Why aren’t girls interested in more challenging videogames?
Why aren’t girls interested in more challenging videogames?
Has anyone here actually lost to a girl in a video game?
Is there honestly a single thing on women’s minds apart from chads cock?
I used to live with 3 girls and literally every conversation they had was about sex, dating or relationships
I had a gf who was really good at Gears of War and just as ruthless as me in Mario Party.
Because women aren't human
Joe Rogan is a retarded mongoloid though
I used to beat my friends all the time in Puzzle Fighter. Still would if I didn't delete everyone from Steam.
JRE is not a culturally stimulating forum
all they do is get stoned while parroting incredibly safe centrist opinions
plus he cheated on his wife too
Yes, but frankly I’m not very competitive and they play like they’ve got something to prove. Doesn’t hurt to put up a small, but convincing fight so you can parlay that tiny loss into a bigger win down the road
user, conversations you've had on Yea Forums with other anons doesn't count as having a ''conversation'' with real women.
isn't one of his prepubescent kids a tranny too?
It's et cetera, shortened to etc. You fucking buffoon.
I thought he just talked about how chimps could rip human arms off
Nope. Then again, who the fuck knows who 'TotallyCoolChilla' really is. Sounds like a bitch, could be a bitch, could be a tranny.
I ended up in a guild ran by 2 wymyn and plenty of wymyn in it, when I joined the discord (initially TS) it was nothing but videa gaymes in there, I don't know if they waited until all men were out to talk about cocks or if they did so between themselves in secret though, not that I care anyways.
>it's another off topic vidya thread
If it was cute and challenging, they'd like it.
I never get posts like these. I met some girls like that in high school, but college came around and most of them just wanted to find people into the same hobbies and talk about that. Even when I lived with a couple girls all they wanted to talk to me about was if I watched the latest episode of Naruto. Did I luck out?
My roommate loves that adam ruins everything show and they have an episode where they talk about video games and how they're marketed towards men and it gets into a whole thing about how theres a stigma against women and video games and how they never had a chance to play and appreciate as many games as boys did.
All I told her was that theres a larger niche with males and she called me an internet troll and something about how mobile games are just as much games as anything else.
What a whore
because i think the average everyday basic woman finds challenging thought a fantasy and something not worth figuring out. Women who do like strategy and critical thinking, in my experience, were and are close to their fathers or have had brothers to learn these skills from. so maybe good men/fathers make good women ???
When we were kids, sometimes my little sister beat me in Tekken spamming kicks with Nina. I actually met a girl that I started dating over Xbox Live playing Halo 3. I thought she was really good and we were talking over the in-game voip for like an hour during some matches. Turns out her brother was playing and she was just pretending to play the whole time. She confessed when she started to grow interest in me. She did play Halo though, just poorly. She was pretty cool and sent nudes.
But is he good at his work? I can't tell, I don't listen to podcasts
You pick and chose the eps you want to listen to. If the guest interests you then listen to it. Don't like politics? Don't listen to the ones with political guests. It's not rocket science.
Yes, It was a pretty good excuse to get invited over and play them again and again. Then you gradually "get better" but not great. Then you make little bets on games and slowly escalate the nature of the bets.
It's usually a fairly solid strategy.
When I was like 7 I got my ass kicked by a 14 year old girl at CS1.3
She was my first crush after that
>no chimps
Lost opportunity
God, Rogan fans are such a bunch of faggots.
Joe Rogen is a faggot and so are his listeners lel.
Step up and get your ass beat too, punk.
I got destroyed by a 15yo in tekken. I never played any fighting games and apparently she plays them all the time.
Don't have to be smart to be entertaining, look at 98% of twitch
I did once. Project M tournament. I just went for fun and was middling at best at the time but she annihilated me. I got one stock off of her with Wario in the first round but foolishly switched to Mario in round 2 and got four-stocked. (she played Sonic and disgustingly well too.)
to be honest, the average person no matter the gender, have empty smoothbrains
I've known many boys and later men whose life were beer soccer pussy and repeat.
And women who were muh gossip muh relationships muh looks
I've worked with girls and apart from the standard weather, omgitsmonday/omgitsfriday and complaining about the work the other topics were just complaining about their ex boyfriends or the lack of money.
>Implying Joe Rogan is someone worth looking up to
You wouldn't be interested in videogames either if literally everyone wanted to fuck you.
Yeah, we were getting hammered at a friend's place and playing tekken. She was getting rekt by everyone until I taught her the controls and how to spam punches, so I was mostly proud when she started winning, especially because people got salty about the punch spamming, so it was a lot of fun.
