but I don't.....
I thought I did
Other urls found in this thread:
Classic was always for babies that couldnt handle p99 anyways who cares
>9 pm on a fucking Thursday
>3 hour queue
Go tell more of your zoomer friends to fuck off so I can play.
I'm lvl 37 and a armory run only got me 3 bars stv is too much of a warzone to get anything done, am I getting casual filtered??
Arathi or Desolace then nigga
>the hyper autistic fanbase spent all their time spamming dungeons repeatedly instead of questing and playing in the open world having fun
No wonder retail is this cancerous endless treadmill of grind artifact power, reputation, mystic +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 etc. etc. It's because they know the only people playing their games have a legitimize mental disorder
I really don't bros....I don't know what to do....
You are thinking of Wrath Babbies
Yes, babies with better taste.
Game would be better if you could actually play what you want to play instead of being forced to play a certain spec because it's the only one that's good.
What do you mean I'm lvl 35 with 300 gold and I don't even know how to abuse layers.
no, im really not. vanilla is just that fucking easy.
You can play other specs, you will just join a more casual guild if you wanna raid.
But of course you don't have to raid so it never becomes a problem.
But more fulfilling.
>tfw all of your auctions expire
Why don't you guys just take off your nostalgia goggles and come play the real game. Look at these awesome graphics and mounts? Classic will be dead within the week once people get a taste at how awesome retail is
tfw i thought i did didn't do what i didn't did not do but i didn't did don't did didn't do what i didn't think i didn't did do
Yeah all those fun open world quests like collect 10 feral boar asses with a 3% drop rate, and collect 20 skeleton dicks with a 3% drop rate. Loads of fun.
Retail is a shitty diablo 3 clone and classic is an old school slow treadmill grind.
I quit retail for classic. Retail is somehow more boring than collecting bear asses.
which one of you is this
go back to xivg
i've done it all before but i'm happy for all the kids and old timers who missed out during its heyday
not really my cup of tea anymore
This is what peak performance looks like
Are you horde or alliance
i thought i did and i did until streamer faggots spawned a dungeon grinding meta
so that you can be in awe over someone's amazing achievement of entering their credit card details for a mount? cheers bye.
>wow became a second life tier (trans)mogging and mount collecting snowflake simulator
It's me lol
rent free
The bigest problem with clasic is the server imbalace ( on pvp servers ).
Back in the day this was already bad.
But since there are 3 times more players on a realm the problem got 3 times bigger.
Shadowlands will save retail
Why did they make blood elves so pretty, they fucked it up.
They should have scars or some shit, I dunno, some punishment for being addicts
>tfw stv was somehow the zone where i saw the least amount of h*rde
What the fuck even is a layer I played for a bit and have no clue what it is or even seen anything with or heard anything about layering once or done anything with a layer is it just a meme?
>Have fun questing
>Take my time to get to 60
>All the memecleavers already killed MC, decked out in BIS, get easy loot and carries to be geared for the next phase on time
lmaoing at the lives of people who rushed to be first to do Rag and Ony. Who the fuck hasn't killed them already?
They made copies of each server so you you aren't being flooded with people. You might have a friend standing next to you but they are on another layer so you don't see them. When you invite them, the two of you will join on the same layer. The game world isn't made to have the amount of players playing the game right now so they made a bunch of "layers" that players are put on to lower the stress on the zones.
unless they delete everyone's shitty mount collection and remove achievements nothing can save retail
pvp players: haha wow what kind of pussy faggot plays a pve server? you aren't truly experiencing the game unless you're out in the world getting ganked. quit being a bitch and play pvp like a man
also pvp players: >spends their entire leveling process grinding dungeons nonstop in a safe little instance
maximum jej
me lmoa
>pve players: haha wow what kind of pussy levels in dungeons?
>also pve players: plays on a pve server
>hate blood elves
>hate alliance
>always play orc
>mtf trans
why though
Then they'll go back to spouting the first line once they're 60 and ganking grays.
I thought I wanted classic WoW back, and I did, but this isn't it. This is a bunch of zoomers autistically rushing through he game using private server/streamer metas.
Note to self, don't spend 90 mins trying to solo kill level 38-39 fire elementals as a 33 warlock for some shitty class dress.
Oh god the pvp that was there.
because you're hideous looking with monstrous genitals and a shitty psyche, so you identify with space niggers like the other incels drawn to orcs and undead
>1.12 is everyone's idea of vanilla wow
this is how you know no one playing classic actually played wow back then
I mean my dick is kind of big but I wouldn't really call it monstrous
Why does everyone prefer Horde now? I thought Alliance was always more popular in vanilla cause they have the cooler races and zones.
Nobody said it was hard, only that it was fun. Something doesn't have to have a stadium filled with incels for it to be fun.
1.12 was decided on by the people who started all the big private servers, and those guys most certainly were vanilla players.
Better racials. The only good alliance racial is dwarf.
horde have better pvp abilities and araits
>cool races
No not really
Escape Artist???
warstomp, 25% stun resist, will of the forsaken
those are all very good in pvp
Alliance is significantly stronger than horde in group pvp because of fear ward and paladins. Horde racials are only better in random world duels, which is usually decided by level difference and number of players and has almost nothing to do with racials or player skill
So it's more minmaxing zoomer autism, got it.
>melee cleeve
>spell cleeve
>ironfoe, HoJ, recipes and BoE reserved
>LFM ZF 53+
They say "better racials" but the real answer is streamers convinced them and they like being edgy monsters. WotF is a shit racial but these pseudo-tryhards roll undead en masse at the suggestion of their streamer gods
see WotF is a shit racial, way bellow dwarf, gnome, and NE racials. Troll priests and overpowered as fuck yet all these edgy kids who talk about racials inevitably roll undead and get their shit mana dump plague immediately cleansed in pvp
>break out of charm, fear, and mind control
>separate CD from pvp trinket
>"shit racial"
Okay kid
I honestly prefer Horde leveling and especially inns/flight paths.
Camp Mojache and Freewind Post are more convenient than Thalanaar and Feathermoon. Horde gets Kargath, Stonard, and Gromgol all centrally located on their opposite continent while lmao @ Dalanaar and the shit Alliance gets on Kalimdor.
>guildie wanted to do maraudon and needed a healer
>bit underleveled but he was adamant i should join since he needed someone
>die an early pull
>get lost trying to find the entrance since the grayscale death means you cannot see the color of the crystals
>enter purple meaning I have to run through mobs and die to get to orange
>people already annoyed
>because im lower level pull some mobs others get past which complicates fights
>after dying too much someone's gear turns red and he leaves
>everyone else leaves
>before the last guy leaves he tells me i suck
>lose all will to play today even though i had a lot of fun before in feralas doing the quests
>bringing up mind control as an argument for anything, ever
Name a class that would benefit from WotF more than literally any of the other horde racials.
some specs do feel crippled though. Like ret for paladins, they direly lack damage and ret barely gives you any. Then as final talent you get some CC.
Horde have stupidly good racials.
Blizz probably did it because they thought more people would play alliance and horde would be at a pvp disadvantage -- but then they made BGs with negated any pop imbalance and horde pugs will generally roll over alliance pugs because of it.
because giving horde a pretty race saved their numbers.
WoW being about specs instead of classes was a mistake.
ya i don't foolishly went back in since cata retail looks horrid and playing classic with no one you know is even worst
*Orcs have stupidly good racials
You are literally retarded if you choose to play any other horde race, other than trolls for priests or PvE dps
What the fuck do those have to do with escape artist? He said the only good ALLY racial. Escape artist is good you mongoloid just because Horde have those doesn't mean EA is shit
Don't do dungeons above your level.
It does not matter how "skilled" you are if the mobs are 5lvl higher than you
yeah dude because world of magecraft is so much better lol
really? at my side it was loaded with horde. People were pretty avoidant of PvP though. Most people would just run by. Only a few times did nessingway turn into a bloodbath. arathi PvP was worse for me
This is completely true, just talk with anyone playing retail right now
You can notice their mental retardation from a mile
THEY ruined wow, not activision.
Don't pick an overpopulated server then you retard
>ganked by 2 guys together
>they try again 5 min later and run into a building w/ me
>mfw its a 2v2 now
>we win
>hide in a tower real close by
>mfw ambush
>we win again
eat shit alliance scum
I rolled PvP server but honestly it isnt all that special. A few times it was cool since i had to get an item from a horde dominated place, requiring me to use shadowmeld and sneaking around to get to it. But 90% of the PvP is just one guy attacking someone lower level or someone dealing with a mob
Anyone else feel like level differences aren't affecting spell resistance in pvp like they should be? I've been able to sheep players who were red or orange to me in one cast.
>tfw i wanted to jew warlocks with the robe of arcana but its a rare drop recipe and nobody sells it.
post it
PvP trinket wasnt a global CC break so some classes can really benefit from breaking fear.
Because Warcraft 3 lore, Horde was always the cooler race with more though and care put into them. Maybe not quest design, but lore wise.
They are secretly the actual good guys.
But then wow lore happened and... yeah let's not talk about that.
>but then they made BGs with negated any pop imbalance and horde pugs will generally roll over alliance pugs because of it.
except the alliance side of alterac valley was heavily alliance sided.
