breaking moments
Such as? I never felt XC2 crossed that line. Maybe in some cheeky side quest dialogue but I skip those.
There also needs to be variety if it's going to be a 50+ hour JRPG. Otherwise it gets monotonous and flat.
But Hinata won, don't you mean narusakufags?
X2 was fine. I was more referring to other series- Tales and Disgaea both constantly have skits and interactions that break the fourth wall or feel out of place with the events that just took place. It's quite common in JRPGs now I think about it.
The alternative to turn based is real time, not action. Xenoblade isn't action.
You just reminded me of how sad the Mario RPG series is nowadays. I haven't liked one since Bowser's Inside Story. I really liked the tone of just about most of them. Paper Mario titles aren't so hot either.
I think it's about time we get a new Mario RPG or Paper series. I'm surprised we didn't get anything in the Direct.
I recently got into Paper Mario: Master quest, which is a romhack of the original that revamps it and makes it more difficult, and adds new content as well. It's good enough to hold me over until they actually make a new one that isn't just a backseat to Mario and Luigi, which in itself has been slacking as of late.
Xenoblade functionally is a strange hybrid- the way auto attacks charge arts makes it feel like an expansion on the concept of ATB, just with weak attacks as the bars fill. In X2 you can run around for positional attacks, but your ATB pauses while you do. If you view the game like that a lot of it makes sense. The different special attacks, changing blades and executing combos, it's all as if you're using a menu system but they divided up the options and mapped them to separate buttons instead.
Make field pick ups drop more items like in XC2, and make a better tutorial for the gem furnace.
I love this artist.
Xenonigs getting uppity and deluding themselves into believing their series is important.
I just hope AD does something new again. They've been working on Mario RPGs for over 10 years. I'm surprised they haven't burned out themselves hardcore on them yet.
i wouldn't mind the potion system in the battles as well. I liked it in XC2.
They worked well in 2 because you stopped auto attacking if you moved. They can just give you the health in 1 automatically since movement doesn't have a penalty.
Can't wait for some more japanese humor.
Valak, I'll always remember walking in during the day, reaching the Befalgar Pedestal, then start managing my inventory up until the night and then discovering how the whole area changed along with the music: youtube.com
I know how it works, I played it. I was just saying that it's not an action game, and that "action" and "turn based" aren't in opposition to each other.
So many people will get triggered by this game after Xeno 1 fans spent two years convincing everyone that their game wasn't anime.
valak snowboarding minigame
I'm not doubting you, I'm just saying it's interesting. I would argue it's barely even real time, no moreso than FF6. ATB also has bars that fill to attack which fill independently to the enemy.
Day is the far better track though youtube.com
Holy fuck this is just embarrassing to watch
They were his main target until the game came out and he got scared off by all the legitimate discussion and people enjoying it
I would argue that if turn based and real time were a gradient FF6 would be more "turn based", because only a single action can be performed for each turn even though when the turn arrives and how long it lasts is variable.
In Xenoblade instead there are plenty of actions that can be performed at any point with any frequency or order the moment they become available, and even though the automatic attacks come in cycles you can cancel those cycles by moving. In fact you can for example charge Pyra's moves much faster by canceling every first attack by moving slightly immediately afterwards.
>That's a good one user, these threads have been ruined for a while, you just can't discuss this series on Yea Forums anymore
Name three (3) series on Yea Forums that can be properly discussed without minimal shitposting anymore. I'll wait. The truth is, you can't properly discuss anything on this board, really. It's about as bad as Yea Forums or Yea Forums.
No, I mean Hinatafags PRE winning
NaruSaku are delusional, but Hinatafags are autistic
Meliafags are cuckolds who are also autistic but their autism is fueled by their character getting cucked.
The only thing that restrained htem were how few people actually played XB1
Now, they'll be unstoppable
You mostly named newer generation JRPG's. I'd just like for more serious tones to implemented in the stories, honestly. Having light hearted shit all the time gets boring.
>about as bad as Yea Forums
You'll be thankful for the guy who spams Neptuniablade if you spend even one day in a Yea Forums simpsons thread. It's a tragedy.
