That's pretty based

That's pretty based

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-12 at 11.31.46.png (1196x1352, 1.04M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Xbox One is still shit though

>X button is in a different place in each picture

Attached: 1507211281415.jpg (522x490, 53K)

The Dualshock has a cross button, not an X button.

>X Button
>on a keyboard
Is Xbox retarded? Its called a keyboard for a reason, not a buttonboard.

Xbox is trending.

its a cross though


Yeah, so? It's still shaped like X.

The tweet only doesn't work if you try to read it out loud.

What pc game uses the X key by default?

they are like PAM from office.

desperate housewifes

>No matter what you call it,


>console players think PC players use the X button, ever

fuck console gamepads

retarded amerimutts at it again

This is the video game equivalent of "Is a hot dog a sandwich?"

it's crouch in a few games.

i remember COD used it

>he doesn't play Speedrunners

Literally nobody calls it that here

Anyone who says “press cross to ...” is a fucking retard.

I don’t care what Sony says. It’s an X


Attached: Untitled.png (1196x1352, 781K)

Why haven't everyone come up with a standard for the buttons already? It's so pointless having diffent symbols everywhere

Ameritard here, literally have never heard anyone in real life refer to any system's X botton as 'cross'.


Lots of 2004-ish flash games had arrow keys, z, and x as default controls.


>No matter what you call it

>he doesn't play on emulators

I thought video game day was on July 8th.
I'm just gonna go with that because that's my birthday.

Well whose fault is that?

the only person i have ever heard call it the cross button was british

It's retarded UK actually

>he uses a keyboard for emulators

That was in reference to the X, not the button/key part. No body fucking calls the keys on a keyboard "buttons".



I'm British and have never heard anyone call it the cross button. We call it X button as in the letter of the alphabet, I think everyone does the world over.

lots of Jap indie games use X as the secondary function (usually either jump or shoot with Z being the alternative)

I don't know what you guys are seeing, but I'm pretty confident that button says "X", not "Cross".

No one calls it cross, however by the context it is called cross because the playstation buttons are all shapes, while the others are letters. Even Playstation themselves confirmed it.

Get out of here whilst you can user

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>He doesn't use voice chat on Source engine games

A lot of FPS games. Sometimes for different stances or an auxiliary button.

>he uses a keyboard on emulators
>he uses the X key still

Microsoft is that one person who you fucking hate, and they know you hate them, but they act like you're best friends

battlefield games uses it as a toggle crouch

Who's going to be the first controller to put X on the right?

>he hasn't bound voice chat on capslock
what the fuck are you niggers doing

Z - jump and X - shoot is pretty standard in 2d platformers.

That's what I was thinking. I grew up a HL1/2 fag, so binding X in most FPS games feels normal to me.

In america we call it X because it looks like the letter in our alphabet, also the word cross is commonly associated with the christian cross or a "+" shape. In japan they call it cross because they don't have either the context of the alphabet or the christian cross.

PlayStation UK begs to differ

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The quartet is complete

Attached: Nintendo-GameCube-Controller.jpg (1000x858, 64K)

>Cross Dee

>use voice
>need to type something
>notice capslock is on half way through typing the message

Attached: 1568188829889.png (483x470, 184K)

Japs call it the x button. No one calls it cross

>Cross Dee

Attached: xD.png (225x225, 50K)

X is sheath the weapon in Greadfall

X to scan in R6 Siege
X push to talk for some games

>corporations are just like us!

Attached: soy.jpg (700x734, 107K)

this guy doesn't touhou

>typing in chat when you could use voicechat
sucks to be a shy introvert

They are, by definition, buttons. Even if there is a more convenient and common way of describing them, they're still buttons.

There are legit reasons to type, plus you can chat outside of a game while playing a game. Crazy, I know.

I have a roommate who goes to sleep early

Most keys around wasd usually find some use

you need to learn when to stop "arguing". do you think anybody cares?

Attached: Untitled picture.png (380x494, 57K)

That's not very diverse now, is it.
X is two people doing a heil sign after all.

Youre really starting to push my buttons.

cringe post

OH yeah...

Is it? because the cross on the ps controller is as wide as its tall, the other controller are narrow and tall which represents an actual X. No one writes their X like a cross on the ps controller.

