Now apologize to them

Attached: Konami-Esports-Tokyo-Japan-Center.jpg (1120x700, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What have they done for me lately?

Why would I do that.

Literally nothing.


>Holding Bomberman Hostage
>Killed Silent Hills

Attached: D_9Neb0W4AE3ZMw.jpg (1024x754, 46K)

Her's your Contra, bro.

You! What did you do? Right in front of everyone. I'm putting this on the news, you psycho. Murderer.

i didnt know they still made PS3 games

>Bomberman R was mediocre as fuck
>YGO is in gacha hell
>Legacy of the Duelist was low effort garbage
>Contra Rogue Corps is hot garbage
>Metal Gear is still pretty much dead
>Castlevania is kill because of no Iga
>they can't be arsed to resurrect any of their licensed titles like X-Men Arcade and The Simpsons
>Gradius is still kill
>Goemon is still kill
>Silent Hill is still kill
As far as I'm concerned, Konami's been dead for years.

Oh shit, I'm sorry.


you know what contra really needed, more niggers

sorry for what?

Konami sucks but they were justified in firing Kojima.

Not until they make another Tag Force game.


Attached: 15568454522156.png (800x588, 417K)

>suidoken is kill
RIP konami

Cell phone castlevania game, please kill me

>still making no actual games
>still ruining Duel Links
Yeah no.

Why didn't Konami finished Episode 51 of MGSV on their own?

its absolutely useless wouldnt fix the game at all just wrap up one shitty plot point that should even be there

Bring Silent Hill the FUCK back, then we'll talk