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Other urls found in this thread:


He was a good man Bernie

Wait, did they really change the dialogue in the update?

Who said that? I thought they only changed VA for Byleth.

What was the original again? Bernie's supports were kind forgettable for the most part.

This IS the original.

Did Dimitri come off as a pathetic character to anyone else? I get the feeling he would have handed Fargheus to Edelgard on a platter if she had sex with him, or less just admitted him into her friend zone, below Hubert of course. Dimitri seems way too susceptible to manipulation and lacks self esteem to accept the fact that Edelgard does not consider him family (if she ever did).



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They did change it.

This is the original

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>To train me to be a good, submissive wife, he'd do things like tie me to a chair and leave me there all day, challenging me to stay quiet.
Why would they change it?

Based crimson flower only Edeltard

We have to stop trannies from running NoA

Edelgard would have been a much better girl if her dad did this to her too.

Huh. Probably the remove the word 'submissive'.

>t. hasn't played Blue Lions
Black Eagles fags die

Aren't they just two different supports tackling the same topic?

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OP's image is probably just photoshopped.

Kek she reminds me of my sister. Got bullied alot and she ended up just as dumpy as Bernie. Shame she doesn't go out or do anything aside from stay indoors.

FFS, now I have to replay the game to see that, lol. But notice how she's smiling on one pic, lol

I literally just finished playing Blue Lions and the fact that DImitri gave Edelgard one last chance to reconcile with him at the very end of the game, after all of the things she had already done to Fodlan, leads me to believe Dimitri would have surely sided with her had she acknowledged him as her friend or family. Dimitri clearly cared more about Edelgard than he did Fodlan or even Fargheus, considering he abandoned his people for years in an effort to reach Edelgard.

Did you fuck her

What if she had to pee, lol?

she would pee her pants lmao

Imagine the SMELL hahaha

>user complaining that other people don't go outside

Just go on the menu, you can see all previously unlocked supports

Can I have your sisters contact?

Bernie? More like Burnie

Anybody else NOT feeling the new Byleth VA? the other one sounded like joker and more badass IMO

Why? I don't get it. The game already has Dimitri screaming of how much he wants to crush skulls and shit but apparently Bernie's backstory is too much that Nintendo have to censor her original dialogue.

Gib Hikki gf user, you have a chance to make both of us happy

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This is why you always want to own physical copies, that way you can always play the pre-censored content if you’d like.

Now they'll just sell you the uncensored game and patch it a month later

I'm not really noticing much of a difference between the two

>both on golden deer path

Nah, I'll replay it.

BTW, did they fix the biggest mistake in her support conversation?
>see pic

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B-But you guys said they were done censoring!

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Just checked my copy, it's real. This is the most baffling dialogue change I've ever seen outside of the infamous ... support, it makes way less sense than the original. How is just tying her to a chair supposed to help her be a good wife?

Just another reason I'm glad I didn't pay for this shit and can stay on v1.00.

enjoy never playing an actually challenging mode

What the fuck, I just checked, they actually fucking removed it and rerecorded the voice lines.
For what fucking purpose?
The scene actually makes no sense now too, why would tying her to a chair help her be a "good wife"?
This is so fucking stupid.

Has any other dialog been changed like this in the update?

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Literally unplayable garbage.

That makes no sense. Fuck Nintendo.

Cool, now I know not to buy dlc for this trash sjw game

>Nintendo's new strategy is to censor their games post-release with patches.

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Enjoy the censorship, good little cuck.

Fuck off. You didn't check. Are you expecting to believe that you both so happened to have a save with that support coversation available.

You can view supports from the main menu dumb fuck.

It's a B support with one of the more popular characters, if you don't have it you're doing something wrong

>bases nintendo doesn't censor anym-
Well, TMS is doomed. Again.

GameFAQs is also talking about it. It's not a ruse.

>casually disarms Felix
As a warrior she would be a threat to nations. This was a matter of continental stability.

This is what happens when you faggots keep pretending censorship is a single company's matter and not a cultural problem, thank americans for that.
>inb4 b...but it's just commiefornians

>oh no less anime tiddy MUH FREE SPEECH
will you ever realize how pathetic this makes you sound?

This chair?

Why do this? Literally no one was complaining, not even resetera

I like the new version more. The old one had weird incesty rapey vibes to it.

>The old one had weird incesty rapey vibes to it.
And it was perfect just the way it was.

ain't nothing wrong with that


I am genuinely baffled at why this was changed.
And no, I am not going to say this was the work of Judeo-Bolshevists planning to exterminate the white race. This whole thing just seems completely bizarre and unnecessary, to the point where it feels like they only removed it because they wanted to get more internet traffic.

By the way, has anyone contacted Erica Mendez in the last month and a half? Because if so, please don’t harass her about this, just ask about whether or not she knew what she was doing the work for.

Bernie sucks, I didn't play BE, I didn't recruit her and I smashed her face during the war.

>The old one had weird incesty rapey vibes to it.
That's the point, my dude. Bernie had a hard life.

That’s the point. It’s called “child grooming”, not child encouragement.

I kinda thought that was the point? That's why Bernie is so fucked up.

The second one literally doesn't make sense anymore.
Why is he tying her to a chair, how does tying her to a chair teach her to be a good wife?
They removed the purpose of the line.

