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>hurr durr cancel culture even though his business partner and sister themselves explained that he suffered from many problems.
>Leaves note asking for Zoe to not be harassed.

So you're saying that it was pure coincidence that he lost his job and friends the same week he killed himself?

wow it's almost as if doing bad things has repercussions

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This website is literally cancel culture.

shit like this should stay public
he experienced a week of bullying and death threats and he was allready mentally unstable
that one tweet directly caused his death, and people are just trying to brush it off
also no one deserves to die

and who should be the arbiter of what kind of repercussions are appropriate?
pro tip: it's not the twitter mob

>Implying is only Zoe fault and not everyone who harrased him without being any big proof yet

Is OK when Yea Forums does it

>proven pathological liar
>tells a lie
>people get access to her private twitter and PM's to show that it's an out and out lie
>Lie makes a guy kill himself
>"No, actually the liar is the victim because the other guy did bad things."

Fun is a buzzword, MTX are content, subscription services are the future. Repeat after me, "I love vidya."

Why are you guys even bothering she will still come out on top as the true victim.

It's liberal bullshit. Take a stand for bullying and promote collective healing and love, but cannabalize and put to the torch the minute your "friends" no longer fit the agenda.

>"Fuck holding people accountable to their actions or criticizing people publicly, grrr!!"

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He cancelled himself.


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Now this is a political stance I can get behind.

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>people get access to her private twitter and PM's to show that it's an out and out lie

Can someone explain cancel culture im a hermit.

Absolutely fucking based

>pretending to care about some hipster schlock just to milk some edrama
get some self-respect

Ampharos is a symbol of love

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>>Leaves note asking for Zoe to not be harassed.
that seem awfully convenient

It's what the kids call call-out culture now. Which is what the kids called slacktivism last week.

When is Zoe Quinn gonna face repercussions for driving an innocent man to suicide


Thank you

Ampharos on a train!

Attached: Ampharos 4.jpg (1223x896, 428K)