Get woke...
Get woke
There was not a lot of woke shit in it.
The game should of been linear and not open world.
Maybe it has more to do with being a bland sequel to a bland game nobody cared about.
It’s good people just don’t give it enough time.
go steam go broke
>all women are ugly and flat and beer bellied, most men are ripped
>niggers everywhere
>scripted event where a thinfat woman beats up a man in a brawl
>they even made loosum ugly
>your sister is a fucking disgusting dyke
Dont give enough time... Yea I get what you mean. It is fps game that starts slow and basic features are put behind progression systems. Like in DOOM you were fully decked pretty fast and you even get the most powerful weapon before the first half. Like it honestly seemed fun. Dont care about the woke shitting. But seeing how so much of it is behind progression systems im still gonna wait until it drops to 75% or more....
Not surprised. This happens to almost every Avalanche Studios game a few months after release.
$20 is a great price for this game, the combat is fun as fuck
If any of you anons play it, pls play on nightmare.
The game is absolutely easy af on hard difficulty.
Pretty much the only good thing about the game.
Some of the areas looked cool....
>this is gabe's plan to stop borderlands 3
Pathetic, honestly.
The deluxe edition gives you the bfg from doom in the very beginning but it only has 4 rounds and I think there’s only very limited ammo for it in the game. It’s more like a, can you kill this guy for me, weapon for plebs.
Why do anons consider blacks being in a game as sjw? Even Tekken 7 was recently called sjw.
>combat is the only thing good about it
user what are you trying to say?
The combat is the only real good thing in the game
Not that guy but the lategame combat looks Doom 2016 level of fun in the hands of a good player but sadly it takes so long to get there that the game doesnt just feel worth it.
>most men are ripped
fucking everyone is ugly retard
unironically fucking kill yourself
>make save before buying skin
>buy skin
>reload save
>skin is in you innovatory and the credits returned to you.
I did this for the gold skins and the MBtv shit.
No need to buy the coin bs, you get $ and MBtv shit from just playing the game.
don't tell Todd
Yeah that needs to die. There's a time and place to call out "product placement". Nintendo Switch commercials are filled with groups of people that are pretty unusual to be together. 90% of that commercial though is filled with people of all nationalities mixed together. 2 or 3 groups of people is believable, but almost all of them??
ah, i set that game on ignore so i don't ever see it. not surprised, it looks fucking awful and they must have paid steam some shekels because it was fucking everywhere. I felt disgust at looking at that thing on the cover, looks gross. Idk why western devs are so into ugly looking people but they are. i guess it's not a nigger? so it's ok for them.
ID is far from the company they were when they were at the cutting edge of video games. even some of the stuff they considered failures were still good. Now they produce fucking garbage like rage 2. absolutely embarrassing.
It’s fun as hell mid game too. Just focus on ark hunting. I think the pacing is what makes it so good.
because they're unironically racist
desu I don't recall seeing a black goon squad member in game.
Lol weak that’s what I was grinding.
you can buy ammo but its 1000 bucks a pop
Because the alt-right is too stupid to make their own videogames, so all videogames are sjw.
Why the women all gotta look like feet?
Make it 75% off and I'll buy it
Just kidding, imma wait for it to hit Humble Bundle
because goobergate wormed its way into the mod team and they are all about letting their incel discord buddies "redpill" (aka shit up) this board for at least 2-3 years now
>walk outside
>see nigger
>day ruined
what fucking post-apocalyptic world would not have racial divisions? Or women just running around playing at being strong, independent females? Niggers would be enslaved or they would be a majority and mass starvation and death would be the order of the day. yeah, it's not realistic setting but there's no actual thought put into it either. So i can see why some people dislike it and call it politicized. It's basically the antithesis of politicized, it's sanitized so that people can't call it political, but some people see through the corporate speak and call it out. Not that I give a fuck.
So the women you gun down in this game are all disgusting whores and addicts? Based!
