How do we stop console wars

How do we stop console wars

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By making tranny jannies actually do their fucking job

By making people enjoy games for themselves.
PCs can emulate about everything but last two home consoles and current handheld.
The games do not get worse with age, the only thing that goes down with time is the fandom hype, and that should be the last reason for playing games.

Stop giving them attention.
Stop buying exclusives.

eliminate the south americans that have to spend their family's life savings on a single console

You don't

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Ban Canadians and Brazilians.

ban all americans

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Console wars exist because of children and poor people who can't afford all the systems they want, so they have to constantly convince themselves they made the right choice by rabidly defending it. So the solution is get rid of children and poor people.

Rev up those gas chambers.

Killing the jews

We don't. It's part and parcel of video game culture and has been around long before Yea Forums or the World Wide Web.

Gassing children seems like a great idea to ensure your people die out after one generation

Yes but it was never as bad as today

>who don't browse reddit at all
>like, at all!
is it really that fucking hard to believe

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You obviously weren't a kid in the early 90s.

By all gamers rising up, getting wives,starting families and stop playing with toys.


Now it's adults doing it

Yes. These people are literally unable to understand how others have different tastes or opinions than them. Which is why they cannot talk about politics or controversial media without turning into a retarded child.

Guess we never grew up.

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by banning all sonyfags, they have no games to play so all they do is post about their movies/walking simulators all day long

War? Your mistaken. Nintenchads won long ago.

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I hope you enjoy people derailing your Nintendo threads with console warring.