Based nintendo putting thieves in their place

based nintendo putting thieves in their place

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Other urls found in this thread:


>google name and rom
>find rom
wow nice

This is late-stage capitalism. Our freedoms are being eroded by not government, but by large multinational corporations.

I firmly believe that if we don't change our policies and the public mindset, a dystopian, cyberpunk future will be our reality within the next century.

Nintendo, the company trying to prevent piracy by filing lawsuits instead of releasing said games on their services


Which freedom is that exactly? The freedom to take another person/company's hard work and make money distributing it as your own work?


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nintendo doesn't release switch games for nintendo switch? that's odd.

>look for old game
>developer is dead
>no one is officially selling the game anymore
Why shouldn't I pirate the game ?

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yeah those old games sure were made by the same people who own nintendo now.
and of course how could OP forget the thriving market for selling roms on the internet, I'm sure those sites were making a fortune reselling free games

>a dystopian, cyberpunk future will be our reality within the next century
we are already living in a dystopian cyberpunk future. it just isn't as cool in reality as it is in fiction

I guarantee Miyamoto, Koizumi, Tezuka, Aonuma, Koji Kondo, and most of the people who were making these games in the 80s and 90s have significant ownership in the company today.

Also the top rom sites are/were easily making millions of dollars a year from ads.

the pirate
>of course I know piracy is bad, what are you going to do, call my mother?

>Piracy doesn't hurt anyone! I'm actually helping the industry! The actual creators wouldn't receive the money anyway. Developers are dead! If I like it I'll buy it. The game was shit anyway...

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Lmao I already have all the ROMs I could ever want suck it ninteniggers

You can’t sue people if there is no government. Over copyright issues no less.

What if I'm less concerned by the morality of any of it and simply care about the availability or rare, old games for archival purposes?
Like, Switch SNES catalogue is 20 games. There are a lot more than 20 games on the SNES. I'd like those to be available.

>based nintendo putting thieves in their place
you talking about those low ass cheap thieves called nintendo that rob little kids by selling them """""PREMIUM"""""" CARDOBOARDO™

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Then tell those publishers to rerelease their games. Literally has nothing to do with nintendo.

Anyone who knows how Google works can find whatever they want in no time 100% of the time. I figured most people into pirating would have a membership to a private tracker by this point.

It's because they host 3ds and switch games though.

>Then tell those publishers to rerelease their games.
What if it's a game like Bahamut Lagoon, which was never once released in English?
What if it's a game where the company who released it no longer exists?

> excepting Yea Forums zoomers to understand property rights or commercial law

If the company no longer exists, then there's nobody to sue you and you're free to download their games as much as you want.

the chad
>I pirate because it benefits me in some way
you are the chad

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>private cuck

Why is Nintendo cracking down on emulation so hard the last couple years when the FUCKING SWITCH DOESNT HAVE AN ACTUAL VIRTUAL CONSOLE?

Why even care? They clearly don't care enough to make a storefront to actually sell you their legacy games. Instead you get a couple dozen NES and SNES games and nothing else, locked behind a paywall that will eventually cuck you out of them anyway

Early stage capitalism is fine, it just needs some limits so that it works better and doesn’t fuck people over. Markets are great for figuring things out but we can’t rely on them for everything

But those games are hosted on sites which get nuked by Nintendo.

IDK why having access you every video game ever makes you upset. You can get them too.

>Xbox original and PS3 emulation going

>Still can't get a goddamn decent Saturn emulator

What the fuck, do I need to do it myself?


Mednafen does Saturn pretty darn well.

>literally 20 year old games
LMAO you faggots cant even play the dkc trilogy or sonic trilogy on your switch how pathetic.
Can't wait to pirate these faggots game for not releasing dlc on consoles

The Switch has pretty much every single NES game previously released on VC, and by this time next year the same will likely be true for SNES.

anything but "I admit I just want free games, fuck you and everybody else" is a fucking faggot making excuses.

You can perfectly start paying on ebay for physical copies if you want, your shitty excuse of archive or collection doesn't make you better

They are selling those games though with the nintendo online membership
And its not like rom sites don't have stuff four games they're currently selling

Gatekeeping is cancerous.

Then start a rom site where you only distribute ip no longer owned by anybody, and you'll never have to worry about it going away.

Because if they crack down on illegal emulation/rom distribution, then they can sell you the shit themselves. This is not rocket science.

