Marsupial Company Crusing: Estrogen Fueled

Enjoying the current grand prix with our favorite little purple dragon?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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I'll bump For Liz

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I lost reserves : (

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What is it about Liz that makes her get Beenox'd?

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Godspeed Komodobro, out there doing God's work.

Rimba DLC when?

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Thanks doc

Stop leaving...

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The raw sex appeal is too much for the games files.

Attached: Lizzie in Cortex Castle.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

Balanced and Turn shall no longer be foes. We need to work together to cleanse online of Speedster and Accelet supremacy. Use your items, not against your kin, but against your nemesis.

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Attached: OxideRun.webm (700x392, 2.94M)

Being punished for beauty is cruel.

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Attached: USFOxide.webm (700x392, 2.95M)

Fuck off with your censored game, shill.

Shill of with your censored fuck, game.

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>"E for Everyone."

Attached: Elizabeth's Winter Wonder win.webm (354x438, 1.11M)

Not really. I'm already back into the grind of only playing when there's wumpa time and I don't bother with the "challenges" October's cup better be fucking fantastic or that's it for me, it'll be one disappointment too many.

Nina makes it worth playing

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Win or lose its great to see her pull through.

Attached: Deep Dick Driving.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

Only if she's accel and I need more than just one racer. I have my own checklist and I'm going to need most of it or else I'm done.

>Deep Dick Driving

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Would you want N. Brio next GP or for him to have his own?

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Feels appropriate

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Next. Basically my list for October is:
>Dark Crash and Coco skins
>spooky cars

>Trying to beat my time on Oxide Station
>Keep fucking up

Nina is 100% in, Brio is in but god knows when.
>Dark Crash and Coco
No idea
>spooky cars
Damn well better be

You think theyll do the stockings?

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Like I said it needs to all be in for the October cup or I'm out. This is the cup I've been looking forward to most and it's the source of the last shred of my hype for this fucking game.

They've been pretty faithful to costumes so far and they had no problem with coco constantly flashing her spats so I can see them keeping in the stockings.

Can't wait for Dark Coco to come out and have a more tame design to see everyone cry censorship

Thanks, doc.

I know where you're coming from user, under delivering on this GP if nothing else was a mistake. Especially considering how shit last GP was.

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Yeah Spyro cup was my second most hyped, and for many THE cup for them, and they barely fucking bothered with it having less stuff than the Nitro Cup, doesn't help that the track is yet again nothing special. At this point I think I would have preferred them as DLC as it would have meant more characters, tracks, karts, and all kinds of shit instead of these half assed updates.

This was a very strange Grand Prix, but at least Nina's coming back next month. I do like the game but I wish they'd get a better formula for their GPs. Also, fuck Oxide Station.

There's no predicting anything this French Canadian company does. To my understanding all is permitted except for jiggle physics

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Why do you hate OS?

I'm having a hard time breaking 2:50

Make it happen Beenox

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Fuck Discord and FUCK /vg/

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My dick is not ready for all the Dark Coco Femdom.

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Good god what happened to crash

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>tfw i was racing with the lizfag
i even have your xbox name but lucky for you i'm not going to post it

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I leave a good impression? Message me bro

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He got human corrective surgery.

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Hey Lizbro, got the animation of her dancing at Slide Coliseum? It cute

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Ami looks okay Crash doesn't.

not now because i turned off my xbox but maybe tomorrow

I can make a Webm of it if it hasnt been made already.

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>Start doing Oxide Time Trials
>Some are super easy, while others are barely possible

Why is it always like this in Crash games? It's been this way since they introduced time trials in Warped.

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hes in.

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Alright then... Where'd we race by the way?

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Oxide ghosts are fine, Relic-style TTs are garbage in any Crash game. It's not a matter of speed or completing a level quickly, it's just route memorization, and if anything at all goes wrong, fuck you, do it all over from the beginning.

if i can remember it was jungle boogie

I went off Hot Air Skyway twice and still beat him. That's not fine in my book.

This! I wanted to watch baby seals get clubbed after I did Polar Pass.

I hate how I havent even been able to PLAY this game

Were you in the pic you tagged me in? I don't remember the names but I remember the Tiny got 2nd and one of the dark Gnorc's got 1st.

let me guess pcfag?

no. switch but im in college so FUCK

no, this is somehow as weak a gp as the b*bies and im a massive spyrofag

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I'm getting disconnected from lobbies basically like launch week all over again. The item balance isn't as notoriously shit as Back N. Time but you could at least RACE before.

1 step forward 2 steps back.

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>CTR threads devolved into some faggot posting Liz everytime
>being deleted after a few posts

I miss the old hype and comfy threads

same... it sucks

As requested from my post

Attached: Liz's Sexy Dance.webm (460x400, 371K)

Nothing wrong with Lizposting.
>being deleted after a few posts
Jannies being trannies
>I miss the old hype and comfy threads
There's 21 posters here man and you're one of them post a webm or something.

Attached: save_7026.webm (720x480, 1.43M)

Heres the GP after the Nina one.

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>invisible wall there
Of all the goddamn places Beenox.

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i was playing as n tropy i really don't pay attention to what tracks get picked

I would love a Titans GP

Reminder that bing bing wahoo man is coming to CTR.

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Watch it actually be

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Most Beenox'd character out there

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itll actually be...

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I think it's better just because there's less clocks and orbs going off.

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Bump for Brio

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I only ever played the first Spyro extensively so I dunno who people like. Out of curiosity:
If you were to have two other characters in place of Gnasty Gnorc and Hunter, who would they be? Or just replace one of them if you like the other.

These three

Well Ripto and Sorceress were planned but cut. Id replace Sorceress with Bianca.

Without Lizfag I don't think we even have CTR threads anymore

It'll explode first day of the GP and then die out again if it's as lackluster as this one.

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Surely they can do better than baby bandicoots, hunter and gnorc.


I don't think people would have complained about Hunter if he was Accel

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We were truly robbed.