>have schizo /pol/tard meltdown
>"not that I give a fuck"
this is why hate the modern videogame industry, if this was done many years ago we could've gotten a solid FPS classic campaign like Doom,FEAR, HL2 and all the others but NOOOOOO, DUDE OPEN WORLD SANDBOX LMAO
I still wait for 80% off.
I wish games would cost like 40$ on release, not 60.
nooooo they took away our vidya bros!
rise up incels! shitpost as hard as you can that'll show them
The newest guy is black. Also why the fuck would you complain about a goddamn black guy with a gun in a game like Rage?
Pucker up buttercup, were punching nazi’s.
because it's the only race that sjw care about. That and brown people. They have conditioned people to automatically assume that black people = woke.
Case and point. If they stopped shoving black people into everything for political reasons, people wouldn't really care.
>what fucking post-apocalyptic world would not have racial divisions?
Most of them, people would be way more concerned with other shit than muh niggers and muh jews. During the Blqck plague do you think the ones infected were thinking about how great being white is?
Bland open-world game I wouldn't spend 5 bucks on.
>be tranny
>game fails because its a pile of shit
But sjws have litterally made a shit ton of cartoons with hispanics and Asians yet you dumb fucks ignore that constantly.
>There was not a lot of woke shit in it.
Really? Every character in the game is either a STRONK woman or an old bitter/insane man. And the villains are literal Trump and literal Hitler. Still, a very fun game if you skip the cutscenes and just fuck around. Make sure to pirate it, CIA already paid for your copy with their propaganda budget.
I fucking hate trannies but that doesn't mean I have to bitch and moan evwry time I see a fucking black in a game. You are acting just like sjws on twitter.
It's not promoted nearly as much. Also most sjw consider asians to be privileged
it's $15 on keysites
mmm tasty seethe
you need to learn how to read, i just explained why some people don't like it and think it's political. I really don't care about Rage 2, it looks terrible for none of those reasons I brought up.
>It's not promoted nearly as much.
It's promoted constantly, hell one if the main things sjws keep complain about these days have to do with Hispanics. Why ignore that as well?
>Tell me Captain, if gamers are so great why are there no good female developers.png
I got so much shit to play right now I don't even know where to start
Good thing I lost my job today
Notch made Minecraft, which is more popular than all SJW games combined, and he's an extreme nazi who would be too hardcore even for /pol// So.....yeah.
seeIt's a post apocalypse aesthetic where almost everyone is butt ugly, man and woman.
And for some reason whenever a white character gets replaced in anything, it's almost always a black person
They have a whole hierarchy of victim hood
>one group doing the vast majority of murder and robberies
hurr durr we're just going to ignore that and walk into a dark ally with them.
Saying dilate isn't a reason and saying "BUT THERE'S NIGGERS!!" isn't a valid reason either. It's sjw tier bullshit
rememberm if you dislike forced political correctness in the gaming industry, if you dislike censorship because of triggered non-consumers, you MUST be a wojak crying trump supporter!
its flawless logic!
gib deets
Ya but the women look like they just wandered off the res. Can we get some butterflies at least?
This game was barely worth a pirate. I would argue the first one was actually better even if that one was pretty meh as well
sounds like a post-apocalypse to me
And anons aslo ignore when a Hispanic character replaces a character. Did you know Powerman is Hispanic now, or that Ultron is? That there are at least 5 Hispanic spidermen/women? Hell even Miles whose the 2nd half black spiderman is Hispanic.
you are so dumb
I'm more of a DC guy user so I don't really know what you're talking about.
I thought Powerman was Luke Cage
there is actually a lot of sjw shit in it.
it even has some underline message of "white male privialge"
you "sister" is portrayed as smarter and better then you but she can't use the power suits unlike you due to her dna
they also removed all the sexy girls form the first rage game
Then ignore whites since they rape the most. But during a apocalyptic hellscape eceryone would be worried more about their survival than anything else. How is this a new concept
Better put a woke SJW feminist on our first person shooters box, because that will change millions of years of evolution and make women want to play FPS
>game fails because its a pile of shit
Having too many SJWs on board will make your game shit since for those people game not braking any made up rules is more important than any actual quality.
