Hell Let Loose (WWII FPS)

Just wanted to see if any of you tried out HLL from the thread I posted yesterday on here?

Keen to hear your honest thoughts/impressions/opinions on it. If you missed the thread, archive is here: Yea Forums normally has decent taste, so have at it. :)

Attached: HLLBLP.jpg (600x900, 131K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Can we talk about how fucking stupid the name of the game is

I tried it. Its BETTER than post scriptum but suffers from the same issue of low player count. Squad is still my go-to because of this unfortunately

Reddit spacing shill

Yep. I don't know why they picked 3 words, but it's from a book. Supposedly. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_Hell_Let_Loose

Kinda where I sit with it now as well. Either it gets noticed and does well, or fades away like PS did. Mind you PS worked hard at alienating people.

You're right, I don't visit often any more, but when I do its for the brutal honesty.

yet another WOAH IMA SOULJA LARP walking microphone simulator

You don't actually LARP in any of these games
only zoomer retards who find the idea of using a microphone on a public server alienating say this.

In a way its a pretty good autist filter

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I really hope the ping system from Apex Legends gets implemented, or something similar... I don't feel the need to be LARPing as a soldier on the mic 24/7 either. The lead dev Max has spoken about it at least a few times, so I definitely get what you mean.

IDK I'm pretty boomer and I see the merit in making the game more accessible in general. Not completely watered down tard wrangling tier, but not ubersoldaten level either.

Alternatively I could just be an autist. It is possible.

I still play RO2.

Are there many servers left? I love RO2. Great for a quick bash. From memory I put about 100 hours into it myself.

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There is a server called Bloodbath that usually has 64 players most nights.

are they at 50 vs 50 player count yet?

I'll look into it but I'm guessing you're from the US?

There are 64 player servers but they are not the norm. People prefer to play on 100 player servers. The current game mode would not suit 64 players I think, it would become too much of a walking simulator without seeing enemies, etc.

I would welcome a 50 player vs. 50 player type game mode though, just for something different. Especially if it was well thought out and kept with the current design philosophies of the game.

I genuinely hate the name. It's not poetic or artistic, it's tacky and unpleasant.
I don't give a fuck if it's a quote. It rolls off the tongue like peanut butter and romanticizes something that should never be fucking romanticized.

they mad

give me a call when they drop UE, EAC, remove grind, remove customization and whatever RPGesque shit they are planning to add such as Squad's Lego building system

>rpgesque shit

Uhh...have you played squad?


Agreed, its a super awkward choice in name for all the reasons you've just mentioned. Mind you plenty of works romanticise things that shouldn't be romanticised, unless you're thinking of something particularly sinister?

Who is mad and about what?


Why bad?

Agree, its shit. What alternatives are decent these days? I know of VAC, is BattleEye shit too?


Lost me there, and if that actually happens the game will die overnight.

Close enough. I'm in Aus, doesn't look like there's any active RO2 servers around these parts. :(

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The need to add APCs, the hike at gamestart is awful.
Engineers need more buildable defenses.
Also stationary gun emplacements.
Needs some night maps.
Flamethrowers would be nice too.
One man tanks are cancer.

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Getting late here but I agree with all that you've said there desu. I'll check back in a few months to see what everyone's thoughts are perhaps.

Have a good one all.