And i dont think blizzard tried to help horde like this. I think they firstly made cool racials that fit the race
im healer so i didnt have to deal with resists.
Yeah, it was hard to balance everything. But ret is probably the most meme worthy in the game.
>reserving items
That was always a thing.
Tanking is tedious work and a warrior tank at 60 is in short supply. Hell yeah I'm gonna leverage that in my runs. Least you get to come; some fellow tank chads only invite cloth dps and heals.
So which server is the most based?
Where do i roll
I dont want spics/trannies/ERPers
But you have to deal with your spells not healing enough and your manapool insufficient. Also pulls as you said.
In vanilla horde numbers weren't that bad.
Warcraft 3 was still in memory.
Better racial, better lore.
The only people who play alliance are the one who wants "good looking" characters or if you want to meet girls.
Well maybe you're just like a retard or something man. I thought I did and I did.
which class benefits from breaking fear more than the actually useful racials of other horde races? who needs that much help against psychic scream/intimidating shout? (dont bring up fighting warlocks, we all know undead just get death coil'd the moment wotf is used)
Asia was their main priority. The numbers were terrible there. Asians didn't want to play ugly race no matter what.
i dont see how its hard to make at least a rough balance. Like its very very obvious that paladins had a huge issue with damage. They have seals, judgement, the finisher hammer thing, and a few anti undead stuff. Nothing else. What does ret give them?
>another seal which is only a bit better if you know from forums that it is good with slow weapons
>an aura that increases holy damage, even though ret already has an aura named after it and a talent to boost it
>a 6 second incapacitate
only a few good things like the 2handed weapon specialization, 5% crit chance and the 30% AS from crits is really worth mentioning. Its so anemic i cannot understand how nobody noticed that this doesnt cut it.
>Asia was their main priority.
why? i thought asia their game time system gave way less money than the west's sub fee system. Or did they already feel like they had the west on lockdown and wanted to make the east more balanced?
I played horde back in the day and now play alliance to experience the alliance zones. Stormwind is very wellmade
why would women play some old clunky version of their social interaction simulator
>thinking ret is designed for pve instead of pvp
that's your mistake, you think it's weird to have a CC at the end of the offensive tree when in reality you'd know how critical that is if you've ever actually played an offensive paladin in pvp and fought a hunter/mage/shaman
It’s just carryover from retail where horde is so much better. Probably a lot of trannies waiting to play belfs if they release tbc too. Also it was already confirmed by John staats and other devs that they all played horde except Chris metzen
this, you got to see how the Horde was formed, even the Forsaken (kind of) while the "Alliance" is a tacked on paragraph at the character select screen
Are you kidding? The potential of Asia was always strong, especially China. South Korea was already a loyal fanbase to Blizz products.
It's not a coincidence if Blizz is doing Diablo Immortal.
even then its damage from all the other talents is really low
My bad i was talking about my experience from vanilla, not classic.
>I guess I'll go horde for the superior racials
>Oooh undead, will of the forsaken is so good, my rogue is gonna wreck clothies hehe.
>*gets dabbed on by dwarf rogues for eternity*
plenty of first time MMO players probably play human because its the closest to what they know.
Hogger being a killer wasnt because he was so much more difficult than anything else
i sheeped a skull tranny in Ratchet with my lvl14 troll in 1 cast, then 2 more times as the faggot chased me around the town in front of everyone, didn't resist any cast whasoever. The goblin police one shoot me but the humiliation of that pussy faggot made my day.
>>ironfoe, HoJ, recipes and BoE reserved
Never play with these fools
PvP level difference resists are not as high as PvE resists. at +4 PvE is 28% and PvP 20%, and beyond that its 11% per level in PvE and 8% in PvP.
I know that normies would play human indeed. However since i was a wc3 player i immedialty played Horde because i wanted to continue the story by playing an Orc or a Forsaken.
Not some literally who human with 0 lore.
>because im lower level pull some mobs others get past which complicates fights
That's the group's fault, not yours.
I felt like they didnt really want to use too much WC3 lore though. Like you have some references to it during low level undead quests, but you mostly do stuff from WC2 like the blackrock stuff. Only during later stages when they felt safe they started using naxxramas, illidan and vashj
ya got me, kiddo.
How does sheeping a higher level humiliate them when you’re the one paying for it in durability damage?
>not a single shop mount in the image
good post retard
I thought I did, I somewhat did for two weeks, and I kinda don't anymore
I really should have waited for BGs to be out to actually start playing
Yes and that was fine. The way they used the wc3 lore was terrible in the end. I didn't want to kill any of those "great" characters.
Not only they had no story development at all, but it breaks the immersion : the PC is already a god who destroys the Scourge and one of the smartest villain ever.
i got skinning and tailoring on my main then a skinner leatherworker, ive been giving all the greens i make to a bankalt for disenchanting so i can fund enchanting to the max when i get to 60
it was an attempt to save cash but im stilla broke broke bitch, Will this pay off or am i just retarded?
Yeah, I saw the youtube comments on the leak of the new stuff and everyone seemed excited. I dont see how this is fun at all.
>arthas, the lichking, strongest necromancer and lord of one of the strongest armies out there, was ground down to 0 hp by a bunch of poopsocking adventurers
It makes zero sense for big names to be killed by nameless mooks.
Exactly why I made a dwarf rogue, also for find treasure to find the sweet stuff before others with stealth.
Have people finally realized that instancing NOT lfg systems is the real reason modern MMOs are bad?
MMOs are fun because you're in a big world with a lot of other players if you're spending most of your time away from that in an instanced zone what's the point
world pvp and pve/bosses = good
instanced dungeons and raids = bad
battlegrounds are somewhere in the middle it's basically just world PVP but more controlled I think they're fun personally
You're just retarded
You should have gone skinning and mining, banked all ores/stone to 1-300 engineering, made of bunch of grenades, and vendored the grenades, and the solo lower lvl instances for greens/blues to disenchant for enchanting
dont forget UD priest devouring plague is a disease that you can stoneskin.
I thought I did and I do.
he didn't touched me, even with his ranged mage spells, that's why he didn't got gobble'd either. I play a shirtless unarmed troll with the light bulb off hand from the lvl 10 class quest for giggles. I am always switching gear thanks to tailoring and quest. To make my grinding fun i cast frostbolt until i am oom them activate berserk and punch the mob while typing "c'mere boy!" while fistcuffing running moas and raptors outside crossroads. I also only grind when i am close to lvl so i emerge unshaken while the ork woyors questing sit down and eat the bread i gave them in awe. It is a roleplaying game, and i am a big roleplayer.
Then get rekt faggot
instances are fine but they should be made so you cannot easily plow through them with mass AOE unless intended. If dungeons were competitive you wouldnt be able to clear anything without getting buttraped or ninja'd halfway. Worldbosses only work since its a single boss, not a whole dungeon. Hell, the preinstance stuff from BFD and maraudon is cool but imagine that the whole way through
They already look skinny as fuck. Like, dangerously drugged up skinny.
What the fuck are you trying to say to me?
Oh shit did Torchlight get another sequel?!
I had fun, the faggot i turned into a sheep got laughed at. I am having fun in the game. The other guy probably switched servers out of shame.
It's because nothing matters. Every quest you take will be a 1ilvl upgrade to something you're wearing. All the mounts and pets are overdone to the point that nothing is special anymore. Anything REALLY special gets put in the cash shop instead.
Mobs die in three hits and elite just means "I have to use one of my three minute cooldowns."
Leveling means nothing because you don't learn any new spells past 80 and talents only come once every 15 levels. It's just a countdown to endgame.
Crafting has gotten even worse when it started out terrible. WoW has probably the worst crafting system of any MMO besides Star Trek Online. It's an utterly pointless reputation grind.
That's me jimmo
>nobody said it was hard
yeah user nobody did you're totally right
dont try to rewrite history you cuntmunching faggot
>stun resist
>ap CD
>weapon skill
>stealth detection
What would be better for rogue if I wanna balance between pve/pvp.
Biggest problem is that for a long time WoW operated on a "only raiding matters" mindset and everything else in the game was scraps the devs threw at us or a timegate before the next raid. Any high-end non-raiding gear they released was on the assumption that the person was getting it to catch up for raiding, not because the content was enjoyable.
More stuff in the game needed to be like Cataclysm Heroics. Hell, the biggest problem with Cata was that not all dungeons had heroic versions.
I remember early vanilla. You could def not plow trought them with aoe. They must have changed something
Cool story bro
>LFM ZF 53+
Who does ZF at 53+?
Well they did hire jeff "monkey chained to a cubicle" kaplan. That is what i did miss though, having dungeon sets. Felt like a nice alternative for people wanting to do 5mans.
Or just use data pulled from wowhead to show you all the treasure, mining veins and herb spots on your map.
i think it has to do with knowledge though. I remember back in vanilla everyone played fire as mage. Because pyro blast and fireball being the primary damage spell. Nobody looked at blizzard and was like "yeah this shit could be abused to round up everyone and AOE them to death". Neither did priests look at wand specialization and abuse that. They would just mindflay enemies to death.
people do them overleveled because masskilling fast is quite exp intensive. Although 53+ is high.