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I do wonder if people would use Spyro if he was balanced and we got no speed characters this GP.

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I doubt it, probably be more MoM Crunch by now.

People like Spyro as a character so he would see some use just like Crash/FCrash.

Lizbro you need to chill. This is the kind of thing that gets threads banned

Reminder that Beenox truly believes people will grind for MoM Crunch and another shitty decal.

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Theres like 3 of us here...

I see Wizard Komodo Joe and Gnome Velo every once in a while. Giving characters good skins helps see more variety. I've even seen more Zam because of his new skin.

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I remember last GP jannies left up a thread only talking about the bandibabes but deleted actual discussion about the game. It makes us safer waifuposting.

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That would be pretty crazy and now I want Hat Kid in karts

Is that Dr. Robotnik? THE Dr. Ivo "Pingas" Robotnik?

Jannies are bitches and delete CTR threads for any reason nowadays. Then again this is the board where literal porn will remain up longer than a post GP CTR thread. They dont need any reason to if the threads dont die from inactivity.

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Yeah that's true, guess i'm trying to rationalize why they're doing it.

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>Inferno Island
Does anyone even like this track?

Also they could still be mad about TSR and Mario Karts competition with CTR. Nintendo board after all.

Attached: ctr is now nintendo approved.jpg (425x626, 30K)

>delete CTR threads for any reason nowadays.
So call them "Mario kart threads" and they'll get left up till bump limit.
Never forget this is a Nintendo fuelled board

>when wahoo man is added, the game the game will finally be Yea Forums approved

Do you have brain problems?

Please don't let Brio or Nina be turning. Please.

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Just imagine how people would react...

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Nintendo Direct was a fucking nightmare

Pic related

Nobody knows, hopefully when Tawna's color get's added in

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Why did the Spyro GP become so unpopular? I thought everyone was excited to play as Spyro chars and have new karts, especially after the snooze fest that was the Back N Time GP.

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On this tibetan basket weaving site we all do.

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Would Dark Coco actually be able to fight regular Coco. Our Coco can build machines like N. Gin. Unless... Dark Coco can as well and we will never get a mech battle between these two.

I like its look
Don't care to actually play online on it

I'd be okay with it, they need to hurry up and buff balance and turns top speed though

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fair enough

I have this feeling for a couple tracks with PP being one of them. Sure it's fun offline but it's absolute hell online.

In a real fight shed prob kick her ass. Evil Crash was alot stronger than normal one. Evil Crash was also feral. Also Dark Coco seemed a bit less intelligent in her cutscene.

poor megumi all alone with nobody caring about her

My folder of 114 pictures (this is including group pictures and alts) says otherwise.

Attached: megumi_bandicoot_by_madoldcrow1105_dde5070-pre.jpg (595x1342, 66K)

I think most people lost their little motivation left
when the so-expected Spyro AND FRIENDS GP announced we'd get Spyro and 2 fucking characters, one being the bad redesign of Hunter and the other one being the FUCKING DUMB, UNTHREATENING AND UGLY GNASTY GNORC.

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Because online is still an RNG shitfest with items being as they are and the challenges are even worse this time around

>forcing people to play 3 different modes a day
>forcing people to WIN as a Turning or Balanced character online
>even people who are good at the game hate the "set a good time and then beat it" challenges

Xbone numbers are at 44k for champion, I can't imagine that many people that play are regulars either.

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items don't bother me as much as they used to but people are using them in a way that makes it really fucking hard to catch up.

Shut up Bastich

>poor megumi all alone
>with nobody caring about her
Just as she deserves to be. Only true queens deserve companion and following.

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Every day the raven haired temptress assimilates another

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The LOLSHEGONNASNAP expression ruins the delivery. She should look absolutely crushed to tug at the reader's heartstrings.

All the gps have the same problems
The tracks are bad because of shit design choices
The boring ass challenge grind
The nitro rewards aren't great
You will hate all the new characters from seeing them every damn race, mainly whoever becomes the speed type
Everyone keeps hyping up upcoming gps but will keep being disappointed since the characters won't magically improve the game
The new tracks will be shit
The grind will never change because of how it was designed

>Play Gnorc. Grow to like him alot
>Everywhere I go people call him a shit addition

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>crash gets added to smash bros
>mario gets added to CTR
that would cause a giant meltdown on jannies

Show them some gnasty assplay until they like it

Attached: Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20190830181114.jpg (1920x1080, 450K)

Because people wanted their precious furry waifu. Ignore their opinions, they're not worth listening to.

>Two datamined characters were cut, one of them being the fan favorite Ripto
>Spyro didn't get a legendary skin in his own GP, instead the spotlight was given yet again to fucking Crunch of all things
>New track is a straight, narrow, claustrophobic corridor with auto-centering portals that allow the player in the lead to leave unavoidable power ups that make it impossible for anyone to catch them
>New track also solely focuses on Spyro 1 instead of celebrating the entire trilogy which is what most people wanted/expected
>Accel players literally have only one (1) character to use for the entire month if they want nitro, that being a Mind over Mutant costume for the character that already had the most skins out of all accel characters
>Most options (4) were given to turning class which is hardly used by anyone
>Gnasty Gnorc was completely outclassed and made meaningless by Orc Big Norm who has a similar (better) design and better stats
Yeah, I wonder what went wrong

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All according to plan.

Attached: liz thumbs up.png (514x604, 390K)

I don't think he's shit user I like him the most out of the three.

>You will hate all the new characters from seeing them every damn race, mainly whoever becomes the speed type
I fucking hate Spyro

How about a Blessed Podium? The podium Beenox doesnt want you to see.

Attached: Blesseed_Podium.webm (1280x534, 1.14M)

>tfw you will never a big strong dumb body guard for Liz
Why even live bros

I think he's alright. I don't really care about what Spyro characters did/didn't get in because they're all the shitty redesigns anyway

Maybe you could beat him, if you stopped dragon your feet

>Blessed Podium
I'm sorry, I think you may have posted the wrong picture. Here, let me help you.