Emuparadise workaround script

They aren't selling shit. It's a subscription purchase. The end user has 0 rights to own any of those roms they downloaded with Nintendo Online.

Just to use the same game I did as an example, please find me a physical copy of Bahamut Lagoon (English) on Super Nintendo.
It literally doesn't exist except on ROM sites.


>I only pirate to teach them a lesson for not releasing DLC on consoles


>Markets are great for figuring things out but we can’t rely on them for everything

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Nintendo is full of old japanese farts who don't understand the internet and don't realize that if we weren't passing around ROMs of Zelda 2, Kirby Super Star and Metroid since the late 90's/early 2000's nobody would give a fuck about retro gaming or their franchises today.

I only buy games on g2a so devs actually lose money, why ? Cause fuck industry, I also encourage all the people I know to do the same

>Someone's grandpappy dies
>Child finds the rights to "Super Dong Wars" in some box while clearing out house
>Decides to enforce it
>Website stolen

we've been living in cyberpunk for a while, it's just doesn't have the grimdark grit or neon glamour that movies and video games like to play up

That's not the reason i just enjoy playing free games, but with these scumbags in particular fuck them.

so why arent they selling them, why is a paid sub to a handful of games for two (2) of their systems is all we get after 2+ years

Nope, they would just send you a c&d to take down the infringing file.

Nah, faggot
You can buy a japanese copy and archive that if you really cared about muh collection or muh archive because archiving something that never should have existed is dumb

But no, you are still a faggot who actually wants to play the game for free. Stop thinking you are good or better or even different, faggot

From the same people who artificially create demand for their games by shipping limited amounts to store and never drops the price of their more niche games. Not to mention having to buy all of the proprietary shit for their underpowered consoles which they also overprice, literally Apple tier.

>But Nintendo games are just that good so they shouldn't drop their price.
Fuck off with that shit, it's scummy.

Switch is the cheapest of the 3 consoles though?

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Archival isn't about collecting for collecting's sake, it's about making old games available for play.

To you
For free

>Deletes obscure game from history

Psssh, nothing personal, kid

What sort of faggot names them self chad?

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So? They are giving you a way to play those games, for money.


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Why do Nintendo fags gatekeep this fucking hard? So you like paying for an annual rental for whatever the company decides to give you? Unlike me who can go and download whatever the fuck I want, throw it on a pi and play what I want, when I want. For fucking free.

Why should you even be allowed to play it?

>piracy bad because you no give money to dead dev
can you stop being so hostile retard

by that logic, you shouldn't be able to sell anything you didn't make, be it a house, a car, or a video game. The original creators aren't seeing any of the money, so why should anyone?

Jesus was a faggot.

>people unironically defending how Nintendo has been handling old games on the Switch
literal subhumans

>people that made the game won't get A SINGLE CENT even if you buy the remakes and re-releases
>"if you pirate the game, it's thievery!"
I mean, who is it getting stolen from? What thing is getting stolen?

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>late-stage capitalism

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nintendo cocksuckery from fanboys reach critical mass again
we need another wiiu

No one really uses NSO just for the games, it's to play online

I don't understand it. Just, there's no logic to it. You can go grab a pi for less than $60, throw whatever the fuck you want on it from the last 20 years and play what and when you want, whenever you want.

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>50+ nes games
>20 snes games with more to come
>$1.66 a month
Switch Online is literally the best value in gaming right now.

>losing millions, can't sell any games or systems
>have to sue romsite for games no one will buy

based bingtendo

>emulate games that are no longer sold
explain this to me

yet no ability to throw your own shit onto it. Most of the shit I emulate are translations or rom hacks, Nintendo would never allow that on their shitty sub service.

>implying nes games are worth playing
>doesn't even have a SINGLE dkc game on it
Yea you are a retard. Don't mind me when i get links's awakening next week for free.


>losing millions

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>all the seething piratefags in this thread
You deserve it you retards

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>become famous by stealing things
>"nooo stop stealing it's wrong"


Modern Game: 60 GB
NES Game:

This is actual fucking entitlement. No you're not entitled to break the law just because you don't like the way the people are selling their stuff or because theyre not selling it anymore.
These are some fucking pisspoor excuses

You know what I hate about copyright? It literally enables criminals to make money, while law abiding citizens get a huge disadvantage.
E.g. look at music. If you pirate all the software, libraries and synthesizers and sound kits you have a huge advantage. If you then also steal video footage to make a video for your music you get even more views because it's more entertaining.
Meanwhile you try to do everything yourself and pay for everything, what happens? You get years behind, you can't keep up and you ultimately get stabbed out of the market.
And copyright is so badly enforced. Some just have luck and become rich, others get caught. It's literally random luck if copyright gets enforced or not. Sometimes you even make original music and others claim copyright for it and your video gets revenue shared with a random network.
It's such a shitshow. I hate copyright.

