Why did From stop doing unique levels in their subsequent games, like Sen's Fortress?

Why did From stop doing unique levels in their subsequent games, like Sen's Fortress?

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because dude movement stifling poison swamp with knight guy at the end

they're started playing more safe, the house of fun was very hard place for me especially because i was playing with k/m
or maybe they have run out of ideas

how the FUCK do I kill ornstein and smough

you stop being a faggot
go for a high poise/vitality build ,shug those eastus like no tomorrow or if you still suck summon solaire

you gotta be patient and never ever let one of them be off screen. strafe a shitload to keep them both in view and use the pillars to block their movement, and only ever attack if it's safe, usually after they've both used an attack or if you're 100% sure you'll be able to complete your animation before the other finishes their windup animation. keep in mind ornstein can be staggered when you attack him, but it's a lot harder to do it to smough.

now, the REAL question is: how do you pronounce smough?

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>what are: doors of pharros, shulva, brume tower, frigid outskirts (lol), mibu village
And that's not counting bloodborne which I have not yet played

Their creativity declined since Bloodborne. Such a shame cause Demon's Souls is be one of the most unique games ever.



(and give us money for it)


ironically, they lost their soul

Who is Sen?

>Games are better when they're unshackled by the desires of a narrow minded fan base or the financial whims of a publisher. Right now, it feels as though these games have fallen to either one or the other, or maybe both. Whatever the cause, recreating the superficial elements of Demon's Souls isn't enough. You need more. The strength of Demon's Souls lies under its surface; it's a culmination of ideas and concepts that work together in unity. The game isn't perfect, but it's proof that you can have it all: Haunting visuals, immersive environments, evocative sound design, satisfying gameplay, novel mechanics, intriguing storytelling, memorable characters, and a high level of replayability. It might not be the best at any of those, but what it offers is a complete package that is arguably unmatched. Unfortunately, over time, FromSoft decided to focus on some elements at the expense of others, making those games easily eclipsed by others that do those things better. Demon's Souls still stands on its own by knowing exactly what it is: A demonic soul, with a heart of gold.
Was he right?

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who cares

Fun fact, you have to orgasm to pronounce it correctly.

A translation error.

No. because DaS eclipsed DeS

DeS is still great though

piss off, eceleb dicklicker

doesn’t get any more based than Matthew.

Matt prefers DaS, though.

Than what was it supposed to be

He's still wrong when he says that DeS is unmatched in that aspect
the whole paragraph is nostalgia fueled pretentious bs

Magic easy mode

you have to be 18+ to post here

He says ARGUABLY. Also, DeS is more unique than DaS purely by virute of coming out before DaS, but it also has more unique aspects when you compare them side to side. I would argue that it's worse off than DaS for this exact reason, but that was the point he was getting at.

I don't agree with the insinuation that Fromsoft were "shackled by the financial whims of publisher but yeah they are a lot less imaginative now. Think of the levels in Demon's Souls. They each offered a unique kind of challenge. Not as many in Dark Souls but you can give them some leeway there since Dark Souls was in a lot of ways a remake of Demon's Souls. But when you get to Bloodborne, it's like why are you making the same game for the third time again.

Summon Solaire to act as a distraction

>I don't agree with the insinuation that Fromsoft were "shackled by the financial whims of publisher
Play Dark Souls 3 and see if you still think that.

Am i the only one who hates souls fanbase?

>get naked
>crystal halberd
>pin resin
>summon solaire
>go to boss gate and make a backup of game save
>fast resets, just replace save file if you fail

>Am i the only one

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>let's just make a poison swamp that causes your runspeed to slow to a crawl
>also none of the enemies are affected by it at all

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>>get naked
at least wear as little as you can while still being able to fast roll. Fast roll makes most fights easy-mode. Grass crest shield is great to help with stam regen but as a shield it's only ok. Silver Knight shield is fantastic as a shield but it's a drop and is expensive to upgrade but it's by far the best general medium shield.

>not choosing master key and avoiding all that headache.
That upper pathway you need to take without the master key is a fucking chore and not even fun.

>the best general medium shield.

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Absolutely. I didn't bother with DaS3 DLC and I barely even touched Sekiro despite paying full price for it on launch. These games are not interesting anymore, they are just shitty action games. Fucking end it already and make something new again.

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user, take your pills
there's nothing more dangerous on the net than untreated autism

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It's a pretty retarded thing to ask though, especially on Yea Forums.

can't avoid it in demon's souls or ds3, i forget if ds2 had a poison swamp but odds are it did

Can't you just kill the Crestfallen Warrior and get the key that opens the locked door in New Londo?

>less than 100% phys dam reduction
>shitty status resistances other than curse
>shitty stability
>meh resistance to lighting and fire
>shit resist to magic
>regen is weak as fuck and not worth it
Sanctus is shit.

>Their creativity declined since Bloodborne.
their creativity died since Kingfield, every game since Demon's Souls was the same game in a different coat.

>Why did From stop doing unique levels in their subsequent games
lol sen's level design is essentially ds2 level design

rhymes with dough

Fuck you.


>pharros, shulva, brume tower, frigid outskirts (lol), mibu village

Are sloppy, awkward and amateurish work despite the fusion cool themes/settings and visuals.
They all have a single mediocre gimmick/trick that remains the interesting for the first run but ends up being childishly simple.

