/vp/ here. Can someone break down what exactly the "Zelda Cycle" is?

/vp/ here. Can someone break down what exactly the "Zelda Cycle" is?

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A metaphor for the new overtaking the old, the core philosophy that made BotW the greatest Zelda game of all time

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It’s on PC not the PS4! ;)

Nice but I'm talking about the switch :))))

>new game comes out
>people hate it
>another new game in the series comes out
>people hate it and love the previous entry in the series

Zelda Cycle in a nutshell

The current game is shit, the previous game is a misunderstood masterpiece
Every single time
It's not true though because Skyward Sword is still shit

That really does sound like Pokemon...

Botw broke the cycle. Nobody thinks SS was good.

Bullshit that fanboys use to justify people not liking games that they like.

With movies also work, Star Wars

Give it a couple of years and play it.
I think you will never do because you probably watch game grumps like the fucking zoomer you are.

Also, this was only true with MM, WW, and SS.

I think Breath Of The Wild was very loved since day one from the fanbase. Just a minority hate it in here or console warriors fags that love to false flag to get attention. Pretty much everyone I know loved it and also the biggest fag-lords that you know as critics.

I want you to remember this post 5 years from now.

I have to disagree. I can't say it's a bad game, but it's not one I want to revisit. I don't get why you console warriors make everything into such extremes.

>think the game is good

>think the game is bad

Can you guys not think in extremes for 5 seconds?

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If anything, much of the Zelda fanbase are the biggest criticizers as BotW isn't a Zelda game and threatens the future of the series.
BotW hasn't been viewed positively here for a couple years now.

Except it doesn't really work with pokemon since every gen has been disliked here since 6.

This was true until Skyward Sword shat the bed. If someone says they enjoyed Skyward Sword, you can reasonably dismiss every other opinion they have.

>BotW hasn't been viewed positively here for a couple years now.
That's not remotely close to what happened.
The majority here like it but we had one or two anons not including ACfag making daily "criticism" threads.

it's the [anythng] cycle of overhyping yourself
>new [thing] announced
>you get hyped
>[thing] is good but not THA BESD!!!1! so you feel sad
>play older [thing] in series now that you're sad and see they're better than what you remember because you're no longer overhyped for them
>new [thing[ announced
and it loops on and on

>BotW isn't a Zelda game and threatens the future of the series.
As someone who genuinely enjoys these games I actually want them to continue what they started.

>Can you guys not think in extremes for 5 seconds
user, you're on a board where there's a loud group of anti-smash shitposters who have been trying to get it forced off of Yea Forums since Ultimate was announced.

This. BOTW is considered up there with OOT by majority

>one or two anons
The number of people disliking the game has no bearing on your own enjoyment, so why does it matter so much to you that you have to try and downplay all the criticism BotW gets here?

Gen 5 is peak fight me

And I could not disagree more. I want them to go back to what made OoT and MM so amazing and to cut out all the gimmicks and coddling. If they can manage that with an open world, fine, but botw didn't make me very confident.

That's not due to an extreme, that's because their spam is against the rules. They're better off on /vg/ with just a thread or two up here. It's acceptable when an announcement is made but the up-to-7 concurrent threads just about rosterfagging is too much.

only because since gen 4 each pokemon game has been getting worse, making the previous one look better.

Woah Nintendo releases a game and it's liked by everyone because they're afraid of the backlash they'd get from nintendies if god forbid they have a different opinion.

It's what fans use as a defense mechanism when people criticize the most recent Zelda.


Skyward Sword isn't great but it beats BotW. BotW requires no brainpower to play, it's just explore empty landscape, pick up Korok seed, eat fifty cooked dishes when hurt. You only use a little brain power when in the shrines, but that grows thin after a short while since they all use the same assets, no visual variety.

At least Skyward Sword had real dungeons, and the Cistern one was actually pretty fun. Plus I liked the combat and bosses way more in SS more than BotW

I'm not saying two wrongs make a right, but the smash fanbase has gone full autism and spams the board incessantly. /vg/ was made to prevent that so that is where they should be.

