Call of Duty Modern Warfare

The sad state of this board.
No COD thread.
Let's fix that.
Tell me how you're liking the game.
How slow is the throwing knife?
Did they add retarded battlefield vehicle spawns of battlefield to groundwar?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off shill Call of Duty sucks dick

This game is trash. Fucking look at it! After spending a decade trying to evolve, cod is right back at brown grey maps and the exact same fucking gameplay that the series had in the goddamn original Call of Duty. There exist no practical difference between this game and any random unity asset flip amateur hour shooter on steam.

Call of Duty is a fucking joke and the idea that anybody is excited for this piece of trash is shameful.

On my xmas wishlist as always.

I was just on my way, but you already made a thread, so good for you!

And by the way: IT'S FUN.

Seriously. Take 5 minutes to get your settings straight and learn the "Mount" mechanic for your weapons... And you will be very happy.

Also, use high sensitivity or you will be too slow. Learn to play at 10+.

Overall it feels great, you will die but that's to be expected early on.

I'm waiting for the PC beta because Activision jewed money to sony again


You can plug m+kb into the PS4 and it works great with this game. However, because of controller aim assist, you don't have much of an advantage honestly.

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who cares, Borderlands 3 is almost here.

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This is what everyone wanted. How is it bad?

im sorry but the game looks like shit
this man is right doegive us 32vs32 or go home

Just post some codes

Can I pre order this on battlenet and cancel the pre order after getting the beta? I don't know how battlenet works.

Hello fellow shill, please consider making your own thread thank you.

you morons still fall for this stuff?
it's worse each new year

>Do I fit in yet?
That meme ended a long time ago boys.
Nostalgia for MW2 is now the cool thing on the chins.

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I've heard you have to involve your bank and all that shit to cancel a preorder with battle net.

Spawns are fucked. 2v2 was much better.

If you like the COD gameplay style its known for you'll like it

Maps feel like actual battlegorunds, you can take advantage of the mobility to surprise people by jumping on buildings or taking unexpected routes, reminds me of Halo Reach/5 at times

TTK is quick, weapons seem balances o far (buff shotguns? and the shitty pistol), gunplay is better than ever.

Vehicles seem to only spawn through killstreaks

Hopefully we get 202, 32 v 32 or 50 v 50 in the beta

spawns are always fucked in cod, the retarded fans don't care about that stuff.


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theyre questionable on the docs looking map on domination, but theyre not bad.

Now Destiny 2 respawns can suck my dick

But the website says you can cancel something that hasn't shipped yet. The issue/confusion is whether the pre-order stays as pending up until the game launches. If it doesn't, you should just be able to cancel it and blizzard even tells you how to.

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Just tell support you tried the beta of the product and it didnt match your expectations. As long as you arent a repeated offender it should be fine.

The game looks fucking blurry with motion blur off

Does it have dedicated servers? No 40+ players on maps, no buy.

>want to watch stream
>gamepad gameplay is so fucking horrible
gibe pc beta already

cod has been running on dedicated servers for years

console player opinions don't matter. The real game comes out on 19th ask the question then.

>released today
>no hype
>still no reviews up

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It feels great, it just looks like they are using some blurry TAA or heavy FXAA shit

that's the beta for playstation. full game releases in late october.

MW2 killed the series, the only good CoD we have had since it ruined everything was BO and it was pretty much a lucky accident

You can plug a mouse and keyboard into your PS4 and it just works

only watched some streams but the gunplay looks very good this time
hopefully it runs on my 2500K

The yearly CoD always releases near November retard

Headquarters is pretty fun
No 10v10 matches yet

10v10 dom is in quickplay. Only got it once so far.

headquarters is sorta fun until the HQ spawns on the other side of the map and the enemy team spawns right next to it, so they get to take it immediately without any fight. real shitty game mode decided by luck.

>Call of Duty fans are also wojak posters
Color me surprised!

i dont like that whole click this button to just play anything (quickplay)

what are the chances they’ll have shit like FFA to choose from at launch?

I think different modes will unlock over the course of the entire beta

When can I download non preorder version. My body is ready


It's incredibly fun, can't wait for crossplay and 32v32 or 50v50


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Saturday on PS4 or the 19th for everyone else

>We're literally just doing Modern Warfare again

Absolutely fucking pathetic.

Can I get a not shitposty rundown of the beta so far? I can't play it until later this weekend

that's literally great.


>Playing CoD
>Giving money to Actvision

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>not always pirating the Yearly CoD for the campaign

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>legacy killa hd
yeah, no.

Cod4's MP was suck and I dont trust them to make a great campaign without falling into the same missteps as every other CoD from the last 10 years

Literally who



>shoot the messenger
Fuck off, they did this with the previous game too and are trying to earn good boy points by touting "no lootboxes" when they'll just add them in an update after people already bought the game.

