Created the Airplane

>Created the Airplane
>Can't make a good game

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>created the airplane
That doesn't sound Wright to me

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>that doesn't sound white to me

america created the airplane
not a bunch of black monkeys

Fuck of you spic
One more fucking quip like that and I will shit


If Brazilians created the airplane how come they didn’t use it to get out?

>creates an "airplane"
>it barely flies even when wind conditions are Wright and then crashes


too busy beheading people on liveleak

We do get out, in fact I'm entering a new country right now.

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When flung off of a slingshot, even goose shit can fly

that's mexican bros

>created Tails Gets Trolled
>can't make a good game

I thought your government was better than this,

fuck you

>Can't make a good game
It's not half bad
It's in fact all bad, but really so bad that it's sort of fun

How many South Americans does it take to change a light bulb? A Brazillon

Santos Dumont created his glider while he lived in France, because Brazilians are animals are despised his genius. Brazilians just take his achievements now because otherwise Brazil would have absolutely no inventors whatsoever.

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momodora is pretty good

Oh a brazilbro made that? cool

>Created the Airplane
did i miss a new meme?

I smell a Mexcrement behind this post.

Did it ever occur to you that video games are for children and maybe the good people of Brazil are busy occupying their time with things that actually matter?

No, Brazilians are taught in school that a Brazilian expatriate invented this glider and that somehow is a big thing for Brazil, even though the guy didn't even live here.

I Brazilian, even more so than you, probably. But please explain to me how Santos Dumont living in France when he built his glider somehow relates to Brazil inventing the airplane.

>Swindled french jackasses ito giving him money to invent the airplane, and then immediately gives all the credit to Brazil
Santos Dumond is based as fuck.

Remember when this was a thing?

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Lmao pretty good.

You mean the commies that write the BR school books tried to grive Brazil credits for things it didn't do? Yeah.

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Not really a game but City of God is kino

I don't know, man, I just love my brothers and sisters

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>t. Jovem Pan
Don't forget to pay the new tax over financial trades and thank Israel, goy!

Wrong. It's McDonalds Arthouse made to romanticize the cartle / drug dealer lifestyle, just like Elite Squad was made to romanticize the kill-crazy cop.

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But she's white user...


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Damn mexicans, i thought we were friends

w-what do you mean with "but"?

Are there black guys out here too?

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a human slingshot is not an airplane, burger

>dude is born in Brazil
>goes to study in France, where he invents the airplane (or the first airplane capable of independent takeoff and not a glorified glider slingshotted into the air for you wrightfags)
>goes back to Brazil, where he kills himself for being gay
>this makes him french


Stop using FEB soldiers to meme your retarded cult leader

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FEB soldiers are fucking pussy ass faggots

>hate Brazil but love it at the same time
Why the fuck do I have to be so tsundere for my shitty country?
I'm well aware that I'll probably be stabbed in a mugging by some crackhead nigger but there is so much funny shit going on I don't even care.

>Elite Squad was made to romanticize the kill-crazy cop.
It's the opposite, it just backfired horribly because most people hate drug dealers.

No other country besides America has ever done anything. Fuck off

As expected of a brazilian "nationalist", dismissing the only soldiers who actually fought and bled in a modern war.

Silence, burger.

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I actually like them, I just posted that to trigger your sorry ass

>i was just pretending to be retarded!

both look like crap

So, are the burgers enjoying this cutie?

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that hasn't changed much. dumont came from a rich family, he had the best education possible abroad. and france was a superpower at that time, the world spoke french, and showed his "plane" for the first time in france

when you come a from a rich family living in a shithole, you can afford good education and you don't need to stay here. brazilians who can actually make real games (not retarded pixelshit) apply at companies like EA, ubisoft, etc... there is nothing to gain in swimming against the ocean only to end up stranded

Anime is literally founded upon the concept of low budget, lazy animation, read up on Astro Boy.
Not that Simpsons is any better but it's hilarious seeing weebs acting like their brand of low budget TV cartoons are somehow high art.

hiring celebrities as cameos costs a lot, user!

History is written by the victors
America just pushed the wright brothers meme so hard it became truth
Its the fault of Brazil for not pushing the Dumont meme harder

>cant afford games
>pirates them even though their shit specs cant run them
>the sole reason we have denuvo
>complains about unoptimization
>meanwhile they run 4gb ram 512mb vram shitboxes found at your local school 20 years ago
>cant follow directions in mp
>shit ping 1001% of the time
>huehuehue uma delica


i run my games on a 1080TI

keep crying poorfag

You proved him right again. Japanese were only allowed to make anime after being liberated by America and a new economy was structured

Yeah, because the Wright brothers slingshoted it.

>created the plane
>Doesn't fly
>Created the plane


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Br plane could take flight and fly by itself. Murrican plane couldn't take flight by itself and fly so it planes only. The guy that threw the first rock or whatever inventend the first toy airplane?

cope more fr*Nce

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I guess they were inspired by their surroundings.

Pretty sad that I entered the thread expecting more talk about brazilian titles.

Despite being a brazilian, Santos Dumont was a bourgeois that lived in France most of his life. Killed himself when people used planes as weapons in WW1.