Yeah I'd much rather live in a world where copyright doesn't exist and nobody can make money selling their own work. All media should be made by neets working for free and living off government welfare.

i have the completly libary of all 16 bit consoles on a usb stick. I would assume thosands of people have. And you can still google find every rom.

>30yo game
>only available in jap language
>somehow damaging jewtendos profits if people get roms with fanpatches
I mean, there is no other way to get some of the games, then again courts rule for you if you have just enough money.

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Isn't that entirely what the patronage system is?

I have the entire english library of nes,snes and all gameboy games

good luck stopping me nintendo

You either enforce the hell out of copyright and make sure every copyright infringement gets hard punishmeht OR you end up screwing the market big time by having only random enforcements.

Square just translated a 20 year old game for the first time and is selling it as part of a $40 collection. They're also making a new $60 remake of it, so yeah something like that can affect profits.

Are you retarded?

>t. faggot

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>blocks your path

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Thank G*D Jewtendo doesn't do it so it doesn't damage them.

There's no such thing as "enforcement" in ip law. It's a civil matter, so it's up to every individual company to decide if they want to sue or not.

>so why arent they selling them

>not having multiple backups

he doesn't sound like a libertarian to me

>blocks your path

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Nintendo is fucking disgusting. I have no respect for anyone who buys their products. They take no responsibility for the hordes of 30 year old autists that they have singlehandedly raised.

>physical media surviving a fire
Good job btfo'ing yourself based retard.



Everytime I forget why I hate Nintendo I see these threads and the sniveling worms defending them stomping all over their balls. Old games that would likely never see the light of day again, no other company cares about this but fucking nintendo. This is why people make fun of you.

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>almost every single videogame in existence
>more being added all the time via steam/emulators
>as much as you want to spend
PC has always been the best value in gaming, retard.

Because they don't fucking want to. Its their shit, its none of your business (unless you're an investor maybe)

So then buy a used copy of the super famicom cartridge, dump the rom, download the translation patch, and play it on an emulator. All of those things are 100% legal.

If you get fed shit from early childhood onwards you sooner or later start to like the taste.

>Switch Online is literally the best value in gaming right now.

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>It's just archiving old games
The first thing listed on the sued site are fucking switch roms.

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No, best buy is the best value in gaming because I can just walk in with my ar-15 and walk out with hundreds of ps4 and switch games without paying a single cent.

You know that you can enjoy nintendo games and not defend their semetically draconian business practices, right? These people don't care about anything but your money.

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The ip holder.

Switch games will eventually be old.

I don't pay for shit, the amount of games I've bought in my life I can count on one hand maybe. But I ain't gonna pretend Nintendo is the wrong for not wanting people to steal their intellectual property.
Thats just fucking stupid

Maybe he just wants to appreciate art.

>Noooo you can't pirate NINTENDO games, they are a product you should pay for, if you pirate you are a CRIMINAL
get fucked I ain't pay shit to Asian devs I only pay for western games

Piracy is stealing, and every download is a lost sale. So if you want to bankrupt a company, just keep downloading their games repeatedly and you'll literally be taking money from their pockets. It's foolproof!

Is there even a point in doing this? Isn't that like fighting against windmills?

So the only way to get them is trough roms then. Glad you finally understand it.


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copying is not theft. if someone bought a copy and decided to share it with you, it's charity.

Based Mutt

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We need Fascism to solve the problem.

>not having an offshore internet backup service in sync with your home NAS
never gonna make it

Sounds cool, when can I replace my body parts with badass cybernetics and hack computers with my mind?

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I guess they hope that it has a chilling effect on other sites that take down their nintendo games on their own. The times where shit like this would have resulted in more rom sites only for nintendo games are long over.


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>go to
>have access to every single game up to 7th gen
>it will probably never get taken down

Based reddit for once.

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God, I want a cybernetic girl body so bad.

>at a loss
At least we have netflix subs bro

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Thanks, just reported it to nintendo.

>Piracy is stealing
>and every download is a lost sale

Ah yes good to know you have mr. Nintendo on speed dial. I'm sure they'll get to your message in no time!