>end thread

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>he hasnt rebound x to floor build on fortnite

Xbox controller has two X buttons...just saying

I call them X and O. If that makes people upset than that's fantastic.


The cross is officially crossed

it's just shitty ports from console games

>x on the keyboard
fucking kek

Attached: 1564086689414.png (166x131, 25K)

How the fuck is that a cross? Have they ever been to church?

>being this much of a weeb
Only the Brits call say "cross" sometimes and even then they still say X button in the context of controllers.

Attached: weaboo.gif (900x300, 68K)

Attached: cute feet.png (800x800, 626K)

have a (you)

Anyone who says "cross" in the context of game controllers while speaking English is a giant weaboo.

Attached: 1506520048434.gif (320x240, 1.43M)

Call it whatever you want, no one fucking cares. It's still a cross. If you don't know how to write an X properly then you literally are an infant.

Ecks, all the other buttons are letters.
Cross, all the other buttons are shapes, it makes no sense for it to be ecks when you have a circle, triangle, and square.
Ecks, see Nintendo
It's called a key, not a button.

Attached: 1539398557463.jpg (3060x3060, 3.81M)

Whoa. This is epic. Mind if I save this?

@477720582 (not giving you that (You))
Are you sure about that? What about the games that originated on PC or are only on PC?

>No matter what you call it,

sasuga, no argument

t. assblasted weeb

The X has always been cross. Pretty sure it was in the owners manual on the original gray model even.

>not using the X button in PC games.
It's right there under S and D, that's prime keyboard estate for important commands along with Q, E, R, F, C, and Y.
Why would you not use it?

>calls X cross
>when a cross is a t

>one thing unites us
>uses amerilard lingo to describe it
Way to go, fats.

They forgot one.

Attached: stadia.png (512x512, 106K)


>literal infant cry baby

>ever leaving your wasd
if I can't easily reach it with my pinkie or thumb, it's garbage

Just think about it, how many times did you hear "Press the X button"? Now, how many times did you hear "Press the cross button"?

Have fun with your super simplistic games that only require like 12 buttons then. Might as well use a gamepad at that point.

That’s cute but Xbox still sucks, my PC from 2016 shits all over the Xbox one x

I know it did something in FEAR

>he doesn't play Stalker

Attached: 1560197176660.png (259x299, 102K)

You fags will argue about anything.
Skub > no skub btw

Emulators often use yxc/zxc

literally all games out there save for pseud-sims only requires so many buttons, user

But Sony, being the niggers that they are, call it the "cross" button

Attached: Screenshot_20190912-100606.png (1080x1920, 253K)

Arguing with you would be a waste of time since you will just claim any cited game like Rising Storm 2 or Xcom2 is shit

>using the word literal incorrectly

Attached: reddit1.jpg (557x305, 34K)

>my face when americans call cross "X"
>my face when americans call chips "french fries"
>my face when americans call crisps "chips"
>my face when americans call chocolate globbernaughts "candy bars"
>my face when americans call motorized rollinghams "cars"
>my face when americans call merry fizzlebombs "fireworks"
>my face when americans call wunderbahboxes a "PC"
>my face when americans call meat water "gravy"
>my face when americans call electro-rope "power cables"
>my face when americans call beef wellington ensemble with lettuce a "burger"
>my face when americans call whimsy flimsy mark and scribblers "pens"
>my face when americans call twisting plankhandles "doorknobs"
>my face when americans call breaddystack a "sandwich"
>my face when americans call their hoighty toighty tippy typers "keyboards"
>my face when americans call nutty-gum and fruit spleggings "peanut butter and jelly"
>my face when americans call an upsy stairsy the "escalator"
>my face when americans call forcey fun time "rape"
>my face when americans call a knittedy wittedy sheepity sleepity a "sweater"
>my face when americans call a rickedy-pop a "gear shift"
>my face when americans call a choco chip bucky wicky as a "cookie"
>my face when americans call peepee friction pleasure "sex"
>my face when americans call a pip pip gollywock a "screwdriver"
>my face when americans call a rooty tooty point-n-shooty a "gun"
>my face when americans call ceiling-bright a "Lightbulb"
>my face when americans call blimpy bounce bounce a "ball"
>my face when americans call a slippery dippery long mover a "snake"
>my face when americans call cobble-stone-clippity-clops "roads"

