Kojima haters BTFO!
Kojimabros stay HUMBLE!
Death Stranding WILL be GOTY 2019!
Kojima haters BTFO!
Kojimabros stay HUMBLE!
Death Stranding WILL be GOTY 2019!
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Nice pop-in LMAO
>fedexman simulator
Its shit.
show me a better looking game
Is that a fuel meter on the back?
alright buddy im making some webms from the amazing combat section
>that camera zoom in to hide that nothing's happening
so this is the power of blank check
Is there a single 3D open-world game that doesn't have pop-in? Serious question.
its called the power of a 2011 APU aka the PS4
Zzzzz.... UwU
im making some webms from the horrible lame cluky ass combat that this game i cant wait to see u guys defending the shit combat the shit story and the horrible long walking simulator parts that kojimbo skipped hahaha
Here's the combat
Why not just use a helicopter or a drone?
what do you mean by better looking? there is nothing interesting to look at in the first place
Gameplay honestly looks like a reskinned MGSV. The animation for getting into vehicles is almost identical, as are the sneaking mechanics. Consider me in.
>this is the best reply she could come up with
>Konami was right
lol you kidding me piss poor sony nigger
I saw gameplay of the game
I'm even more confused
What the hell is this game even?
Jesus, albeit is funny seeing Norman's running animation
Unironically Star Citizen ad Elite Dangerous.
Amazon Delivery Driver: Iceland 2K20 is not going to be GOTY
This is *EXACTLY* how FF7R's overworld should be done in subsequent chapters.
Prove me wrong.
pay attention
>the chiral network is a project that aims to improve human life
>everything goes to shit. Like big time
>the United Snakes, as a country, is wiped off the face of the earth
>ironically, the territory begins to heal and nature recovers terrain in a scorching and fast pace
>the government elite, along with what remains of big tech (NASA, Space X and what remains of the technology development industry) found UCA and the BRIDGES foundation under the President of the United States in order to rebuild the country.
>the problem is that basically 90% of the population is not
>no energy industry
>no road infrastructure
>basically it is 6 september 1620 again
>north america in a fertile and rejuvenated land, but it is impossible to deploy a country project.
>that's when you came in
The animations look very stiff and robotic
This game has terrible animations, holy shit. Don't even get me started on the draw Distance and LoD.
They have giant convoys full of trucks and cars and even motorcycles, that doesn't explain the lack of air vehicles for the entire game.
>>no energy industry
Except that vehicles already exist and run off of some kind of fuel.
I'm like halfway through watching the gameplay footage and I'm actually surprised that the framerate is so high, considering most other ps4 games struggle with 30fps.
It still struggles, keep watching.
It's just another tech demo like Breath of the Wild, but of course kojimbo drones will fight for who gets to suck on his dick.
some of the clips I have seen here when there's combat or your bike is going too fast show the game having dips in FPS, and I can't imagine they are showing this game on a regular PS4, so that's concerning
user clearly means energy infrastructure to power cities, not individual vehicles.
When will it be on PC?
Why did the demo randomly switch between English and Japanese? Also will there be subtitles for gameplay dialogue or just cutscenes?
If the game is good I'd 100% double dip to replay at 60 fps
It looks like those generic Unreal demos made for Zelda so basically any game out there looks better than this
gacha games look better than this
Every single AAA game that came out this year
What fucking pop in
Do you retards even know what you're saying anymore
To be honest this seems like one of those games you play once just for the novelty. If and when it gets on PC it'll already be heavily spoiled.
But he has a fucking motorbike and drones don't need roads.
Because a human is more effective for convincing other humans to join their cause.
>shoot down helicopter because it's slow as shit
>shoot human because it's a literal meatbag
the idiot can't even use a personal helicopter or a gen h-4 it¡s the future god!!! the terrain is full of "toxic" dark water"!!!
oh but they have anti gravity gears and another ultra sphisticated gears, enourmous buildings made from actual metal BUT CAN'T MAKE A FUCKING HELICOPTER... too much sense now.... fucking idiot
and yes, they have bikes!!!!! bikes!!!!!! really.. you can't make a fucking gen h-4 at least? it's basically the same, gasoline or other energetic, engine... fuck IT'S THE FUTURE!!!!!
How do you know it doesn't have that?
Women are fucking stupid, what did you expect.
>the United Snakes
Not sure redpilled or phone poster
nice UE tutorial
There is nothing that anybody on this board could say to make me unhyped for this game. Even if it doesn't come out for PC (don't have a playstation), I'll STILL be hyped because I know anons are enjoying themselves.
His company clearly doesn't have one of these, it's a very greedy company and gives a shit their workers.
good luck flying a very delicate object in the rain that deteriorates everything
good luck storing the helicopter in a place where the parts wont get fucked up when a storm rolls in and you're flying around
>ubereat driver delivering fetuses and cum for lord rothschild
Yeah.. I'm thinking KINO is back!
> need PS+ to play
>Not enjoying the extra challenge
No random bikes or ladders for you bud. Just you vs the world
Why can't people learn proper English?
