It's more morally ethical to NOT exploit women for male gratification in video games. Fact.
It's more morally ethical to NOT exploit women for male gratification in video games. Fact
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But it's more FUN. Fact
How are women being exploited? It's just pixels and lines of code.
I agree, real women shouldn't. Fictional characters aren't real.
This, no women were involved besides the creators and if your telling women not to create, thats sexist
It's so gross to look at woman like it's object, it makes me so sad when i see that shit. sexualization okay for porn (or right moments.) but not otherwise. If a woman showing her body, sexualizated herself to please people for money or not now that's okay and we should not shame anyone but who except every fucking game or other stuff to objectification and sexualization women like they are only there for dick pleased needs to stop and look wtf are they doing, we are human in here, not animals so use brains, fucking educate yourself and listen women what they say for a moment god dammit.
Good thing that's just a fictional character then.
Is there a single woman who hates scantily clad females in video games that isn't just intimidated by pixels?
I'm a woman. I don't like it. There's nothing to be intimidated by. It's just gross and insulting to be represented by shit like this.
I would be more concerned at how quickly women whore themselves irl, bit that's just me.
My gf loves to get exploited by my male gratification, all women like it, doesn't mean I treat her bad, I just take what is mine when I am horny which is 90% of the time
morality is by definition relative retard
This bait thread will exceed 100 replies.
No real woman was ever exploited in these games. Case is moot.
the dumb whore from h3h3 podcast gets triggered by it for some reason. Either she's 100% retarded or she's just parroting feminist shit she heard on the internet though.
>arguing about morals and ethics in a male power fantasy
bruh thats mad cringe
You must not be attractive
>or you’re not female
>I'm a woman
Learn english
This thread is just an undercover Amazon/Dragon's Crown thread newfag.
>watching the jews of h3h3
But it's not representing you, it is it's own character.
>sexualization okay for porn
Just label all video games porn, problem solved
You'll never pass
>don't sexualize women but do when they want to
The characters are fake. I murder countless people in video games without ever thinking of doing it in person. Why can't I do the same with pixels that look like women? Only omega males and females are annoyed by attractive women in video games.
You just cannot sit there and tell me that guys will look at a sexualized female in a game and make a gross generalization about the entire female populace based on that one or a few sexualized female characters
(You) are not being represented, nobody is being represented.
>soi: the post
Actually it's more immoral to restrict one's freedom of artistic expression.
>morally ethical
She IS retarded.
>video game characters are representative of me
It seems to be doing its job so far, then.
>exploit women
you are just as retarded as sjw's if you believe sexy game characters exploit any women
Stop falling for stupid bait.
Will you idiots STOP replying to those baits above?
don't care virgin
>literal tranny getting serious replies
This board is hitting a deeper rock bottom every single day.
but women should fuck off
Post more Amazon then
ok? and I don't like that all men in games are either unrealistically musclebound or 500IQ or both. And any that are portrayed that way are either supposed to be losers, or cannon fodder.
So many male characters are tortured, killed, maimed and belittled in games if they arent the giant brain giant muscle MC. By comparison, women haven't seen nearly as much death and destruction in games, But no one gives a shit about men dying constantly or being forced into similar body-issue roles. selfish dumbass women only see their side of things and then squak online about how offended they feel about games they will never play anyways.
male power fantasy is a genre, you dont have to play it. there are a million games out there, find one and play it instead of sitting online crying you stupid feminist eyes out you slithering cunt chunk.
It’s gross to be represented as a strong, axe wielding bad ass? Better represent women as nothing but house maids next time. Neck yourself.
I agree it's more ethical to exploit actual one for porn and prostitution.
Didn't read.
Shut the fuck up and stop replying to bait, fucking retard.
I see a bulge there user, that ain't a woman. not that there's anything wrong with that.
Its not a bulge she just has strong pusy muscles.
It's not helping. Because you are all autists, even though most of you understand that these posts are clear bait.
>exploit women
What women? A man drew that.
>listen women
Lol, no. I don't even listen to my own wife, most of the time. Women rather have anything worthwhile to say.
>Ban everything
Literally 1984 tier these days. News says one thing and thats it lets ban it.
Fuck it lets just ban everything and paint everything grey.
these girls do a good job pretending to, if they aren't serious about it
>It's just gross and insulting to be represented by shit like this.
What makes you think this represents you? Let's humor the idea that you ARE a woman. Why the fuck do you feel every single being with a vagina is intended to be some caricature of your person?
and why do you think you have an authority on the subject?
>Case is moot.
case is who?
All I’m saying is just have both genders be sexualized.
replyan to ur b8
its perspective
it is equally moral to "exploit" them, since the "exploited" women largely do not exist, and in their "exploitation" they are treated far better than their male compatriots, who are treated far worse without anyone batting an eye, and you are not protesting for the general humane treatment of all fictional characters, but for the unequal treatement of non-existent women over made up men, and characters without any gender.
as long as you do not argue that all unrealistic and gratifying depiction of any gender (or none) should be abolished, you are a hypocrite who wants to get rid of men and some women enjoying lewds, while the rest of the world still gets their princes charming, reliable strong armed saviors, meek pathetic male pigs who are worthless, and strangely obedient sentient vacuum cleaners who love to eat your dirt in ads.
people objectify everyone else they do not have a personal relation with, mostly for their looks, this is normal and does not lead to a decrease in respect for either gender; after all, we mostly have no respect towards each other to begin with, regardless of gender.
respect is earned, not demanded.
Female """"""""""warriors"""""""" aren't real, stop posting them immediately!
Why is it that women cannot perceive themselves except as reflected by external caricatures?
This. I like the bara stuff from the same artist.
fuck off reddit
>not replying to discussion with buzzwords is bad
we will not let you redditfugee faggots kill this site
we will have intelligent discussion amidst wojaks and screams of TRANNY and NIGGER until our last breath