I Will Now Buy Your Game
I Will Now Buy Your Game
>Energy drink
>restoring stamina
Is there going to be a minigame for pissing out the giant kidney stones he'll get?
Wait do energy drinks cause kidney stones?
I've been drinking a few lately to get through classes
You'll buy Hell Let Loose? Sweet
it runs like shit
but it feels like what battlefield should have been
post a webm of the amazing rope action TOP FUCKING KEK or anything about the combat specially the part when u throw mustard gas grenades to the ass crack homo demon boss
This game is gonna be chill as fuck, can't wait to cool down after work with it.
Death stranding was a good game
Wouldnt call them stones more bricks
>western front
Optimisation will take a while, there's only 8 devs... but they'll get there eventually.
Does this game have fishing? If it does, that's an automatic buy and I'm not joking.
No fishing, there's bazookas though
Press X to Sip
I fucking hate fishing in every iteration of it ever made
they're planning on making a russian front too iirc
Fishing in games is max relaxation.
I get enough of bazookas in real life, fishing is something I can only experience in video games.
Nice. I'm a big fan of bazookas. Not so fond of the trouble often associated with them though.
I'd have bought BOTW and not just played it on my PC if the game had had an actual fishing system and a rod. I love fishing in video games.
Might as well stop playing and stare at my home's ceiling.
I've been drinking monster almost daily for over a decade, at what point do I get stones?
I drink Monster Zero Ultra every day. That shit is so good.
Man she was so annoying.
Why do Japs (especially women) do these, obviously fake, retarded sounds?
Some are more likely, part of it is genetics and a lot of other factors like diet and stuff, if you drink extra water or things that may help break them down like lemon juice is supposed to be good. ALSO you can have kidney stones and not be aware of it till they fall and start to pass. They form in pockets of the kidneys or something and then get dislodged and that's supposed to be when it gets painful. It can be called a stone shower, some people get it if they take a hit or fall, sometimes during sports/running. Again, different for everyone. It's like smoking, there's plenty of people who get away with no cancer or only when they are very old and at that point it may not really matter.
Just ride lots of rollercoasters bro.
>not fishing using spears like a true chad
Stomach cancer is good.
Only if you're american and fat
Same, dude. I was honestly flabbergasted by the lack of a rod. Huge world, freedom, all this water and fish everywhere, and it's one of the LoZ games without a fishing rod. If BotW 2 doesn't have one, I'll be pissed.
literally tastes like pure chemicals to me, I couldn't even manage 2 gulps
Imagine Buying A Game Because Of Product Placement So You Can Please Anonymous Retards On This Shitty Fucking Website With A Stupid Meme
Chill dude, it's just a fucking meme. I don't even onw a Ps4.
same reason why west has fake audiences that go WOOOOOOOOO after every word the man on the stage says
japan just can't afford a whole audience so they hire a "hype girl"
It's a social expectation. Japanese language and social customs have lots of specific contexts and behaviours where you are supposed to speak or act in a certain manner depending on who you are, what you are doing, who you are speaking with or to etc.
Your shilling is only going to make people hate your shit game
It's easier to just whistle and lure the fish into land and catch them all that way