Gamer fuel

Gamer fuel

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for me its the Ultimate party platter

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So are you supposed to eat the seeds or what

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Gamer girls

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I like eating a fig and Mozzarella salad on arugula with some balsamic vinegar and some sweet stuff like a drizzle of orange marmelade or mint sauce on top. Very refreshing.

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For me it's ancestral food

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Here we go again

Holy shit


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test successful
it's coming

>eating it causes tumors to develop everywhere and your limbs start to fall off.
I'd eat it.

>contains: crustaceans

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I used to love these things but they take like half an hour to eat

Too much trouble. Nowadays i just pop frozen strawberries into my mouth

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I fucking hate GIF food

You know the type

>doesn't buy the lobster thermidor flavored oreos
get a load of this plebeian, no wonder the kinoplex banished him

Please tell me that's a shop

I want to FUCK an Ampharos.

how the fuck do you not make a mess with those

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If you see such weird lines in the allergy column, it's because one of the components in the product may have been near the processing/refinement assembly of the allergen product (in this case crustacean) and there's a tiny chance that a piece could have mixed for whatever reason and a few micrograms or miligrams could be present in any random drink.

Another source is that crustaceans happen to be extracted alongside one of the components which go into the final product, and there is an off-chance of a piece of crustacean not being filtered through the division part of processing, refinement, and cleaning and it could have mixed with that component and ended up in the final product, which again doesn't cover all final products but like 1 in who knows how many thousands or even millions.


I prefer fruit over snacks, mostly because I just like fruit more. (I am not a vegan, I can, and do, eat meat)

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>Calories: 2600
>Total Fat: 135g
>Sugar: 263g
Imagine: there's a fatass somewhere who regularly orders one of these AND the 1,500 calorie congealed lard they push as "food."

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Tag your gore/pomegranate asswipe

Every time

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>people posting prepped meals
How can you eat those things while using a keyboard or a controller?

Do you robotrip?

If they are some small shit, you can use a tooth pick or one of those meat picks to just stick that shit and eat it without fucking your hand if you don't want to eviscerate it with a fork. Or you could be extremely homosexual and use weebsticks.

They drop their faces onto the plate between rounds and have at it, mic open at full blast.

does COOM count?

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Do you COOM while playing DOOM?

I eat with seeds because of just how many of these things are in one fruit, but honestly I think its better off as a juice

Im fine with just the streusel

Gamer Fuel

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Meh sure why not. posting some oldies.

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Wow, you suck at timing and at temperature control, most of your shit is overcooked or cooked unevenly

yeah sometimes

Aww thanks. That means a lot coming from you.

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Enjoy eating your dry as fuck meats with spotty caramellization and emberassing lack of browning on your tortillas
>Putting american cheese on eggs benedict
Wow you are a fucking retard

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Why do i always stumble across these threads during 36 hour fasting

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>Clearly says cheddar
If you're going to lambast him you might as well learn to read first.

>Implying I read this shit
>implying putting any cheese on eggs benedict instead of hollandaise sauce is okay
>implying the time spent on making that masturbatory image for subpar food wouldn't have been better spent practicing temperature control with two cartons of eggs
Feel free to shut the fuck up at any time

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nigga what the fuck are you doing

Ah yes, the usual pretending to be retarded excuse. Now we all know you have nothing worthy to contribute.

>If you don't read my masturbatory subtext to each picture you're not allowed to judge me for putting cheese on poached eggs
Stop trying to immunize yourself from criticism of your shitty cooking and go practice your cutting I didn't see a single vegetable in that pic that wasn't just diced into huge chunks

Stop fasting like a dumb retard then.
If you are fasting as a form of diet, you are doing it wrong and are just slowing down your default metabolism to a lower default level which makes it easier for you to get fatter and faster than the average person.

The reason people are told to drink shitloads of water and eat shitloads of salad is because this consumption constantly keeps your metabolism active and has a gradual default acceleration effect, and it's a consumption devoid of carbs or fats.

Fasting is an outdated model of thought.

