When's the sequel coming?

When's the sequel coming?

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never lol

and that's a good thing!

all jokes aside it's dead

The team said they wouldn't do another one almost immediately after releasing the first

literally impossible since the team disbanded a long time ago. Any attempt to make a sequel simply wouldn't have the soul of the original

>spend as much time as you can with the girl who you want to be with
>end up on a totally different girls route for no reason
truly, the pinnacle of visual novels

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What would the sequel be? You had babies with a girl from the last game and made retard lobster babies and then they go to the same school you both did and meet some new messed up girls?

What happened to these people anyway? The game was insanely popular so I would think that the writers and especially the artists wouldn't have trouble getting more work.

you could have somebody else at the same school. Probably someone with a mental disability just like OP

The sequel is Hatoful Boyfriend after you fuck disabled girls and give birth to retarded bird kids

Who were you aiming for and who did you end up with

It was made free by nobodies

burn face girl, ended up with buttslut, uninstalled

>implying you wouldn't want to be disabled to get closer to qtpie disabled girls

Katawa Shoujo General #3702

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Lily best girl. Baconfags fuck off


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not even joking, this is actual autism

More like they pretended to lost count
I bet they would probably be at the 6k minimum

>losing count
>when archives exist
>when old threads can still be visited for a set time after hitting limit

KSG was made long before archives, kid

but if you want to trudge through fireden and count 6,000 threads be their guest

Is this bait?
Considering the team was literally annoymous strangers, there was nothing to hold them together unlike other teams.

>ignoring that Yea Forums doesn't just magically poof threads out of existence when they hit their limit
>not knowing the most basic workings of Yea Forums
>calling others "kid"

Have you seen those generals? It's literally filled with posts like "what have you eaten today". No sane person would go to /vg/ to talk about video games.


>Reading comprehension

I'll try again and see if you can figure it out

>KSG was made long before archives

Break that sentence down and figure out what each of those words mean based on context clues

Jesus christ you're fucking retarded. Yea Forums does not just magic threads out of existence when they hit their limit, therefore looking over an older thread when making a new one to find the number would take seconds. Nothing to do with archives, you thick cunt

What happened to that spiritual successor?

If theres a sequel it'll be one of those ironic VNs you see all over steam

When you have sex, so never.

Because wasting their precious time making something for free for autists is not how they want to live their life.

stupid retard, that works for the current and last thread, but they lost count around 3,000

So tell me, einstein, how are you going to check threads from a year ago

>Use the public archives

which is great, but we're talking accuracy here, are they over 6K threads? 3K?

Impossible to tell since KSG has been around since 2015 when archives were not a feature on this site

>b-b-b-but that's not what I'm talking about

no, fucking dipsnit, you popped in thinking you knew shit when you clearly don't, of course you're gonna lose count when features like auto-update, archiving, and viewing threads AS they are deleted was not a common function at the time and the only way to know was to see a second hand screenshot from someone who happened to feel like taking one you fucking 5 year old

eat shit retard

dil8 you stupid tranny

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>DDLC General #1269

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Never, it told it's story and is better off complete as is.

But not in way that would matter because it was long before the 200 mark.

I only want one if it has mentally instead of physically handicapped girls.

>burn face girl, ended up with buttslut
Silly user.
Exercising and not wanting to die is for losers!

All anime girls are mentally handicapped by default.

While that may be true. I want the challenge of courting a mega autist who freaks out every time she is touched and has no concept of personal space. Also maybe have a girl thats a sonic erotic fan fiction writer. Anime girls are only partially retarded i want full retard.

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KS devlogs hinted at a lot of infighting and disagreements between writers and artists.
They pulled together in the end and I'm damn glad they did, but I also understand that most of them don't want to go through that again.

Did you also know that KS artists draw ahegao faces as a way to make up after fights?

It was a lot of work.

Which one? Lots of people tried to kickstart thwir own homage to fall into the pit of the workload.

The original VN barely even made it out. The team had to restructure like 3 times just to get the original out.

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That route should've ended with Hisao getting a heart attack after finding out what we all just know.

The trivia of Lily having a dog is extremely obscure. The dog was removed before the pre-release alpha. It was only in the GRID release which only covered a single day and was a proof of concept more than anything.

fucking normies