I want to future proof my PC to play multiplat PS5 gen games. What minimum gpu/specs would i need?
I want to future proof my PC to play multiplat PS5 gen games. What minimum gpu/specs would i need?
high end,you're talking about not upgrading your PC for 5 years or so
Nvidia RTX 2060
Something that can run 1440p at 144Hz I guess
32GB RAM, ZEN2 and RTX 2070 should be enough.
future proofing
Maybe wait for the PS5 to acualy come out.
Why? There's like one 7/10 multiplat a year.
Amd cpu ahahaha fuck off pleb
they're decent now
I'd wait until the second gen of GPU/CPU after the ps5 is launched. Buying right now is not going to future proof shit.
yeah thats the idea, i dont want to upgrade for atleast 5 years.
>incel in 2019
If this was 5 years ago Intel would be the way to go no question.
Depends, what's your budget and how often do you plan on upgrading it in the next 5-6 years?
if that's the case an rtx 2070 or 2080 , ryzen 9 cpu + 32 gb of memory
Is a rx580 and ryzen 5 2600 + 16GB 2666 enough for ps5 gen games? maybe in 5 years i can buy a 2060 super
Just ordered my parts last night. It should hit 60fps at 1440p for any current game, and I expect it to hit 60fps at 1080 minimum for most of the next generation.
ps5 gonna have 20-24gb of shared ram. assuming they split ram use between gpu/cpu evenly, any gpu you buy now will be held back by only having 8gb of ram regardless of specs
I'm being given a 144hz monitor with AMD FreeSync. Will that feature be compatible with an Nvidia GPU since they have Gsync monitors? Does it really matter that much?
The ps5 will have a downclocked 5700 and a downclocked 3700x (possibly with SMT disabled). So if you build that PC you'll be more than fine.
>when the 5700xt is clearly the best midrange card
The 2070s is like 10$ faster for 20% more money, so I can understand that but anyone unironically suggesting 2060 or 2070 is straight up retarded.
>AMD video card
They're making a comeback in the CPU game, but lets not get ahead of ourselves.
Anything that can give you 1080p 60fps because the ps5 will not do that
Do most people dislike AMD graphics cards? I don't even know the equivalents to the Nvidia version. What is the equivalent of a GTX 1080 or an RTX 2070 but for AMD?
Nearly every reviewer says that the 5700 series is either equally if not more impressive than the Zen 2 launch.
Nvidia has the High end (2080+) and low end (1660ti and below) saturated, but the Navi GPUs really blow all the midrange Nvidia cards out of the water.
Was Vega 64, superceded by 5700
5700 xt, and it's almost universally faster.
Enjoy your spyware CPU bro
Supposedly Nvidia has been releasing patches that allow their cards to use some freesync monitors as gsync ones.
but muh ray-tracing
why do people hate amd?
AMD has no drivers