
Discussing about the actual game edition.

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What makes it different from other metroidvanias?

dumb propaganda game for basedboys

Based spaniard for making the best game this year that shits on christards.

It really activates my christ consciousness.

Not really. Christians say it affirms their faith, while atheists say it mocks Christianity. See

His hat is so stupid lmao

No u. Nice 69 get though

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no double jump so the world design is pretty good

Do I need some water-walking ability to get through the cistern or am I just bad at video games?

Too damn short. Really in need of some DLC or something because what's there is pretty enjoyable. Also only having your sword does tend to get old after a while. At least 1 or 2 other weapons to spice things up would have been nice.

Final boss was abortion tier.

There's nothing that mocks christianity or catholicism in the game though. These posters are all a bunch spastics making bait threads so they can false flag.

t. hasn't played the game

99% of the lore is about showcasing just how corrupt is the institutionalized religion

Does it have any replayability? Is it worth replaying? Hell, is it worth two twennies?

pirate it or you will feel bad

>Catholicism = Christianity

Spam jump so you can skip on the water. It's also how you get to those ledges with items.

such as?

this. something 99% retards in these dont understand. catholic church barely represents what Christianity is in its core. study bible, fuck institution

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Thank you, user

Institutionalized religion = catholicism and christianity.
Read the item descriptions brainlet, they are full of stories like the one about a guy trying to steal jewels from a bishop to feed the poor and getting tortured more than anyone had ever been, or the one about a prostitute who supposedly 'seduced' clergymen. Practically every bit of lore is a metaphor for the moral corruption of the church.
low iq detected

Fighting against corruption inside the Vatican is a criticism on Catholicism now?

It's hilarious that some people won't play this game because it draws on religious imagery and themes and they're scared it might trigger them.

It's like refusing to play Metal Gear Solid because you're such an American patriot that you're worried the game might cast America or its military in a bad light as it draws on themes from the American military-industrial complex.

so did some autist piece the lore together already?
i wanna know the story to this one but cba to comb through item description
dark souls and its followers can go fuck itself

what happens now

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Is it really a metroidvania when you can get through the game without any upgrade nor movement skill? How is it just not a normal action platformer with backtracking?

Do you play it with keyboard or controller?

The religious hypocrisy displayed in the lore is true for any form of religion, actually read the item descriptions brainlet, lmao.


It's a sin, dumbdumb

sure thing, brainlet bro

This game is pro-Protestant and anti-Catholic. It's inspired by Martin Luther's war against the corrupt and heretical Catholic Church

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Your stupidity is a sin but you keep wallowing in it.

There are no references to Luther whatsoever.

Based retard

It's not, dumb proddie.

stop posting this every thread

is the game worth continuing after esdras?
he's killed me 3 times already and i'm thinking of giving up


Seething catholic

which one is that?

the beyblade with the mace on the bridge

I'm an atheist and I don't think this game mocks Christianity or religion. I think that it simply draws on some of the more morbid and masochistic concepts and turns them up to 11 to create a very interesting world.

I have yet to see something from this game that clearly criticizes religion.

he's pretty easy wtf

The religion in the game is not real and made up. It's fiction, stop being a bunch of baiting retards and talk about the actual game.


sure thing, christard

>angels, chests, shopkeeper not shown on map
>no coordinates on map to at least write something down
i hate this shit. i'm at last boss and still can't double jump or do something with those weird vines that are stuck in certain places cause i don't feel like walking through every room again to find the shit i need.

It's not either of those things you fucking brainlet. This game is not pushing any kind of agenda on you. The religious themes this game uses are never presented as good or bad, they're just used to tell a story.

There is no double jump.

nigger just spins to win but i can deal with that
it's the random parries that get me
killed him now tho
where'd his sister go anyway, i remember her attacking me at that tree in the area before the bell

she's dead read the item description for the shit he dropped

how is that possible? there are various places with ledges so high up i can't reach them, and nothing near to jump on

>It can't be anti-Christian if they don't call it Christianity

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heretical retards

Without the Catholic Church THERE IS NO CHRISTIANITY. Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus.

“Christ committed adultery first of all with the women at the well about whom St. John tells us. Was not everybody about Him saying: ‘Whatever has He been doing with her?’ Secondly, with Mary Magdalen, and thirdly with the women taken in adultery whom He dismissed so lightly. Thus even, Christ who was so righteous, must have been guilty of fornication before He died.”

This is the creep you idolize. Reminder Luther was a sex pervert who engaged in adulterous affairs with the nun Katrina von Bora.

>everything has to be political
People like you ruined video games. Kill yourself, wojak poster.

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Check the gate in the starting area, you need a key from the shop keeper.
Other movement upgrades:
Old pilgrim quest, equip all toe charms in front of the statue.
Get an egg from the three face woman before the triple angel bossfight then take it to the tree where you fought the flying miniboss then to the guy who blesses shit in the main town.