Human weapon skill and troll berserking are the only racials that matter for PvE rogues
I know, makes dicks hard all around the world, but what about my point?
I do do do do do do
If you want to DPS roll a rogue or a mage, paladins are a support class.
there is a difference between "I want to DPS" and "i want to melee enemies to death for 60 levels". I mean, feral isnt as good as a rogue, but it still is a lot better for a druid than what ret is for a pala
>tfw I was the second person on my server to get a Robe of Arcana and the guy who had the pattern jacked the price up when he realized he was the only person who had it
Because ur a hideous la creatura and u know it dumb ugly tranny
Ahem 40%
Horde has always been the most popular faction in pvp servers, better flight paths, leveling, easier access to dungeons and racials.
If you want to play Alliance you can always roll on PvE, BG will be cross realm so you lose nothing anyway
their access to blackrock is worse though.
That’s gay
Delet all the layers
>manlets with onions beards
>tranny self-inserts
yeah, real cool races
Why didn't you get some friends to help you, user?
I just want that dread mage m8
I wear that hat forever, fuck stats, that shit is stylish as hell.
SM being in horde territory more than makes up for it desu
SM isnt endgame though
I'm at level 38 and bored of the grind
do some SM, do some quests.
What did he mean by this?
"I'm an incel who will be shooting up a community college sometime soon"
I play horde and it’s not much worse at all. The zeppelins are too conveniently placed and kargath is extremely close and we have thorium point too
But paladins have plate and better healing than druids. You can't have it all.
>Preach Gaming have split
>Literally quit today.
Said this earlier on but I'm just sitting on Yea Forums now instead of playing so I might as well blog about it again
>Run RFD
>We finish the dungeon, everybodies running back to the escort quest
>Get there, some pleb already started it before I could get it
>Run RFD again with a group that was outside
>Some pleb gets the escort quest AGAIN after my fucking telling him how to go about getting the quest so everyone can grab it, only he picked it up, everyone else went without
>Turned the game off for a few hours, was seething hard
>Loaded it back up, found ANOTHER group for RFD.
>Get to the escort, told everybody numerous times how to get the quest
>We all got it and I was the one to start the escort off completely
>Finish the escort section, finish the survival part
>Brazier gets summoned
>Click it
>Its fucking bugged out, I only get greeted with a blank page with a greyed out Continue button and a Cancel button
>Can't do shit, can't hand it in
>Sent a ticket
>Won't get a reply for 3 days.
Tell me this. Will Blizzard give me my fucking quest reward ring in 3 days? Yes or no, that's all I want because if the answer is indeed no, I'm just not uninstalling now. I'm already playing other game inbetween Yea Forums shitposts so I don't really care. That one thing has pissed me off more than anything in the past few years that I can think of.
>Mike had to choose between faggot mods and Andy
>chose mods over friend of 25 years
>quitting a game over a shit ring
go bring your autism somewhere else baby
There's literally no better ring for my class until raids. Kill yourself.
I am having fun
I did that, forgot you had to click teh quest all at at the same time, didnt do it, just went on without it.
Then I found out the special wand there is something you cannot get anymore. No fucks given
Came in this thread to say this. Can't wait to get home and keep playing
>no 12 year old night elf hunters named "xxxlegalosxx" running around
really ruins the immersion
>b-but muh pre-raid bis list
you deserve to suffer
ive seen plenty of funny and edgy names
>Get blown the fuck out
>Move goalposts
Kill yourself tranny shill.
how the fuck do you have 300 gold
I wasn’t the guy you were originally replying to, I just think you’re pathetic if you think you can’t play the game without that particular ring. Keep crying kid
Anyone that I know that has picked up WoW and left soon afterwards has 99%, never played the original Warcraft games.
Don't bother fucking touching Classic if you haven't played the RTS since they're vital to understanding the reason as to why things are the way that they are.
Fucking casuals.
>There is no better ring for my class
>Out of RFD
Are you talking about the fucking 10stam/4spirit ring? Who the fuck told you that was the best ring for ANY class pre raid? Are you kidding me?
On a serious note they're doing one and it looks nice. Something more relax and less dumb than Diablo. I'm interested.
>no skeleton piles
>no infernal pranks
>neutered nu-AV boss rush mode day 1
>starting crossrealm bg day 1
>my low pop comfy server is now full every day in spite of no streamers
too much shit changed behind our backs for no reason, I dropped it. Also chat is always politics instead of WoW.
Sure you wasn't, tranny. The game is hot garbage. Enjoy wasting your life playing it you sad cunt.
He wanted yesmen that will cater to him instead of a companion that might occasionally challenge him
Am I the only one who sees that nothing happens in Classic lorewise?
>mage polys me on the dock to bb
>as the boat is leaving sheep me wanders onto the boat
>am now on said boat, alone, with the mage heading into open water
>chase him to the stern of the boat and kill him
>he resses when we zone
>chase him again, kill him again
>get off the boat and go back to what I was doing
I just wanted to ride the boat man
[spoiler^]I replied to the tweet and Mike's wife replied almost immediately. Why the fuck is she doing damage control when they have fucking kids to take care of?[/spoiler]
fuck me i cannot spoiler tag whule drunk
dude wtf
you did good, mages are faggots
Get out of the queue asshole
>Be good tank
>Be good at tanking
>Be told I am good at tanking
>Write guides for tanking, people like them and are useful to them
>Healers love me, and I love them
>DPS on the other hand are a pain in my fucking ass to deal with
Look. Training others to be good at the game is only my business if they are in my guild. If not it's just a fucking headache and I have no time for it. If you can't follow something as simple as a kill order, and CC targets, and do something as easy as NOT pulling more fucking mobs in a dungeon, and pull a patrol, and just wait until the mobs are being tanked somewhere safely to start pew pewing, then you can fuck off.
So I abandoned my warrior tank at level 27 and went for a rogue, who is now 31. However...
>mfw I see people using 2H to tank
>mfw I see "tanks" not having def stance
>mfw I see warriors who are "tanks" not learning their defensive abilities
>mfw warriors running around with no shield
>mfw warriors thinking spamming shouts is good threat
>mfw warriors think threat is spamming shouts and using heroic strike
>mfw warriors "tanking" ask hunters to pull for them (no ranged weapon nor skill learned)
>mfw warriors don't line of sight casters and just charge straight into camps of enemies, pulling 2 x as much and aggro'ing patrols in the process
>mfw warriors apart from me are fucking shit at this game
It never ends does it?
Do you know what it's like?
Having to deal with this shit?
Knowing you can tank this better and have it done 33% faster or more?
But not wanting to because all other players are fucking garbage and give you a headache with their bullshit?
>if I keep saying tranny then I win!
the only sad cunt here is you throwing a tantrum and threatening to quit said garbage game over a ring instead of putting in a ticket like a normal human being
but what about mage
>be lvl 20 warrior
>get asked to tank by warlock
>I ignore and carry on with comfy quest
Warlocks are cancer, go back to your zoomer cleave groups.
So autistic that you can't enjoy a fantasy game with out projecting real life politics into a world where it's magic talking dragons and wizard zombies! Pathetic
>Tranny boy literally having a meltdown at being called out
Oh I am laffin'
>instead of putting in a ticket like a normal human being
Not only are you a tranny but you're a fucking illiterate one too. I straight up said I put a ticket in but it's going to take over 3 days to get an answer and they probably aren't going to give me the ring even then.
any tips for pvp as a lock?
*invite zoom zoom to come do SM with us*
>MonkaS POGCHAMP cmonbruh trihard POGGERS OMEGALUL
*kick him*
>lvl 35 with 300 gold
Leveling sucks ass 28-33.
Yeah no, you don't.
Don't bother posting a screenshot either, it's clear you got it sent over from your main.
10-30 and 40-55ish are the best levels
Learn to make money and be a happy traveller like myself. At level 40, that is, ha ha.
Zoomers pay for fake stuff all the time, I bet he just used mommy's money to pay for it
Just go questing and get a better ring in a couple of levels.
I'm pretty sure a good warrior tank doesn't care because he can handle any situation and sees what you deem fuck ups as a challenge. Asspuling will always happen. Ignoring focus target will happen, ignoring cc will happen. It will never not happen. If you can't deal then you weren't meant to be a tank in the first place.
i'm lvl 43 as ally, am i being dumb as shit or the questing zones aren't "meaty" like 10 levels ago, like i go to tanaris do 4-5 quests then i gotta switch to another zone
You know that demo shout generated more threat right? It got nerfed last night because it was to OP, do you even read patch notes or are u just too retarded ?
Essentially, yeah.
The whole point of Classic is to experience the brief period of peace on Azeroth after WC3FT, and seeing everyone trying to clean up the mess while you're travelling.
Its also meant to be a prelude for things to come as well while you're meeting with people along the way. You're to become a powerful ally making friends and formidable foes that would eventually demonstrate their alliances to whatever factions come about and see their true colours, depending on the circumstances of course.
The core meaning of the lore of Classic is trying to get rid of the Scourge, stop the Undead from getting powerful and research the the Spiders that were supposed to stay in Northrend, and interpret whatever extra tidbits of story are trying to lead to while investigating.