Now Sen has this multilayered complexity to its level design and is fun even on subsequent runs.

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Normalfags fucking hate any area that isn't "stone hallway with a few easily dispatchable knights". The more the series has grown in popularity, the more I see common disdain for areas like Sens Fortress because of "artificial" difficulty.

This goes beyond DS1, and into areas like DS2 which offered some unique changes of pace like Shaded Woods or even The Gutter. Even the most unique area in DS3, Irrithyl, is basically identical in pace, mechanics, and structure to every other level in the game.

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Sens Fortress is artificial difficulty, the main thing that kills you is falling not the enemies which are easy as fuck

>mfw first discovering the bottom part of sen's fortress on my 3rd playthrough
>mfw only discovered ash lake by seeing some people talk about it online months after I had played the game

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Peak From kino.

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Sens is my fave because its like a zelda level.

this is photoshoped right?

>I don't agree with the insinuation that Fromsoft were "shackled by the financial whims of publisher
he hasn't even said that. He made a general statement about games and not about fromsoft.

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the Funhouse is pretty much perfect because of this

No, it's the end of Siegmeyer's "questline", which is easily missed if you don't know about it.

That also took me a long time to find out about, same with most of the questlines/character's fates. Same with going back to the starting area, and the painted world of ariamis. Man DaS1 was a game that just kept on giving for me, for so long. It's no wonder I fell so in love with it.


I've put >100 hours into this game and I just found out about the merchant in New Londo and that if you wear a ring you find the Catacombs, you can talk to Gwyndolin without fighting him.
Game is a masterpiece in ever sense of the word.

Because the dev's got bored with the series and it really shows in 2 and 3

because they take actual effort to design and test properly




>I just found out about the merchant in New Londo
I'm pretty sure I saw him on my first playthrough. Now, years later I did a playthrough and had completely forgotten about that guy. There are some obscure nooks and crannies that I often forget about, and I love that.

It's such a joy to replay DaS, more than other FromSoft games. I've played it through over 10 times and every single playthrough I've found something new or tackled the map in a new and interesting way. God I wish they'd bring back fully interconnected world design. Bloodborne and Sekiro had the map be partially interconnected but there is basically zero reason or opportunity for the player to use it in an interesting way. It is basically just "choose in which order to fight bosses" when in DaS exploration has much broader effects. Elden Ring going full open world has me worried but they might be able to pull it off in the same vein as DaS, just with more empty fields.

I'm not sure how I missed him. The staircase leading to him is really obvious in hindsight, but I just never noticed it until my most recent playthrough.

>merchant in New Londo
Ingward? Isn't talking to him or killing him necessary for the seal key?

If you didn't know, you can go back to him after killing 4 kings and opts to move to firelink shrine to sell his shit.

It's unironically the best game ever made. After DaS3 and Sekiro, though, I think I just have to accept that their games are no longer for me.

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das 1 is like a perfect puzzle made mostly out of spiralling stairwayrs not unlike pic related

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das 3 is superplayeable, has superior bosses but inferior map design and inferior gameplay design
sekiro just sucks and plays like a poor man's god of war.

No, Rickert.

Oh yes, I forgot about him. I think I missed him on my first playthrough as well.

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Am I the only one who aggros this big fucker right before moving onto NG+ ?
He makes for a good optional boss

>satisfying gamep-
*scraping spears u*
*scraping spears u*
*scraping spears u*

The multiplayer was much better when it was just tacked on a primarily pve game and invading existed to fuck over and terrify players rather than being a tool for muh le honorable duel bowfaggotry.

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What the fuck do you mean wrong? They are unique, not necessarily good. Read the op.

This is exactly why scraping you was satisfying lmao

Doesnt he just have the generic giants move set? Not much of a boss imo
Also if you wear that ring that muffles sound he cant detect you and just swings randomly

Demons Souls was the only time the invasion system worked the way it was designed.

It's the small details.

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Your opinion is wrong son. Read my post. Ypu have been disbarred from posting on Yea Forums

I NEED novelty. I absolutely must see things that I haven't seen before. If I see a different take on something I've already seen, it's SHIT. I need something NEW. I need something NEW. I need something to break up the monotony of my life. Something to break up the loop in my brain. Novelty is the only thing that makes a piece of media worth consuming. Nothing else. I need something NEW. Now.

because they stopped doing unique games?

>Strawmanning this hard

You're memeing but it is actually very hard to do something new in most mediums. That's a large part of what artistic talent is about. Unfortunately for video games the new stuff also has to be "fun" to be impactful.

It's been five games in that style and not once have they tried to improve the invasion system in any meaningful way. It's a shame, because it's hypothetically one of the best multiplayer concepts ever, but whether because of time constraints or bad decisions the PvPvE in every game has had something "meh" that really held it back.

i dunno i find the invasion system just fucking annoying more than anything. if you're kitted out to fuck someone trying to get through the world, great for you, but i'm not going to waste my fucking time fighting someone for 20 minutes while they run to the next NPC mob over and over again

Doesn't really make sense, logistically, to dedicate a lot of resources to a portion of the game that's largely ancillary. What they really should've improved upon was the net code.

Some covenants (gravelords, rats, purples) had cool ideas. It's a shame they rehashed subros/darkwraiths/darkmoons over and over though.