Attached: Blessed podium.jpg (3840x2160, 939K)

Why do people hate the reignited designs?

Nope it was the right one.

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I can't quite put my finger on it, there's too much unnecessary detail compared to simple, charming designs of the original. also forgoes the Insomniac artstyle in the favour of a more generic style. Bentley has to be the worst offender in this regard
I actually don't mind Elora's redesign, but I'm not a furfag so I think she's boring and wouldn't want her in anyway

>you'll have fun and you'll have no choice.
what an ominous statement

I like his new skin


I've gone through the all the tracks so many times and I can confirm that it's impossible to win on Crash Cove in Single Race set to Hard Difficulty if you're using a Turn or Balanced character. It's possible to win on the track with them against the Tropy/Oxide trials and on hard Adventure mode. But Hard Single Race Crash Cove is impossible for Turn/Balanced. The inability to get off enough full sets of power slides, the hard AI's unnatural recovery time, and the AI's inexplicable missile spam at the start of every lap are bullshit.

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>Evil Coco furiously sucks your dick
>future Coco rapidly sucks one of your balls
>Normal Coco takes a selfie while sucking your other ball

please tell me theres porn of spyro fucking liz's bandicoochie

You're a bit late on that. We already realized this 2 months ago. Crash Cove on hard mode is the only track to strong arm players into using speed or accel. Beenox fucked up programming the AI for that track.

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Cocofags I missed you

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No, self insert autist

Blessed trips for Beach Coco, how will they ever top this skin?

I did it as Liz on hard and I can tell you right now
its a pain in the fucking ass and i wouldnt wish it upon my worst enemies

Attached: jak sigh.jpg (724x746, 87K)

>Jessica rabbit/ red dress Tawna
>boxer/fighter Ami
>kimono Megumi
>Italian wife dress for Isabella
>some flashy shit for liz idk

the girls all need barefoot alts.

Is this the new art hes working on?

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I thought Nitro Neato was a girl

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>week after game is released
>try playing a crash cove on hard
>fail spectacularly
>assume I just suck
>months later I get the hang on maintaining fire, u-turning, and air breaking
>try crash cove on hard again using a balanced character
>every time I'm in 1st place when I reach the shipwreck, 2 to 4 AI racers come out of nowhere and hit me with missiles and overtake me

All the other tracks are pretty fair no matter what difficulty you choose, but Crash Cove on single player hard mode has the same bullshit rubberbanding from Mario Kart 64.

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>ywn be the cute bandicoot girl

Just imagine this. Beenox does a fairly priced Victoria Secret Promo for the Trophy Girls so we can get every inch of them in luscious lingerie.

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Damn, I didn't realize she would look so significantly better with bangs.



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>I can confirm that it's impossible to win on Crash Cove in Single Race set to Hard Difficulty if you're using a Turn or Balanced character
And I can confirm that it's very much possible
Made this just for you user


NitroNeato is supposedly a girl. You never know though....

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>Can't keep the SF for a single lap
So this is the power of turning cucks

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I'm actually an accel main and I can't play turning for shit because I hate how much they oversteer

No self-respecting accel main would use Pura

Don't you have a JOB to do, Pindick

Attached: HSW.webm (800x450, 2.95M)

Pura is cute and I took that user's post as a challenge. It was a good reminder of why I don't play turning but I'd main the shit out of Pura if he was accel

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Based and Lizpilled.

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>doesn't get hit by a missile until the 3rd lap
>only has 1 AI racer catch up
Either you're the luckiest son of a gun here or you did something to throw the AI off.

>Person in front of you fucked up the blue fire and you managed to pass him only because of that mistake
>This is supposed to be impressive
LMAO kill yourself waifurfaggot

>I'd main the shit out of Pura if he was accel
Fucking yikes dude

Beenox absolutely will never do anything like that

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Chill out dude

Attached: Pura expressions.webm (640x360, 2.14M)

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What quotes would you give Brio, Moe, Koala Kong, and Rilla Roo for races? Nina's easy since they can just pull from TTR

that bandicoot is made for sex

Damn Beenox

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A good Gnasty Gnigger streamrolls speedspeds on Spyro Circuit at least. I dont know why but speds have so much trouble with that track.

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Just make Brio batshit insane like in Mind Over Mutant
>"Read your bible, I wrote it!"

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They're French right? We MIGHT get something. The French gave us this (among other things). Here's hoping if Evil Coco is a thing, she'll look good.

Attached: 1506059504828.webm (1280x720, 565K)

They don't have much room to drift

They changed Tawna's watermelon skin because Retardera cried about it. It's not happening.

Dammit, will they ever go away?

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Tawna didn't deserve it

Attached: TawnaPodium1.png (956x1184, 1.95M)

That gave me a nice laugh
Wish they didn't make the clocks so damn rare

>doesn't build reserves before the jump
>everyone knocked into the pit gets another chance to drift on the ramp
I only see one loser here

Never forget her. Shell live on through us.

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thanks for posting this, can't find it anywhere else

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You're right. I've spent so much time trying to beat hard crash cove on single race without using an accel/speed character but watching this user showed the key and I finally did it. It also proved the hypothesis. Apparently, in every lap, if you jump behind the arrow sign after the short cut and then drift off the left side of the bridge early, this throws the AI off big time.
What the hell is with this programming?

Attached: New Canvas.jpg (1225x1385, 390K)

Just booted up the N Sane trilogy. I'm burning myself out playing this, might take a break until next GP.

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i know but the spark of the dream lives on

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what's wrong with this one?

remember to play best girl

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better quality

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Still waiting for the best Velo to return.

Attached: Emperor Velo ref.png (460x530, 342K)

>Apparently, in every lap, if you jump behind the arrow sign after the short cut and then drift off the left side of the bridge early, this throws the AI off big time
There's no way that's actually a thing, right?

Attached: 1563395349380.png (500x500, 281K)

We have gnome Velo
It doesn't get better than that

At this point I'm going to clear out the pitstop completely, rack up enough insurance coins for Nina GP, then completely take a break until that GP.