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Of course it bothers you tranny. But now there's no context to it and makes no sense. She's just being tied to a chair in order to be a good wife.

Old line: fucked up shit
New line: kinky I guess?
Literally the opposite effect they wanted from this edit


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I don’t get it. Surely the suggestive part is being tied to a chair not being told to stay quiet.

Dumb tranny. I bet you think Fates had well written characters.

Meh, dropped. Tired of suits telling me what I'm allowed to see. I barely touch vidya anymore anyway. Maybe if I HAVE to experience some I'll just be a faggot and watch a Twitch streamer. I'll get back into reading, at least my copy of Arabian Nights is allowed to have women beating in it even if it is messed up

(even if it's a bad guy doing it and you're supposed to feel bad about the victim)


Treehouse is run by literal retards

It's Australia's fault

I am not defending this, but I honestly can't remember. Was Bernie talking about that chair once or twice (but to different characters)?

I thought it was 8-4 that was run by literal retards?

>Uhhh excuse me but this scene is literally triggering me

The original line was in the game so don't blame the translators.

So, is anybody going to contact NoA about this, or are we just going to do nothing but bitch about it and call each other Jews?

8-4's brand of retardation is far less harmful than Treehouse's.

I don't think it's SJWs, it's probably suits being overly cautious over every little thing that could draw unwanted attention or trigger rating boards or anything similar. They don't give a shit if it ruins the game or not, they'll just conceal whatever can potentially give them bad press. More likely explanation than "some guy on localization ingested too much onions that day" desu

Where is this coming from?

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actually nevermind that's kinda fucked up

I don't play FE games but I get the impression this isn't the thought process they wanted me to have by changing it to what's in the OP

What the fuck I just checked, it’s fucking real.

I don't fucking get it, how retarded can you be. Not only has this already been out for a month, but the only thing they did was saw some of the only decently sharp edges off of abuse. The abuse is still there, she just doesn't go into WHY it happened, making it seem random instead of poignant.

It's literally shitting all over your cake, what the fuck.

Oh shit, But the old one was fine, it showed what an abusive cunt her dad was better.
Litterly didnt see anyone complaining on this support, why change it?

>T-This one won't be censored!

Aaaaaaaand this why they changed it. I thought Nintendo didn’t censor their games anymore.

She had it coming

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>Patching in censorship
Why? The game was already rated in every region?

It also looks like the font is bigger maybe that caused it to overflow the textbox?
What about her voiceline does it just cut there?

>probably suits being overly cautious over every little thing that could draw unwanted attention or trigger rating boards or anything similar.
So, child abuse is a-okay to feature, but not child grooming? Even though this is the same game that also features Mercedes and Ingrid?

It's about sanding off as many sharp edges as you can get to.

why even bother having an ESRB or a CERO if we're gonna make everything as clean as humanly possible anyway

>What about her voiceline does it just cut there?
In english the va re-recorded the line. Dunno about japanese, but probably not.

you're supposed to say "haha", not "lol"
you ruined it

Man you realize this is Nintendo we're talking about? The kind of retards that would censor out the word "holy" out of their games? Kimishima jokes aside, they never stopped fashioning themselves Disney of video games, they just withdraw their attempts to family-friendly-fy everything when it's economically convenient.

It already came censored, there was a thread about it yesterday. One of Sylvain and ingrids support removed a crossdressing reference.

Seeing as there was literally no backlash anywhere about this line I'm guessing someone internally in the company saw it, either got triggered or jumpy and complained about it and that's what caused the change.
I can't think of any other reason, there was no controversy, the game was already rated.
Such a stupid fucking change.

>censorship strikes again
Aaaaaaaaand dropped. Fuck Nintendo.

So is this shit going to end up causing FE16 to not win a single award in the Yea ForumsGAs?

There's a running theory that it has to do with the australian ratings board, of all things.

God fucking damn it.

Does anyone know if the Japanese line was changed too?

Based on what?

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You mean the same guys who got all bitchy about GTA?

It was not.

Wouldn't be surprised, they had to censor Fallout because of drugs giving beneficial effects. Saints Row has the dildo bat removed too.

I, too, am appalled at that aliasing.

Why would they change the Japanese line? Japan revels in sexualizing children.

IT was supposed to be a bunch of events that gave her issues with her future life . It isn't supposed to make you feel good.
Her dad was a freaking asshole.

Resetera doesn't like the change either.

whats the original Japanese line

It is entirely possible that they changed the line, along with the VA for byleth, because his OG VA was accused of ''abusing'' his ex gf.
And when we had a thread about that yesterday, most of you fags were attacking him, based on some shitty post she wrote online.

So do sjws just want to pretend bad things don't happen? I don't understand censoring this, even they should be okay with the original line since it paints her father as an abusive cunt, supporting their narrative.

Wtf I'm not buying the game anymore.

Sjws need to get killed but unironically

I haven't seen anyone say this is a good change. Even Twitter and Resetera are confused.

Ah yes, tying girls to a chair makes them good wives, just like the wive training manual suggests.

uhh... switchbros?! i thought nintendo was "based" and didn't censor games anymore? what happened?

