New Genre created:

New Genre created:

Fitness RPG or FRPG.

Attached: unnamed_uy3n.png (632x359, 439K)

Swole-Playing Game

Is this the wii fit replacement

this shit's pathetic, just get a dog or something if you can't go outside on your own

Thats nice but i can go on scoobys workshop for free and not look like a retard

apparently is being made by the miitopia and labo people...
I liked miitopia but the rpg aspect was kinda shallow, this one if they have options could be fun... At least some minigames reminded me of pilotwings like the parachute one

that girl is the next Smash bros character.
calling it now

>that girl is the next Smash bros character

Attached: EERNJ3lXoAAvJ3W.jpg (1400x788, 50K)

I can't imagine anyone autistic enough to unironically pick this up, just go to the gym or some shit

Yes please.


>playing "fitness games"
>when you could just play DDR/PIU and get the same effect without it being a retarded cringy game


Because it is a videogame, don't you like videogames user?

After this they better start working on Miitopia 2

At least its an adventure turnbased game instead of those gay wii fit minigame collection
I doubt any dev would actually go back to these controls but they could have put in more effort and a little more depth to the game play
like a hydration counter or measure how many calories you eat in a day and you get bonuses
it worked for pokemon go

This is the kind of dumb shit that would be perfect for Jerma

Hope he tries it out

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Somebody explain to me how this works

perfect name

Attached: rarewarecrew.gif (580x326, 3.61M)

You move around the world by jogging in place or otherwise doing some workout shit, in an encounter you attack by doing various workouts. Match the color of the enemy to the workout for Max damage, red for arms, yellow for core, blue for legs, and green for yoga.

This sounds hilarious

>not exerising with cute chubby bear cub
why live

Attached: 1568302665252.webm (1104x620, 1.65M)

I like the concept. If it's also good as a game and not too basic/with too little content, I'll pick it up once it gets a little cheaper.

picking it up day one. I want to get fit but i dont have motivation to get out of house apart for work. Ill give my review on it on Yea Forums. Not vid though cos i have no idea how to create good quality video.

i need porn of her

i need porn of the bodybuilder dragon but rule 63d with the outfit being super skintight.


It's an RPG-lite, like Miitopia, except the attacks are fitness moves instead of clicking things in a menu.

I see now what the combat was reminding me of. Fucking Miitopia. Such a shit game

Actually, this isn’t a new genre.
A new genre is a boring walking simulator with long nonsensical cutscenes, outdated controls, and bad gameplay mechanics. Kojima told me this.