Fucking hell I remember requesting this in a drawthread like four years ago at least
also postin gamer fuel

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>Onions: checked

I like how you automatically assume, me, a random passerby who corrected you for being wrong is the same person. Welcome to anonymous Yea Forums redditor. We can jump in and comment on any persons misgivings. I can pretend to be him or you and you can't do shit about it.

How do you cook frozen shelless mussels? They are probably one of the cheapest seafood where i live. Today i boiled them, added some oil, lemon juice and spices and mixed with pasta. But maybe there is better way.

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Holy fuck that carb intake. How American do you have to be to order this. God Bless the Queen would never allow this to be sold.

Aren't they precooked if they're already shelled?
Never seen raw shelless mussels before
Traditional recipe is to boil them in a mixture of chicken stock and white wine with diced fennel, carrots and leeks and serve them with white bread

>tranny fat

ewww gross

Ever notice how soi is pretty much in every food and some drink items. It's pretty fucked.

Im a 34 bmi lardass and even I think this is way too fucking much.

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Imagine needing big daddy government to tell you what not to put in your mouth.

Imagine going to school and getting shot. Must be nice having an orange manbaby as your leader.

Whats it like? Always been kinda curious but Ive heard you need a shit ton to really feel anything.

>Not coke

Yep, pre-cooked. But they still need to be at least made hot.

>boil them in a mixture of chicken stock and white wine with diced fennel, carrots and leeks and serve them with white bread
Thanks! Though it is weird for me to see both seafood and poultry (stock) in the same dish.

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>Italian pizza
>Tomato sauce

How can one image be so uninformed?

patrician taste

>Plain coke
>Not a roy rogers


>its like how japanese dont share ramen with others other countries share their ramen? What the fuck?

Red baron bros where you at

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Because nobody actually eats napoli style pizza anymore. It's a lost art, essentially. Good riddance too.

pomegranates are a citrus
just thought you should know

you only need like 1-2 bottles

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Ramen is a Jap dish, thus other countries do not eat it at all.
However, noodle soup is usually cooked for a whole family and then distributed, in contrast to ramen, where ingredients are mixed individually (AFAIK).

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Any Tyson bros in this thread?

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That thing is cute as fuck.

Ayy, I used to get these all the time as a kid. So many nights staying up late playing halo or timesplitters with my bros.

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Imagine being white and getting raped. Must be nice living in New Pakistan.

Utz girl is my wife and i will buy her snacks always

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I solemnly disagree and reject your narrative in place of a superior one.

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What the fuck is going on with their buffalo chicken strips? They used to be the shit. Now not only has quality gone down but the price has gone up?!? Who the fuck is in charge of this?

sunce ti bogovsko

First i thought "no way"
Then i decided to check.
Pomegranate (Punica granatum) belongs to Lytraceae, belonging to Myrtales
Citrus plants (Rutaceae) belong to Sapindales.
TLDR - you are a faggot.

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That sounds like every food I used to get.
>tfw these used to be $7

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I get genocidal if I don't eat it.

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Eating this is a fucking nightmare.

Ive seen cloudy with a chance of meatballs

>Cheap spiced rum
>Lemon juice
Yep, all ingredients for ruining by health but allowing me a sweet oblivion.

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Why are there hemorrhoids in that onion. Onions are tranny fuel by the way,

Its fake



I thought it might have been a catch-all for the glazing agent whose name begins with I but I can't fucking remember right now, but fish is covered in the allergens book. My best next guess is its some thickening agent.

mm, expensive and pointless death. Nothing better.

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I remove some Turkish kebab and roast it to eat it. Their kebabs are tiny though.

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>Wendys brought back spicy nuggets
>Taco Bell still hasent brought back the volcano menu AND theyre getting rid of doritos locos

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Just scoop the seeds into a bowl and eat with a spoon.


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Taco Bell needs to bring back the smothered burrito first.

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Why the fuck did their price go up? Why aren't they always in stock? I hate this, they're so good.

As someone who currently works in one of their deli's it is all coorporate structure to jack up the prices so the money is funneled back into raises for the managers(a department manger alone makes something like 90k a year at 50hrs a week) and they refuse to give them away either so we throw away like 10 boxes of them a night

Nothing fucked about it. It's just another filler ingredient among other common filler ingredients.