Is this character design good? I dunno, but we made sure to not make it too objectifying. Is the plot good? Who cares as long as it's politically correct.
You could just as well try to make a good game with a team of christian fundamentalists. They don't know how to make en exciting game, but they can list 10,000 exciting things that need to be removed from the game because they offend Jesus Christ.
Problem is out of the 5 main character 3 are stronk women (mayor, partner, mentor) and 2 are disgraced old men (bartender, scientist). Seems like they're trying to tell me something. The age of men is over, that seems to be the message. I don't like this message.
>67% off already
Dear lord was it that bad?
So are they just trying to take the triggered sjw stigma and apply it to white men?
Do they think people are just going to ignore all the crying they do about being called the wrong pronoun?
The left can't even come up with their own fucking insults let alone memes
I dont think it sold bad because of that, it sold bad because it was a game that no one asked for. No one gave a fuck about RAGE, I don't know what possessed them to think people would want a sequel.
Luke Cage retired and now the new Powerman is Hispanic same for the new Falcon and Ghost Rider.
The game is honestly SHIT but that quest line in the desert to unlock the BFG somehow felt so kino. I loved it. Don't regret playing it but for the love of god don't pay those people.
whiteys go on 'straight pride' parades (so embarrassing) just because there's a gay pride parade.
the previews game was actually kinda famous for having several really cute girls running around in revealing clothes.
of course that came out long before liberals and sjws started to attack games.
the sequel is full of sjw garbage
wait what the fuck when did this game come out
It kinda plays like open world nu-Doom though. You'd think people would be into the idea.
So first they do a black character push with Miles,Moon girl and Iron Heart
And now they're doing it again but with hispanics
I can't remember one black person in the game
YES that's it makes those shitposts.
don't forget to post your epic alt-right frog and clown, too.
that'll show the companies worth billions that a handful right wing fagnuts "dislike" them putting women and minorities in their games
The quest line? You mean driving out of the tutorial zone and seeing a meteor hit a mountain in front of you?
>3 are stronk women
1 of which dies in the first 10 minutes of play, the other hardly contributes in the entire game and the third contributes about as much as the two other men.
Your reasoning is dishonest or poorly thought out.
Do you think people should ignore all the crying that white men do when a black person gets in a game?
pretty sure the people triggered are the ones attacking the parade for existing
They also go to gay parades, you don't find that embarassing somehow. Weird
Do you mean the Pulse Cannon? The BFG just comes from some meteor that spawns at the start
They've been doing it with Hispanics yet anons only care about when a black gets pushed. Hispanic Ghost rider is from 2015 or 2016 yet no one talked about that sjw shit.
I think they should stop putting black people in games for political reasons. No one gave a shit about adding black characters to things in the 90s because it wasn't advertised as something ground breaking
My mistake he's from 2014
Yeah it's just a thing that's lame
It’s just so over the top goofy. Some grandma with a gauge and a sun spot. Come on man.
>1 of which dies in the first 10 minutes of play
Yeah but she's a hologram that literally tells you what to do for you entire game.
>other hardly contributes in the entire game
Huh? She tells you what to do on your radio for the duration of the whole game.
>third contributes about as much as the two other men
True, but the two men are either bitter or insane, she on the other hand is flawless and stronk. If she was as broken and dysfunctional as the men maybe I wouldn't complain.
to be fair not a lot of people are reading Marvel anymore
DC is following their lead with Bendis writing for Superman and Batman. Also Zoe Quinn is doing a Superman/Batman crossover thing
So what is the political reason they are in Rage 2,Tekken 7, and the new Guilty Gear?