Copying is not theft

They'll never defeat early stuff like like snes or nes, but takedowns do make it harder to find me recent stuff. People dont like hosting gig or bigger files.

Cope, keep playing literal kids games made by nintendo faggot

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Shame about it not working though, and when it does manage to work it works like ass

>To report illegal use of Nintendo trademarks, or for any other legal inquiry or concern, please e-mail us at [email protected].

And you're not entitled to get them. Its not your fucking RIGHT to play them. Since you cant get them legally, you CAN'T get them currently. Done and done.

They may decide to sell them in the future in which case anything they leave put there is potentially losing them sales.

That's a shame for Nintendo and faggot bootlickers like you. I mean you're really fucked, haha. Do you get mad every time someone downloads a ROM?

You're the one with the bib buddy.

Attached: Sony bib.jpg (1500x1159, 400K)

The saddest thing is that at least some of the paypigs ITT really believe what they're saying.

Slaves learn to love the chains that bind them

No I don't care I pirate literally everything because paying for anything I can get for free is for dumb paypiggies, not me.
I do think excuses other than that one are fucking retarded and though and people who spout them should be put down.

It's ok when Nintendo does this

It's really disconcerting that Yea Forums has made such a shift to anti-ROM and corporate bootlicking, using every logical fallacy in the book to do so (mostly appeal to authority, e.g. the law)

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Why the hell is "I can get this for free so I'll take it" okay but "I can't get this game any other way" isn't?

Oh wow,one game on fucking vita compared the entirety of nintendo's catalogue, nah you got me bro

You are not entitled to play the old games on new hardware.

>piratefags STILL seething and coping
Geez this one must've hit you faggots hard

>Feeding the poor is the same as playing a game
As a person you have the right of food and medicine, you know basic things to survive, you know what you dont have the right for? Entertainment

>meme reaction image instead of a valid counter argument


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Companies are not entitled to a legal perversion like 120 years of copyright.

Fix that, then come back to talk about minor issues like filesharing.


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Theres nothing there that needs to be fixed.

Ericbutts has more onions than those combine

It's actually 95 years, but if you want to change it, call your senator and congressman.

Unless the rom is something obscure like little Samson where the cart is as expansive as a car. What use is roma exactly? Most of the good games from the snes library have been ported to newer stuff as for gba their carts tend to go for like 10$

>20 snes games
as oppossed of the ENTIRE snes library on PC and pretty much anything you can hack FOR FREE?

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he was a good site he dindu nothin!

lets be real, at this point piracy should just be allowed because theres literally nothing anyone can do about it short of DRM, yet even DRM gets cracked. The DRM explicitly exists as a counter-measure to piracy. No court or laws should ever get involved and it's completely retarded to do so. We live in the computer age. The most basic function of a computer is memory, storing bits, and copying bits. You can't complain your digital shit got copied. In fact you completely forfeit that right to complain when you create digital shit. If you want protection on your digital shit, develop DRM. If you're too retarded to develop DRM, then tough luck. Maybe don't expect your shit to not be pirated or go into a business where digital piracy doesn't exist, like making furniture or clothes.

Eat shit nintendo. Of course you fuckers know the only remaining value in your company is from the yamauchi days. Those roms aren't just legacy to you, they still remain your goddamn bread and butter cause you haven't made decent games in nearly 20 years. Fuck off nintendo.

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you're both fucking retarded
t. guy who has both because they aren't a poorfag

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They legit look ten times better than ninteniggers


reminder that this site died in 2016
Yea Forums wasnt like this,this isnt the Yea Forums i grew up with

DRM is just more incentive to pirate shit. If I ever needed an excuse to pirate then DRM would be it.

>capitalistfucks still seething that they should somehow have the right to sell ancient fucking software
Geez, how about you go fuck yourselves, capitalist pigs?

Keep crying

>so why arent they selling them

Is Nintendo so retarded they dont realize that when they kill one rom hosting site like 4 more appear in its wake?

As usual, everyone's retarded whining propelled some idiot to the stars.

>they could lose future sales for something that doesn't exist
Seeing how desperately you try to defend them is fucking delicious.

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That's just Nintendo lawyers filling a quota to get paid. It's not like theyre even remotely capable of stopping piracy.

How do y'all Ninteniggas talks so much shit with all that Nintendo dick in your mouth?

So nintendo is for whites, while sony is for niggers, spics, and poos. Got it.