>this guy had sex what a creep
lmao check out this christfag incel

Go to the hospital thing get an item, bring the item to the dude top left rooftops

I did the mountain as the first area and it was the harderst of all so far. At least the boss.

>he thinks about giving up after dying 3 (three) times
Maybe you should go back to play Kirby or something like that

>tfw at 97%
missing 3 babies and a bone + probably an anal bead or something. would be nice if the hand relic would tell you where they are like in HK. i dont know why i like these games, i can never remember where anything is

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not him but
>you're not allowed to express disagreement to statements that call themselves "fictional"

this user gets it, metroidvanias is not a genre but a reddit term. the genre metroid, castlevania and other fall into is called 2d action adventure or action platformer.

>disagreeing with statements that don't even exist
>seeing "statements" where there are none
>literally looking for shit to be offended about

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post his thoughts on the jews

Before or after they rejected him?

Oh look, another shitty metroid clone.

Yeah bro blame us and not the devs who put politics in vidya


that's a good idea, actually
kirby is a good game

>once upon a time there was Humpty Dumpty's brother atop the wall
>he killed himself by jumping off, lol

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Yes, based Luther was extremely redpilled .

If you just let it be a work of fiction and not shit your diapers about "Le political statement about le religion!!!1" It wouldn't even be political.

damn. thanks for the info but i'm seriously too lazy to search for all those places again. 2 bad

>killed me 3 times already
>3 times
>i'm thinking of giving up
Just wait for the easymode mod that disables enemies and bosses, games are supposed to be fun!

You aren't missing anything but extra items like charms or prayers anyway.

>Just swallow the propaganda

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why tf would a game be fun without enemies an shit
boo you cray?
how can people have fun with shiz that hard just 2 be hard

So this Chalice you get in the room with 3 portraits of different enemies, what do I have to do exactly with it? I don't want to scour the entire map several different times - especially if it's what I think you need to do

So is this game worth a pirate?

What a snowflake.

What do you guys listen to while playing?
I just play some Judas Priest cos the soundtrack's forgettable.

kill one of each enemy pictured and bring the chalice back without warping/saving/dying. what i dont get is the room next to it with the numbers. i cant seem to get them to change.

Fucking retarded zoomer

>The same could be said for all religions!
Shoo shoo Dracula

god dammit, I don't even remember where those lionheaded guys are

have sex lmao

theyre in the jail area near the rooftops. start there then head towards the gallery. if you can make it out of the gallery and its shitty spike traps you are more or less in the clear.

Oh right, this is going to take a while then
thanks user

So getting 100% doesn't do anything in-game from what I've noticed. A skin or something would have been nice at least

Barefoot Pilgrim stopped talking with me. Is this a glitch or somethig normal?
I can't even proc the generic dialogue with him

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already a thread for your shit game retard

It unlocks the last ending.

Autistic samefag

any way to force ps input labels?
using ps3 scptoolkit on a pirated copy

fuck you faggot

That's definitely a bug.

if you got all the relics from him i think he stops talking to you. i think he gives you 3.

Catholicism is Christianity, you protty fags make up rules as you go.
Suggesting Jesus committed adultery is very clear heresy

How are the boss fights? Challenging? Fun?

Finally, an indie game with some soul.

There's only one that's genuinely fun, rest are either meh or aids like the last one.

>pixel art
pass, im tired of those lazy indie retards who can't make a decent looking game with the actual technology and dev tools, instead they are just appealing to "muh nostalgic" and "muh retro style", i don't wanna support this shit anymore

>helps people in need
>get cursed into a realm of salt for all eternity
God is a complete dick

>low iq detected
>noooooooooooo how dare you post proof against you're dumb waaaaaaaaah
actually end your life

Extremely low iq detected.

>the literal dev doesn't count as proof

>t. shitposter who clearly hasn't looked at the game
The pixel art isn't going for nostalgia and is actually good


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i dont even like this game and i do think cyber shadow looks ways cooler that said you are all faggots


I kinda wish I had gotten this instead of RCG. I wanna impale a dude with that hat

here's your last (you)

>The pixel art isn't going for nostalgia
so you are telling this game was developed arround the 80's and beggining of 90's?

Man this is some dumb shit.

So then don't? Why should I care about your post user? Come on make me feel the reasoning.

Wow, this mountain is terrible

now you go practice medicine

How's the performance on the switch and PS4?

Oil paint was invented in 1420. Do people use it for painting in styles more modern than 15th century?

what propaganda?

t. gamer

You have to be unironically mentally challenged if you expected the dev to say 'yes, this game is supposed to redipll you about the evils of religion' lmao.