This, Joe is a fucking moron, and his podcast is basically Oprah for people with fragile masculinity
ok pewdiepie
>regularly has radical leftists and radical rightwingers on his show to talk about shit
i dont think so, tim
as far as im aware rogan is the only one who actively avoids the echo chamber effect
this is why
pic very fucking related
Does Pewdiepie not like him or something? I don't follow him
>puts self in situations to be surrounded by idiots
>b-but I'm so much superior and smarter than them
sure sweetie
I was very competitive back in COD Black Ops 2
Ik it's a normie game but I was top of the board at all times. Then some asian bitch came and fucked my shit up like never before.
Good learning experience.
i only watch his eddie bravo podcasts, also le epic black science man got exposed on his last podcast. epic gamer moment.
Imagine looking down on people because you listen to Joe Rogan
women have inferior brains
there is a reason why chess tournaments are gender segregated..
No, it's all they care about.
Saint Anita was an conartist that was really lucky to be at the "wrong" place at the right time, so she could play the GG victim. I think corporate hires people like her because they need to have some tax write offs and that's probably one of the easiest ways
>Chess is a hallmark of high intelligence.
Ask me how I know you're underage.
He lets morons like Shapiro and Peterson on his show, but just lets them talk circles around him since he's too retarded to refute any of their bullshit. This just makes them look like reasonable people to someone who is unfamiliar with them, which sends people down the /pol/ rabbit hole. Fuck Joe Rogan
Sure, but 4 and a half hours of unleashed Alex Jones was fucking magical. Other than that I love the ones discussing martial arts and when he has dudes like that old Italian guy, and they just shoot thw shit and tell tall tales. Comfy as fuck because you can tell its genuine interest on both parts.
>JRE list includes neither monkeys nor Quake
Is this a fucking Joke?
They are literally subhuman. They were made from a rib of man. Men are the children of God, women are the children of man.
Probably because women live life on easymode. There's a lot of pressure on men to face challenges and "man up", while women aren't expected to challenge themselves at all in life.
>Rogan cultists thinking they're better than anyone else
back in high school, I had a fucking shitty HP, like fucking Walmart welfare tier bad.
Anytime i would snap the mouse too quickly the fucking cursor would flip shit and spazz out and go all over the place.
Due to this bullshit playing, FPS was hard, with CS 1.5 being the fps to play I had a match vs this regular girl on the server, Asian girl. I even told her before hand my mouse and pc is shit and she's gonna win.
Well, she won badly, and wouldn't stop running her mouth.
Wouldnt RM either.
Lucky for me my friend had a LAN at his place and a spare pc, and I found her and got a rematch, oh god I could have just fapped to those results, bitch reported me and said i was hacking.
another cunt was playing TF2 and just picked the solider and spammed.
>gg EZ nub cakes
I went pyro, and reflected everything back at her causing her an early menstrual cycle.
Titts or gtfo
Sorry but no, you're just wrong.
The reason they talk circles around rogan is because they are fucking right. You cannot 'refute' scientific fucking fact. The only thing you can argue with shapiro in particular about is abortion and the only reason that's the case is because its a question of values (aka opinion) and not a question of fact.
You are right, he should only invite people you agree with.
Clean your rooms, incels
at least Rogan is open to invite most of the people no matter their political affiliation unlike most left wing podcasts that are even worse echo chambers than shit like the daily shoah
Not an argument.
It must be terrifying to read into everything that hard
This seems like a gross oversimplification
It's literally their singular purpose/function. If you have 10 cave men and 10 cave women, all 10 cave women are going to be getting fucked pregnant. You can feasibly accomplish this with one male, so that leaves the other nine to find something else to occupy themselves with.
Obviously this is an exaggerated example, but it's how human sexual selection is wired.
But this isn't about what is "best". It is about depth. There is much more depth to say like any technological topic than to "what do you think about the opposite gender lol".
You're missing the point. The idea behind inviting people with dissenting opinions is to debate and argue with them, not to just give them a platform to say whatever they want. Joe isn't intellectually capable of arguing with a monkey, so all he's doing here is giving people a platform to spread whatever bullshit they want, not facilitating any kind of meaningful discussion
most of /pol/ dislikes all three relatively equally tbqh. even so,
>muh boogeyman
>being this mad at nothing
my sister was good at smash brothers
I live with one and have several in my social circle and all they talk about is sociology, the ecoresponsibility boom, social issues and how they wish they could help the unfortunate more.
I guess biad has to come from somewhere.
I met this one girl at an arcade who was a fucking legend at Initial D
rarely, and definitely not in public. women are hyper self concious about sex, so they have to be around their friends for those conversations to start
>dating, relationships
non stop. virtually every conversation is about some drama going around. lots of he said/she said, i felts, and other things I can't comprehend.
>which sends people down the /pol/ rabbit hole. Fuck Joe Rogan
lol I was wondering why so many people were bitching about Joe in this thread
Surprise! It's the fucking trannies.