Imagine being over the age of 16 and being triggered by fictional incest/rape undertones

Way to take the defining moment that contextualizes Bernadetta's character and prevents her from being a meme character

This doesn't make sense.
Does the Australian ratings board have a rule against being tied to a chair for a specific reason vs being tied to a chair for an unspecified reason?
It's still abuse in both versions of the line, it just became more ambiguous and confusing.

That's a ridiculous idea. The game is already out in Australia and the ratings board never does anything once a product is out because it by law has to be rated beforehand.

But the australian ratings board already approved the game? Why would they bitch about it now?

You could buy it physical and never update.

The only thing I'll attack him over is being dumb enough to admit to "abusing" anyone at all and torching his own career instead of waiting for it to blow over.

It's over bro, we shouldn't have sold our ps4s just yet

It's probably CERO's madmen thinking the quiet game is some kind of bondage RP but tying your kid to a chair is just disciplining a child. They've been getting increasingly ridiculous.

Nobody said they didn't censor their own games. They just don't censor third party titles.

Ratings boards can be dumb. One of the Atelier games had its rating changed in Japan after it came out.

>use a console that has a dedicated fucking button for screenshots
>pulls out his fucking phone and hapazardly takes a shot of the screen like a fucking barbarian

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>censored version is more sexual than the non-censored one
Way to go dipshits

Why the FUCK did they censor this, it's not like it was even suggestive or violent

If that was true then they would only patch it in Australia.

What support convo is this? I'll check if it's changed in German as well.

There isn't an Australian-specific release of the game, so that's not possible.

Bern x Byleth B rank

It's just as bad

They'd need to make a whole separate language setting to do that, which would be way more work than changing one line

Technically, she’s still a meme character. All the backstory means is that she’s a meme character with a tragic past.
It’s like claiming that Camilla has detailed reasons for being Camilla, because that doesn’t actually mitigate the fact that she’s fucking obnoxious and makes me hate Fire Emblem.

by me

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Nah, forcing third parties to censor their games is a lot worse than only censoring your own first party games.

Think it's just Nintendo trying to not have another bit of drama pop up for them like the whole Byleth VA issue? Remove the line before controversy grows from it in the future?

They can be dumb, but the Australian classification board doesn't re-rate games unless the company pays to have them re-rated, and this game was classified before release. They're not involved.

this is some next-level cope. censorship doesn't magically become good when it's a first-party game.

Treehouse already shipped the game with a bunch of little "localizations" that make Bernie more of a meme in English than originally written

Yep it's also censored in German now.

FE Fates was censored to hell and back. Thank Treehouse for that.

>ps4 game gets censored
>switch game gets censored
>"i-it's all CERO's fault!"
every time.

There might be something to that, but now they're going to catch shit for covering up an abuser's abuse of a 'beloved, brilliant character' or whatever. In this instance everyone should line up behind crying girls to try to help them force IS to revert the change.

Which is funny, as there were article that praised her supports. It's literally just them being retarded.

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There is no coping here. I pirate all my games, because I'm a scum bag. I don't even care enough about Fire Emblem to pirate the new game. I never said it was good or okay to censor your own games. I just said that forcing third parties to censor their games is a lot worse than censoring your own games.

I actually heard a theory that the lines were cut out because 8-4 was paid peanuts to dub the game and given way too little time to do so, so they just ripped out a bunch of lines to ease the workload.

The fuck.
Didn't Nintendo literally announce not too long ago that they would avoid censorship at all costs during Sony's Ethics debocle? What the fuck are they doing?

I wanna know if they really did call her and tell her to redub something so minor.

This is weird for me.
In the original, she explains the reason she was tied to a chair was to be submissive and quiet. There is an explanation.

In the new one, she doesnt explain why she was tied to a chair and i just assume "tied and raped into submission" which is much more fucked up

Why don't they hire voice actors for other languages?

Not at all. They're worse.

Audience not big enough? Voicing an RPG usually costs a lot of money.

8-4 is a retardation lottery.
Sometimes they're worse than WiiU-era Treehouse and sometimes they're very mild.

Sometimes they do, zelda botw for example.
Nintendo rarely does though. Sony games are often voiced in German and other languages.

It's expensive, this game is fully voiced in both English and Japanese. Hardly any games with this amount of text are fully voiced.

Did 8-4 dub Fates? I could've sworn it was Treehouse that worked exclusively on tge Western localization. Plus I haven't seen 8-4 get shit on online nearly as much as Treehouse.

This shit is Jiving Gorilla tier writing, only fucking mongoloids with a savior complex think this is anything but incredibly fucking hamfisted

Attached: jiving gorilla.png (890x402, 51K)

They're as bad and used to post on neofag. Same people and same mentality. You won't get different results. Almost all mainstream localization teams are controlled by feminists and trannies.

Bernie and Caspar are nothing but memes.

If she did, she’ll never say.

I get that, but I want to know is: Did 8-4 have any involvement with Fates or was it just Treehouse?

8-4 did Awakening. Treehouse did Fates.

I can’t keep track of which team did which dub. I just know that Yea Forums really fucking hates dubs.

Guy who mentioned the peanuts theory here. Thanks for the correction.

So now I have to import my games and never update them, just to be save.

What the fuck Nintendo?

Normally, it IS CERO's fault, but that doesn't fit your narrative.