It's either baiting retards or shills. Hell, none of them even tried to argue that the rom site charged you for faster download speeds, which could be seen as net loss for jewtendo, but then again that would require an iq above room temperature, not something you can expect from nintenbabies.

Hello Nintendo
Don't mind me, just playing the best SNES game for free and loving every bits of it

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Yeah, we grew up and got jobs, and now we can afford to buy games. Sorry you got left behind.

>published by square
>developed by square
What does this have to do with nintendo?

That's your big life achievement? getting a job so you can buy digital toys labeled 3+?

At least fans have some sort of excuse. What I don't get are the piratefags that constantly post in these threads.

Nintendo taking down roms from games made on their consoles, you retard.

>not posting the one with the guy wearing the bib
Nintendofags can't even do THAT right.

>legally own game
>disk is getting old
>not allowed to back it up for archival purposes because daddy Nintendo said so

For what purpose?

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>At least fans have some sort of excuse
>fans are bootlicking retards
And so the desperation continues.

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We like laughing at the retards still taking corporate cocks in their ass. paying $60 for a digital game should be a crime. Movies don't cost $60 and they have much bigger budgets most of the time.

Why are piratefags so assblasted? I thought they didn't give a shit? Pretty embarrassing desu

>release collection of mana
>It's literally just 20 year old roms with a shitty translation patch and zero bugfixes
> why won't you pay $40 for this?!

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The notion of piratefags being more embarrassing than paypigs, good shit

You are allowed to though...

Within a few years, all games are going to be digital. So you're saying the game industry should stop selling games entirely and give everything away for free? Also movies offer 2-3 hours of entertainment, while games can be 50-100 hours or longer.

right? These days you can hop onto alibaba and grab a $3 cart with the patched roms flashed onto them. Same fucking PHYSICAL experience without the bullshit marketing fees attached.

Just like, UG, right?

Why are they so hard ballin against a nigga? Do they gotta try that hard? Cringe if you ask me.

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If people don't want to pay $40 for it, then it will go on sale for a lower and lower price, until it finds market equilibrium. Literally how free market capitalism works. It's the reason why most sony games are $20 a few months after release, because they're shitty and nobody wants to pay full price for them.

>backups are not necessary to protect your software

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Is that some zoomer site? I'm glad it's gone if it pisses cucks like you off.

Suck my dick bitch, Nintendo kid shit aint close to half of PS4 catalogue

No it won't. It'll stay at $40 because SE doesn't give two shits and knows it has a niche audience until eventually the store is shut down for the next console because Nintendo never actually figured out digital distribution.

Anyway, SE had their chance to make money on it 20 years ago and passed it up. Fuck'em.

Keep telling yourself that. Physical is coming back. Look at the fucking limited run companies and how well they're doing. Way to cherrypick retard. It's hilarious you're defending them this hard. You love corporate cock in your ass don't you?

>It's the reason why most sony games are $20 a few months after release, because they're shitty and nobody wants to pay full price for them.
Arey you still seething over God of War?

Nintendo does not dictate the law in my country. Backing up your own roms/isos, emulators bios, and modding are all legal here so long as you ripped them yourself.

It's been on sale for $34 since it came out. That means SE overestimated the demand and produced too many of them, so retailers are discounting it to clear out inventory space faster. The fact that it's been this price for a month now probably means it's going to be discounted even further at some point.


Ironic considering they were caught downloading roms to their own games off emuparadise.

>based nintendo putting thieves in their place
Yeah and my place is between your bitches cheeks, so what you gonna do now is drive your bitch over so I can fuck her, feel free to bring your switch so you have something do till im done

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Nintendo will never recover from getting destroyed several times in court and being told that emulation isn't illegal.

>physical is identical to digital

Shush retard.

Mario Kart 8 has sold twice as many copies as God of War at 3x the price. Mario Odyssey, Smash, and BotW have all outsold it, and they rarely ever go below $60. Meanwhile GoW was discounted to $20 6 months after release and has been that price ever since.


>keep playing literal kids games
damn someone sounds upset

pirating and not having the original software is a big difference though.

All kids games, of course they won't put prices down since those underage fuckers always bother parents till they get what they want

Did this weirdo really buy three switches?

>Pirating a 20 year old game that you don't have vs. buying it on ebaay for $80

Yeah I'll stick to pirating. Your logic is flawed faggot.

Jesus made no distinction. He took something he bought, multiplied it, and gave it out to anyone who was around and screwed the bakers and fishers out of potential sales.

If Jesus says piracy is ok, who are you to question it with your laws of man?