A bunch of the girls I know are super good at Mario Kart
>The idea behind inviting people with dissenting opinions is to debate and argue with them
Ah, so I see you are retarded.
Thats my wifes job bitchboi
I gotta draw with this chick at a PM tournament few years ago
I actually wish that cardi b and nicki Minaj and every other extremely popular rap pop whatever musician just died. Not painfully or anything but I do wish they were dead.
Depends on the guest. He's pretty good with comedians and smart people who just never give him the chance to talk because they're so busy explaining something. He's also not afraid to push someone's beliefs and question if what they're saying is accurate. He's pretty good, but again it really depends on the guest. You can't turn a shitty guest into a good one.
Translation: Guy states a fact that I can't refute because I'm a braindead leftist who blithely believes everything MSNBC tells me so I get mad because Rogan can't come up with some way to invalidate what his guest is saying even though there is exactly zero opposing evidence.
You're just stupid and biased, nigger.
The true Chad position changes his position when presented with credible, non-biased and non-flawed evidence.
>it has jack to do with what a female such as myself finds attractive
so because she doesn't find it attractive means its a bad thing even though other women might find it attractive?
Probably, I am really really bad.
The show isn't called "BTFO'd with Joe Rogan", it's supposed to be a conversation like what mature adults have.
>credible, non-biased and non-flawed evidence
>christcucks are retards
>but so are atheists and every other religion
Truly the only winning move is not to play
I like Joe Rogan when he's not rambling on about mma to one of the guests that really couldn't give two shits about it. I know it's a huge interest of his and part of his whole identity but the way he shoehorns it in whenever he can is annoying.
Oh and bro have you ever tried DMT?
I’ve lost to a girl in MTG
meanwhile, he has Adam Conover on to shill for trannies, and it's Joe talking circles around him lmao
REALLY makes me think
>The idea behind inviting people with dissenting opinions is to debate and argue with them
Not everything is a debate Shapiro, it's possible to discuss ideas that oppose your own without turning it into a shouting match
is this image really true? Is that really the most popular girl podcast?
He invites people onto the show so YOU as a LISTENER can get to know the other person and construct a more informed view regarding them. If you’re afraid of being wrong about all your preconceived notions about somebody on his show then he isn’t the problem. YOU’RE the problem. That would make you a weak coward who fears a fair contest against somebody who can actually finish a sentence without somebody’s autistic screeching interrupting them every 10 seconds
My girlfriend and I talk about social topics, science (she's a PhD holder in chem), video games, her kids, cooking and food. Sometimes comedy special too or we just shoot the shit.
Peterson "controversial" viewpoints are based in scientific fact, which doesn't give a shit about your precious feelings.
There are two sexes (outside of the extremely rare intersex mutation).
Deal with it.
there was a girl on my regualr tf2 server who used to constantly destroy everyone. incels used to seethe hard.
So what if he gives them a platform?
>The idea behind inviting people with dissenting opinions is to debate and argue with them, not to just give them a platform to say whatever they want.
But Rogan is not a political podcast or specialists, he invites interesting people (he also invited people like Bernie and Yang). You just sound like you're angry that Rogan doesn't use his political biases to influence his podcast to sway the opinions of his listeners / viewers to a certain ideology, you know that people have their own agency and can think for themselves, right?
Ah, yes. I love when people with diametrically opposed view "debate" on podcasts. And by that I mean get into shouting matches where they spend half the time going "CAN I TALK?" when the other interrupts him.
i have legitimately never seen a choesive argument against shapiro or petersons ideas, i only see people like you who call it bullshit but never explain why
Woah bro, you used meme arrows, you totally showed him. How are Jordan Peterson and the user you just friggin WASTED ever gonna recover?
>my girlfriend
>her kids
Incels didn't exist back then.
>A buddy of mine
>It's like in MMA...
>Jamie pull that up
>Bow hunting
Lol and here I am living my life while never thinking about them
A prophet taken from us too soon.
this is the face of antipol posters
Yeah she's 31, what do you want from me?
i once lost t my cousin on guitar hero and was really bummed out. then i practiced a lot and beat the shit out of her later. she never played guitar hero again.
I wasn't arguing with you, I'm mocking you.
to my older autistic cousin when i was younger she was god like with Yoshi
Why is Yea Forums so stubbornly biased towards "LE WOMEN XD"?
It's like every of these shit threads are full of fuckers with biased anecdotal evidence as to why women are shit or shitty /pol9kv/ epic memes from nearly a decade of SJW shitposting across all 3 boards.
Do you realize just how far from reality your perception is or are you genuinely convinced of your sheltered worldviews?