Why would you ever let these pathetic smelly fat fucks sway your opinion bro? They hate ANYTHING popular. Never with their own opinions either. They parrot things they see and believe. This game will be great bro and we will have tons of comfy threads when it comes out.
Can anyone that knows Japanese tell me about the music in the game? When you set up one of those umbrella bases can you share your own music with other players like with Spotify or something or is it just licensed tracks like in MGSV?
been done before
>comfy threads
Lmao and here they go. Dude. I literally don't give a shit what you think. How can I make this anymore clear? I'm going to ignore any responses from you after this last free (You)
>sold ps4 years ago
>this is coming to ps4 first
>so is ff7 remake
real tempted to rebuy it right now.
>MFW I get Yea Forums to love this game by pointing out there's no pride flags or trannies
>oh no he said something I don't like, I'm going to tell him I'm going to ignore him
lol what a fag
That field reminds me of the unreal engine kite demo
>all these seething retards
holy shit my sides
there is a man carrying a baby
nobody going to play this tranny shit
I'm trying to figure out where it's suppose to be too. The game constantly wanks about AMERICA THE GREAT COUNTRY, but Iceland was literally my first thought too lol.
>There's vehicles
>You can probably order the bike at some point, like you can always have the horse in MGSV
>You can steal enemy vehicles
>You will stop and then climb/go to where you have to deliver stuff, possibly fight in-between
Just because Kojima is being a cunt and not showing all the juicy details doesn't mean this is a walking sim. It's just MGSV again but with slightly altered gameplay and it looks fine. Just because you want to shitpost and meme and expect TORtanic 2 doesn't mean a game is bad, you're just a meme-loving fuck. It's not the best game ever but it's definitely not just a walking sim. I fucking hate zoomer Yea Forums, you fags think ironic shitposting is legitimately funny.
Nice replying to your own thread cuck
that's a good looking tech demo
are you feeling alright bro?
So it's just MGSV again
>no day and night cycle
>didn't show off hell so there might not be much to do there
It's shit.
>5 rice bags have been deposited to your shill account
>that animation when he broke the dudes neck
This game and you kojicucks are embarrassing, but it's hilarious to watch either way.
Fucking kek
It isnt a walking simulator lmao
He has a bike
It looks like BoTW without the fun physics and somehow even less in the overworld
Kojima: "Ropes are all about our connection to other people."
Also Kojima: "Watch me strangle this guy with a rope."
Big budget animations
ah yes, the power of Decima™ engine developed for Playstation 4™
It looks sped up because he's wearing an exoskeleton.
sauce from pic?
the exoskeleton was only on his legs, wasn't it?
Don't be stupid...
Looks whimsical and cartoony like Kojima has done consistently in his games.
>i-it looks like shit!!! Hahaha, t-that showed him r-right, Yea Forumsros??
literally seething and coping left and right
>whimsical and cartoony like Kojima has done consistently
The absolute state of Kojicucks
So what's the story of the game? You work for uber eats?
Is pc gaming really that game starved that you have to name a scam jpeg generator without any gameplay? Star citizen doenst even look good. It looks like a last gen game
"walking simulator" is not an argument, it's people expressing their bitterness about not having the money to buy it or a playstation.
im convinced this could be complete shit and people would still love it
>if you don't like the way it looks you're poor!
Yeah okay you literal nigger.
Nice cope,, you wanted and answer and I gave you one. Drone.
>delivery boi simulator
>Norman Reedus casually ignore physics and glitches through vehicles
>Glitches through enemies with janky animations and movement
>Objects on him ignore collision
>Anything beyond walking makes the animations spazz out
>Boss kindly slows down for him so he has more than enough time to move
>Camera pans away from him tying his hair back because they couldn't be fucked animating it
>Camera pans away from him putting the racks on the bike because they couldn't be fucked animating it
>No matter how steep he never actually slips and falls down hills, just speeds up or slides down, there is no risk
why is safe-to-spend a registered trademark? what the fuck is this? americans are sick and perverted people.
>no d/n cycle
>no npcs
>bunkers are all the same
>map takes 4 hours to go from est to west
Story might be the only decent thing about this mess, but after mgsv i have my doubts, just hoping for the footage be a big ruse, im desperate for a good game holy shit
Looks very good desu
It may be a shitty scam, but it does look better than Death Stranding.
>It looks like a last gen game
And Death Stranding looks like one of those shitty unreal engine 4 tech demo landscapes, but with even more fog and worse LoD and Draw Distance.
The skeleton was only on his legs.
exosuit. try again
That was the speedo skeleton. He had a battle skeleton equipped to his arms iirc.
zoom zoom
BTs are in the Sky. That’s where their umbilical cords go.
Nice animation, nice trajectory for the jump. It looks fucking retarded.
he moves like a superhuman
why do they insist on pushing women into everything when they're clearly not interested and just acting
Tesla made electric energy from nothing but metal shit in 1900's but these faggots can make a fucking gen h-4