Play VRchat

Why aren't you playing and making friends?

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The VR fad is long done by now. It's over.


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I don't have VR.

Because is crowded with literal fags

I'm getting a headset this month, but I can't socialize anyway, so why bother

Why isn't there porn of this girl yet

because i have an annoying voice and i stutter

I have anxiety when talking to people online, I'm fine in person though

too busy with tf2

Because I can't be the little girl with voice chat.

Online friends are fake friends.

nice bait

How? Are you actually convinced all the people you met online are anywhere close to actual friends? Time to grow up and face reality, kid.

not interested in having friends, real or fake.

I'm too poor for VR

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Considering I talk to them every day and have met most of them in real life, I'd say they're pretty real.

>making friends with people like these
Thanks, I'll pass.

>internet only friends
Nice idea in theory but these friendships always end up playing out the same way. One person will always start making moves to personalize things more and more when you'd rather keep things impersonal and chat about random gaming shit. Eventually conversations are so far off from what you'd wanted in the first place you just block their asses and move on.

my girlfriend (female) and i go on there with reverse sex avatars and fuck in public sometimes
its good fun

Stop making friends with normalfags and failed normalfags. I have a good handful of online friends I've been bros with for years and the only time we even suggested meeting in person was during an E3, but we quickly decided not to because E3 fucking sucks and regular people can't even go to many places without a bribed journalism pass

Considering they were still hanging around on aol chats up to the very end (aka 2 years ago) I imagined they weren't normal. Then the begging to switch to discord happens and it all goes up in smoke. I don't care what other people had for dinner, how their day went, and so on and they shouldn't bother me about mine. But it doesn't work that way.

I don't know how to feel about Vive Twink being replaced

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I dont have a VR Headset and my voice is too deep and intimidating

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This. Used to meet with friends at cons, but now we just meet up irl and chill if there's a con worth going to or just road trip.

You'd be surprised how many anons dig deep voices and don't mind it. Sounds like you'd be right at home and snag a little piece no problem.

Internet friends become actual friends when you meet the irl and still talk to them afterwords

Sounds like failed normalfags to me, with how they keep trying to bring their real life matters up. It's not easy to find actually cool people online because failed normalfags can disguise themselves pretty well, but when you do find them they'll last you until someone becomes last online 953 days ago.

Jesus, I'm glad I and my friends still stick to Skype with discord as just an ancilary background chat.

disgusting and frightening, skype has had so many backdoor vulnerabilities that the common joe can access that I'd take chinese botnet over it any day.

When I tried vrchat most of the people were insanely awkward and I just couldn’t do it. Even worse all the females have their own army of beta orbiters that never shut up.

>making friends

Imagine trusting chinese anything.

I don't know how to make friends or how to talk to people.

Then you'll fit right in Vrchat