Honestly, the fact that Gears has only gotten better with each game is nothing short of a miracle...


>Honestly, the fact that Gears has only gotten better with each game is nothing short of a miracle. It is clear to me that everyone working on this series cares, and are willing to go above and beyond to polish anything to make the game bigger and better.

>At no point did I ever feel like The Coalition ever rested on their laurels, or cut corners. While there are some issues that I would like to see addressed in future, Gears 5 has had a strong start and I am eager to see where it is in the next six to twelve months.

>With plans for new content packs every 3 months, there will definitely be enough here to keep me engaged for a long time. Gears 5 is not just a good Gears of War title, it is a love letter to fans who have been around from the beginning with many callbacks to previous entries.

Attached: gears-5-09-08-19-1.jpg (1280x720, 296K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>it is a love letter

Attached: 1388511993600.png (1023x909, 108K)

All Gears games were shit
Change my mind

Gears picked with the 3 one

Attached: 1568310958019.png (432x559, 580K)

What type of people play the Gears games?


Attached: 1568159187651.jpg (1000x945, 174K)

>literal who

all people who likes tps games, it is literally the pinnacle of it

>Honestly, the fact that Gears has only gotten better with each game is nothing short of a miracle.
4 was already pretty bad and definitely worse than the 360 titles.


>it is a love letter to fans who have been around from the beginning
How many of those people are even left?

Dumb ESLposter

I’m enjoying Gears 5. Simple as that.

>all people who likes tps games
people who like shit tps movie games

DSP loves Gears 5 so it must be good

>Cover based shit in 2019
I sleep

As far as gameplay goes, Gears has gotten better with each title. That's an indisputable fact

Attached: 1565529743642.jpg (900x1600, 268K)

Story wise
Gears 2>1>3>5>4


Dq fuq, Tyler?

Attached: Capture.png (596x559, 13K)

>praise Kait
How to identify paid shills

>AAA highly anticipated game from an old franchise
>One week after release
>Only 2k Steam user reviews

You can circle jerk all you want, but people aint that retarded.

Attached: Screenshot_20190910-144151.png (1080x2160, 960K)

The opposite of people that play weeb dating sims so normal hetero men.

Gears 4 had best multiplayer. I think its probably better than 5's tho I haven't played much.

I only play the campaigns in couch coop with a buddy. It's kinda hard to find games with decent productions values that actually support split screen coop.

>and I am eager to see where it is in the next six to twelve months.
Imagine having to wait to see if a game is good or not even after it releases, in hopes that DLC or multiplayer bullshit fixes it.

>Can't play as Baird or Cole in multiplayer

Attached: 6d64fdc63d37f8000032cc69baa4b80643cb8cb1.png (421x394, 16K)

Clearly enough people are to keep these fucking shill journos in the top seat of the market.

normal gay men, then.

Idorts like myself. I play the nest every platform has to offer. In this case PC Gamepass Ultimate

That main character chick looks like a huge dyke. Is that true?