>Did they add retarded battlefield vehicle spawns of battlefield to groundwar?
All of the best CoD MPs had vehicles

There's a killstreak that calls in a tank on certain maps.

>Yea Forums is excited to play an old game yet again with even more microtransactions
You fags never learn

I said download not start

>After spending a decade trying to evolve
None of that spaceshit worked

love the guns
hate that they locked everything so we got bare minimum to play with until they decide to unlock it
fuck hackney yard or whatever that map is called

A decade ago you would've been saged into oblivion for making a CoD thread.

>cod was always hated meme
friendly reminder that /codg/ was a thing when blops2 came out and died when ghosts released due to being worst cod to date

Yea Forums used to always discuss the campaigns though

Not true at all

just fucking stop to replying to these retards for fucks sake

>sage is le downvote

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MP5 currently shreds assholes for the guns we can use

Same shit every year, nothing innovative, same fucking problems. Never fixing head glitching, never fixing hit registration and never having good maps.

Can someone please explain why the fucking vehicles have to all spawn in? Why cant we just have them on the map like the good old days. Ffs

Rushing the vehicle spawns would probably cause some early killstreaks/camping

Yeh but who cares when its less arcadey and more fun

>FPS on console

you can connect kb+m and bind keys whatever way you want, there are even settings for mouse smoothing and acceleration

Can't wait for cross-play

I know they did that before and will do it again, that's no need to bring up some 14 year old edgelord

>buy the game to try the """beta"""

Really not digging it. Movement is feels so clunky. Also the COD community is so aids. Nothing but campers and head glitchers

call of duty is the ultimate pleb filter

its the kryptonite to retarded boomers with 0 reflex ability who can only play the n-th edition of some garbage anime game

>people calling it clunky
jeez man have sex

The only fps that isn't better on console is counter strike

Call me when they remaster World at War

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last time I ask and then I walk, shill: is there split-screen I can play with my bros?

not in beta, confirmed to be in final


I just pre-ordered on amazon. How long until they send me the beta code? Did anyone get it from them yet?

I'd contact the support and ask for the code now, the beta has already started

is it a open beta lads?

is there an open beta (for people who didnt buy the game)?

are you fucking retarded

yes answer the question

bo1 was better in every way

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I watched a stream and some guy got spawn killed as he joined the game.

I’m not saying it’s bad. Not saying it’s good. I’m just saying spawn killing is a thing.

prove me wrong faggot

wow got it fast when I did that, good looks user

have fun

The mops laak terrible moite

I will call you never then

Its boiscolly focking shit and only turbo gimps are going to be playing modern warfare aka a fags game for fags

Bonebros... it's not fair...

fuckers gave me a code that was a digit too long and i cant figure out which is the wrong digit

Anyone actually looking forward to this go ahead and jump off a cliff

First time new engine, new psysics, new animations, new gun play and an entirely new feel to it. I hate COD but this time it really is different.

its infinite warfares engine the game has the same ui but with gimped movement in modern warfare coat

go here
redeem the code they gave you, and you'll get your PS4 code


Serious question, what is the best COD for zombies? is online dead on COD too?

It's all the same shitty small maps with campers even on the big team modes wow ""evolving"" the cod formula is a fucking marketing meme get cancer

Has anyone got to try the p90 yet?

if it does, you may have a sale. the last 2 were really disappointing

Does Activition really got rid of the single player campaign? Does this game has any or is just a mp shit?

Is it just me or is the game so dark you can barely see enemies

WaW was the last good cod.

Yes there's a fucking campaign

Lack of minimap ruins the pacing and promotes corner camping

Eye adaptation is too strong, making areas pitch black unless if you play at 75+ brightness

Spawning system needs a rework

git gud

people would rather talk about a game for kids? lmao


ur just bad at casual games

I'm trying the guns and this is so far my favorite, pair it alongside the double barrel shotgun for maximum fun.

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Are the graphics going to improve on release or is this it?

Don’t let him perturb you bro he’s only trying to trick you

It will look good on PC, lol.

It already looks good on console. Just curious if it will improve even more.

Can you see total amount of gunsmith options right away? Or can you only see whatever is one unlock away?

wtf xbros why did we get cucked by Sony again?

it's not available in this beta yet

This. I wanna make a YouTube video about all attachments because I know if somebody does it's gonna be cancer and/or they'll shill their patreon for 5 minutes straight

Nah, I don't think it will. I don't think it should either desu. It runs really well on the pro. The optimization is one of the few things I actually like so far.

>make second PS account based in sauida arabia
>download COD pre order beta free
>play on main account
Pre ordering is gay

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Oh shit what the gam is out?

dunno if its a bug but yeah there's way more attachments that show up as you progress than what you can see at the start

Interesting. I always thought betas are barebone when it comes to graphics