>that whole scenario
>that blushing

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>Yea Forums really fucking hates dubs.
Nu-Yea Forums fags hate dubs

Is there any possibility this was a mistake? It's such a bizarre and pointless change I find it hard to believe that it was intentional.

>Normally, it IS CERO's fault, but that doesn't fit your narrative.
Yeah it totally is except we almost never get any proof that it is

If only the text changed it could have been an intern carelessly removing it, but the voice file was redone too so no way was it a mistake.

She also mentions later how her mother stuffed her in a bag and basically kidnapped her to get her to the monastery. Bernie is for bondage.

8-4 is straight up racist and thinks Japanese people are culturally inferior. One of the head guys said just that one one or the Giant Bomb after-hours E3 vids

>changed in multiple languages, possibly even japanese
>haha whoops my finger slipped how'd that happen

>5 snoybucks have been deposited into your bank account

It's possible this was an edited variation on the original take that slipped in but more likely someone thought this was a good idea. In this instance it's probably not a bad idea to complain directly to them since literally no one was offended by it and there's a legitimate argument that it's minimising an abuse survivor's experience.

Yep, here goes all my hope.
Warning signs were there but I was still optimistic.
I bet the Japanese version is fucked now too.


You realize both companies, well, no, more than those companies do this shit all the time? You don't hear about it a lot because there's no practical way to compare two language versions of the same game most of the time, but there's "cultural" edits in places you won't expect them in all the time. It's just that when they edit a grpahic or cut out a feature it's more noticeable.

Are you retarded


Yeah, CERO, the Japanese rating board, urged them to change an English line and leave the Japanese one untouched.
Makes sense.

Still not as bad as snoy censorship

>buy game and love it
>patch comes in and fundamentally changes it
so this is the state of modern gaming

No, I’m pretty sure it’s most of Yea Forums regardless of how long they’ve lurked.

I wonder what else they patched behind our backs without putting it in the patch notes.

>to turn me into a submissive wife, he did things like tying me up to a chair

Spanish kept the submissive thing.

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Your games were routinely censored by a literal sjw pedophile that replaced character development with *rawr* tumblr shit. Sony chose not to publish a softcore porn series. Cope harder.

Nobody anywhere likes this change, but let's not oversell it and say it fundamentally changes the game.

Sony censors every slightly sexual thing in games
Nintendo changes one line of text


It’s not the submissive thing that was removed, it was the “and then left me alone” part.

Based Zorro fighting for the freedom of the people

No one was mad about the line. And people saying Australia is responsible but why do it this late into release? Who was the line hurting?

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Censorship is censorship stop sucking Nintendo cock and understand they fucked up

Based conquistadors

>"every slightly sexual thing"
Citation needed.
>Nintendo changes one line of text
And removes content from games.

Literally nobody. So why the fuck was it changed at all?

They removed the part about it being done to make her submissive. This is censored too. Literally every language but Japanese was.

Because actual abuse is boring but implied sexual abuse excites the femcels who oversee Nintendo's localizations.

Bros, what else did they change about our wives?

Good thing this wasn't changed in Japan, or someone might have kyoani'd their office already.

It's a very minor thing only the biggest of autists would notice
>Citation needed.
Look at the stuff they censored recently
>And removes content from games.
Sony did that
Nothing really

Normally I don't care if something is censored but this seems like censorship for the sake of it rather than a good reason. Whoever chose to do it is beyond neurotic.

But why though? Nobody had a problem with the original line.
Wanna get this to blow up on social media and shit and see we can get Nintendo to reverse it back?

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It's obviously got nothing to do with Australia. They don't revisit games on their own. It would be someone internal to IS or Nintendo, and probably not someone who actually has any understanding of abuse, because one of the biggest issues in modern discourse about domestic abuse is not silencing or hiding survivors.

>they did that
Citation needed.

>it's a minor thing
>only the biggest of autists would notice
>Nothing else was changed... really
>it's okay when Nintendo does it......
Cope harder.

Strange thing is that the censored version is more sexualized than the non-censored version, I mean why remove the part that she was left alone?

Could it maybe relate to the abuse scandel with Chris Niosi and his girlfriend? Not saying it's justified, just trying to think of the logic behind the change.

Start describing it as erasure of a survivor's story and see what traction it gets.

So you have a time limit to finish games before they get butchered these days?

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>Not beating Sekiro before FROM changed it to be a bit more lenient on shit
Everyone after the first month is a permanent casual.

Real talk, it's probably a more authentic translation. Like the implications of this are more obvious in Japan, they decided to explain it more thoroughly for Westerners, and then decided that accuracy was more important.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't treat it as potential censorship and demand they change it back though.

One Sjw changes a line of text in a first party Nintendo game

Sony blocks games and changes them through patches (Similar to what happened here)

Fuck this user might have solved the puzzle. I don’t remember much of the scandal but if there was abuse involved towards his gf then it might have been the reason for a sudden scrub in text

Jokes on them all the support videos on youtube have already been made and will forever contain the real version.

Do you have a link to JP voice line?