>twice as many copies
>has to include WiiU version too
Yep, still fucking fuming
>Meanwhile GoW was discounted to $20 6 months after release and has been that price ever since.
It sold 10 million copies, it already made its money back and then some, unlike other companies, Nintendo still has shit like 1-2 Switch at almost full price and arent ashamed of it despite they know it's just a glorified tech demo

>quoting Nintendo's eternally "I am mad" page as law.

lol ok buddy.

i was talking about not owning dipshit, I mean if you have it and pirate it as opposed to pirating it all together

Fuck Sony
Fuck Nintendo
Fuck Microsoft

>has to include WiiU version too
Nope, it's just under 20 million on the Switch alone. If you include Wii U, it's close to 30 million. The Wii U version still sells for $50 btw. Again, games are priced at what the market is willing to pay for them. No retailer is just going to sit on massive amounts of unsold stock without discounting it, because that costs them money.



you're telling me rom sites bought the rights to these games?
think before you post, retard

NU U DIPSHIT. Keep paying licking corporate cock dude. Is it that easy to get under your skin?

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>Again, games are priced at what the market is willing to pay for them.
Or maybe Nintendo is just cheap and many will tell you they are the worst when it comes to pricing their stuff, they dont care about selling you quality, only to sell it

>easy to get under your skin
no you just read what I typed wrong, so im correcting you is all

Fucking based, Nintendo's constantly taking it to the niggers

Holy fuck republicans are so entitled, what makes you think you are even allowed to use somebody else's creation for free when they are selling it as a product?

>I pirate games because I don't want to pay the ip creator for making this game I like.
>NOOOO!! You can't pirate that game because the ip creator may or may not want to re-release it! They're gonna lose sales!!

>20 snes games with more to come
Last I checked No Intro archive had 3,402 SNES games.
Personally I have over 100 Final Fantasy IV hacks (most are Free Enterprise randomizer seeds)
>50+ nes games
Nes archive is something like 2,690 games.

>Last I checked No Intro archive had 3,402 SNES games
But how many of those games are you ever going to actually play? Switch online already has about 80% of all the snes games worth playing, and like 95% of all the nes games worth playing.

More like you can't complain about the ip creator doing whatever the fuck they want with their IP. Thats why it's a stupid reason.

>steal their intellectual property.
Well you're definitely a cocksucking fag if you phrase it this way. Stealing intellectual property is like making some shit Mario clone and legit tricking people into thinking they are buying a real Mario game. I actually don't mind Nintendo using legal avenues to shut down rom sites but the fact is they aren't exactly a friendly player in the market and take a very adversarial stance against consumers when it comes to exercising their own rights of ownership once they've purchased copies of their games.

Defending consumer rights is a much bigger deal right now and far more important than defending Nintendo's lawsuits over piracy of old games.

>Switch online already has about 80% of all the snes games worth playing
>not a single DKC game
>no Chrono Trigger
>no Mario RPG
>no Arc Raiser
>no Killer Instinct
lmao no

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>Piracy is stealing
Sort of. I mean it's illegal so we're splitting hairs a bit but you need some thick layers of unintuitive modern legal abstraction to consider it theft compared to actual stealing. It's not a reasonable term for everyday use and is only employed by propagandists trying to maximize shame and fear in people.

I agree on the end of piracy. but It's still archiving things. I personally don't start pirating until a system is confirmed dead/over/whatever.

You cannot deny that Archival of games is a fundamentally good thing. The industry likes to keep its secrets and because of that we lose a lot of things that will never be seen by normal people. There are games that will never see the light of day again and thats a horrible thing. In the end, all it is doing is recording the history of the industry to preserve for the future. Piracy is expected because there will always be people who can't or won't spend money on these products. That doesn't make piracy okay.

>Copy a file with infinite supply
>"No you can't that's criminal"
And people subscribe to this nonsense.

There are 100 or so games in my snes9x directory not counting randomizer seeds
Plus I often like to check out a game when it comes up in conversation. Currently playing Lufia 2 for the first time.

>$1.66 a month
Paying a subscription for access to fucking SNES roms is shameless kikery and you are a pathetic simp for allowing yourself to be exploited in this way.

if he is not Disney i don't think that will work

>what's a private judge?

>More like you can't complain about the ip creator doing whatever the fuck they want with their IP.
Who said I was? If an ip creator wants to re-release the same game 4 times then all power to them. Just don't complain when there are some people who bought the game once or who don't have access to a certain game decides to use alternate methods.