Based Gen 5 is the best generation, bunch of Pokemon Masters fag are jumping on the bandwagon because of Rosa but hey if more people can start appreciating the games I can forego them being coombrains.

Underrated post.

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Maybe at launch when the hype was high.

There's no Zelda cycle in a literal sense, it's just fans hype up a new game before disliking it and moving on.

>eat fifty cooked dishes
You can easily cheese it harder than that mate. One dish made with a single common ingredient is all you need.

>very loved since day one from the fanbase.
Wow, no way the most blindly dogmatic fanbase in the industry eats up anything Nintendo shits out. If BotW was made by Ubisoft no one would bat an eye.

This. The only game that has truly bucked the trend and went from hype, to disappointment, back to masterpiece is MM. Just about any other Zelda after has only soured with age to varying degrees with all but the most adamant of diehards.

I just like to make intentional exaggerations to prove a point.

I get what you were going for, it's just in this case not exaggerating helps your case. It is simply THAT easy to cheese combat with cooking.

Yeah, you're right. I don't remember the specific dish I made, but it gave me a huge boost in attack power and made this Lynel I was fighting trivial. Which sucked because I heard they were usually a challenge.

>so why does it matter so much to you that you have to try and downplay all the criticism BotW gets here?
One, the daily "criticism" threads were just shitposting circlejerks.
Two, did it ever occur to you that not even fans want to see threads about the same game over and over again? They wanted botw threads to die.

It's called Master Cycle you retard

Except gen 6 was the worse gen and gen 7 is considerably underrated

I don't think you understand.
Outside of announcement periods there are only two or three active smash threads made by the fanbase here. The 20 other threads are made by a group who simply want it gone.

OOT is high mid tier. MM and LTTP are significantly better. Even LA is more fun.

OP here. What's wrong with Skyward sword? I was going to play it after I finish Botw

You expect anyone to buy that when you're saying it in this thread?

Nobody likes SM or XY though

It's...okay. I didn't like the areas or world design personally. They tried to do some shit where you fly around a sky hub and the ground level traversal to each dungeon feels like a mini dungeon in itself, but the biomes are all generic stuff like forests and volcanoes, and it felt way too dragged out and linear. Combat was more gimmicky than other games in the series (works sometimes, other times detection can be sketchy, and most enemies are very easily dealt with if you can get the controller to reliably swipe in a specific direction (nearly every enemy is built around leaving a certain angle open for you to exploit). It takes around 50 hours to beat, and it feels dragged out and tedious after about 10. Fi is annoying as fuck too.

Gimmicks out the ass, extremely slow start, constant handholding, empty overworld, backtracking, etc.
Combat is completely hit or miss. Some people like it other loathe it.
That said, it had some great core Zelda elements such as the dungeons, items, bosses and music. It's just bogged down by a lot of annoyances.

Well, I did "enjoy" Skyward Sword. It was a good game.

It just wasn't a good Zelda game.

>brain power
Hmm, I wonder what the fuck I use the item I just got for...? Gee, i could really get lost in these very linear and closed-in dungeons. I’d also best be careful when traveling in the very linear and non-expansive overworld.

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I've been out of the loop.

Have they ever made any mention of releasing WW HD and TP HD on the Switch?

Not yet. I don't give a fuck about WW, but TP will be cool to have on the go.

No, don't get me wrong, SS is hardly a high IQ game, not even close. But the bosses put up more of a challenge than literally everything in BotW outside of DLC stuff like the Master Sword trials. I'm more responding to the consensus that SS is absolute shit but BotW is such a huge improvement

It’s the dramatic and ever repeating system where people want good Zelda games and Nintendo makes garbage that no one but 3 zip women want

BOTW is an open world game. It's not supposed to be particularly difficult, it's the sort of thing you play if you want to fire it up, run in a random direction and stumble across some stuff to do every couple hundred feet. It can keep you going for a long time if you play that way. All open world games suck if you run directly from A to B purely doing the main content from a checklist.