Ace Combat
There's a third one but I'm blanking on it.
legacy of kain, shmups, metal slug
Stop using the world "cuck" incorrectly.
wasn't xv-kun going after twewy for a while
You're right, I just remember the days we could discuss this series without nearly as much shitposting
Mecha threads are chill if Tankposting and ACfag isn't in them
Whatever, in the end i will get more xbc1 fanart, more xbc2 fanart and that faggot losing it even more.
Y-Yes user.
I just love casual clothing
>JRPGs are terrible at serious stories anyway.
Mother 3 was relatively serious, and it's an amazing game.
The real tragedy is that there is nowhere else to discuss video games. Reddit and discord basically consumed everything.
Man I wish neps had xenoblade X/2 combat. Nep combat blows.
And if it's like Fairy Fencer F, it's too repetitive as well. It feels wasteful when I end up skipping attack animations every battle because I've seen them all 100000+ times before. more RPGs should be like Mario, where the attack animation is a minigame, and not just QTEs but it's all about positioning and timing.
Some are a little repetitive, but they get really creative the rest of the time.
>This entire cutscene
>This is a 40 year old Nopon with a wife and children
>This is the hero of the village
I really don't remember XC1 having wacky shit like this. I mean, Nopon characters are virtually mascots anyway, but damn.
P5 vs Xenoblade 2, who wins?
Because Xenoblade 1's fanbase is comprised of secondaries who have never actually played the game. They've watched let's plays, heared about operation rainfall, know how "deep" the game is and how it's a masterpiece, and even can quote all of Shulk's lines from Smash. But they've never actually played the game. It's why X, 2 and the remake are pissing people off; anything that doesn't have anything to do with the original xenoblade they've built in their minds to feel superior is bad because they can't use it to feel like smug connisuiers of some JRPG masterpiece. They're upset over them being "anime" because they genuinely don't know that xenoblade 1 is filled to the brim with generic anime tropes.
So wacky
>JRPGs are a terrible medium for those types of stories
There's nothing preventing JRPGs from doing better but their own writers abilities. It's not like it gets in the way of gameplay. People come up with the dumbest shit to excuse lazy writing, I swear. It doesn't need to be some nihilistic garbage like Game of Thrones, but you can certainly do better.
>The real tragedy is that there is nowhere else to discuss video games.
I'm catching flack for this, but I unironically don't mind Gamefaqs. You can ignore the blatant waifufag threads, or shitposts with ease, and there's no retarded voting system. I hardly ever see people sperging on about SJW related shit for titles I like either, so I don't mind the website.
>He didn't mention Yea Forums
That place is literally Resetera mixed with dumblr
some of the nopon quests got pretty wacky too
>Nintenbros actually have games to play
Is that why they spent half a year saying how P5 was going to be on Switch because of Joker and laughing at Sonyfags because they were going to lose a game?
Why is there always someone mentioning Persona 5 in a Xeno thread now? Outside of them being console exclusive JRPG's, they hardly have anything in common
This, xenoblade 1 is a game that gamers got tricked into thinking it's good due to the circumstances surrounding it when it's just a below average cringey jrpg in reality
nah, xb1 is great. it's just anime.
It's a good reminder to you fags of what a good jrpg actually looks like.
This. Most of the XC1 fandom was introduced to the series by either Smash, or Chuggaconroy. I'm not going to say it's rare, but there's a medium, to low margin of people who played 1, and enjoyed both X, 2, and are fine with the remake. Let alone people who went back and played Gears, or the Saga titles.
Why is Malos so cute?
>xc2 anime fags have cracked
lmao its so beautiful
I'm not going to say that P5 was a bad game, but it's incredibly overhyped. It's essentially baby's first flashy JRPG, and in general the plot was rewritten entirely. The concept art of the game being based around heists, and world travel looked 10 times more fun.
>I'm not going to say that P5 was a bad game, but it's incredibly overhyped
Meanwhile xenoblade is both bad and overhyped.
Nope. It's about just as niche as Persona, or more. Say what you will about Blade, but at least the worlds and gameplay make up for the bad aspects of the story. Persona doesn't have that luxury since the dungeons have just about always been mediocre, to boring.
xb2 is better than 1, just some parts of it felt a bit rushed unfortunately. i still think it's a better product, and with another 6 months to refine the pacing and gameplay it'd be up there with the best. it significantly raised my interest in the series, and I can't wait to see what they do next.
interviewer was talking about nia of course
I'd only say the worldbuilding, and gameplay is better than XC1. You had multiple Titans to explore, and as a result there were different cultures and ethnic groups, so more world building and lore were there to explore. Alongside the entirety of Morytha, and Alrest being Neo-Earth, it was definitely better than XC1 in that regard. Gameplay is pretty explanatory since it doesn't boil down to Break > Topple fests, but that's about it. I still find the characters in the direct cast more enjoyable in XC1, though. If we're talking villains, XC2 has the upper edge.