Miyamoto is alive and Nintendo is selling their old games on like 5 different platforms

So you'd be okay with copying a few 0s and 1s being illegal if they invented a new word for it.

>paying half the price of coffee to play a few dozen of the greatest games of all time is exploitation
Who is being exploited exactly?

t. brainlet retard

>Who is being exploited exactly?
Whoever pays for it because not only you're paying for your internet twice but also paying for shit they already had on other Nintendo systems, and dont get me started on how you can play entire Nintendo libraries on Wii

torrents of every single rom for a system ever made still exist and honestly I don't think I will even download them even today unless i'm doing some sort of comparison

Can you get actraiser, demon crest or un squadron on the modern online store ?

Don't try to argue with these fags, they're the type of people to unironically call themselves Chad's just because they know how to torrent.

>pay an almost negligible amount of pocket change each month to have access to a library of great games that will give me hundreds of hours of entertainment
I'm trying to find the exploitation here but I can't. Netflix is almost 10x as expensive and there's less hours of entertaining content on it than this.

i have no loyalty to any company and will keep pirating all my games

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Why is Nintendo such a cunt?
Does anyone know?

>downloaded all the SNES and NES ROMs few days ago from a Google Drive link while I was logged into my Google account
Am I fucked? my Google account is tied to my job and everything about me

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Thanks God I don't live in a third world country like America where people need to worry about pirating games.

Yes, hope you life federal prison.

I already can play all those games you play for free, and more than where those came from, even romhacks and stuff that werent released here or at all
If you cant find the explotation then congrats you're the idiot which Nintendo made their fortune from

lmao I've got a RPi 4 working as a seedbox for as many ROMs as I can get my hands on, including some hard to find ones
suck my dick nintendo

Maybe they should have offered a method to play them then

This is good because when one site dies another few will pop up to fill the vaccum.

Nintendo needs to stop beating a dead horse, anyone who wants to pay for their retro service already is.
The cat is out of the bag an no amount of lawsuits can ever put it back in.

I can watch every movie and tv show on netflix for free also, but I pay for it for the convenience. It's pretty much the same thing on the swtich. I don't know of any other way to easily play these games on a handheld device with real buttons in bed or when I'm traveling or just chilling outside on my deck.

>b-but this other service is worse which means that nintendo online isn't bad!
No rational person would defend Nintendo online. I'd pay for Xbox live twice before I give Nintendo one cent for online

Reminder rom sites are based because they BTFO collector fags who think they can buy 200 copies of some rare game like cubivore and hope their value goes up

Y'know, I always kind of had this to say in response to the "muh free speech" excuse.

>Ever consider if people don't even want to hear what you have to say?

>I'd pay for Xbox live twice before I give Nintendo one cent for online
This would make you the most retarded faggot imaginable, though. I have more faith in you than that, user. Maybe dial down the hyperbole

Xbox game pass is $10/month, and there's maybe a couple games on there that are good, but 99% of the games are utter garbage, and the good ones are not xbox exclusives anyway. Switch online still has a lot more good games for a much much lower price.

>I don't know of any other way to easily play these games on a handheld device with real buttons
DS or PSP can emulate SNES to perfection, even the fucking WiiU can
>but I pay for it for the convenience.
You must be a special type of retard if you cant find the whole library to download on the internet but then again you pay to use your own internet and defend this service so Im probably unto something here

ok then, I'd rather pay $60 for Nintendo online provided it had parity with Xbox live than pay $20 for Nintendo online in its current state

>any other company does this
>nintendo does it

Brb, going to go burn the entire NES library to Blu-ray discs with redundancy.

DS and PSP you would have to hack, so that's not easy or convenient. Wii U is not a handheld console since the gamepad doesn't work outside of the room the console is in.

>You must be a special type of retard if you cant find the whole library to download on the internet
I guess the hundreds of millions of people who pay for netflix, amazon, hulu, hbo, etc. must all be retards then huh?

Hey everyone I got him with logic! Please someone like me I used my big boy brain to out smarty him! You don't own a house when you buy it! Because someone else built it!

Literally nothing will happen calm down

>DS and PSP you would have to hack, so that's not easy or convenient
Given 90% of people who owned either managed to do it, it's probably not hard but I guess being born with a few more chromosomes like you might find it difficult
>must all be retards then huh?
Yes and that makes you one of them, thanks for coming to terms with that

I thought everyone has entire nintendo librariess stored somewhere? It's only 30-ish GB for everything until GBA, I've seen Skyrim mods bigger than that.