I predict a shitload of pathetically boring responses in the vein of "seethe tranny", "dilate", "have sex", "spotted the roastie", "spotted the white knight", "fear not m'lady", "go back to rebbit", "kys", "lmao seethe", etc etc. No use trying to deflect with your predictable shit.
>plus he cheated on his wife too
ok? who gives a flying fuck? why did you feel the need to add that?
So you admit that you have no leg to stand on and as such are wrong?
Good then. Feel free to mock as much as you want. It won't make you right or make me feel bad.
Think you're just a northern spastic mate
No, that specific podcast was shilled on a few comedy podcasts because they have connections or father's $$$$ to pay for everything, but after about a week I think everyone forgot these two cunts.
If someone starts spewing bullshit during a conversation, you call them out. Bringing far left/right wing political activists on your show and letting them do so isn't helping anything except them, since it just helps them build a platform and audience
> it's possible to discuss ideas that oppose your own without turning it into a shouting match
The word for this is "debate"
It lets them spread their shit ideologies to more people
Nah. Closest I've even been was when a blonde hamplanet actually knew how to play with Alicia in Tekken 6. We were playing team battle and I just saved my main for last just in case she knew how to play.
Basically your boy engineered a comeback.
>Her kids
I lol'd
Seethe tranny, please go back to rebbit and dilate.
We aren't even talking about women you idiot.
>Other person has a differing opinion
You've got some growing up to do.
>I used to live with 3 girls
Did they ever catch you masturbating? Haha
People at my school use kys all the time and women are shallow hair dyers. How disconnected are YOU from the reality?
He doesn't have to sway anything, but if he knowingly brings a charlatan like Peterson on his show, he better at least call him out on the lies
dilate your wound, tranny
You'll never be a real women
Ahhh I love consistency.
Jordan "lobster" Peterson relies entirely on vague, imprecise language to obscure his point while leaving himself an escape hatch if he's verbally cornered. He's a psuedoscientific grifter who hides behind a smokescreen of eluding to uncontroversial platitudes to paint himself as a great modern philosopher. He's so far up his own ass he's seeing sunlight.
who are you quoting?
People could also try to research what their saying instead of being mindless retards
>her kids
>my school
Underage gtfo.
>b-but I'm in college
No you're not.
>b-but I'm 18 in my final year of hs
Then you're a retard.
Bruh I know you just started community college and think you're smart becauce you took a sociology class but in the real world it's okay for people to have opinions that don't match your own.
If their ideologies are shit then people are likely to see through it and not follow them. People are entitled to form their own opinions and we shouldn't censor or "deplatform" those we personally don't like or disagree with.
I'm 26
Where are you in life where strolling up with your committee approved fallacy free debate methods on a fucking anime imageboard makes you swell with intellectual pride?
Goddamn you are mad, LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
retarded garbage thread
Ah yes, the device that everyone owns that happens to play games vs a device just as expensive as a phone with the sole dedicated use of only playing games. I wonder which one of these groups takes the hobby more seriously?
I bet you're one of those retards who think men and women have different amount of ribs.
Yeah, I was pretty decent in Smash at home but when I went to college I got bodied by a girl
She was pretty cool, ran the games room and everything
People could also end world hunger right now, but that's not happening either
Not letting someone say stupid shit on a podcast is not "censorship" or "deplatforming". That would be if their websites started getting taken down by the government or something.
no you didnt
>Dont play
>fall in atheist category
>fall in religious category
>play in between
>fall in agnostic category
It's a lose/lose situation m8
no u
You're a dumbass teenager.
no he doesn't because you don't invite people on your show under false pretenses and then pester them with questions because it makes you look like a massive cunt, if you want somebody to disprove Petersons points of argument there should be left wing personalities who invite him to debate, but the only one who ever did that was Zizek. It's really weird that you make Rogan have some moral obligation when you don't hold anybody else at the same standard
2nd part meant for
At Gamescom when playing the Gwent beta. Fucking mirror match.
Your daily reminder women fail the Bechdel test even more in real life than they do in fiction.
>complain woman are into shallow things
>calls it a red flag when women are into traditionally male hobbies
Incels are funny
Too bad people don't do their research beyond the show because they consider shows like this as their actual research.
>women and men are different
Say what?
>when you don't hold anybody else at the same standard
Who says I don't? If you're gonna interact with someone like Peterson, you better call him out on his shit, and don't let him distort the truth like he usually does
>>calls it a red flag when women are into traditionally male hobbies
Because they don't have a genuine interest in it, they're using that hobby to get some easy attention
Someone who isn't mad wouldn't type all this shit. Why are you screaming at clouds online?
Against a Mario in crew battles who was the GF of the TO.
I was Marth
I don't wanna talk about it
>Blacking out
My gf regularly beats me in PES and FIFA. But I won last night and she gave me a blowjob.