Serenesforest has a new theory:

>>This situation is different. Dumping/Dumbing/??? at this point wouldn't relaly make more money. If anything, it's more work to replace. Specially when you have now voiced lines. Perhaps the removed latter part can simply be taken out; but I'd think removing a "middle of the sentence" word like the submissive part might require re-recording the line, which would cost. Even if not, the work to edit the file to make it flow naturally after taking out a word in the middle of it is still going to have a cost.
>Well, sure. But the logic was stupid in the first place. They believed that a proper script was actively hurting their chances of bringing in new players. I mean, just look at this bullshit from an interview about FE10:
”Yamagami: Other than the dialogue scenes, which are integral to advancing the plot, there are also other scenes that, for example, reveal the kind of connection two characters have with each other. While these kind of scenes may be highly enjoyable for the Fire Emblem enthusiasts, for new players they might seem completely unnecessary, having no effect on how much they will enjoy the game.
”In other words, by taking out the scenes concentrating on character building, we hope that players new to the series will be able enjoy the game more by just concentrating on the main story. We’ve heard from the more casual players that the storyline was too hard to follow in our previous games, so we’ve thought out this new structure and have found it to be the best solution to this problem.”

>Considering Radiant Dawn ended up being terrible failures, while Awakening and Fates were both massively successful with their half-baked scripts, why wouldn't IS see proper dialog and world building as a "flaw"? And if it is a flaw, then why not patch it out?

Who even complained about this enough to change it though? It was played off as a fucking bad thing

This pretty much you need around 1000ish posts, 500ish users with the same hashtag on twitter to get it to trending
We can say that Nintendo is silence a victim and is promoting that victims of abuse to stay quiet and not come forward.
I don’t like Twitter but with all of us, we can probably do this

>Sony blocks games and changes them through patches
Citation needed.

All you've proven so far is that you care about console wars more than censorship. Go start a thread on these other censorship issues if you actually give a shit and stop dodging the problem at hand while shilling for sjw pedophiles.

Bernie is just no good.


>patch out world building and character development because casuals don't like it
Are you seriously telling me that after a month of release, they remove 1 line and redub it because new players don't like good writing?

Attached: 1528467797310.jpg (600x600, 184K)

This is the kind of change that only makes sense on release, not in a patch. If they went out of their way to rerecord the line in multiple Western languages, they wanted it changed as an emergency situation.

I doubt they needed to redub, just recut they original line.

user, no!

im still mad about that convo

That works. Should we make a thread to try to get this started?

But why? Nobody was making a fuss over it and 3H sold well so what's the emergency?

BTW, link to the full FE10 interview:

Baseless Theory: Koei Tecmo changed the line to sabotage the goodwill toward FE out of jealousy since the hacks at IS have been getting most of the praise for KT's hard work. Also
>Intelligent Systems
>Islamic State
Coincidence? I think not!!

So what else ended up getting changed?

This doesn't seem likely.
if this was the reason it wouldn't have been done in a patch, it would have shipped like that.

Whatever snoy
Projection projection

a bunch of people on twitter were @ nintendo shortly after launch, complaining that it was making light of her abuse and triggering actual abuse survivors.

Other than Byleth's VA change, nothing.

Why are you defending censorship, shill?

What the fuck? Why? No one in-game suggested it was at all a good thing and it was directly responsible for her being as fucked up as she is.

For what purpose though

>These things we haven't advertised at all and can only be seen once potential customers made the decision to actually buy the game and boot it up will bring us new players.

>source: my ass

Didn't play the game but I'm curious. Why did they change a voice actor after the game came out?

lmao no /feg/ is filled with dubfags last time I was in there they were talking about some twitter faggotry from the pandering voice actors

The dub for FE is terrible though I saw the Lysithea S rank comparison and wow..

so people who didn't play the game?

For Byleth? The guy violated the NDA and also abused his gf.

he got #metoo'd and cancelled

Why are you making shit up?

OG voice actor broke NDA, which is a big no-no.

Did he tie her to a chair?

Oh for fucks sake
So how different is the new guy?

No, he made her watch Brawl Taunts.

Not really that much, his voice is softer and slightly more calm, which I guess fits more the whole emotionless autist side of Byleth.

A little softer but almost identical, they clearly told him to mimic the existing lines.

>this will ruin all gameplay discussions
I hate this place

Fair enough then I guess. Did FemByleth change too or just the male?

He yelled at her.

FemByleth is unchanged

just male, his VA was only replaced because he got accused of harassment and rape like 2 days before the game came out.

Just go on Instagram pages with fire emblem content preferably fujoshos as they are by far the most vocal of the fanbase

It’d be nice if Nintendo would just tell us why they changed the line. Transparency can go a long way.

Oh shit, this is it, isn't it?
>Nintendo scrubs Niosi for being an NDA breaking abusive asswipe
>NA execs are afraid twitter SJWs will see the Bernie line, and since they're allergic to context accuse them of hypocrisy and being "problematic" by "endorsing" abuse
>tone it down just to be safe and avoid controversy

It would also be nice if they put it in the patch notes.

Broke NDA saying that couldn’t say they voice the character until after release, same thing happened to Cristina Vee.
The only reason he broke it was because he was bragging to his fan base that he would probably be in smash

Attached: 6792DF23-4BD6-4DC9-90E6-8D61813F9262.jpg (750x490, 203K)

>top 10 pictures taken moments before disaster

And for some reason people keep thinking it’ll be Edelgard who’ll get in.