Its the whole fucking reason it was popular in the first place because while it was comfy, everyone was prepping for the expansions that would continue the lore.
Thinking that Classic is self-contained and wouldn't continue on from there is fucking stupid and everyone entering seems to think its Virtual Chat 2.0
Sorry if you perform like shit when I tell you not to perform like shit and instead make my job harder because you're needlessly performing like shit, and then turn around and tell me I'm not fit for the job, you're a cunt
thats what you get for being a faggot quitter. everyone knows DPS sucks. people roll tanks either because theyre tired of waiting forever for tanks or theyre tired of ass tanks
accept that the dps is trash and be bros with the healer. that is the tank way
There is no better ring until raid epics. It's leagues above the rest and besides I put in half a fucking day running RFD just for that shit.
If you aren't a mage SM is a waste of time. 3 bars in 10-15 minutes is ok but if you're taking 30-40 minutes to clear then obviously it's a waste of time.
Sadly you gotta travel more by then, hope you get your mount. Just enjoy the journey and scenery. Enjoy everything retail destroyed
>Tanks can't get angry about shit-performing players, but all other roles can
I bet you're the kind of person who says tanks don't deserve any kind of special status also.
un'goro is the best zone, get like 15 quests, just run around the zone and do them all, then turn them all in at the same time
don't @ me
Leveling sucks period. Anyone telling you otherwise is a retarded fuck trying way too hard to be edgy.
>be tank
>zoomzoom dps dont' even give you 1(ONE) second to get a sunder in before going full nuke
Fucking cathartic thanks brother tank.
ironically humans arguably have the best story with their starting zone story leading up to onyxia questline.
Not gonna lie, that's me when I'm driving
Not all tanks are created equal. Me? I'm a chill tank. Someone could fuck up all run. As long as they have a good attitude and aren't bitching, I'll save the group every time. Just relax bro it's a game. You should be able to handle this if you're so great.
Most multi rank 1retail and rank 14 private servers players did that, I guess Americans sure are really retarded
alliance in general have a better 1-20 experience storywise, it's consistent with the defias etc
But they really created magic with the barrens, i think just being in one zone from like level 10-23ish creates something really comfy, allies are going between zones every few levels
always feel a bit sad going down the lift in to 1000 needles at like level 24, it's like you lose a part of yourself
>skinning fag
I've seen mages with skinning and I call them faggots absolutely no reason to have it unless you're a jew or AH spamming faggot
Ah okay so a DPS pulling more shit for you to handle, yet again, when challenging shout is on CD from the previous time, is totally fine and doesn't require a kick or a stern talking-to to, alright gotcha. Oh no that's alright you think you can just spam your shouts and get threat right
In places like SM which have a lot of patrols and especially later on in places like BRD this is behaviour you do not want to have in your playerbase.
It just takes longer and stretches the healer's mana more, which in turn takes longer because of more breaks for drinking.
>>mtf trans
imagine the smell
Settle this debate between me and my friend lads
Spamming battle shout generates more AoE threat than demo shout right?
Yep. In MMOs old dungeons used to all be large and open and competitive with anyone else in the zone. People staked out areas and farmed inside the actual dungeon. If the area you wanted to farm was already camped too bad, or if you're a class that can do it train 500 mobs to them and wipe them and take it, and don't even get me started on how nasty raids used to be when big guilds competed for kills.
Where are you getting that I’m a tranny? You’re the one crying like a bitch over jewelry lmao
I wish they had cool solo instances, like the warlock cave under felwood, going down there for a quest took me like an hour and felt like some super cool adventure
Obviously they couldn't do it due to size restraints, but having something like that in every zone would be cool
Who cares, they both got nerfed anyway
I am really enjoying it but I will probably stop playing around level 30+, I remember struggling during those levels when I first started playing.
I wont raid because I don't have the time.
Thats the biggest difference I have noticed since coming back, I am no longer 16 anymore.
I can't spend all day playing the game without someone interrupting me.
I did RFC the other night and we were there for about 2 hours, it was too long for me.
A stern talking to? Dude what are you 50?
Ive got piercing howl bro. Bash the caster and los around a corner. Taunt anything not on you and kite until the group recovers. If you can't aoe tank how tf do you consider yourself a good tanker?
>"AoE threat"
>Classic World of Warcraft
>On a warrior
>Not a bear
>Not a paladin
>But a warrior
Sheeeesus Christ retailfags please just go
more fun to dungeon with a friend than berate a stranger
good tanks enjoy tough situations to show off their skills
>blizzard nerfs the infernals and they despawn after 5 seconds
>literally nobody gives a shit because retards are so addicted to the game they will accept anything blizzard does as long as they can get their fix
you people are fucking pathetic
They should have made Retribution a support dps rather than pure dps. Had it so every time they did a judgement it gave a buff to the rest of their party.
>you can't have it all
A problem vanilla had was the talent trees barely influenced the class so aside from a few key abilities they didn't really change how you played. Retail has the opposite problem where none of the buttons are the same between three specs and they change stuff for the sake of change.
There should be a happy medium.
I'm a better tank than you and this shite about "AoE tanking" at low levels proved it
Talk out your arse some more faggot
60 prot warrior private server
34 prot warrior classic
warriors can aoe threat just fine if they know how threat works
The threat for battle and demo shout is inaccurate and bugged to do more
It was not classic
Go on and spam your shouts faggot, wipe your group you shitter
Don't forget to use a 2h lmao
Uhh, what changes exactly at higher levels?
>despawn after 5 seconds
This is only if they are not under command of the warlock right?
What can I say,
it's rare to meet a rich retard
WoW servers are balanced around a population of 2500 to 3000. Some realms have 25 times that. Either they layer or the game grinds to a halt as no one is able to interact with anything.
>Where are you getting that I’m a tranny?
From your blatant cringy meltdown after I called the game out for being dogshit.
I would rather not buy leather, its easier to just skin yourself for tailoring.
Right, but the entire point of summoning infernals is trolling. Otherwise they're jut pure shit.
after you cancel the enslavement of the infernal its supposed to aggro onto you and if you drop the aggro or the infernal kills you its supposed to go on a rampage and kill everything
instead it just despawns after 5 seconds
Take a few days off. The fact you're 38 says you're already ahead of the curve.
>but the curve is raiding MC and Ony
No, those are autists.
Slow down, life is to be savored.
>ahead of the curve
lol no, that's peak of the pack
ahead of the curve is like 55+ by now
Why did they have to kill everyone only to say that actually, they survived
Why did they have to kill based blood-elf, who escaped to found piece with illidan?
Damn it all, why was WC3 the peak of wc storytelling
now that the dust has settled is he really that bad?
Feral druids also bring their crit bonus plus innervate which can be pretty nice for raids.
>when youre a healer and the tank tank 2handed with deathwish in zerker stance and because you can barely keep him alive he thinks everything is good and gets annoyed you have to drink so often
>people keep posting Asmon going LOOK AT THIS BALDING GOBLIN when Esfand is legitimately disgusting to look at
he played in gay porn
Until a day or two ago spamming shouts was insane threat, they hotfixed it
>be healer
>have to heal the tank and 2 rogues and any pull that goes wrong has to barely survive
How do we save retail? Is it by forcing and encouraging players to go out into the world? It seems world quests isnt enough.
>mfw warriors thinking spamming shouts is good threat
It was. They're fixing it but demo shout was insane for a while you weenie.
he was talking the other day about how his back teeth are all rotted out so he can't eat properly
everyone just like "get new teeth you rich motherfucker" and he's all like "nah i'd have missed the classic launch"
gotta admire that dedication
He's fucking vile
that guy is just a fat shitskin, asmon looks like a reptilian
Seriously what the fuck how do people watch this ugly fuck stream. His voice is annoying. He's shit at the game. He's not funny. What the fuck is appealing to zoomers about this Ron jeremy looking nigger
Also make professions give really good gear again.
Maybe a level squish.
Playing onfaerlina. I wanted an active server. Should I transfer?
Wrath's mount explosion was a mistake.
the nu-wow where you get skilled based on your spec is retarded. a mage is supposed to be master of the elements. Yet if you go frost you can only use frost. What i think is that hybrids should be able to do multiple things, even when specced, but still have a hybrid tax. then design encounters to have hybrids take on multiple roles.
Level squish doesnt absolutely nothing. It just changes the numbers on the side of things.
>Maybe a level squish.
Not this meme. "Oh the numbers are too bug and scary, waste dev time to redesign the game and make them smaller." No. I do not want my past progress further squished and invalidated.
esfand is also balding, monk style
Been enjoying it so far, but just finished a run of BFD with a friend I made a few days ago and her guildies, last boss a blue belt dropped with intellect on it and I am rogue, I didn't read it and just seen it had better armour than my current one and I needed and won. They went batshit insane saying the shaman should have got it, started ganging up on me like I shot someone in the face, and all through that run the friend in the group I had made was messaging me saying the hunter was underage because he didn't say thanks for the ammo, glad I haven't fully bonded with these people before realising what pussies they are.
I rolled a tank back in the day because all other tanks sucked ass. My mail, /w , IIRC always full of requests. Please help, you're a god.
