Should I buy the Spyro Trilogy in PC? I've heard it has a lot of problems. Should I wait and hope they patch it?

Should I buy the Spyro Trilogy in PC? I've heard it has a lot of problems. Should I wait and hope they patch it?

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dat ass

What about my question though?

I had a game-breaking bug on Spyro 1, magicians refusing to make stairs so I can't advance even after rebooting the game
I dont know if its patched now though
Had no problems on Spyro 3 and haven't played Spyro 2 yet

If you're never played the games then yeah, without a doubt. If you've already played the originals just pirate it or wait for a sale

And the question is: Who is the question?

hehe, splelps!

If you actually liked the spyro games then just get it, people blow things out of proportion because this board loves to hate things

Do it for her.

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I was going by the Steam reviews. People were saying animations are broken above a certain framerate.

oh lawd he comin

The repack is already out so you can just pirate it

It's not yet been patched but there's fixes to that

Her model sucks tho

I've had no issues so far, I got 120 percent in 1 and just started 2.

>Lose weight first, that's all i can tell you

No, it's censored as fuck. Pirate it and apply the mod to uncensor it.

Framerate shit is fucked, keep it at 30 if you want no issues.
If you're a soulfag and you're bothered by the skyboxes, colors, etcetera, PC's the best version to use since it'll be modded.
Overall, Reignited Trilogy is a great package and if you're not a blithering soulfag you'll like it.


How do you censor a bright and shiny game about dragons?

The guy you're replying to is most likely talking about a throwaway line by Moneybags where he implies you spent all your Gems on fucking the faun girls in one of the levels. The remake changes "flirtatious fauns" to "fanciful frivolities".

By changing the cartoony ass machine guns into goo guns just in case somebody gets offended. And also changing pineapple grenades into cartoon bombs, just in case some kid acquires a pineapple grenade.

I bet the jews did this

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Why do people even censor shit like this these days? Kids all have mobile phones with access to the internet and porn 24/7. All the cartoons with fucked up "hidden" adult humor in them pale in comparison to 30 seconds on the wrong website. And it's already been proven that early exposure to sex and sexual things is far more harmful for a child's development than low key depicted violence ever has.

Alright I won't buy it.

>implying that his implying was an implication instead of fact

>That trolley minigame
I'm getting Tomba 2 flashbacks

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What problems? Shit runs great

I like that line because it implies
a.) he's known Spyro for longer than like 2 hours
b.) he himself has a pretty face, which is why Spyro always pays him for stuff

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The gun change in particular is strange to me, because RT was following N. Sane Trilogy's footsteps; NST retained Pinstripe's and his mook's tommy guns, as well as Cortex's joke about big titties.

Come on, it's not even hard. The only hard part of 2 is trying to beat the final boss without getting hit in order to get the skill point.


Put the FPS cap to 30

Definitely buggier than the PS4 version, but nothing too bad has happened to me so far. The worst was that Sheila got stuck on a cannon in the beach level and I had to wait for the time to run out to be free. Other than that it's just been minor graphical stuff like T-poses.

jesus they really fucked up moneybags

I disagree, Reignited Moneybags is genuinely an improvement. They doubled down on him being a rich piece of shit prick, and his design and voice acting helped.

It's just TFB making arbitrary changes because they think the know better than Insomniac. Same reason Elora and Sheila were changed.

He was always one of the weaker designs imo, not a whole lot to change up or fix.

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I genuinely am alright with most of Reignited's changes but those goo guns chafed my ass. The last world is you going through the Gnorcs' industry. Their world. the Gnorcs are pieces of shit who bring nothing but pestilence and garbage wherever they go. They really are fucking ugly. The guns are there to show they have to hide behind machine guns and grenades and shit machines to compensate for the fact that they have none of the Dragons' skill, finesse, talent, or strength. The goo guns just make them another wacky enemy.
And I thought they were going in a good direction too, since I loved the final Gnorc redesigns.

not for me, didn't even have the bug with the magicians where you have to set fps to 30.
just pirate it, like a good boy.

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Why is he fat?

Because it's what the devs always intended.

Does anyone have pictures that it was gay furries making the art design of the game?



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The best part was them admitting that they changed it to be on the safe side, then going back and saying "Well, it's our artistic vision, we think it fits because the Gnorc world is full of toxic goo that they've now weaponized." Never mind that the original wasn't a "goo world" at all, it was a harbor, complete with what appear to be oil rigs off in the distance, and ships and docks in the previous level. Apparently they can't tell a difference foul goo and water with a sunset reflection. They changed Toasty from an island in a lake to an island in a lava sea, and changed the nasty scummy shit from Beast Makers into normal water.

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Buy it now, it's so good if you are a Spyro fan.
Don't listen to the usual Yea Forumscontrarian who sperg all day just trolling

>Not using permanent super flame

Reignited in general is a very mixed bag. N. Sane Trilogy is a straight up improvement so of course I'm gonna play NST - and I don't think Reignited Trilogy is blatantly inferior, because it improves 1 and 3 beyond belief - but it seems like every step they took forward with Reignited they have to take a step back.
The gnorc redesigns are great - but their guns are censored.
Spyro has Tom Kenny in 1 - but his colors are wrong.
The dragons in 1 are much more memorable - but the bosses are still forgettable when they easily could've been spiced up like NST did.
Gnasty's redesign is great - but they did nothing to improve his lame boss battle.
Ripto is better than before - but Elora looks like shit.
The environments look fucking beautiful when observed in a vacuum - but the color theory and environments shown in the original PS1 games are warped and the new environments are less majestic.

original Shiela is literally my mom's kangaroo

She's still a normal ass kangaroo, just with a wig and a jacket and a wasp waist. It's not like they meaningfully changed the design to tie into her personality or what she does.

>N. Sane Trilogy is a straight up improvement so of course I'm gonna play NST
Spyro trilogy at least looks good even if they fumbled the style and tone. NST's graphics are HIRE THIS MAN tier. One look at NST vs Nitro Fueled or Reignited and it's obvious Vicarious Visions doesn't even know what a color palette IS.

I disagree entirely. N. Sane Trilogy is absolutely the definitive Crash trilogy. The only noticeable color changes I can think of are Crash 2's warp rooms. There were more we noticed leading up to release like Crash 1's ruins, but those were fixed pre-release.
NST's got Lex Lang, playable Coco, time trials in 1 and 2, Stormy Ascent, Future Tense, faithful redesigns, no censorship, extra flourish added to 1 that brings it up to par with 2 and 3, and great music. Literally the only noticeable cons it has are the tighter jumps and the pillbox, and those are both such tiny changes that I am absolutely okay with them, given the extra content, fixes, and style in the remake.
Spyro fumbles not just because of it's warped color palette, it fumbles because it fails to properly add enough to the Spyro trilogy and on top of that, it's unfaithful. NST has MORE CONTENT than the original trilogy. Reignited simply does not, and it had no reason not to.

f for our boy bombo

There's a mod that changes the text back to Bombo.

and an f for all his fine compatriots.

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People on Yea Forums completely over-exaggerate how "bad" the Reignited Trilogy is. I've been enjoying myself a lot. I've only run into a single glitch in the third game, which all it was that I had 605/600 Gems on Fireworks Factory.

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Alpine Ridge is fucked, gotta play it at 30 FPS.

Fuck you.

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