Imagine being mad over Mass Effect because of how 3 ended lmao. Shit was perfect...

Imagine being mad over Mass Effect because of how 3 ended lmao. Shit was perfect, i played it recently with all of its DLCs and it was the best time i've had playing vidya in fucking years.

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I still play the multiplayer. I have never touched the campaign once in 5 years of owning it and probably never will.

>playing mass effect

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choices don't matter in literally any game, they are all scripted even in the ones you think they do. There's just more of them and gives you the ideea that it was YOUR choice. Many people made literally the same choices you did when playing whatever game you're gonna use to prove me wrong. Even fucking Chess

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Mass Effect 3 is a mixed bag

on one hand the multiplayer was fucking great, especially since credits are stored client side so you can cheatengine your way out of their shitty lootboxes

but on the other hand the single player campaign sucked ass... with the only "good" arc being the Krogan planet

in conclusion Fuck Casey Hudson

I just want more futa Asari porn

>not experiencing probably the best world buildings in all video games
i mean yeah they aren't perfect, but that world is really something

ITT: We collect reasons why ME3 was utter, and complete shit.

Story does not make sense:
>Reapers shomehow retconned to be able to move FTL and the Arrival DLC of ME2 is basically retconned
>Reapers build one Harbinger class and a couple of destroyers / cycle of the harvested species, each is an invaluable storage of knowledge and history
>Reapers send these things to fight and die at a rate far exceeding their replacement
>Everyone from Earth to Palaven somehow thinks it's a good idea to wage trench warfare against these monstrosities on the surface instead of scurrying around War of the Worlds stlye
>Protheans fought for over 300 years, and Javik is optimistic about our cycle. Reapers bring us to the brink in the duration of the game (months at best).
>Pouring all resources into a fuckhuge and vulnerable plot device of unknown purpose is totally what a hard pressed military would do. Even the nazies at least knew what to expect from their wunderwaffe if they completed them.
>Not detecting said fuckhuge plot device is totally what the reapers would do, especially once they start to indoctrinate key political figures as stated in the codex


some of these are dumb in the context that this is a video game after all, they had to change shit to make the story fit and end. Would definitely have had better development as a book. Also they were rushed by EA. I still like the game a lot though - there's a lot of other elements that make it great. People who can't see that make me sad

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>This is your new best friend Vega, you totally knew him all along
>Ashley is now a Jersey Shore character
>Sheperd Was remade to be a biotic warmachine by Cerberus in ME2, headbutted a krogan battlemaster into submission, kicked another krogan hard enough to stun it, fired weapons that had enough recoil to kill a normal human, if the player bought upgrades, had massively strengthened bones, muscle and skin
>literally none of this appears in ME3, s/he is just a regular human
>speaking of weapons, the Widow and Claymore are retconned to be everyday weapons (instead of making a new version with a different name, appearence and strength for the same purpose).



the ending is not the only problem with the game, user. everything about it is a step down from previous entries
didn’t play andromeda, BioWare is dead

Ending is just the peak of the ice berg, rushed basic EA's bitch bullshit.

Dialogues and interrupts:
>barely anything to say compared to prev games.
>usually 2 at most 3 very barebone choices
>FULL OF PLATITUDES. Drinking game: every time paragon shep says something like "we have to work together", drink. You will end in detox, or the morgue.
>interrupts are changed to usually meaningless QTE's such as saluting, parodied by the Citadel DLC pullups even, in ME2 renegade interrupts were the most amusing and fulfilling moments of the game


>Reapers bring us to the brink in the duration of the game (months at best).
They don't, harvesting the population a major planet(like Earth) will take over a decade according to the codex. With the Protheans they just shat down the relays and slowly harvested them one by one.
Which should be the logical thing to do now, not like anything is stopping Reapers from capturing the Citadel.
But they don't, because Quality Bioware Story.

this honestly there's not much difference in quality between the three games.

the ending is bizarre retardation but 1 and 2 were the exact same.

Gameplay and misc:
>6 gorillion shitty fetch quests
>extremely shitty reaper chase mini game in space
>on-rail fights, maps full of scripted events, such as unkillable enemies
>cover system, despite the improvements, is still complete shit
>extremely shitty lighting, in some places inferior graphics to ME2
>dream sequences
>Kai leng
>hamfisted homosexuality in the game
>shitty weapon customization where colors depend on the mods
>shittily balanced weapons with clearly inferior/superior choices
>shitty audio makes hearing practically useless in fights save against certain extraordinarily loud enemies
>light melee feels and hits like whacking people with wet noodles (compare to ME2 or even 1)
>heavy melee is comically exaggerated and still hits like a wet noodle for most classes

Did I miss anything?

If you ignore the last 5 hours of Mass Effect 3, the series was fucking dope as fuck.

I just wish they spent a little more time finishing the plot instead of shoehorning in a reaper killing Mcguffin.

>mfw people are still playing multiplayer
Maybe I should reinstall this game

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Don't feel bad for cheating. EVERYONE does it. And they aren't going to fix it EVER.

>magine being mad over Mass Effect because of how 3 ended
All of 3 was garbage. I couldn't even get to the ending.

I mean it's just Star Trek for mouthbreathers, but w/e.

>Did I miss anything
Literally EVERYTHING about Cerberus.

You could just ask for ME3 images.

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