So what now? Will Rom Universe go the same way as Emuparadise?

yeah how dare these pirate fags to not pay 600$ for complete stranger for a 20 years old game

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>Nintendo going absolutely beserk trying to stop switch piracy

ironically had they not rushed the switch out they might have spotted the RCM flaw that enabled piracy in the first place.

But now they have to spend 10x as much energy fighting piracy because they were reckless getting the Switch out the door

That game is less than $6 on PSN.


Didn't they fix that flaw like a year and a half ago?

you get the idea idiot

Yes, but that's exactly what I'm talking about. About 20M switchs have that flaw for good now, had they not rushed the system they might have caught the flaw before release

If it's a downloadable patch, you just dont download it.
If they corrected the flaw in new models, then you just download a patch to put the flaw in artificially to exploit it
They fucked up majorly and there's nothing they can do about this. Even if they do win this lawsuit, it wont help because some other site will continue distributing switch roms

this is literally one of the worst places to get roms anyway

And what of games NOT up for digital purchase?

you suck corporate cock and pray for a 60$ "remaster" like a good goy

>have to read and study a 50-page document and risk bricking my console and getting banned from online play just to pirate games
No thanks, I'll stick to buying and playing my games with the click of a button because I'm not poor.

>NOOOOOO WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T FEEL LIKE GIVING ME 10 BUCKS AFTER 20 YEARS of you asking me to port a game some random retard in a basement had enough time to create functioning emulation of the hardware and dumped the game
Keep on seething Nintendo

LMAO imagine caring about losing paid online access when they made it just as bad, and worse in some cases, then the free online from the fucking Wii U.

you couldn't sue people if there was no government or intellectual property laws

Who gives a fuck really we got russian and what not hosts to have this kind of stuff.


Mario Maker vs mode is the best multiplayer game to come out in like a decade.

>he actually believes this
Must not play many multiplayer games. I guess it's to be expected when Switchfags barely have any worthy of note.

Then Nintendo shouldn’t give a fuck if I pirate those games

>NES titles available on the Wii VC - 94
Total number of titles released on the NES - 714, not including Japanese only Famicom titles
>SNES titles on the Wii VC - 63, not counting the titles delisted (the Wii U VC only has 51 and the Switch now has 20 after a year of online service)
Total number of titles released on SNES - 1757
>N64 titles on the Wii VC - 21
Total number of titles released on N64 - 389
>Turbografx/PC Engine titles on the Wii VC - 58, not including the ones delisted, Wii U VC only has 40
Total number of titles released on PC Engine - 650
>Sega Master System titles on Wii VC - 15, not including delisted titles, SMS titles not available on Wii U
Total number of titles released on SMS - 341
>Sega Genesis titles on Wii VC - 73, not including titles delisted, Genesis titles not available on Wii U VC
Total number of titles released on Genesis/Mega Drive - 897
>Neogeo titles on Wii VC - 54, Neogeo titles not available on Wii U VC
Total number of titles released for Neogeo AES/MVS - 156
>GBA titles available on Wii U VC - 74
Total number of titles for GBA - 1510
>DS titles available on Wii U VC - 31
Total number of titles available for DS - 1837

Copyright laws are horseshit. I can't wait until the copyright on Steamboat Willie runs out in 2020 or some shit so we start seeing bootleg Micky Mouses that can actually be sold legally in America

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Mickey Mouse as a character is still trademarked though, and that lasts forever. So you will be able to sell copies of Steamboat Willie and call it something like "Classic Cartoons from the 1920s", but you can't use the name Mickey Mouse or the Disney logo to market it. You also can't make your own cartoons with Mickey because that would infringe on trademark as well.

>Emuparadise is dead
it hurts bros
>inb4 join some autistic sekrit klub private tracker seed or ban site

Attached: sadness.jpg (600x726, 28K)

So what? Another will take its place.

>Yea Forums defends faggots who charge money for memberships on their malware ridden website instead of giving out data for free

learn how piracy works

file this, kek

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So what you're saying is, you've always been retarded?

Right when I'm trying out a new ISP too. I'll be downloading some new romsets tonight fuck Nintendo.

Emuparadise is dead

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We already do, communist beat civilians because of feelings and get off scot free
Google and amazon know more about you than you do, even when you have to poop
Public opinion via twitter has more power than the courts
Just have fun with life while you have it.