I'm on Switch and dailies are making me miss out on devoting time elsewhere like FE and Astral Chain. Shit Daemon comes out tomorrow too.

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Just turn around and hit the pad again if you get blasted bro, pro strats.
Play some meme music to motivate yourself.

Attached: Isabella gum car.jpg (1000x750, 472K)

Yeah honestly after the first Grand Prix everything has been disappointing. Twilight Tour and the Bandicuties were great but everything else has sucked.

>"My turn..."
>"FEAR the dragon"
>"Deadly precision"
>"ha ha ha ha...."
>"Didn't feel a thing"
>"You are like my idiot brother"
>"You WON'T make a fool of me"
>"Get OFF the road..."
>"You will regret that..."
>"Not AGAIN"
>"I am stronger than thissss..."
>"Parking on the finish line"
>"Applaud me, let me take it all in"

Attached: Komodo_Moe_N.Sane_Trilogy.png (350x287, 126K)

I stopped for a few days, so I'm just trying to finish up the gold bar and then stock up on coins, I got most of the base skins and colors I want anyways

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It hurts that he's not real.

Should have been Spyro, Elora, Bianca, Gnasty, and Ripto.

I'll be sure to alternate

My pitstop is empty I have nothing to work towards and I doubt i'm not gonna get top 5%

Attached: 1548006716293.png (652x600, 293K)

Shes dark coco now because the MoM skin was named evil coco, she was datamined with nina and the GP

nu elora can get lost
shitty model and a boring character to boot
change her to hunter (and although his nu VA is also boring at least hes not a bug eyed retardo) and done

New hunter is unironically 10x worse than new Elora. They did him dirty

>go to the egg store
>to buy eggs
>find this

What do you do??

Attached: Eggs5x601.png74BE7360-33AF-401A-BA1E-9061609B1B57Default.jpg (1067x580, 282K)

switch to speed


It is. Crash Cove's bullshit comes from the overcompensating AI. This is the only hard track with significant cheating speeds for NPCs.
The reason you win with the sign and bridge tricks is because the AI for Crash Cove was made to be overly aggressive. If you're out of site of the AI by taking off-road routes, then they will start spamming power ups on each other rather than on the player.

I'd post a WEBM but my PS4 capture system got an error only recorded a loop of the scoreboard. I was using Small Norm. What happened for me was that every time I went to the left and off the bridge, the AI would only aim bombs and missiles at the guys in front of me, even when I would get right in front of them immediately after taking the off-road routes. So that also proves that they have predictive programming to hit you with power ups right when you get to the end of the bridge in front of the line of boxes.

Also, looking back at 's video, he got lucky. The rubberbanding Crash AI that was on his tail for most of the race got stuck under the pier on the third lap.

Attached: 1457664707538.jpg (167x188, 10K)

Haven't seen Egglad in a while

Attached: NFTrance.png (797x789, 865K)

Ask an employee for the summer variant.

Him almost falling out of his robot suit all race makes me anxious when I play him.

It's never a bad day to see the crazy eggboy.

Attached: egg.jpg (1024x636, 244K)

You think he'd be angrier

Attached: Waifu Liz 17.jpg (488x515, 38K)

Just dropping by to remind you all to leave feedback on any bugs you might find, imbalanced you might experience, or things You might want added in the game, on the official Feedback page for CTR

and please, if you feel like it, do ask for Yaya Panda

Attached: 1566895465269.jpg (178x185, 9K)

i agree only because old hunter was actually a good character which they completely missed the point on and fucked up (much like giving the fracture hill fauns generic scotfag accents), elora was boring in the og games and the remake, they just made her uglier

so both being boring cunts in reignited, nu hunter is the lesser of two evils as he looks relatively passable despite being a bland milktoast cereal mascot tier surferbro faggot because at the very least he doesnt have bulging cokehead eyes

if done right hunter would be great (as another user shitposted he could have patronizing dialogue telling you how to drift correctly) but in this gay timeline thats not possible so they might as well have dropped him for moneybags

Take this face and turn it into dialogue

Attached: hunter-the-cheetah-spyro-enter-the-dragonfly-8.35.jpg (210x240, 17K)

>have 3 out of the 4 promotional items
>go back to states a third time
>still can't find the fucking wheels item anywhere
>decide to check speedway since i vaguely remember someone online mentioning it as one of the best stores for it
>they have a whole thing set up for just the promotional items and even THEN they had ONE of the wheels bags and the rest were the fucking watermelon bags which are the shitty stickers
Someone is definitely scalping these around here or something fucking hell. Least I finally found the goddamn wheels. Check every speedway if you have them.

i dont know what youre trying to say but visually his redesign isnt god awful, i think its actually one of the more acceptable ones though not perfect, its about 90% the voice that kills it, give him his old va back and he would be more than fine im sure

Attached: spyro_doodles_by_un_genesis.png (2200x2900, 2.44M)

The design is fine but yeah the voice is awful. Just awful.

They really shouldve got Hunters old VA. Isnt Ripto the same VA as Hunter but they got him back? Or am i mistaken?

Attached: IMG_4254.png (379x478, 186K)

How long before we get Overwatch crossover skins?

Attached: 1513359142.souleatersaku90_bandicoot_cosplay_4.jpg (906x1280, 502K)

Whose ready for the influx of Nina art and lewds next month when she drops?

Attached: 1560800543585.png (310x297, 238K)

Christ, every day I start up the game, I have to reacquaint myself with Balanced character's shit physics. Without fail I oversteer into the wall on the first corner as it refuses to lock my trajectory prior to jumping.

It shouldn't be like this. No other character type does this happen with. How many times must I send feedback before they test this shit?

I don't like a good chunk of the new voices from Crash or Spyro. It ruins a lot of the characters and people refuse to play N. Gin because of it.

M8 they clearly don't give a fuck about balanced or turning.

Oh, I sure will!

Attached: Yaya.png (570x600, 492K)

Maybe increasing increasing their top speed would break them somehow?

