Post beloved franchises that have only one good game to their name.
Post beloved franchises that have only one good game to their name
eat shit and die
Time to Kill, Zero Hour and 3D were all good. Eat shit.
>duke nukem 1
>duke nukem 2
>zero hour
>time to kill
>manhattan project
>duke nukem advance
>doctor who cloned me
blow it out your ass faggot
Hoo boy am I gonna make people steam with this one
Note: I'm making a distinction between Dark Souls and Souls (which encompasses DeS and BB). I'm referring to the former.
Easy, Unreal.
Vanilla Doom, Final Doom or Ultimate Doom?
That's cheating.
Actually nevermind because I remembered Doom 64
The nuDoom thread that's currently up was amazing.
>someone playing the first two levels badly
>someone playing some probably mid-to-late-game level with skill
nice cherrypicking
Imagine being so fucking wrong
Blow it out your ass
damn I'm shit
only the 1st was good
Half Life.
This except with ME2
Both the TPS dukes on the PS1 were great
Duke Nukum 1 and Duke Nukem 2 were great.
I like Doom 2016 but most of the weapon swapping in that webm was totally pointless. In fact most webms posted on this board are fucking infuriating because you can tell some faggot is trying their hardest to look good by doing the most useless shit. Like wow dude you can jump and swap guns whoop DEE FUCKING DOO!
Unironically this. Liking ME2 is like liking the Star Wars prequels, I can forgive it as a guilty pleasure but it's not great. ME3 is complete trash and ran the story into the ground. ME:A doesn't even deserve to call itself a Mass Effect game.
Duke Nukem 2, 3D, and Manhattan Project are all good.
I'm cheating somewhat because the remake of 2 is great and 7 is passable. Everything else is crap, though, and this is one of the best games ever.