>I expected more talk about something that doesn’t exist

Try Dreaming Sarah, but I tell you, it is shit.

user, the only brazilian games worth mentioning are Blazing Chrome, Momodora and maybe Knights of Pen and Paper. That's it.

>i am sad sane people took bad rats as a meme

Outlive was a good RTS, but no one ever heard of it and no one will ever play it.

Too busy going on shooting sprees against off duty cops and murdering random people

I used to play it a lot, way better than starcraft.

>the sole reason we have denuvo
that would be russia

> is a massively multiplayer online action game created by Brazilian developer Matheus Valadares

>Mutt Syndrome


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they can't even create a good flag, how do you expect them to create a good game?

t. red blue and white like half the countries on the planet

>Created the Airplane
Start pushing for it on social cancer and the libtards might give it to you like some sort of WE WUZ.

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There is that one sentai game too

Say whatever shit you want about us but do not insult our flag you fucker
It's like the rest of the world didn't even try

>This is your brain on amerimutt education

i love that gif


>shitting on one of the most unique looking flags of the world
I'll fight you over this, gorilla nigger.

Chroma Squad. There's also Dandara and Tören.

The politically correct crowd rarely thinks that much about issues beyond their borders.

I forgot: Oniken and Odallus: the Dark Call too are good games.

I blame tibia

I just want sauce.

First time I heard about it, seems interesting. Thanks user.
Seems like one of those pretentious indie walking simulators, pass on that thanks.

The first Wright flier flight in 1903 did not use the slingshot, it took off using only it's own power but did make use of a rail and dolly since they were on sandy terrain. It also took off into a headwind.
Controlled sustained flight is what really matters, anyways. You could have had a motor on a glider and if it only glides after taking off it is not a plane.

Taking credit for some guy who left your country behind is delusion. Doesnt sound like Brazilians assisted him in building any of his aircraft.

Come on man, what else do they have?
Way to kick a empanada when he's already down.

the flag is kino tho

Frogniggers never made good planes and their race never invented anything

Only Brazilians push this meme. The rest of the world knows that airplanes are an AMERICAN invention

is the import tax on vidya actually coming to an end in brazil?

French tanks in WW1 became the basis for future tanks

Brazillian wax
Idk if they invented it or just made it popular, though.

took me awhile to get the reference.

Go fly your personal "airplane" and jump of a cliff you retard. Yes you'll crash and die but apparently for you that's good enough.

Kinomoto Anzu

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the french are also dumont pilled
Its just that americans literally wrote dumont out of aviation history last century very effectively

that's the plan we already had a reduction on taxes on various electronics including

The Wright brothers made the three-axis system which is kind of important to keep the thing in the air.

we did create .lua which is used in some games
dunno if that counts

Still didn’t invent it and I don’t care.


They built the first automobile among many other things, go learn something

>created the airplane
In what world

Blazing Chrome and Horizon Chase Turbo are good though

True, but inventor of the transistor isn't the inventor of the whole computer.

The French are literally the ones who made the "has to take off entirely on its own with no rails or slingshots" rule so they could try to steal the record.
Sounds pretty bias to me. Flying is flying.


Sadly, Brazil is not an industrialized country. We basically just export the onions you guys drink to become effeminate (we don't actually drink it ourselves lol).

I thought your largest export was deforestation

Still, its very scummy that Dumont gets no mention whatsoever, its like Thomas Edison vs Tesla, where Tesla got wiped out of history until very recently

Do Brazilians have a term for those shelf asses and/or giant asscheeks that are popular in their culture? Doesn't necessarily mean thighs are included/fat cows.

No, Europeans are the kings there.

Same, just visited America for 3 weeks for the first time, it's richer but way less funnier. I prefer Brazil.

Did you guys know Brazil has its own wild horses? They're actually used heavily in cross-breeding to make horses for the Polo sport aka Polo Ponies.

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Yea, plastic whores. They’re in every country except in Brazil plastic surgery can be done by anyone.

>less funnier
What did he mean by this

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I do agree with that, never heard of him until this thread and I looked him up.
He was still second place, though. Unless you are studying aviation history specifically or you are french or brazillian I don't see any reason to know.

Thanks. I have a fetish for those kind of asses but its hard to convey to artists for commissions because they automatically want to include huge thighs with them.


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Are you american? I see where he is coming from. I like living here, but everyone is a huge asshole pretty much all the time.

Name a more iconic game world

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He actually killed himself by accident hanging himself for sexual reasons. He got Carradine'd.

>people aren’t nice to me
>actually complaining about this
I feel like you’re the type to report others on online video games

>Kinomoto Anzu
Obrigado Anão.

Conquistador kino.

>invents the first airplane

>Pizza maluca
What did he mean by this?

Nah not in that sense. Brazilian zueira is not really explainable.

also based
BRs are not human

>Seems like one of those pretentious indie walking simulators, pass on that thanks.
More like atmospheric third-person puzzle. Please, don't tell me Myst is a walking simulator too. (both aren't focused on a """deep""" narrative about """societal issues""", but about it's own world)

brazilian also created this