Works on my machine

Attached: gotta cortex fast.webm (850x478, 2.83M)

I;m ready to make them hate their lives every race

Attached: 1566454436291.png (555x650, 20K)

I think they just have the same mentality that some people here have that turning and balanced are supposed to be the beginner classes or something while accel and speed are advanced. Even though that's not the case at all. Beenox would have done something by now if they wanted to.

Why did Cortex amputate Nina's hands?
Was she trying to get paws?

She likes hugging cute stuff and cortex is an autist that wants her to be evil so she crushes shit to death on accident with her metal hands now.

Shouldn't she hate him then?

I think everyone hates the current cortex canonically. He's a bumbling idiot.

I already did but I called her Yaya Penguin by accident. Anyone have that nice avatar pic for Yaya in the 1st thru 4th column on the side of the screen? It's got the Nitro Fueled style

Attached: 1563155170870.png (141x292, 60K)

I'm gonna call her Lenny

Attached: OfMiceAndMen.jpg (215x335, 14K)

Can't blame them.

is the fucking GP over yet


Only about half way isn't it?

Attached: 1564931163848.webm (304x538, 2.79M)

This made me laugh pretty hard

someones gonna roll legendary OCTS very soon

why does this one feel like it's taking so long? is it because there's fuck all to unlock?

Why is this GP so lackluster?
I can't believe it's not even halfway through already. I dropped the game 1 week ago.

I can handle everything else. EVERYTHING ELSE about this shit class, just to play some of favorites.

But this keeps me at odds.

I did this on Oxide Station the other day so it clearly works to some extent, but not when I use Crash most of the time. I'm playing PS4 with the d-pad, nothing crazy aside from that. PLEASE tell me anything else you are doing differently, because it is hard to get faster as this issue persists.

You can see in the webm I basically avoid turning while jumping because of how violent the input becomes.

Attached: TA2.webm (800x450, 2.95M)

That and burnout. They're all the same.

this one?

Attached: 1566870898803.png (192x264, 130K)

I'm gonna freeze myself. Someone unfreeze me when the Nina GP starts.

Attached: Shining-Movie-Alternate-Endings-Stanley-Kubrick.jpg (798x420, 39K)

or this one?

Attached: 1566866965115.png (332x96, 55K)

ayye its this one, thank you!

Attached: 1560611801749.jpg (929x861, 187K)

>I already did but I called her Yaya Penguin by accident.
I remember that letter. I was screaming internally when I read that part, but I forgive you for having such good intentions

Attached: 1567388220044.png (600x250, 73K)

>Lost connection literally as I did the last turn on the third lap of Electron Avenue during wumpa time

Attached: 20180413_031314.png (676x472, 90K)

Sure you did, Shane.

I sent in a suggestion for Yaya but now I can't look at this bitch without feeling angry and I don't know why.

OOPS! Thankfully I think I got the point across unless some uncultured grog skimmed over it

Attached: 1568000554216.png (972x928, 1.58M)

Literally was about to post this when I saw your post. I audibly chuckled when I saw that as the first thing when I opened the thread.

does this help?

Attached: 1567731299275.png (700x752, 322K)

Kind of yeah

it's fine, it's the thought that counts and with how often I ask for people to help out I'm hoping Beenox recognize the name by now

Attached: 1565828917881.jpg (1200x810, 101K)

Already traded my game away . It got so fucking boring

Not a Yayafag but I wouldn't mind her getting into CTR. I love it when franchises remember the most obscure stuff from their past, it's nice.

Attached: 3217ufmc9na8789a798712.png (800x450, 395K)

Stop taunting me Beenox and fix your fucking game. Please I just want my bonus coins,

>it just happened again on Prehistoric Park during the circle section
At least it gave me a couple of nitro bonus this time, but only Sliding Your Way Through and Multi Hits, but none of the Dailies. What the fuck is going on with this game

Attached: 62e.jpg (334x372, 30K)

I loved how the BOTW map referenced Zelda CD:I, not a reference I ever thought I'd see

Reminder not to play after reset today if you're looking to make money with the weekend bonus, it doesn't start until 7pm GMT+1

Attached: 44792574_p8.png (466x900, 118K)

Yeah not the best sign when people are already wanting your event to be over. I want it over already too I have everything

>Without fail I oversteer into the wall on the first corner as it refuses to lock my trajectory prior to jumping
m8, I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about with this.
You did an absolutely ok lap of Oxide Station with best girl and your gameplay webbums are fine, clearly you know what you're doing.
If you mean that weird shit where turning is more sensitive in the air if you don't get the jump animation then just tap the pad for tiny adjustment, it's easy to account for. That shit happens with all classes for some reason, it's just a lot easier to notice.

Attached: monster mashed.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

I am enjoying Spyro a shit ton, but the new map is kinda shite and so is the final gold level reward. I'm also a bit bummed out we didn't get any Spyro girls, or even Sorceress.

I'm hoping Brio and Nina are good classes next GP, I'm kinda expecting them to be Accel and Turning respectively though. Couldn't care less about Komodo Moe honestly, I'd rather have Koala Kong so my biggest hopes are that we aren't just stuck with 3 characters per GP. That and that we'll get some kickass BlackxColor paintjobs next GP. Dark Coco would also be killer

Attached: 4597b182f413082bc65fbb6dbd1e4c7c.png (664x880, 254K)

>On loading screen
>Get 200 coins
>Unable to connect to server pops up right after
Too late I fucking got them fuck you Beenox

Attached: 1500546037409.png (1024x768, 454K)

Set your expectations lower so there's no disappointment.
Remember content has always been cut so Dark Coco could very well be on the Never Ever list.

My 101% adventure save was deleted on switch for no reason. Still have the shit I unlocked from there. There's literally no way for me to recover it though cause the save I have in the cloud is the same one. What a fucking bummer. How does a bug like this stay in the game for this long? I guess I can try for platinum paint more easily now since it was on medium but I never want to touch adventure ever again now. That sucks.