I'll never forget the grand time I had through vanilla and BC. I will also never get back to the cancer that WoW became.
zoomie and his ADD-addled attention span can't live without seeing his character do a GAZILLION BAJILLION dps just by swinging his sword
making it so the player actually gets a reward every level would be cool though.
>I do not want my past progress further squished and invalidated.
doesn't even make sense.
hope you're not trolling but that belt is good for a shaman and you didn't need it as a rogue
if not trolling, if it's not got agility or strength on it, you don't need it
>armor was higher
you look at stats not armor value. You are not a tank.
One of their devs said what balance was skewed towards alliance, and they had to add a beautified race for horde to fix that.
>excluded from content if you pick the wrong class: the game
If you weren't fucking retarded you could ask like a normal human being lmao
fucking zoomer shit, kys
That's what happens when you're a minmaxing turbosperg who only wants to play with other minmaxing turbosperg streamerbuddies
Cry babies
Holy shit this, i accidentally greedrolled on a Priest upgrade, just asked politely after the rolling was done and the guy gave it to me
Don't forget you're human beings you EU Private turbospergs
Except that happens to be most of the people on the server I’m on apparently. I have gotten in and finished more dungeons during actual vanilla where most people were terrible at the game, including myself, than I have gotten in classic since the release due to this gay ass aoe meta
>2 hours in RFC
what kind of braindead are you
You've never played Classic, you've only watched streamers
you still died first horde scum LMAO
the most toxic players who tell people who have never played before to kys are the same ones who were super autistic about #nochanges too
it's a retail wow mindset too, hating people for not playing the meta and not having read icyveins for optimum autism
I used to hit for 1,000, then I hit for 10,000, then I hit for 100,000, then I hit for 10,000 again, then I hit for 1,000,000, then I hit for 1,000 again. There's no sense of development of your character when the absolute damage you do goes down with an expansion. Losing crit due to crit rating scaling down is at least compensated by your raw damage increasing. The squishes are just across the board nerfs for no reason.
Nobody ever played WoW Vanilla, actually. Thanks for uncovering the conspiracy. We were all lying to win anonymous internet arguments.
Games honestly dogshit
>Oh you know what, I think I'll get that Trinket that stuns
>Whoops, can't because the rare that drops it only spawns ONCE EVERY 3 FUCKING DAYS
Yeah, cool, let's make a trinket that millions of people will want drop off 1 monster, 50% of the time, while said monster is on a 3 day fucking spawn timer. Fuck that shit, how am I supposed to get it ever? Sit on all day spamming /target prince macro?
Fucking kill yourself blizzard shills.
I'm level 34 and the false promises really shine through in this rough period.
You're doing the same sad quests but it's intolerable because you have to move among 5 zones instead of 1. You waste so much time flying / riding boats to do the next on level quest. All the while ?? Horde slowly gank you in 10 minute chases, only winning due to the fact that they have more HP than you do, and then they have the audacity to teabag your body.
Running 30 minutes to an instance that's just as boring and underwhelming as they have ever been, except now it's inconvenient to get to AND no XP bonus. You pretty much do it to break up the monotony.
Of course they did, you didn't, lil zoom
g o T o RE t aIL
g o T o RE t aIL
g o T o RE t aIL
>Wow something valuable and rare is difficult to acquire and highly sought after in a game and genre that is supposed to take a long time to gear up in?! Madness!
>let's make a trinket that millions of people will want
>millions of people want it
Back to retail with you, shoo shoo
man this game sucks. Can't believe you fags even considered this good.
You dont have to tell us chads, we already know lmao
>nooooim entitled to get thiss mooooom
kys zoomtard
Congratulations, you won the argument!
based entitled zoomer
because one country has 25% of the world's population, said country is also addicted to mmos
>Pathetic blizzdrones actually defending having to sit up for 3 days straight spamming a macro, not even playing the game, just to get a trinket which allows you to PvP on even ground with others
Yikes, trannies need to be lynched.
Excellent reply. Really proved me wrong
You're right, players should be able to type the name of any item they want and have it appear in their inventory. Imagine how unfair it would be if someone wanted a thing and couldn't have it!
Keep on replying, streamer zoom zoom
>item is impossible to get
>also everyone has it but me
>Wah im playing an MMO but I actually just want a moba
t. blizz dicksucking trannies.
>Don't bother fucking touching Classic if you haven't played the RTS since they're vital to understanding the reason as to why things are the way that they are.
what ?
the only common points are names, like warsong, thrall, sylvanas, they only made war 3 relevant with kel'thuzad
>No argument so just screams the buzzword of the month over and over
I really wish it was possible to have an intelligent, honest, if a bit crude discussion on these things on Yea Forums and /vg/.
Obviously a 3 day spawn for a trinket that's very important in PvP is too much. Should the loot fall out of the sky? No, but it's ridiculous that people would have to fight over a 3 day spawn for something so important to a particular aspect of the game.
You can be 'ooga booga no changes' if you want, but pretending to be retarded and not acknowledging that the drop+spawn rate is bullshit isn't doing anything other than making you look the fool.
Theres literally nothing wrong with only some people in a game having things, even if its BiS and gamechanging things.
>He thinks he has provided a single valid retort
>He thinks I'm gonna humour his cringy blizzard dicksucking replies with an actual answer
Lol no. All you get is pictures of how your putrid kind looks, tranny.
So much to retort to here, let's unpack this
AOE was starting to come into the common knowledge when ZG hit, I think that was the first time I heard about it
I don't remember spellcleave becoming a thing ever in vanilla, mostly because after the first and second chars got to 60 it was MUCH harder finding a group to any given instance
wew, ew
I gave you a retort. I said its okay for some things to be rare and incredibly difficult or unlikely to acquire in the genre, while you argued they shouldn't.
How long should someone have to be standing somewhere before they're guaranteed the item they want? Use an actual value. Should the respawn timer be 24 hours? 12? 6? 2?
>very important for pvp
yea man, rare spawns or rare loot should never be impactful
>having a discussion instead of blurting out the same stupid shit ad nauseam
No thanks
diaphragm, scope teething tammy
>Game makes a point that Horde v Alliance is a thing
>Game sometimes gives you quest that the opposite faction give you or even has some friendly opposite faction people you can talk with
What did they mean by this
>everyone gets a gold medal!
You spoiled entitled zoomer, I'm glad the earth is gonna burn with you in it
Putting a monster on a 3 day spawn timer, when nobody knows when it was last killed, which only has a 50% chance of dropping the item in question is retarded and no amount of damage control will change that.
Pendulum of Doom is rare, yet everybody has the exact same chance of getting it and playing the game increases your chances of getting it too.
Sitting basically AFK for 3 fucking days spamming a macro is not playing the game, you're completely absent from it.
>"oh no, people were mad at me for fucking up on a video game, poor me"
>calling others cry babies
This guy would have a meltdown if he knew about NMs in FFXI and the gear they dropped.
>Sitting basically AFK for 3 fucking days spamming a macro is not playing the game, you're completely absent from it.
What happens if someone else is their spamming the same macro and take the spawn from you? You realize being there when it is isn't a guarantee of getting an item in an MMO, right?
>all (race x) are (faction y)
because the Horde vs. Alliance shit only matters in a few zones like Ashenvale and Hillsbrad, and not all members of Horde/Alliance races are direct acting members of that faction
6-8 hours per spawn would be literally perfect. You would have a reasonable chance at finding the rare every time you check up on it. 3 days is asinine. Plain and simple.
>You would have a reasonable chance at finding the rare every time you check up on it.
>finding the rare every time you check up on it
>finding it every time you check up on it
This is why trannies really need to stay in retail, they're too retarded to even see how retarded they are
Games should reward effort. It doesn't matter if its an MMO or not. They should have practical means of getting the best gear in the game and not have it be completely random. Like a token system.
but I only want to wait 2 hours for it, fuck off tranny
Do you think its healthy and good game design to have people sit in one place watching their game screen for an enemy spawn for literal years? Like yeah I know MMOs are built to be played for years but this is just silly.
You conveniently missed out the 'REASONABLE' from that sentence you absolute brainlet.
Kill yourself tranny
I'm not talking about relevancy.
I'm talking about the WORLD of Warcraft.
You're investigating this brand new world that is in the midst of recovering from an apocalyptic war and communicating with residents in villages that were affected by it, and interacting and seeing places that appeared in the games.
By playing the RTS, you're essentially playing through the History and also interacting with it prior to the events of Classic WoW.
It makes the game feel a lot more alive if you've got even a small notion of what went on before you decided to play and depending on the factions, characters and gameplay you enjoyed from beforehand, you would have a better idea as to what kind of class and race you would pick depending on which side you found more interesting and/or sympathized with during the wars beforehand.
Think of it this way for modern means;
would you watch Marvel Avengers Endgame if you hadn't watched a single Marvel movie beforehand that took place in the MCU?
Compare the movies leading up to Endgame as the lore to the RTS Warcraft games.
Like I said before;
without playing the RTS games,
you won't be able to appreciate Classic WoW as much compared to those who played the games beforehand. I even had to stop playing Legion because it had been so long since I played them and decided to give the games another playthrough to see wtf I was missing out on.