Well, the US is no better.

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Point taken, but we can have those now.

black tea
maybe a pear or a carrot if i feel like it
how the fuck would i eat actual meals while playing anyway? not only is my desk too small for that but it just seems uncomfortable. if i bring meals over to my pc it's only while i'm on the internet and don't have to use my hands a lot

>he has grain brain

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top tier bulking food m8

So it's just buffalo mac and cheese in a cone? Good dish none the less.

>Not the friday's wings
Shit taste tbqh. The sauce that comes with it is meh, but you can use another sauce and the wing quality shines through. I tried those before and they come out mushy and disgusting.

Only because they don't have the toys in them anymore, I think. They're more like the chocolate balls that had candy in them from Nickelodeon cartoons now.

Based and delicious

Die cis scum

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>European insults an american

>cis scum

Pineapple juice, pineabble bits, vanilla icecream, a shot of vodka , a bit of lemon juice, whipped cream and choclate sprinkles

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Based. I eat tartare few times a week. Kaiser rolls fresh from bakery, homemade butter... Damn, im hungry.

are you from srebrenica

>everyone shills Baja Blast at Taco Bell
>try it
>it just tastes like carbonated water

Yea Forums owes me a dollar.

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>taco bell
love taco bell
absolutely HATE the cinnamon twists that come with every box combo, who eats that shit?

lol no you can't
you get this shit

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I have to force myself to eat those things just so I don't waste money. They should just include fries like any other American chain.


They want you to spend an extra 50 cents to change it to nachos and cheese, that's why.

no it's a shitter version with no toy inside it

1-4 - get pizza
5-9 - eat healthy
0 - tacos

I just had the spicy nugs with the regular and they taste almost exactly the same

Reminder the first choking death was in Europe so you Euro-tards can't make fun of America for banning toys in food stuff.

Icy cold Dr. Pepper and Dill Pickle Flavored Sunflower Seeds.

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>contains: crustacean

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Wendys is the only place that makes good spicy nugs. Burger King has cheaper and more god awful versions.

The way those sort of markings work is that they're super anal about the food even being made in the same building that also has crustaceans in it, because you don't want some kid with a very severe allergy having a seizure in your store and get sued because of it.

>tfw my taco bell kept increasing the price of their box deals till most of them were like $7
>I check this week and they're all gone except for the latest meme limited time box
>everything else has gotten ridiculous in prices too
>even chips+nacho cheese are $2 now
The authentic mexican place near me unironically has better prices than taco bell at this point, besides also having much better quality. Why has fast food gotten so ridiculous the past few years?

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The menu revamp for taco bell is basically them getting rid of all their loss lead items to make more profit from what i can tell.

Fruits would be the ultimate snack if they weren't so sticky and juicy

Just cut it up.

Use bananas

spoiler that shit

>0.26k sugar

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I could make a shitton of these for less than half the price. Why do people pay for cheese on bread?

You pay for the convenience

For me it's dried bread cubes

Do people think like this for every specific product a person might enjoy buying or what

Cause if youre able to make me some Kettle brand dill pickle chips that taste the exact same be my guest


More like t.russian, the ones without seasoning stuff like straight out of the bakery is god tier stuff unless you're drinking since the seasoned ones will taste better

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>kinder s o y

Put a trigger warning! I thought that was guts for a second there.

nice jiaozi, I love that stuff

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Yeah but think of all the flavors its genetically modified to have without sauce, that and one of the specific flavors has a cuck fetish

mixed nuts, greek yogurt with strawberry, tomato mozzarella caprese


please don't post guro on Yea Forums

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I always thought that dorito shit was overrated. It's all about that crunchwrap

The gas station by my house illegally sells kinder eggs with toys in it. Eat shit europoors

pan fry


You can ask them to change it for chips and melted cheese. They upcharge you about 50 cents or a dollar for it. It’s normally around $1.70 so you decide if that’s worth it. Personally, I just put up with the cinnamon twists but yeah, that shit sucks.

a snack for absolute chads