>but I never want to touch adventure ever again now
People actually slog through that shit more than once?

People on here have done it like 4 times. I have no idea why this happened though. This is horseshit regardless.

Ive done it 2x.

I did it twice just to plat the game

Ara Bandicoot for next GP

Attached: IMG_20190913_032910.jpg (697x800, 76K)

>Deep Sea Driving
>Hit the first blade on 1st and 2nd lap, but somehow avoid the dual blades at the end of the track each lap
>3rd lap
>Avoid 1st blade
>Hit every blade in the tube

That sounds tedious as fuck thanks to the game not letting you knock out CTR/relics in one go and having load screens worse than the original game just to get to the fucking podium where you're alone.

>If you mean that weird shit where turning is more sensitive in the air if you don't get the jump animation then just tap the pad for tiny adjustment, it's easy to account for.
It happens with every class, but it's reversible. With Balanced your current line is fucked. It needs to be fixed or I'm just going to keep getting more and more distanced from the characters I like playing as. I hate having to do this for one class and not the others, just to go slow as shit compared to Accel and Speed anway, yunno?

I really don't have the patience anymore to fight with something that could obviously be better.

Attached: Physics.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

I'm fucking terrified this is going to somehow corrupt my global save data now. If it does I'm trading this game in and never touching it again.

I did it for good solo podium webms. Worth it.

Attached: 678CCA2D-A20E-4162-9AE4-293DBD2BD798.jpg (438x584, 79K)

Oh, that's what you're talking about.
You're not using Balanced Tech dude. Don't press the direction until pretty much the frame you are hitting the ground. EZ.

..Did Zembillas draw somebody's Crash OC

That's what I'm doing but the slope changes how quickly you touch the ground. It's not the same airtime every hop.

Attached: PPass.webm (800x450, 2.95M)

She's just a curvy bandicoot Pasadena.

Yep. I'm thinking she's getting in before Yaya.

Attached: Liz6.png (274x325, 133K)


Attached: Crash_Tag_Team_Racing_Pasadena_O'Possum_2.jpg (640x360, 63K)

Did everyone just say fuck Baby T in favor of Spyro?

Attached: I am forgotten.jpg (1039x666, 135K)

Baby T is fucking ugly.

Yes, Ara's creator is a friend of his.

Attached: liz+y+ara.jpg (1362x1600, 230K)

Look into those eyes and say that

Attached: CB3BabyTModel.png (271x501, 99K)

I'd play as him if his voice didn't sound like shit
>sped up Crunch on select
>in game is a shitty Scooby-Doo knock-off

Nah, I still love him

Attached: Ice T.png (1005x759, 1.02M)

I sometimes use him when not grinding for Nitro.

Looks amazing

You mean this disgusting piece of shit?

This is the PROPER baby T

>sped up Crunch on select
that was a bug and it's been fixed in the current GP, he makes Baby T noises again

Attached: Hot T.png (1023x763, 1.05M)

Not like Fake Baby T? He wiggles his ass when he wins!

What paintjob?


Guize what sound does she make when she wins?

>Baby Tigrex

Attached: mah nigga.jpg (300x226, 35K)

Maybe you could give this a better use than me. But if it causes her to get in, credit's mine. Capisci? #YayaForCTR bitches

Attached: yayabanner.png (1290x384, 646K)

Shut it, you furry spice girl!

Attached: crashgun.jpg (422x429, 27K)

Ku ku ku ku ku

Attached: YayaCTRavy.png (300x300, 121K)

thanks user!

Attached: yayaya.png (2205x1095, 1.86M)


Attached: big yaya.jpg (1766x2048, 325K)


Attached: Red Rock.png (1005x827, 919K)

Damn you make better Baby T's than I could hope for.

Fuck off pandatard

Attached: shitty_panda[1].jpg (756x925, 480K)

finally got the crunch skin! no more grand prix this month

It's a good feeling. You know, aside from the fact that the last thing was a fucking Crunch skin.

Attached: 1565530729921.png (600x530, 75K)

Hunter's original VA is almost 70 now so I highly doubt he's able to do that voice anymore, especially since he still did Ripto in Reignited Trilogy.

I still need to come up with a setup for his default green skin though

Attached: Space Tyrant.png (1001x807, 835K)


Attached: FA3356A7-E3F4-4F6A-BA0C-2CB20653DF4F.png (112x112, 11K)

Pro tip, use bandibuggy green. It has green as a main color and the brown as a secondary color to match the one along his spine

Hows the game compared to Mario Kart?

thanks for the tip, I'll give it a go tomorrow when I'm less sleepy

Attached: Ogre Papu.png (1011x837, 1.1M)


Its faster and has a higher skill ceiling but I would unironically take MK Wii's items over CTR's.

Attached: mario kart wii.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

I'm trying now, it's harder than I thought it would be.


Attached: MACHINE HEEEEEEAAAAD.webm (852x480, 3M)

Thanks doc

Faster and more skill-based, worse item balance, worse online.

Combattimi, doppio frocio!

Piccolo doesn't even have a penis

Attached: 1564251988277.png (465x401, 83K)

My dick is on that table

We're not necessarily saying he's a bad a edition, we're saying he was a bad choice over other more popular Spyro characters.

Fixed it to make it more accurate.

Attached: 6A94E857-874B-4F80-8315-43EC44FEF871.jpg (600x530, 46K)


Attached: a7950fc677e59fd6566a3e65fc3f50241dcef3c6f9c3ec9ea1671b8881da6030.jpg (600x877, 116K)

Ripto and Sorceress are getting in via the rerun, so really only Elora and Biancafags lost and Elora's redesign is fuck awful

>get super engines and bombs with ungodly frequency regardless of position

I take it back, i want clocks and orbs back Beenox PLEASE. I can't believe how much shittier things have gotten.

I fucking suck with bomb and it's distracting trying to get rid of three of them. The only time engines suck is if someone is in a position to hit me.