I would advise anyone reading this to do the same.
great immersion
Nobody gives a shit about lore in vanilla bro
At this point there's so much scar tissue built up from Blizzard fixing bad decisions with further bad decisions rather than reversing them that the only thing that can be done to fix it is a Classic+ that goes back and undoes the mistakes of the expansions while bringing forward the good ideas.
Then you and the rest of them are brainless casuals who would be better off dropping the game and saving themselves the subscription.
Yikes, these trannies need to be hung at the gallows.
>it's a stranglethorn vale episode
This is a perfect example of what people bring up as an issue in retail. Mounts lose their prestige when everyone is riding around on some crazy mechanical time traveling space dragon airship demon molten giant dinosaur wyvern.
No I mean like even back in the day, I don't mean just Classic. People who played for years didnt care.
>You conveniently missed out the 'REASONABLE' from that sentence you absolute brainlet.
Then that's not a rare you retard, that's an uncommon. Again, this is why you really need to stay in retail. This isn't your genitals, you can't just fuck around with it
>Do you think its healthy and good game design to have people sit in one place watching their game screen for an enemy spawn for literal years?
I think that is good game design, if someone wants to be the type of sperg who feels the need to camp a spawn then they can. I won't be, sure I won't have the item but then again when the item does show up I know it's RARE
Why do you have to sit there the entire time if you knew the last time it died? Stuff like that gets shared among hunting guilds.
I just told you what happened, a story about bitches crying over a level 26 item and got replies from more crying bitches
Cry more
>Rush to 60
>Grinded professions to 300
>Grinded most of my pre-bis out
>Only thing left to do is raidlog MC
Kind of bored now and feel like I made a mistake going so fast, but I really enjoyed the ride.
Reminder to all the people disillusioned about the quality of classic and are thinking about moving on to another game, FFXIV does not want you. Wowfugees are the worst players imaginable and the fewer of you there are shitting up our game the better. Go play ESO or something.
They should never have gone to 70. Each expansion should have kept you at 60 with an alternate advancement afterwards.
So TBC would have been 60+10, WotLK would have been 60+10+Hero Class, and so on.
Isn't this the shit that killed Legion? People wanting super rare legendaries that were so powerful and rare that they basically guaranteed you a raid spot and everyone else who never got it just ate shit even if they were a better player?
You have no idea the pains I have endured.
And a lot of them eventually stopped playing because either it costed them too much to invest in a lore that has deviated from its origins,
or they didn't care about the story to begin with.
Thats pretty much the reason anyone stops spending time with what they're interested in, games included.
>game wasn't dead before legion
FFXIV is barely even an MMO. Coming from someone who played it from 1.0 it took me way too long to realize Yoshida wasnt joking when he said to unsub from his game. Its more like an RPG you sub to twice a year, once at the start of an expac and once right when it ends so you can do all the MSQ and dungeons/raids once. It really isn't fun at max level since it actually has even less content than WoW.
How the fuck do you get to a stage where your teeth "rotted out"
Dont try to change the argument. The agreed upon worst thing in Legion was the legendaries.
skinning/mining aoe grinder mage here
how much of a faggot am I
>Then that's not a rare you retard, that's an uncommon.
There's no such thing as an uncommon. It's either rare or it's not, and rares spawning every 6-8 hours is still an incredibly long amount of time when taking into account that you will have competition in the area.
So again, kill yourself tranny.
>Stuff like that gets shared among hunting guilds.
So there's even less chance of getting it? Thanks for strengthening my case.
I'd bet money I'm older than you, tranny.
No item should be as bullshit to acquire as the Tidal Charm, no, especially not one so impactful in PvP. Tidal Charm single handedly wins fights.
>I'm literally such a shitter I can't PvP unless I have this rare item.
Fuck this game is so much more boring than I remember.. not to mention FUCKING tedious like who wants to play a game that makes life deliberately hard when it shouldn't have to be.
its almost like its the WORLD of warcraft, with a big world with lots of little and big things happening everywhere, without handholding u tru a singleplayer shitstory. fuck off, for a lorefag ur not even good at seeing it.
I didn't ask for your opinion on the game, I told you to stay out.
what argument?
I'm a Brexit fag but I play on NA servers because Americans are so nice. Thanks American friends.
And once again theres nothing wrong with items being so rare that you stand a low chance of ever getting them in an MMO.
Fuck off nerd I've played more than you.
>and rares spawning every 6-8 hours is still an incredibly long amount of time when taking into account that you will have competition in the area.
What's the matter with just not having something until you put in the same effort as someone else to have it? Clearly someone is killing it every 3 days. If you don't want it don't do it, but don't make the entire experience as shitty as your retail to make yourself feel better
>No item should be as bullshit to acquire as the Tidal Charm, no, especially not one so impactful in PvP. Tidal Charm single handedly wins fights.
In that case everyone should get mailed a Tidal Charm today, right this instant! It would be unfair if you had one and they didn't, no?
>Running WC\/SFK/RFK as hunter
>2 mages in group
>They both have fucking skinning
>They both try to tap my leather
>Have to call them out and make a huge shitfit about it each time
I genuinely need the craft because dungeon loot gets trash for hunters from 20-50. These mage niggers have all the tools in the world to aoe farm yet they want to jew my skins on top of that, fuck mage niggers I wish I could viper sting the siding faction.
Its not your leather fuck off. Anyone with skinning can skin it.
>I'm literally such a shitter that I try to downplay other people having a ranged 3 second stun on demand and how that would guarantee victory in 90% of PvP scenarios.
Post your name and server shitter. If you're on my server I will fucking embarrass you and stream it here.
>And once again theres nothing wrong with items being so rare that you stand a low chance of ever getting them in an MMO.
Yes there is. Provide an actual argument as to why that's the case of sit down and be quiet t b h tranny.
>In that case everyone should get mailed a Tidal Charm today, right this instant! It would be unfair if you had one and they didn't, no?
You're only making yourself look like a pathetic cunt when you say shit like this. There's a distinct difference between actively working for something that is reasonable to obtain, and borderline impossible to get items which are farmed and horded by guilds who have complete control of respawn timers.
>5th on twitch
its over
>He doesn't remember shadowmourne and the shitshow it caused in WotLK
There's literally something wrong with these kinds of things. You may accept the negatives and still prefer it, but there's totally something wrong here.
The trinket is far more egregious than shadowmourne. Whereas legendary weapons require guild cooperation and effort, this trinket is a mix of luck and braindead camping.
To answer the implied question, the wrongs it causes is that PvP scene declines if the gateway to PvP is too high, since everyone already did their 3-day campout or their lucky 1/1-million drop or what not.
People see this and say "ah I'll pass. Sounds like too much work to get in" and as a result queue times go through the roof as top tier PvPers only ever leave the game as their life responsibilities increase while fewer and fewer enter the scene.
Lastly, it kind of feels bad, for most, to just die in one hit to something from someone the same level as you. Losing hard because they had magical trinket and you didn't feels bad--especially if its just a one sided stomp solely due to the item's power, rather than player skill. An item giving a slight edge is nice, but power boosts on the order of 20% and higher is just too much if there's not a reasonable path to acquire it.
The goal is to convince others. When people reply with their little gotchas and escapes like "zoomie/reddit-spacing/tranny" you know they aren't interested in changing their pea-sized minds. They are either stirring shit for fun, or genuinely pathetic and delusional enough to believe drivel justifications for shit game design in an otherwise enjoyable MMORPG.
This sums it up far better than I ever could. It's ok to have huge power boosts if they are approachable (though not necessarily easy).
I don't need to have the solution to a problem to recognize it. Probably 2-3 hours personally. That's my answer if you want a red-herring to sperg about.
Eat shit faggot you don't need the leather, go be an annoying faggot and zoomercleave somewhere else.
Literally projecting your meltdown on to me kid
Rare items give people an incentive to keep playing the game, goals to reach and inspiration when they see high end players using it. Now shoo tranny.
>There's a distinct difference between actively working for something that is reasonable to obtain
The difference is if you don't have it it's not reasonable to attain. Answer the question:
>It would be unfair if you had one[Tidal Charm] and they didn't, no?
>Probably 2-3 hours personally. That's my answer if you want a red-herring to sperg about.
Sounds to me like you're yet another wowfugee faggot that thinks they're hot shit yet end up doing fuck all dps and make dungeons take twice as long. Stay out.
Who cares if theres a shitshow among the rabble. Should casuals who don't even raid just cry until they're given Shadowmourne?
>just hit level 35 today
>Already feeling really burnt out
>Not satisfied with my choice of faction or class
>No way in hell I'm starting over
Guess I'll take a break and see how I feel in a few days.
Maybe time for a bank alt and some auction house playing
I said shut up bitch dont speak to your elders that way. I'll out DPS you on WHM with Holy given the track record of the playerbase.
>he doesn't spend time merching and flipping at the AH
it's like you fags never played runescape or something
Why dont you suck his dick already zoomie tranny
>Rare items give people an incentive to keep playing the game
Afking for weeks is not playing the game.
>goals to reach and inspiration when they see high end players using it.
Oh wow yes I sure am 'inspired' to go sit afk for weeks on end underwater, not even playing the game, just having a macro spamming /prince running 24/7.