It was also the brawl taunts guy, Kirbopher

What a fucking retard lmao, fair enough. You don't break the NAP.

can't wait to see another "fuck snoy for censoring games, based nintendo never does it" thread tomorrow

fuck this board honestly

This literally happened with Dark Souls 2, Shrine of Amana was insane on release.

Anyone who cries CENSORED without knowing what the original line was in Japanese is a retard

Didn't the knights at the dragon shrine literally have infinitely looping attacks too?


Yea Forums doesn't really care about censorship, only shitposting.

kill yourself snoyboy

>Vee breaks NDA
>other companies fire her for it
>no one wants her
pretty lame

What, are you implying this is a problem similar to Studio Khara ruining the Eva 3.0 dub as well as the Netflix redub? Because they wanted the script to be as close to the original as possible?

She was just in that river city girls game. She's fine. If companies are going to distance themselves from her it should be for being a hysterical retard on social media lately.

censorship is fine as long as the corporation I like continues to make money
I enjoy defending my corporation online

Happened in Dark Souls one even. They nerfed the shit out of Super Ornstein.

Makes absolutely zero fucking sense. What are these retards doing?

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That’s the job, dumbass. NDAs and standard practices exist for a reason.

>Edelgard gets in smash
Would be absolutely hilarious and better then keeping it only sword users. Too bad about the actor's career and being Byleth though.

wait, what's the purpose of NDAs like that?
t. weeb who's used to japs parading VAs around on reveal

She went through a rough patch but she seems she's getting work again.

I have the most confused erection

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>She was just in that river city girls game
Only because her wayforward connections from the Shantae games

Basically 'Don't say you're working on this before it comes out or your ass is grass'.

retard, here's an analogy for you.
>Nintendo: Forces one of their employees to commit Seppuku
>Sony: Forces one of their employees, and one employee from every third party they work with to commit Seppuku
If i say "what sony did was worse" i'm not saying "what nintendo did was okay". that's not how it works. both things can be bad and yet one can be more bad than the other.

Attached: Sudoku.png (394x394, 333K)

Wayforward will still hire her because she’s fucking shantae. However getting blacklisted by Nintendo is huge fucking blow

The purpose is to make people not talk about something without permission. Jap VAs would have them too so they don't talk before something is announced, but revealing voice casts is standard over there, so they wouldn't be as obvious.

were supports even voiced in fates? i thought it was just like awakening where characters made generic happy/sad/angry sounds when their text started.

Fuck off with your censored game.

To be honest i never liked fire emblem

>Nu-Yea Forums
>implying old Yea Forums didn't hate dubs too.

They weren't

>no haha

>japan revels in coaxing money out of fat, ugly neets by sexualising everything they can
fixed it for you

Fates was just silent which I appreciated.
The noises were strange.
Either fully voice it or leave it text only, don't half ass it.
Random dialogue was voiced so when you spoke to someone in a shop they would say something which is acceptable.

Why don't we just have sex

People harass the VA for story details.

It literally says there in Spanish to make her submissive.

Fuck her ass

I'll go fetch some lube, who wants in on this?

that's just a stupid change. nothing wrong with showing how shitty her dad was

She's still a huge messed up honestly, she currently "quit" twitter and instead posts pretending to be a cartoon dog or some shit, I also think her relationship with that Geoff guy who died wasn't as close as she implies, more one sided, nice tits though

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Those are some fake ass tiddies.

Does it actually say it was to make her a submissive wife in Japanese or are we all just assuming that?

We gon get pegged

I usually keep my switch offline, so these updates can't do shit to me. Even if I go online and accidentally download it, I can always delete the update, and reinstall it from the cartridge, which allows me to continue playing the game as it was originally intended. I also don't buy DLC like most good goyim do, so not having the most up to date version doesn't mean dick to me. God I love being part of the physical master race. It's too bad for all you digitalfriends out there though, imagine having to force yourself to play a butchered version of something you paid for, because it offended some purple haired twitter landwhale.

Have sex faggot

Bernie's just no good

Attached: bernie-sanders-gun-sense[1].jpg (789x460, 46K)

Sure are, she's talked about them being fake before, its not a secret, just tired of being flat

Attached: 47290865_364011950828478_2894456708373068627_n.jpg (833x1042, 80K)

>as it was originally intended

I'd agree but they bundled this stupid change with the new difficulty mode. Super scummy.

Is this shit to keep a rating or something? They didn't even remove the implication, they just took out detail. I don't get the point of this? Please tell me this is just a thing in the dub and not the original release

Why am i seeing real woman get that off my screen

t.someone that no longer has access to the original version

nothing about submissive

Attached: berna.jpg (1021x533, 65K)

I can't help but feel that the lack of detail makes it sound lewder
all I care about is which is more accurate though

But it does specify that it was for marriage purposes, which is basically what it said in all languages. So this is definitely trying to cover up the nature of her abuse.

This new version doesn't even make sense

Attached: fire emblem edelgard computer.png (611x854, 179K)

that's because "submissive" is already part of the japanese "ideal wife". It certainly isn't a bad translation to add the word.

That sounds worse because what happens is left up to the imagination.

Vee is established enough, losing FE isnt going to hurt her career. It's just one less feather in her cap.