Seethe, based, cringe, etc etc

>Nina's Night Ride is going to be 100% rooftop rampage

Can't wait

Hey user! Look into my eyes!

you will now want to fuck a rule 63 version of me.

Attached: tumblr_o7rs9j6WrU1vvcdo1o2_1280.jpg (985x1333, 183K)

hopefully with accompanying acapella BGM or just take that track from Twinsanity

CTR > Mario Kart
Mario Kart > CTR

Attached: spongebob.gif (377x289, 3.43M)

Holy fuck, this.

Attached: 2ed.gif (300x300, 2.46M)

I already wanna fuck a rule 34 of you

It's really an easy guess because it's her best zone and it's a theme we haven't seen in the game yet

Kissing Tawna goodnight!

Attached: tawnasmile.jpg (295x259, 24K)

Coco: You havent been fucked by a human old hag.
Tawna: Thats where youre wrong kiddo.

Attached: 40EBAA99-CAED-4554-99CF-A37EA2BCAFEE.jpg (705x485, 55K)

Attached: T1561246365672.png (795x828, 389K)


Attached: yayaya.png (375x500, 57K)

i wanna fug that bandicoot

Anyone have any good races tonight?
Every race I did has been boring and went the same way

Attached: 1567996628298m.jpg (887x1024, 106K)

Attached: 1566193427410.jpg (1840x2717, 2.69M)

I had some good some bad. Normal day.

i'm bad so they all went bad

Looks too much like the trophy girls, head shape should be based on polar considering they're both bears

I was the host and everyone left except for a megumi friend.
Had a couple good races with them.

Attached: 1568254979042.jpg (231x273, 24K)

Which body type for her do you guys prefer?

Attached: SAI - CUsersAshesGDesktopCTR Sketches.psd () Yaya Panda body types.png (680x530, 145K)


Either the left one or the center one. I feel like she should be a big-headed shorty like Cortex and Coco.

____ with Isabella

Attached: 744E9AE8-2821-4316-A3DE-18620E13C1EB.jpg (687x647, 51K)

Nobody should be having any races until the weekend bonus kicks in. Unless you know you'll miss it

I cant suppress my urge to play as Liz. Bonus or no bonus.

Attached: A9D658EB-4838-451E-BE4C-B706E97E90A4.jpg (948x619, 134K)

If you start using other karts and decals I would think you were taken hostage or something.

>9 Turn
>8 Balance
>9 Accel
>11 Speed

Attached: 352334524.png (260x265, 69K)

Attached: 1549275827818.png (2116x2161, 2.97M)

Attached: 1549139415402.gif (400x469, 2.03M)

Attached: 1567433203417.jpg (2048x1862, 403K)

Attached: 1567581943593.jpg (1164x2031, 284K)

>”Bandicoot power motherfucker”.

Eat ass

I already cleared the store and theres so many days left until the next GP i don't even need to optimize my playtime anymore, ill likely be at 50k or more by the time Nina's night ride happens.

It did?

Fuck I missed all of you

Attached: 1556768497625.png (2560x1440, 780K)


I know I'm getting close

Attached: 1S90723140004.jpg (211x287, 19K)

It's like they know Balanced is the worst class overall

>SAI - CUsers AshesG
Don't fall into the Yaya trap! Go back to drawing Tawna and Nina!



Make a baby

Attached: 1560643860442.png (910x939, 419K)

All correct answers. This episode of CTR has been brought to you by Isabella Cakes. Its part of a balanced breakfast.

Attached: 21C9A06B-2239-4AD1-BD8A-549FE0226206.jpg (733x879, 125K)

Sounds like you need the dose


Attached: 1564917923072.jpg (814x668, 128K)

I just had some of the best races the past couple weeks with a balanced player. Sometimes hed win sometimes I'd win. Even added one of them. I really hope hes around here cause those were great.

Attached: The Underdawgs.jpg (960x1080, 296K)

Lol I do use TB the most 3/4 of the time, but I also switch between Roadster, Rocket and Team Cortex lately.

Attached: 156835661389846098.png (622x369, 330K)

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Attached: image0.jpg (591x422, 63K)

Attached: 1562541184938.jpg (3024x4032, 3.93M)

Attached: liz on oxide station3.webm (444x250, 2.93M)

thanks doc

Even in her most deformed state, Ami's thighs retain their brilliance

Attached: Ami4.png (493x575, 385K)

Getting warmth and comfort from Ami's thighs.

Attached: pouty angel.png (457x626, 239K)

Attached: Fuck off orb.webm (532x300, 2.94M)

Haven't played after reaching gold tier. How many days for the current weekly challenges?

Attached: 1567111226397.webm (1256x576, 2.8M)

Ami has the best dance

Attached: 1562535784188.jpg (3000x3000, 844K)

Do you speed these up or are my eyes playing tricks on me?

Attached: italian dancin'.webm (276x316, 238K)

Attached: Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20190903142356.jpg (1226x990, 200K)

>not asking him to draw Watermelon Nina

Nope. I just lower the quality for this sites Paleolithic file size limit.

Attached: Liz's Sexy Dance 2.webm (460x400, 369K)

What the fuck is her problem?

Attached: Ami bringin' the heat.webm (338x298, 258K)

When i'm watching a webm everyone looks faster than I do when I play it. Maybe it's just me I guess.

Attached: megumi's busting a move.webm (452x400, 282K)

she saw this thread

Attached: 1567995851786.jpg (243x476, 40K)


Attached: pleasuring ami on the beach.webm (402x450, 1.87M)

why does coco look like a child but tawna and the trophy girls look like playboy bunnies

Im just posting webms of some races and podium dances if people wanted em. Dont mind me.

Attached: shes an angel.png (416x348, 194K)

Call me a fag about carring about the Crash Bandicoot canon:

But the first game strongly implies that in their world animals are just animals. The talking animals we see are actually the result of Neo Cortex's experiments. And not only that, they were created relatively recently. Later games seem to just abandon, or forget this (I say the latter) and pretend that talking humanoid animals are normal for this world.