>Shulk wears a sweater with a spring jacket, on top of some shorts
>When it's naturally warm to hot in Colony 9
For what purpose
This is my favourite area in the game.
Walking from Primordia to Sylvalum during the day before you have a skell. Arriving when it turns night. Majestic.
He never goes outside.
why is it that whenever I see screenshots or footage of x's gameplay the colors look dull as hell (like your pic), but in screenshots focusing on displaying the landscapes the colors are normal?
1 is my favourite but I could see 2 surpassing it if it got the same development time and staff as the rest, along with some minor writing changes. Should have been a summer 2018 release.
God the faint city lights in the distance always get me here. It's a wonderful combination of being extremely comfy and whimsical.
No one ever talks about Cauldros, or Oblivia in X. It's always Sylvalum.
I preferred Rex to Shulk by the end of the game. I thought I was going to hate him, but he grew on me a lot. Nia's english VA is 10/10 too, it's not often you see one of the main cast have a welsh accent.
1's main issue is that it doesn't go into enough depth on a lot of what's presented in the story. All it needs to do is expand the world building in multiple areas, give the characters more plot relevance (unless you actively went around doing H2H's to get more characterization on the crew), and give the villains more depth, and it'd easily be better.
Walking out of the cave into cliffs in the entrance to Uraya's stomach and seeing the giant staircase with the lights of Fonsa Myma in the distance was a fucking amazing setpiece.
I never got to the point of preferring Rex to Shulk, but he grew on me a lot too.
I never really warmed up to anybody in 2's cast until my second run of the game. I found it so different compared to XC1 in many areas, on top of the fact that I missed Shulk's group.
>Persona is Sony exclusive, but you don't see people being nearly as annoying when it comes to the game.
>Why does this series cause so much controversy in the JRPG world?
It doesnt
>b-b-but Yea Forums
Yea Forums complains about the air not being air-y enough
>That might be because I want to have a legitimate discussion?
acting like a SJW in Metroid threads is not legitimate discussion.
You are as bad as Barry when it comes to ruining threads about games you don't like
Her "acting" is 0/10 and you're a dumb americlap if you think an accent does anything.
Xenoblade needs to cash in right now while opinion is high. The next needs to have dating sim elements like Fire Emblem and Persona if it ever hopes to make it big.
You don't want to end up getting popular for a little and then dying like Valkyria Chronicles right?
None of them. I liked Xenoblade, but I played it on an emulator, which let me speed up the game when I had to run from point A to point B. Large expansive areas are nice until you need to start running all over them. I'll probably play it on emulator one day.
I personally disagree
Metal Face is pretty great and enjoyable but I found the rest to be lacking
One could argue Egil and Amalthus are similar in development but I found a Zanza and Dickson to be severely lacking
Jin and Malos are both fun and have pretty solid development, and the minor members of Torna have moments that suggest greater depth that I felt Dickson never really did
Zanza’s involvement felt rushed to me and his development is crammed into the last few minutes after you defeat him
That's not going to happen. Neither Fire Emblem, or Persona have the colorful, and expansive world that the Blade titles do. Even then, they have plenty of social elements.
Nobody cares about that shit
They clearly do, otherwise the series wouldn't be here.
i'm a dumb britbong who enjoyed seeing a local accent represented in a high profile RPG. her acting was solid, she reacted to things in the same way a welsh person would. i'm glad volume wasn't the only nuance in her voice like for most VAs (both english and japanese).
>That's not going to happen
I wouldn't rule it out personally. Like I'm not gonna be shocked if it happens.
>That's not going to happen
2 already hoped to the gacha-lite and waifushit wagon, it's only a matter of time
The series is here because of nintendo shilling
xenoblade 2 would've benefitted from consistent character design. it was obvious different characters were made my different artists, and they clashed with each other as well as the environment. rex and pyra felt out of place in the world, but nia was mostly okay.