The original translation is wrong.
"He would tie me to a chair, or try to discipline me all day long, urged me to just find a good husband and get married already."

Attached: jp.jpg (1277x719, 221K)

What’s the source for this meme template btw?
Not the computer meme, I’m asking about the superdeformed Edelgard meme.

It’s not even a feather loss, it’s a flat-out black mark.
“I voiced the leading girl in a videogame dub! And then immediately broke an NDA on Twitter once the trailer came out!”

thanks for your input

So, the censored version is even more... Rape-y?

They still kind of do, just not as broken. They give you like 6 or 7 good swings, still too much.

Ironic isn't it

Neither are right.

That makes even less sense, user.

Nobody knows.

I think the original was a paper cutout but I didn't save it sorry

Attached: fire emblem edelgard paper.jpg (1920x1482, 240K)

this is foreshadowing for bernie's dad becoming recruitable

Do you have the derpface S support pic of Edelgard?

Attached: fire emblem edelgard face.gif (530x417, 279K)

why didnt they censor edelgard's support too, its just as dark as this line

So they took out the quiet game aspect, which makes the goal of the submissive wife a little less obvious, but now it's closer to the original line?

Because I remember when I ran through there it looked like they were forcing themselves to stop attacking after a point

>all these crybabies who havent played the game crying about censorship
it's two different supports you freaks

!elicebmi uoy ,tniop eht no dnats emoC

It makes sense in the context. Her father just saw her as a tool to make money (by marrying her out) so he would treat her harshly by tying her up (so she doesn't cause problems) or disciplining her for unreasonable amount of time, and just generally wanting her to marry already, so eventually she got scared doing anything on her own, like going out of her room, to avoid his wrath. Nothing about submissive wife in the original dialogue though.

God you people are fucking dumb.

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which ones?

Not as dumb as this line change.

So, where does one go to complain?



Watch it on youtube and you'll realize you're wrong.

Ratings boards don’t play games. They are given a portfolio of the games “worst” stuff and make a rating based on that. If Nintendo forgot Bernie’s line, the board would contact them and say if they don’t fix it, the game gets banned or you have to get it rerated.

Anons, the reason they changed it is pretty obvious. They were obviously getting upset at no one making rape doujins for Edelgard while she was stuck in the rape basement, so they added another rape-bait line in with Bernie to try and get someone to make rape doujins of it.

Fucking loser shut up.

Wait, in the original it explains that he would tie her to a chair and try to make her keep quiet... In the changed version, it says he just ties her to a chair, but removes the part about her being quiet? Why?

Nowhere. This is standard practice for localization. You deal with it or learn Japanese.

That's not really the issue people are getting worked up about. It's fine to add that to make it clearer to a non-Japanese audience what you mean. The issue is the second half of the line getting removed. But it kind of looks like the second half was embellishment? Is that right?

>Wayforward will still hire her because she’s fucking shantae.
I hate it, Im tired of hearing her shit singing.

It’s not even been two months, dude. The doujins usually take until like half a year to come out, and only when a convention is happening.

It's not like the new one isn't creepy as hell. Sure, "submissive" is gone, but the basic premise is still the same.

But there's nothing new to report here. Characters are going on about their parents forcing them into things left and right.

Drive to their headquarters and say you want to speak with them. Bring donuts or something so they won't turn you away.

What a beautiful intoner.

Yes. The intent of JP version of the scene is not so much that her dad was abusive, but more that he wanted her to find a husband with money and get married, which she couldn't because all he cared about was how much money he'd get out of the arrangement.

What if she ate a big lunch before hand and really had to poop and ended up stinking the room with her smelly pre-poop farts before shitting herself and being forced to sit in her mushy panties all day haha

I can't believe Kirbopher fucked up his literal first job.

I still don't see how tying her up is going to help her get out and find a husband, especially in a setting with arranged marriages. There has to be some purpose to it. Is the chair training?

>immediately broke an NDA on Twitter once the trailer came out!
The hilarious part to me is, you can tell who it is by the voice anyway. Not like these western VAs have much range.

First thing to remember about ratings boards is they pick stupid shit to get upset about and they will do so in a contradictory fashion.

Also she was the only one that underwent that level of “realistic” abuse. Edgelord underwent fictional abuse with magic crests, but it’s not as bad as the real thing.

The original translation misrepresented the father as just kind of a sadistic controlling asshole. The Japanese still paint a sad picture, but not one of actual intentional abuse.

But the new translation doesn't make sense in either context. It's like someone did a machine translation and handed it to a 50IQ ESL monkey who threw out half of the line because he was too dumb to edit it to be readable in English.

Maybe I'm getting it across badly because both English and Japanese are foreign languages to me, but to me it sounds like he would punish her because she couldn't find a marriage partner? The entire scene is really oddly written and holy fuck her Japanese voice is fucking atrocious. At any rate there's screencaps posted above so just find some high level weeb and ask them about it, I guarantee you, it's a translation fix rather than censorship.

NO ONE had a problem with this i just dont get it i might pass on buying dlc because of this

The problem is that the line reads like shit now, it’s not really much of a correction either if it’s less understandable

that doesn't make much sense since her dad's the one who's job it is to find her a husband in a society with arranged marriages. the original intent WAS that he was abusing her to make her act like a wife that won't cause problems for whatever noble he can convince to marry her.