If that's the best you've got then you don't have anything at all.
>It would be unfair if you had one[Tidal Charm] and they didn't, no?
Yes, so when I have to go against other people with it I want it.
Your point was...what exactly?
Normally I dont like censorship on here but they really need to make tranny change to something else. Its been overused to the point its lost its purpose and just become a buzzword for "someone I dislike."
I got an Orc hunter to 34 before I rerolled another hunter simply because I wanted to be play a Troll instead. Takes like not even 3 days to catch back up if you know what you're doing.
shit like that is exactly why classic leveling SUCKS.. theres no logical zone progression what-so-ever.
>healer tranny with an ego
Yup, checking all the boxes of a terrible player. Stay out
BFA trannies get out nobody likes you. Just fucking quit the game right now and crawl back to retail.
Classic is a game where bear asses to level up and explore more of an interesting, huge world that you aren't encouraged to just teleport around instead of adventuring.
Retail is a game where you fight snake dudes as a daily chore in exchange for occasionally getting cosmetic shit.
You don't have to tell me. Its not even worth coming back to if they can't change anything. I don't wanna miss out on the Nier raids but its not worth the sub.
Im better than all of you at XIV and WoW. Its funny watching you squirm.
Good. Stay out.
Doing daily chores in exchange for cosmetics isn't fun
And before the little tranny tries to use this as an excuse to duck out, I'm replying to you faggot.
Let's continue on, I want to blow you the fuck out even more.
just quit and move on you'll be better off.
There is no blowing out to have. This is entirely opinion based. Some people think rare things should stay exceedingly rare, and some think they should be easier or more accessible to people. For me that latter devalues the items.
>Your point was...what exactly?
>especially not one so impactful in PvP. Tidal Charm single handedly wins fights.
If there's an item that's that impactful on PvP why shouldn't it be something that everyone has access to? Clearly you're this assmad over someone else having that advantage over you to the point where you want to completely gut the idea of a rare mob/item from the game but just so you can have that advantage instead without putting in the effort other people already are?
By my guess you're an unironic communist
Get out of our thread XIV tranny, you're not wanted here either
Cool, just come play Archeage Unchained when it releases like the rest of us.
>rare items should only be as rare as they need to be to allow everyone who wants it to have it
>Provide argument
>Other guy just keeps pretending you didn't say anything and that your arguments aren't real because he can't take criticism of his world view
Dumb tranny
>unga bunga we build house and pvp in open field and do nothing else
Maybe we should have a system where we can vote away posts that hurt our fee fees
I just stopped by for a PSA, don't worry I'm going now. Don't want to catch your tranny germs
Thats why I legit prefer Reddit. I honestly just come here to laugh at the funny dumb shit you nerds say. Its basically just for entertainment.
>play on a PvP server
>don't really start fights with Horde players and usually just /wave
>Shaman who outlevels me attacks
>start kicking his ass
>he pussies out and ghost wolfs away
>didn't even have my amazing pally dungeon quest hammer yet
>XIV player complaining about ERP of all things
Back to the Quicksand little WoL
>Thats why I legit prefer Reddit
We know you do, yet your types always come over here because you know where the actual entertainment is. Retail/Reddit trannies need to go back
You. Can. Still. Have. Rare. Items. Without. A. Garbage. Mechanic. Like. Long. As. Fuck. Monster. Respawns.
>Pendulum of Doom
>You can run Ulduman a shit ton
>Probably won't get it ever
>But if you keep trying you'll get it, you're actively playing the fucking game to work towards your goal.
>Oh I have to sit underwater
>Not even playing
>Not killing anything, not moving around, not doing anything other than waiting for my macro to successfully target a rare monster
>Whoops somebody else tagged it first, that was 3 days well spent, yep, great. Love that shit right there.
>rare items should only be as rare as they need to be to allow everyone who wants it to have it
Correct. I'd rather the monster respawned quicker and had less of a drop % over how it is currently. There's 0 fun / grind / gameplay to be had. You are basically absent from playing for weeks until you get it.
Dumb tranny.
thats quite impressive since shamans counter paladins.
Unless you're a paladin with deathray, that's always a good trinket.
But I play as a dwarf and assume everyone is a guy, even if they say they're a girl.
Well no shit I just said that. I come here for fun. I go to Reddit for intelligent discussion and news.
>I'd rather the monster respawned quicker and had less of a drop % over how it is currently
I know, thus
>>rare items should only be as rare as they need to be to allow everyone who wants it to have it
was sarcasm. What is the definition of Rare in your head? Are people with skulls irl rare to you?
Something isn't rare if anyone who wants it can have it.
This, like fucking half of the level 60 content is crammed into that one mountain.
you seem angry, a sign of weakness.
it's pretty sure now you're terrible at the game lol
>I go to Reddit for intelligent discussion and news.
Oh nice, so how bad is Orange Man today and when is that impeachment coming?
Thinking certain subs represent all of Reddit is like pretending Yea Forums is all of Yea Forums.
>>Whoops somebody else tagged it first, that was 3 days well spent, yep, great. Love that shit right there.
So we should get rid of tagging mobs altogether, I wonder why retail is failing
Not because of mob tagging.
Warrior on classic is much more annoying than on private servers
Hamstring kiting is fucked due to hitboxes and the delay between inner rage ending and being able to charge is like 4 seconds
Fuck off to retaill stupid tranny nobody cares
Oh by all means, please tell me where I can go to find these intelligent discussions you're having, I just hope any opinions against the hive mind are properly hidden from my sight as should be
But what if someone waits at a rare spawn for even 8 hours just to have someone else tag it? Clearly you're still not satisfied in that scenario if the item you want isn't in your hand when you want it
Wow is a shit game.
It has always been a shit game.
You think you do, but you don't.
>>before the last guy leaves he tells me i suck
yikes lmao
i play tank and i get some fuckhead idiots who will pull mobs or don't understand how aggro works causing my job to be a lot harder than it needs to be
but despite the most retarded ones i've never told them they're shit i just try to bite my tongue and be polite
Yes it fucking is. A low % drop rate item is, objectively, rare. When somebody gets a 0.1% drop rate weapon from a certain group of enemies in an instance, that is rare. Of fucking course it is. Anybody can run that over and over again to try get the same thing and at least that is ACTIVELY encouraging playing the game.
Waiting for a Rare as fuck monster that everybody else on the server is waiting for, that has a 3 fucking day spawn timer, and a 50% chance to drop the item is garbage game design.
It encourages sitting with the game open, but you not actually playing for fucking days/weeks/months.
The issue isn't what I think rare is. The Tidal Charm is rare, objectively, it's just a shit form of rare due to it being dependent on a single fucking monster respawn which has a 3 day window.
I'm not angry at all. Imagine being this intimidated by words on an anonymous imageboard. Did you get bullied in school you little victim? lmao
We should get rid of a 3 day spawning monster holding a gamebreakingly overpowered PvP trinket.
Considering this entire thread has changed to this topic I brought off I'd say everybody cares. Cope harder you literal who tranny, adults are talking.
Not everything you do has to be satisfying or rewarding in games. Not everything has to pay off just because you put in time and effort either.
>it's just a shit form of rare due to it being dependent on a single fucking monster respawn which has a 3 day window.
Psssst, that's why it's rare. Literally sorry you can't have every item in the game you want immediately, it must be hard for zoom zooms
>Not everything you do has to be satisfying or rewarding in games
Such as spending the amount of time and effort in to getting the rare item from a mob that only spawns every 3 days.
>Yes it fucking is. A low % drop rate item is, objectively, rare. When somebody gets a 0.1% drop rate weapon from a certain group of enemies in an instance, that is rare. Of fucking course it is. Anybody can run that over and over again to try get the same thing and at least that is ACTIVELY encouraging playing the game.
>Waiting for a Rare as fuck monster that everybody else on the server is waiting for, that has a 3 fucking day spawn timer, and a 50% chance to drop the item is garbage game design.
>It encourages sitting with the game open, but you not actually playing for fucking days/weeks/months.
Stop wasting your time.
There's no arguing with the "#NOCHANGES" crowd.
We could've had a good game. Instead we have the same garbage that got released 15 years ago when everyone was retarded enough to eat it up.
Make a faction of rare hunters in the lore. Each rare hunt gives you a token of something based on the expansion/difficulty. Super good rare drops can be acquired by spending a tremendous amount of the tokens at the faction to get what you want. That way if you never get any luck from farming rares, you still feel like you're making progress towards one.
Someone's mad about transmog
i tank as druid when the team needs a tank, and god damn has it made me realize how absolute shit most warrior tanks are
also how much of an idiot most DPS are
>can't follow kill orders
>can't cc targets
>warrior running around like a chicken with no head making it a pain in the ass to focus on targets without chasing them
cant wait to go heal spec at 60 to not deal with this shit anymore
>Such as spending the amount of time and effort in to getting the rare item from a mob that only spawns every 3 days.
Thats right. Im agreeing with that notion. Its okay for gameplay to sometimes not be fun and engaging in order to acquire something rare.
>Each rare hunt gives you a token of something based on the expansion/difficulty
>each rare hunt
>dude if you go to the rare's spawn 3 days in a row you automatically get the item!