>what is zxc

>not using X for changing fire mode/ammo type

if a game vocalized playstation controls it was almost always called 'X'

and yes, i say 'O' instead of circle

Railroad Xings are an American thing tho

Games like CS require way more buttons than the default config if you actually want to play it right. You're going to need flash, smoke, and nade binds so you don't have to press multiple times to scroll through all nades.
Not to mention even "normal" gameplay requires taking fingers off WASD to press the number keys and switch guns.
Old school shooters with tons of weapons also benefit from rebinding weapons from 6-0 to y/z-b since it's way easier to reach than 6-0 on the number row.
Then there's the jedi knight and jedi academy games where you need to bind all your force powers to a hotkey so you don't have to use the scroll menu to select a power and then use it. It's just way slower than just hitting a key and getting the power instantly.
cRPGs with lots of hotkeys often have the same approach, it's much better to just bind all your skills/spells to hotkeys than using a scroll menu.

>can't sprint/crouch while talking at the same time
dumb dumb

you're learning

I use the x button all the time playing rising storm 2
Plus some of the older rogue likes use every letter in the alphabet.

>he can't reach X with his thumb

a lot of 2d platformers and jrpg-esque games

Dumbass its called fork

Lmao not a FUCKING soul calls it cross. We're not toothless British retards.

Text chat is both timed and remains visible, voice chat doesn't. If you want to time important long cooldowns text chat is just better.

>cross marks the spot

counter strike games. push to talk

>tfw microsoft's windows division is worse than the xbox division
God I wish they'd yeet the pajeets then maybe they can put out windows 10.1 and not have it have an stroke corrupt half your shit and die every month
Shit's so bad it actually got me to stop dual bootin.

Attached: face.jpg (268x254, 64K)

I believe it's the default mapping for A in either Snes9x or ZSNES

Where's the pebblechuck comic

not in sales

This is a cross: +
This is an X: x

Everyone fuck off.

Z X and C are default action keys for a lot of games
Not FPS games, obviously. But other ones.

That's funny. I use a cheap 3rd party Xbox 360 controller for playing some PC games. I had a dream last night it broke, so I drove to a Gamestop to get a new one. They were charging $13, so I said, hold on, let me check at the XBox store, I'll be right back. So at the XBox store, this guy sweeps me up real fast. He says they got two controllers, one is there standard controller (like $60) and then they have this new controller. He wants to show me,and he pulls out this tiny thing, it looked like a maggot but it was only a millimeter long. Well he puts it on my pointer finger and it digs in and leaves a space like a splinter. I groan and think I'll just get it out later with some tweezers. He says, yeah, I'm not very good with that controller! I guess it was time to close up shop, cuz one of the female employees said I needed to leave so another employee could eat her out. I offered to eat her out, and she obliged, and then I ate out one other employee, gathered my stuff, and left to Game stop and bought my controller.
That maggot was weird but other than that it was a good dream.

Mfw Google just completely steals the design of Nintendo.

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+ is plus
× is cross
It's been that way since the late 1800s


I'll put you on a cross and then you can tell me which is which.

Which cross tho? A christcuck one or a Vanderbilt one

Watch out normie, you're at a railroad xing and if you trip you'll become a weeb like me..

Yeah, no, this has to be some weird copypasta.

Kek. Especially when the argument has no value and is just to be a cunt

But where did you eat out? Not burger king I hope.

>he doesn't know how to use the maggot controller

I have higher iq so what's wrong with being an introvert?

>U-Us gamers, right? Us gamers!
>Please like us


Attached: 1556390216012.png (1200x800, 799K)

Based af

Nah, very unlikely. I prefer my culture over the j*Ps. Which is required to give up if you want to become a weeb, such as yourself.

My, I really didn't think memes could get any worse but look at this shit.

God dammit its called FORK

You realize IQ literally only refers to the capacity to learn and doesn't actually relate to demonstrable intelligence, and more importantly wisdom.

X on PlayStation is the way to go

>its not a cross
well crosses trigger the multicultural society that is britain so of course they cant call it that

See this shit?
Kusony keeps on pushing itself away from everyone, it's like they want to fuck themselves

>console players think

What culture would that be? Only Japs, Americans, and Brits call X cross.