Patience and tolerance training, I assume. A "good wife" doesn't complain no matter what her husband does to her, knows to keep her mouth shut when not asked and etc.

This is the impression I'm getting. It seems like the English line is needlessly ambiguous but still a little closer to the mark than before. So we could interpret the English line as something like "My dad would tie me up to teach me a lesson for not landing a rich husband"?

No, you see this is a japanese game. They're talking about the Yamato Nadeishko archetype. Essentially that the perfect woman is quiet, obedient and wholy devoted to her husband. She was tied to a chair to essentially force her go get accustomed to stay in place and do nothing but smile for her husband for hours.

Nintendo of Japan doesn't. Unfortunately we can't control NoA.

>So we could interpret the English line as something like "My dad would tie me up to teach me a lesson for not landing a rich husband"?
No, that's complete nonsense, especially with assumed age when this happened.

Except when cero tells them to

Yeah, it would have to be his job with all the other characters going on about arranged marriages. You can still understand the purpose of tying her to a chair to be a good wife, but you now you have to squint because it's all implied.

So preventive, then. He saw her as a tool to mary off to a rich husband so he would tie her and discipline her in excess because he didn't give a shit about her. She wanted to do what he said and get married but eventually she'd just stay in her room because anything she did seemed like it'd angry the father. Does that sound right?

I hate to reopen old wounds Burnie, but I have a fetish that sort of thing. Don't worry I won't leave you alone. I will make you scream in pleasure though.

What's next, Marianne goes on vacation instead of killing herself?

Marianne kills herself???

Yes. It tends to come up for her due to it being a huge reason behind her being reclused and constantly down on herself.

apparently if you don't recruit her she does, presumably out of fear of turning into the beast her mark is famous for.

Yea Forums has always hated dubs
even the fucking good ones like yu-yu hakisho get shit on if mentioned on Yea Forums
>inb4 yu-yu hakisho dub is bad

He’s had a bunch of work with Funi, dude. Heck, he had just finished played one of the big villains of Hunter x Hunter six months ago, enacting possibly the gayest fucking scene in television with Tomamoto.

It's weird that they censor that considering there is way worse things in other supports, Dimitri and Gilbert's springs to mind

Will you?

Attached: 1564356765032.jpg (600x900, 64K)

I really regret the fact that I was in my dub paranoia phase when I watched YYH. Because now I’m pretty much never gonna get to watch the dub version.

It was confirmed that the Switch port is based on the censored Wii U version so you, unfortunately.

Not surprised the Switch's success distracted enough cucks for Nintendo to pull this shit again.

>resetera bitched about her support
>nintendo abides

time to return my copy of the game

Trannyera is upset about this change too.

>it was confirmed
Show me the reference because promotional materials are conflicting.

>those extra silver knight archers on that thin railing in Anor Londo
Pre-patch Dark Souls had some real shit

Welp, there went Nintendo... again.

Based nintendo would never cens--

There's a Nintendo game that mentions horrific child abuse and abuse of women and they probably think it being out there ruins their family friendly image.

I'm less upset about it than before since it doesn't seem like the original was talking about her being quiet all day.

So Dimitri has a son? I had read no, but Gilbert confirms yes.

Attached: trye56y.png (1204x609, 824K)

There’s no guarantee it’s Dimitri’s son. Could be adopted, could be a whole new royal family.

I think it’s more likely the conversation got past a ratings board somewhere and they had to change it or risk raising the age rating in a specific country.

SJWs relieve that if we ignore bad things they will not happen.

>the people most vocal about letting women talk clearly about domestic abuse
Try not to let your Yea Forums narratives cloud your common sense.

Hm? The two lines convey essentially the same information. If it was censored, this has to be some lousy censorship. Also, is this the same case with spanish, for example?

What a fool. Don’t you know that women are innate liars, and nothing they say is true? Everyone knows that women just use men for sex, and then lie about having given consent if they don’t end up satisfied.


what are you faggots complaining about this time?

did you black out entirely during the support or something?

Serenes has already established that the new line is closer to the original

No, I’m just impressed that they actually fucking gave it to you. Usually supports like this could bring in all manner of shit and it wouldn’t affect gameplay or story one whit.

So we’ve got another Studio Khara affair on our hands.
God, I fucking hate subfags.

Felix is just that fucking based, enjoy it

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Can someone else confirm this? I need to know whether I should stay mad or not.

I'm not familiar with what one. What happened there?

The forums are correct but stay mad just in case.

>My mother used to lock me in the basement and feed me shitake mushrooms to force me to get used to mushrooms.
>My mother used to lock me in the basement and feed me shit.

There I fixed it.

Redubbing AND resubbing Evangelion to make all the dialogue as close to a 1:1 translation of the original Japanese, because they hated how much people enjoyed 3.0’s gay romance. It was pretty much everywhere on Yea Forums, Yea Forums and Yea Forums back in late June.

>just checked it myself
>it's real
For what fucking purpose?

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Glad I bought physical. If I want to play without the censorship and the new VAs I can.

Oh, right. The koi/koui thing or whatever. Don't know why I blanked on that.

To be more accurate