>linear bad open world good
SS had a problem with backtracking and an empty overworld. Linearity itself is not a flaw as it can tailor the experience far more precisely to progression, as opposed botw where you're forced to get what you need right at the start and the rest is irrelevant.

>Hmm, I wonder what the fuck I use the item I just got for...?
Getting all the runes and mastering them right at the start is far worse. You very quickly realize that literally every puzzle must be solved by those handful of abilities and can never adapt or evolve beyond that.

I love the cycle, but unfortunately it comes out too late in the game and there's nothing else to do with it.

Is the expansion pass worth getting? It seems like it's mostly filler/help features.

I personally found almost every aspect of BotW an improvement from SS. Better world design, better dungeon design (from a gameplay standpoint), better combat, better bosses (yes, I fucking said it: BotW’s bosses at least have the ability to kill Link, compared to the glorified boss puzzles of SS), and better story (because it’s optional and gets out of the way if you don’t care).

>better dungeon design
>better bosses
That is one disgusting opinion.

Did not say linearity is a flaw, I said that SS’s linear dungeons and overworld did not leave much to think about. You knew where to go at all times and you almost always had what you needed to progress. At least BotW gives me the chance to think about how I get from point A to B instead of railroading me.
As for items, I very much disagree. If you played all the shrines, you’d either come up with some interesting uses of the runes or be forced to use them in new ways. The problem is that the devs didn’t also do this in the overworld. The variety was there, just underutilized.

I'll take puzzle bosses over the shit we got in BotW any day. Bosses in BotW were an absolute braindead joke unless you intentionally gimped yourself hard and didn't do the divine beasts.
Also, divine beasts don't even qualify as dungeons. They're more like glorified shrines that all follow the exact same setup and formula.
SS trounces both even just by virtue of at least being unique.

The problem with runes is, aside from perhaps bombs, they're absolutely pointless outside of shrines and DB's, like you said. There was absolutely no reason for the devs to force them on you at the start as you could beat the game without them. Spreading them out and only giving them to the player upon entering a shrine that required them, along with adding actual uses for them in the overworld would've gone a long way towards solving one of the game's biggest flaws, even if not completely.

Don't reply to me or my posts ever again.

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>liking open-ended dungeons with interconnected puzzles over linear dungeons with mostly isolated rooms is disgusting
>preferring actual fights over waiting for the enemy to do tic-tac-toe with you is disgusting
You’re weird.

>botw bosses
>actual fights

thought it just meant the new console then new zelda release pattern

By Zelda standards yeah they are. You actually fight the bosses instead of "use dungeon item X amount of times".

Yes, I’m sure you're laughing because you know its true and that SS was Zelda: Pushmo Edition.

>you aren't actually fighting an enemy if you have to figure out how to damage them first

All bosses in the series play out like SS bosses do barring BotW. Zelda's bosses are puzzles in enemy form.
What makes BotW's bosses horrible isn't just that they're generic as hell, but that they're ridiculously easy to beat, cheese, or spam regardless of how you play unless you intentionally go into them with low end gear and don't exploit their massive weaknesses and essentially let them attack you. The only one that is acceptable is Thunderblight if you're lucky enough to face it earlier on, the rest are dogshit.

I remember liking it at first, but then I played through it again and all the problems stuck out to me. Really that kind of shit should be mandatory, playing a game again really lets you work out what is nostalgia talking and what is actually going on. Skyward sword's biggest problem is it's non-cohesive world. It has more in common with Mario. Then you have the poorly thought out gimmick items because of motion controls, annoying pop up messages, side quests that just don't feel good to do. The worst side kick EVER, the most disappointing bosses (except Kalaktos) and the worst gameplay loop of the entire series.

I wouldn't say it's the WORST Zelda, but it certainly is in the bottom rung.