>Nintendo is the only company with a good controller right now
I hate this timeline

The Xbox controller would be great if it had gyro aiming

thought it was called fork

Americas do not. Brits only do in certain contexts, such as Noughs and Crosses (tic tac toe), but refer to X as x.
Japanese use x too, such as X Japan (eks Japan, not cross Japan.)

>calls his buttonboard a 'keyboard'
Fucking Americans

Pretty sure WoW has it bound to something

Lmao do you think your buttonboard is supposed to be a piano? American education everyone

Americans definitely do. I live right next to an Amtrak station and all our signs say Xing

Is Playstation not having a Y the reason for no crossplay?

I want to have penetrative sex with her vagina using my penis until ejaculation near her cervix occurs, preferably repeatedly to ensure impregnation.

Not in the context of controllers. No English speaker says cross.
Of course all regions use both, but since cross and eks are both of English region, English speakers get to decide not the Nips.
I personally think people should say what they like, but weaboo linguistic purists who think there is a "wrong" way deserve to be shat on, like you have been in this thread.

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>forcey fun time

>clearly doesn't want to give the baiter what he wants
>gives it too him anyway
How do you manage to fit in such a small car?

british call it X too


>unironically play fortnite
Youre worse than the other guy

IYI o o

>like you have been in this thread
Where? No seriously where do you think I did that?




Dota has its items on zxcvbn


t. how to tell someone is a console piss ant

Attached: 1505070188382.jpg (413x395, 20K)


can you realy get ant in yor pee


Appel Pippin 2

Me on the bottom, with a gaping a

me on the left


These are your typical "it's ackchyually cross" fags

Attached: ackchyually_emote.png (680x680, 112K)

Have you never gone to church?
Crosses don't look like that.

Really? Cause I’ve heard several games state for me to press the “X” button not the “cross” button. Flex on your virginity someplace else

Shut the fuck up.


Shilling to the Japs won't make them like you.
Beyond a customer, you are nothing but a western foreign wh*Te nigger to them.

Attached: bombed_japanese_nintendo.jpg (679x858, 49K)

>good games
>games at all


This is a non issue in spanish, you sound like a faggot if you call it "cruz" instead of "equis".

Next gen is going to be fun.

through dick, unity

Attached: 75662751_p1_C0_0L4.jpg (826x1170, 164K)

It's a non-issue in English too. Everyone since the dawn of gaming in all English speaking countries has called it eks.
Zoomers are just shitting themselves over a Tweet and trying to sound cool and edgy by favoring the Nipponese.

Attached: 1546522876014.jpg (212x237, 5K)

The japs don't even call it cross, most I've talked just say batsu, just like they call the letter X "batsu"

Forget it user, mathematicians are not based

They do in some cases call it cross, but the also use eks.
Such as Monster Hunter XX (double cross)
But also X Japan (a rock band, eks Japan)
So these weaboo purists don't even understand Japanese linguistics, but insist on pushing their retarded and incorrect narrative.

Or we could just ask Saint Andrew

Wouldn't Batsu count as a translation of the concept of Crossing out something?

>grasping the most elementary basics of the japanese language

Proving my point for me, thanks retarded weeb.

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>cross marks the spot

please let this not be pasta

And which finger would you use to press it, exactly?

Index or thumb.

Why does the mention of Xbox on Yea Forums still cause some to sperg out?

>Literally the biggest selection of (highly rated) games since the fucking creation of the universe

Then you have to move your wrist ever so slightly to the left without breaking your other fingers' formation. It's unnecessarily complicated.

>He doesn't use objects in Warframe

In freelancer you use it to cut engines.

Microsoft can't into software anymore

I use X for FPS games for select fire

Europoors are obsessed with anything American.

Keep telling yourself that.

>people on here call it cross
Weebs were a mistake.

everyone is obsessed with america. it´s like the retarded cousin who love to grap his moms tits or put his hands on the oven and simply cannot grasp what he did wrong. america is a joke for everyone


You just can't get us off your mind.

That's what he said.

What the fuck is a keyboard? Americans don't use button boards?

sony just said its CROSS so as always they want to be niggers

>X button
>X button
>Cross button
>X key

>he doesn't play rts and mobas

>it's always in a different place
okay, retard

>flash games