You do realize that the main cast was all designed by one person, with the exception of the Torna group? The rare blade designs are really the only ones that clash, but that's about it. I'm not sure about NPC's, though.
They should just drop the pretense of being a respectable series and turn Neptuniablade into a full blown mobile gacha
online and local co-op
It's a total pipe dream knowing Nintendo but it would be so ridiculously fun
Also if they could make the Lorithia fight less obnoxious all around that would be great, fuck that fight
Xenoblade games are one of the most respectable games to come out in a while. It didn't become some desperate attempt to get fans of western games or people who don't even like rpgs it was itself and wasn't ashamed of it.
I just want it to be 720p in handheld consistently with no blurriness/fuzziness like XC2
This. This is exactly what destroyed Final Fantasy.
Final Fantasy is about to come back in full force because of the FF7 Remake, though. Not only that, but the FF8 Remaster is doing well too? FF as a whole is about to be put right back on the map. Hell, even FF15 was still a critical success, even though the overall gameplay and plot was an unfinished mess. I thought people said Xeno was going to be Nintendo's FF? What happened to that?
lol FF titles sell millions on name recognition alone while neptuniablade struggles to get by, there's a reason why takahashi got kicked out by square.
>Xenoblade games are one of the most respectable games to come out in a while.
It had fucking harem antics get your fanboy dildo out of your ass
I wouldn't want it any other way either
> faggot mad at hetero love antics from a country known for adding this kind of thing
of course you would respond with a comment about dildos in asses
FF7R is just repackaged XV masquerading as FF7
FFXV had a ton of DLC cancelled out of the blue afterward. Every game people say FF is about to be back in full force, but that time seems to have passed. You better hope the remake is it because that was always joked by people to be Square’s big red panic button for the franchise.
>XB2 is respectful
>unironic "EEEEEK! HENTAI BAKA!" situations are respectful
>b-b-but its the culture
Ah yes I remember those situations in classics like Chrono Trigger and such, I like the but come the fuck on now
I honestly don't understand why xenotrannies insist on making threads on Yea Forums instead of going back to their /vg/ safespace.
Every time they try to discuss their bargain bin anime simulator here they get absolutely shit on, and rightfully so.
>Tranny meme
Projection for 1000, Alex
Square would be better if they knew how to manage their development teams better
In case anyone didn't know: Takahashi initially makes a world, and THEN develops a story around it, which is why Xeno worlds are always so good
Why did they make it anime?
It is every user's sacred duty to bullycide xenocringe fags every time they dare to post.
Stop replying to this old ass bait, this autist has been saying that /vg/ shit for years despite the fact that everything else discussed on /vg/ also has threads here, and will continue having threads with or without new games being made in the series. Imagine going into threads for games you don't even like and saying "DON'T TALK ABOUT THIS ON Yea Forums REEEEEEE!" It's just really odd and I don't see it happen in threads for almost any other series.
> wanting Xenoblade to be shitty western pandering garbage
> trying to use Chrono Trigger as a shield
I like how you've possibly haven't played either game for more than an hour or just really stupid
You posted it, also go to the highest point of Alcamoth at night when there're shooting stars.
Best boy.
Because it isn't.
Maybe to find more about Tyrea and Melia's mother?
>not wanting the game to use shitty anime cliches is wanting the game to be western pandering garbae
>calls anyone stupid
There's someone stupid here, but it aint me
He's not entirely wrong. 2 had lots of pandering, including the addition of guest artists for blades.
It was more controversial with Resetera and tranny snowflake filled shitholes not so much with the fandom in general.
Left Shoulder. Hopefully the village has some NPCs in it. Would love it if there were more areas as well, by some miracle.
I think that the left shoulder will be repurposed for some kind of "post-game" area.
Resetera was right about this game though. It's offensively embarrassing.
You shouldn't play video games.
>Resetera was right
Can I play this game without playing the first game on Wii?
Yes, it's the same game.
What game? XBDE, X, or 2?
DE is just a remake of the first game, so yes. X is a spin-off, so no worries there either.
2 is mostly unconnected (it's a separate setting), but some references that add to the game a bit might be lost on you if you haven't played 1.
Bionis Shoulder was a cut area, alongside some cut area in the Mechonis that was apparently in the data mine.
camping and switch arts from torna
different weapons for some characters