>This is great game design
>hey why is everyone going to the 15 year old game
Wow you sound like you'd make a riveting game dev.
Tokens were introduced on TBC.
Game population kept growing until it hit peak in WotLK.
No, classic wasn't the highlight of WoW.
>I hear people are being inconvenienced! THIS MUST STOP!
>hey hey wait come back, retail is good too still, see?!
What is a 'rare hunt'?
get a fucking job
Green server soon. I'm going home for real this time
I don't know, I'm not him. Just replying to your retarded post.
>classic was absolutely PERFECT in every conceivably way and everything that came afterwards was an absolute mistake despite the fact the playerbase kept growing for two expansions
Fuck off to retail tranny
I have tidal charm, but you never gona be able to get it, stupid tranny ^)
Classic wasn't perfect, but I'll accept it for its flaws before claiming the entire idea of rare things should be removed because that's how it is in muh retail
Psst, dilate tranny lmao
Making these apologists seethe is all the reward I need.
Look how many of these impotent fucks have stopped replying to me. These victims can't argue for shit.
And I have a gf, something you're never going to pass as, tranny lmao
I played on p99 for a while but the drama gave me cancer. EQ was my first though, so it's always satisfying to go back. EQ pvp sucks ass though.
Things retail objectively does better:
>quest maps
>LFG (without the summon feature)
>Cost of mounts, when to earn mounts
>more flight paths
>talent spec system
>barber shop
>quest helper
>Psst, dilate tranny lmao
>Mommy mommy I want that rare mommy! Why can't I have that rare mommy!?! Make them change it to a schedule that works exactly right for me! Also mommy make it so people can't take a thing if I want it!
imagine the smell
It's not the entire idea of rare things, it's outright game design.
Good game design dictates that the player striving for a goal has a way to feel he's actually getting closer to it.
Drop rates are generally shitty, but they're acceptable because you can simply kill mobs faster. You don't feel you getting any closer and that's retarded, but hey at least you're playing the game.
In this case, not only you don't feel any kind of feedback for your time investment, spending hours, days without getting closer to your goal being a possibility, but you don't even play the game, because it's only one particular mob. So getting the item amounts to spamming your macro.
You retards that defend this egregious bullshit to be "hardcore" remind me of OC comic about people jumping of a cliff and saying the ground is so casual because they didn't broke all of their bones, you're all fucking retarded.
Pathethic retail loser considers having gf an unbelievable achievement, what an unpredictable turn of events
>It's not the entire idea of rare things, it's outright game design.
>>rare items should only be as rare as they need to be to allow everyone who wants it to have it
I'm seeing a fundamental inability to understand what 'rare' means, game design completely aside
Mommy mommy that person has an item I don't and it gives them an advantage! Get rid of it mommy or give me one! It's not FAIR!
can you please explain to me why DPS LOVE killing the mob that ISN'T marked with a skull, making aggro twice as difficult to maintain?
what the fuck is going through their heads?
any of these retarded DPS in chat? explain yourselves.
To counter it.
I thought I didn't, but it seems I did for now.
I don't know this feel, I only sell things that will obviously sell
the only losers here are the fuckwit cunts playing classic and pretending to enjoy it..
15 year old garbage
Is there anyway to hold aggro from mobs if both me and the team attack the mob at the same time? Even in Def stance it seems like I have to wait until I get enough rage to use Sunder to get aggro back or use taunt if I don't manage it but I'm not sure if I'm messing up or I have to tell em to wait a bit before attacking
Tranny blizz apologist thinks being a loner virgin isn't absolutely pathetic lmao
Cringe seethe dilate cope tranny boy.
Actually, retail targets furries, weebs, and Method. The dude bros are on Classic, just a little fyi for you there, sweetie.
>>>rare items should only be as rare as they need to be to allow everyone who wants it to have it
Never said this.
Rare items should be rare because the investment in effort/time needed to get them should make them rare.
Out of these, the best ones are the ones that require investment in effort, but since this is an MMORPG and it's a genre that exists to cater to mouthbreathing retards, we have to go with time investment.
Even if we have to make do with time investment, there are several degrees of acceptability in how you're investing your time.
Are you investing your time actually playing the game in an engaging manner (combat, exploring, crafting, etc...)? No, you're not.
And generally speaking, it's good game design to allow the player to have a mean to gauge how close he is to his goal, or how much time investment he's gonna require. Not the case in here either, as I already said, you can spend entire weeks spamming your little macro instead of actually playing the game, getting only three chances to tag the mob, tagging him only once, and not getting your item.
This is an entirely frustrating experience, and of the bad kind. It's not the frustration you feel when you fail at killing a boss or wipe in a bad pull. It's the frustration you feel when you're facing bullshit that's taking up the time you're paying to play a game.
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>you can spend entire weeks spamming your little macro instead of actually playing the game, getting only three chances to tag the mob, tagging him only once, and not getting your item.
Or you can not. That's why it's rare. In your fantasy world
>Person walks to where the rare spawn is
>whether or not the mob is there the item teleports in to your inventory
I like it, let's push that to the next retail expansion
I do want it but holy fuck this isn't worth $15 per month. I want to slow-play getting to 60 over a year. And that isn't worth $225 to me.
looks like a clusterfuck to me
Yeah I don't know why I even bothered.
You're a fucking retard.
Sorry m8, your examples of good game design are why people are leaving the top MMO in the world for the 15 year old initial version of itself.
try rp servers
You are so shit you cant beat 15yo game, get lost tranny
Retail cuck thinks that geting gf is hard and thats why he lets her cuck him repeadetly with jamal
Every server is medium/low pop now. Retail is nowhere to be seen on Twitch.
It's essentially dead 2 weeks in.
No they're not, my examples of game design started being applied on TBC, and the playerbase of WoW kept increasing all the way until WotLK.
didn't he already siphon money out of people for this many years ago?
Which euro shithole are you from?
I completely agree, anybody who trains flying should have been given a Time Lost Protodrake
I already quit the game. It's bullshit and I hate the people that play it, they're insufferable.
Dumb retail tranny
Time Lost Protodrake is easy to get. I think it should be s1 gladiator mount.
cant believe you fags are actually playing this instead of old school runescape
like just come back when the game actually has content LOL
Anything that is difficult to get should be easy [for me] to get or else it's bad game design
>Spamming the same image from weeks ago
Meanwhile in reality, from logging in right now, here's what it actually looks like. Embarrassing.
I'm on classic. It's empty. Nice try though classic tranny.
>English, German, French, Russian
So which euro-shithole are you from?
It's 2:30 AM on a working day in Europe...
Same. I’m not sure what I expected but the people playing this are the same ones that play retail. The mentality is the same, just use and step on everyone else for personal gain.
It's 1am. Servers look like that at peak time too. The game is completly empty. Zones are devoid of anybody, big cities like Undercity and Org are empty. The game is dying 2 weeks in lmao, even shitty chink MMOs have a longer lifespan than this garbage game.
wow doesn't cater to the neet demographic, sorry
>Servers look like that at peak time too.
Then why did you have to take a screenshot at the exact opposite of peak time to prove your point? C'mon little eurofag, which country do you live in? Show some of that national shithole pride
This goes way beyond inconvenienced.
You would think so, but they tried that every expansion after Classic and it only got worse and worse. WEAKNESSES are what make classes interesting and fun to play not balance. Especially when balance is literally impossible. Modern WoW is proof of that.
How about
Those improvements split the world and every life upon it. This tragedy of retail cannot come to pass again.
If other people are doing it it's not 'nearly impossible', you're just a whiny loner cunt
You keep repeating this bullshit and I keep telling you it's wrong.
Game kept getting more popular and better for two expansions.
Classic was NEVER the peak of this game, and plenty of people bitched about it at its time.
Because I am awake now and we're discussing it now?
Are you retarded el ogro de las americas?
>Because I am awake now and we're discussing it now?
Which country are you from, shitholer
It doesnt work that way. You see, if dumb trannyc alls other trannies nobody gona take it seriously. Now fuck off to your precious retail and go suck dicks in goldshire while circlejerking with last remaining 5 retail players how bad classic is.
Highly disagree, and so does most of the community it seems. Weaknesses get you excluded from content. Nothing else.
If only .01% of the population have something despite everyone trying to get it then yes its nearly impossible.
The highest sub point=/=best point of a game.
Oh yeah, how convenient that we're not running by any objective metric of success, but just by your subjective opinion of what constitutes a good game and what not.
But I want tidal charm for participation reeeeee
>>guildie wanted to do maraudon and needed a healer
>>bit underleveled but he was adamant i should join since he needed someone
this is why you don't join guilds while you're leveling. guilds will do nothing but distract you and have you running shit you dont want to.
Not muttland anyway.
Classic is dying quicker than chink MMOs. Cope harder tranny.
Its widely considered to me, not just me. People just kept subbing to finish the job.
>despite everyone trying to get it
I forgot that every single person playing Classic is waiting on that spawn. That's where the real queue is at. With 3 day respawns I'm going to be waiting here doing absolutely nothing for 3 years just so I can personally get this item!
>Not muttland anyway.
The shithole you live in is so shitty you can't even state what shitty shithole it is lmao