They are embarrassing, so are the gay pride parades where grown ass men dress up as latex dog slaves and cover themselves in dildos. I thought gays wanted everyone to believe they're normal. They need to weed out the fucking weirdos who do shit like that.
Yeah I mean the pulse cannon. WTF I guess I never found that BFG, I though pulse cannon was it. Oh well. The Pulse Cannon quest line felt really nice to me somehow.
>be /pol/autist
>sperg out at the sight of a black person
Diversity is our strength user
>Tekken 7, and the new Guilty Gear
pretty sure minorities weren't added in these games for political reasons.
>Bendis writing for Superman and Batman. Also Zoe Quinn is doing a Superman/Batman crossover thing
Sweet Jesus...
This game killed Mad Max 2
thank you, Todd
Hey weren't added in for political reasons but anons complained none the less. Leroy was called sjw because he beat 3 characters in his trailer and it was suppsoed to be a sign that Jews control Japan now.
it's fun.
The BFG was a deluxe edition exclusive
Where is it forced
Are you sure it wasn't just shitposting and bait nigga?
I know a lot of people try to take that shit seriously to try and prove some kind of point. Not sure if this is one of those situations.
Don’t feel bad I haven’t even used it. Hard is too easy.
>The BFG was a deluxe edition exclusive
You first tranny.
It's one of the people you kill, a generic enemy
>Most men are ripped
>Are you sure it wasn't just shitposting and bait nigga?
Some of it sure, but there are some genuine autistic faggots that believe anytime a black is in a game its sjw or for political reasons. The same shit happened with all the Pokemon games since Sun and Moon.
What shit, you people spout this but never explain why
This is all reaching
Read the thread. Are they wrong
Zenimax/Bethesda are banking everything on Doom Eternal and Starfield. The last 3 Wolfenstein games were absolute financial disasters, Rage 2 tanked, Fallout 76 tanked. Have you wondered why they keep porting Skyrim? They have to make money somehow.
Sinking ship.
>it even has some underline message of "white male privialge"
When did this happen?
>encounter a female enemy
>make a point to finish her off with a punch to the face
Oh yeah I'm thinking this new female empowering trend is fucking based.
Got it on Steam's Summer Sale. My biggest issue with it was how short it is even if you do several side stuff. I got it done in 8.5h.
Left leaning user who calls game with black characters fake woke or sjw with an alt take for ya.
Because they put in black people for brownie points and not because they care about diversity. If they really cared about diversity like they pretend too
>They would cast other races more often.
Almost every race flip of a character or a new character is going to be black. Asian/Latin/Arab/Islander representation is pretty zilch.
>The black character isn’t attractive most of the time, breaking the traditional “MC’s are attractive” concept
This one is more rare, but more obvious when it happen. Most of the titles that use black characters for woke points don’t actually make them as attractive as the rest of the cast. They tend to be more “real” and average looking, even though the rest of the cast has standard idealized.
Tekken guy is cool, black lady with afro is generic and dumb.
Yeah because/pol/cels are also totally are okay when it's Asians asking for representation
I thought the game is shit, but this base right here was one of the best FPS experiences I've had in my entire boomer life. I'm conflicted.
Nobody cares about that though. What are you on about.
>Asian/Latin/Arab/Islander representation is pretty zilch.
This is some bullshit many charactwra have been made Hispanic or Asian
For instance Hulkcis now Korean,Ultron is Mexican and Ms.Marvel is Arab with muslim beliefs. It's just convenient for anons to ignore characters like these.
I guess I can agree on your other points though but that's due to racism itself and not blacks.
Whenever Asians cry out you get a lot of condescending whites triggered and proving them right
Basically every East-Asian country on the planet produces their own media.
The only people crying about representation are Asian-American spoiled brats trying to get on the victim train.
I literally don't even know what you're talking about. I remember when GitS was coming out and pol was asking for an asian lead.