No aim

>no aim
>no 200 iq plays
>raw physical skill
>80% of the weapons are 1 shot instagib childs play
>bait fest
it sucks

Attached: gearsofqueers.jpg (1509x1905, 687K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Git gud

>faggot mistakes his own lack of skill for a flaw in the game's design

Tale as old as time.

Lmao. This is out? Didn't even know. What a DEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAD game. Haven't seen it discussed anywhere.

im probably better than both of you if there even is such a thing as being good at this garbage

not only that better at more than just this trash

>game design
>never bad
kek spotted the underage 12 year old

How to fix gears 5 in one simple trick

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I'm really enjoying the versus mode so far. Gameplay has a nice and smooth feel and it does feel pretty skill based for the most part, but you can only get lucky just blowing somebody up with a gnasher shot while not really aiming, but I think that adds some fun chaos to the matches.

I also think it's kinda cool that some character models aren't hidden behind a paywall, but you actually need to complete some of those tour of duty things I forget the name of.
So you need to get 5.000 kills or something to unlock Desert JD and he's not just hidden behind a paywall.
But at the same time, The Coalition are horrible in terms of the stuff they actually do put behind a paywall, but I guess this is basically as good as it gets in the modern world of games :(

Campaign was cool too, but the skiffing sections were a bit too long and I hated the ending. But it was pretty cool other than that.

Playing support as Jack is also a really fun element to the game

My absolute biggest problem with the game is the insane lack of enemy variety compared to the Gears 3 horde mode and campaign.
Gears 3 had so fucking many different types of enemies you had to fight.
It was a huge problem in Gears 4, so I was pretty hype when it looked like Gears 5 would have way more variety, but it sadly hasn't and horde mode gets really fucking stale VERY fast.
I'm extremely disappointed in the enemy variety, I was really hype to just having to forget my life and get lost in a fun game, but there's barely any incentive to playing Horde mode after the first time you beat 50 waves.

It's just the same fucking enemies every round. Couple of deebees, couple of drones, here's a DR1, a couple of Scions and then one out of three or four bosses.
I mean what the fuck?????? where are all the fucking kantus, beast rider things, flying shit, tickers, those fucking brutes with the shields and all that shit???

It annoys me so much :(

Sorry for my long ass rant

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Is it worth upgrading to W10 for this game? I love TPS games.

The PvP has been the exact same for 6 games now, I don't know why you were expecting it to be different.

Preloading Borderlands 3 actually works now?

>no 200IQ plays
it's fucking gears, what did you expect?

Is the PC version crossplay?
I wouldn't mind bullying some consolefags right now.

Yeah even in ranked. I wonder if this game is playable on PC with gamepad online. TPS games do kinda work surprisingly well with pad.

Zoomers are such dull people

it does i'm using a ds4, m+k = better aim but movement is better with a controller which is more important in gears

I can't imagine why a literal xbox game wouldn't support a pad when most games do
Might pick this up though but I'll wait to see if it gets patched, apparently there's some issues at the moment

Also if I understand, precision aiming isn't really that important in Gears since shotgun is what everyone uses right?

Honestly this isn't even bait. I watched DSP play and he didn't die once in the hour or so I watched.
This is proof enough that AAA games have been watered and dumbed down for the lowest denominator.

Attached: dsp_comeon.jpg (1083x610, 50K)

>it does i'm using a ds4, m+k = better aim but movement is better with a controller

>le 'analog stick is better for movement' meme

Yes, an analog stick gives you finer control over your movement, but in most games you always want to be moving as fast as possible, so that added control is useless. The most important thing in a game responsiveness, and WASD + mouse to change your direction is a billion times faster than slowly dragging an analog stick.

There's a reason why PC shooters have faster and more skillful movement than their console counterparts.

>movement is better with a controller which is more important in gears
Compared to what? Movement in Gears is far LESS important than it is in other shooters, considering movement is slow, you can regenerate any damage you take anyway and the game revolves around hiding behind cover.

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>$60 game
This meme has gone on far too long. It should be one or the other.

responding to your image, I hate the over the shoulder design. nothing makes me despise a game more than that horrible design choice.
most game genres peaked 15-20 years ago, wtf happened.

Its on Steam as well and supposedly supports Windows 7. That said its up to you to decide whether you want to pay $60 for sticking on W7 or upgrading to W10 and paying $2-10/month to rent it.

Vidya used to be made by autists. These days it's a career as any other for low iq college IT graduates.

>but you can only get lucky just blowing somebody up with a gnasher shot while not really aiming
If you can't kill somebody with the Gnasher without aiming you're really shit and there's no luck

make autistic developers great again

The "Gears" plays are punishing a Gnasher guy with a Gnasher while he tried to do something that wasn't Gnasher related, like trying to aim.


Look, I found more no-skill faggots.

>Playing literal anti white, pro cuckoldry propaganda.
I know this is all the xbone has but fuck m8 come on.

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lol, nigger, get good.

Game is garbage

I played horde last night, and I was having the same thoughts as you about enemy variety.

Where are the shield boys? Tickers?

God I miss locust enemies.


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Lancer is too strong for pc. Since the maps are open and have angles in every direction, people just seem to bunker down and as soon you run out into the open, you get lasered down by 2 or 3 Lancers in different spots

Sounds like you never played a Gears game before.

Yea Forums only discusses nonsense like Kojimbo's walking simulator

OP I'm with you but Yea Forums can't wallbounce so they'll never understand.

More like they're only viable on PC controls

and no, the Lancer spread is really wide. It's still Gnasher town.

Asylum is the only map that doesn't play like shit

>and it does feel pretty skill based
its honestly not

>Multiplayer is the same thing as 4
>Horde got rid of the 25 round mode so it's boring as fuck and takes longer than a monopoly game
>Excape is ok
>Campaign is also ok but once you finish that there's not much else

I'm glad i only "rented" it for 20 bucks.

nice projecting
ive probably played longer than you
i played competitive halo for 6 years between 2004-10
youre leagues below me

How to fix Gears 5 in one simple trick. Bring back fucking Execution.
Every single fucking game is just high ground lancer camping.

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>nazicels literally think a political leader being the first to have a risky procedure to increase fertility to win skeptical citizens over is literally getting railroaded by millions of chads to cuck marcus

its almost like none of you actually played the game

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zoomers should love this game since its so easy

I've played Gears of War 1 launch day during high school, poser zoomer fuck.

i was like 18 years old when it came out im older than you lmao
gears is bad and youre fuckin trash for thinking its good

thats what gears always was
they dont play competitive execution
at a competitive level its just a garbage bait fest just like csgo

if you couldnt tell that it sucks just by looking at the cover, you may have a bit of brainwash you need to get rid of

So you're in your 30s boasting about how competitive you are in gaming when your were young.
Kill yourself.

ya got me m8
i couldnt afford 2 bucks for the game pass lmaooooooooooooooooooo

im saying the fuckin game sucks dude
youre opinion isnt even credible

no idea what that has to do with my post. i have game pass too btw.

My opinion is more credible than yours, has been.

seriously is it just me or is there no locust with a fucking boltok pistol?
all i ever see them use is the Claw and Hammerburst

Stop playing on PC, faggot.