Crash's sister for example should have been another N. Cortex experiment. That would mean that "they" have only been humanoid animals for a few years, and thus they would have had little actual history as brother/sister.

Coco is a womanlet because she's Crash's sister. She is the same height as him.

I'm a moron that takes things at face value so I don't have this problem. Must be a burden tho

Theyre likely all later experiments. Or created with Crash and some of the others but escaped and did their own thing. Most are marsupials plus im sure Cortex has the means to make more.

Coco is a kid while all the other bandicoots are adult women.

Cocos younger. The TG's and Tawna are all adults.

Attached: 1568090181390.png (1440x1440, 2.54M)

Literally only the first game acts like that. Other games just have talking Anthros like it's normal. Coco for example just pops out of nowhere, and it's supposed to be normal.

Coco likely escaped and found Crash post 1. Theres not really much details. Tiny and the Komodo Bros were also meant to be in Crash 1 so they escaped and allied with Brio in 2. Dingodile was prob made by Brio between then and went with Cortex later. I guess normal humans either get used to it, dont care or something else. Dont know if mutants are shunned or whatnot and its not like we see too many "norma;" humans outside of CTTR.

You're thinking about it too hard, bro.
In 2 Crash suddenly had a sister who can talk, so I just take it as is.
I figure she's just another experiment like Tawna who didn't get the retard experiment Crash went through.

Because people rarely discuss the game and this is a board for video games. Discussion revolves around 3 people avatarfagging. Threads didn't start getting deleted until they started turning from game discussion to bitching about moderation, which is a bannable offense/pretty good reason to delete threads.

>Threads didn't start getting deleted until they started turning from game discussion to bitching about moderation
Factually fucking false, nice revisionist history asshole. I'm only responding to you once to tell you what a dumb fuck you are.

Shut the fuck up nigger, there were like two or three threads about 3 weeks after release after discussion was petering out that were potentially illegitimately deleted but after that the faggots continually complaining about being raided by a bunch of /vg/ faggots (lol) or the "tranny discord janny" (lmao) had another thing to complain about instead of just focusing on the game.

>defending jannies and their bending of rules
>acting like CTR threads havent been a mix of game discussion and other content related to it
Heres your (you) newbie janny defender.

Attached: 663DC141-6888-425B-BC7E-3D46D374761C.jpg (393x500, 55K)

Attached: coco fucks herself over.webm (1280x720, 1.88M)

Seems to be a recurring theme of Liz and I getting Beenox'd.

Attached: thank u beenox again.webm (1280x720, 1.7M)

that sucks!

The Hard AI on Spyro's track is just as fast as Oxide's ghost and if you get hit by a single item and don't use items yourself you will lose.

the ai on hard are a pain in the ass on non blue flame tracks. they also somehow have deadly accuracy with bombs and rockets loaded as you pass them up.

grinding to get the spyro decal is so annoying

Agreed, but I can still do something like Crash Cove CTR challenge on hard and still come first with little issue, the AI on Artisans is just batshit insane. It's like they're tuned for the map to be USF.

the green haired bitch is TOO fucking sexy

U sure the ai wasnt getting super turbos with 10 gems?

Youre a fuckin retard

Not unless 4 or 5 of them are continually getting super turbos at the same time. It's almost as if they get USF speed on every turbo pad, try it for yourself. The only times they don't set a good time is if they hit an item themselves or the wizard spells.

Hard mode ofc is no items, if you use masks and whatnot it's a joke to get back into first place. No items and the difficulty is greater than pretty much all of my online matches.

Arigato, Dokuta-san

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Shit I might try that later on today to see this for myself. Sounds crazy and obnoxious.

This game and threads about it are absolute cringe. Just like in the nineties, it's a soulless clone of Mario Kart with inferior game play, shit controls, shit track design, awful music, and gay characters. Except this one also has micro transaction and general modern vidya cancer. On the other hand, as usual, Mario Kart 8 is the best kart racer ever created and is superior to these soulless clones in every imaginable way. And of course it's a rehash of an old game because these companies had no talent back then and have even less talent now, they cannot compete with masters like Nintendo.

I am not surprised nobody in these threads is ever discussing the game play, shortcuts, strategies and so on and you're all just dumping disgusting deviantard pics of your degenerate furry waifus like a bunch of fucking faggots.

Fucking yikes.

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Because they have more than five polygons

It's odd how inconsistent it is, almost feels like a game of multiplayer in a sense that if AI can take the lead and doesn't get hit while you can get stuck in item hell (without items to help you get out) catching up with raw skill is just not possible.

This was one of the funnier runs, going pretty well until AI got a missile.

Attached: Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20190913213202.webm (746x420, 2.96M)

What if she was apart of Spyro n Friends.

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>replies with cringe drawings


I think I can see what you mean there. That Isabella AI is just cruising along and keeping up. And I hate how every single time the AI has a missile ready. Everytime you pass them up they got a missile primed and ready to go.

>replies with regurgitated yikes
Last (you).

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Reminder that this is a soulles fucking rehash, they couldn't do a new game because Activision never had any fucking talent to begin with, and Naughty Fags is now a mature sjw company that only does deep cinematic masterpieces with plenty of diversity and inclusiveness, they don't do silly, fun games anymore.

Fucking sad, cringe and yikes.

Good. Smegumi is for fucking subhumans. Worst girl second only to baby coco.

Lizposter are/were you enbsis poster?

I wish his podium animation wasn't so hopelessly shit

>Just like in the nineties, it's a soulless clone of Mario Kart with inferior game play, shit controls, shit track design, awful music, and gay characters.

CTR is better than Mario Kart 64.

I wunna Fuck that qt

Of course, they had several years to rip off the best aspects of SM64 and DKR. Every other MK though is far better than CTR, comparing MK8DX with CTR:Rehash is just sad and we better not even go there. CTR only has fetish material for bottom tier fetishists going for it in this day and age. No wonder 90% of this thread is furry wank bait cringe drawings.

>comparing MK8DX with CTR:Rehash is just sad and we better not even go there

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