This is ugly according to Yea Forums

>this is ugly according to Yea Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nice cherrypicked frame where she doesn't look like a goblin for a milisecond

Yea Forums has always had bad taste and has been wrong you dumbass. Why would you take their opinions seriously?

she looks like an orc next to Aerith

Not ugly, but that other game has a better tifa

Attached: dddld3k.jpg (1280x1600, 111K)

She literally has the same chink face as always, why are People surprised? Shes not ugly, shes just not a sex super model asina you all crafted in your mind.
Tifa was never described as beautiful anyway, that was always aeris. Tifa was more body/personality more tha anything.

Then again, People dont get the concept. Shes a slums girl, she doesnt have make UP, shes fighting all the time. Aeris doesnt even look that perfect outside of that red DRESS and make UP.

Also, I believe that when they see tifa in her purple DRESS, with makeup and taking care of her hair (hair back to her hair) everyone Will fall in love. Screencap this post.

Picture un related. Thats a plastic doll made for a mediocre game.

It's just the difference between a "beautiful" asian woman and a beautiful white woman, yes the asian chick is technically quite attractive and definitely fuckable but the white woman is on a whole other level and it's moronic to pretend anything different.

Was she Asian?

Black, soulless eyes.

Hey hey people

They made her into a pinoy SEA nigger

Attached: 1556519456170.png (510x500, 304K)

as opposed to this abomination?

Attached: yikes.jpg (1414x766, 151K)

Top tier East-Asian girls are the only creatures that can compete with 2D though.

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pic unrelated
that creature doesn't even have lips

She's gorgeous.

>this is ugly according to Yea Forums

Don't listen to them.

Yea Forums is full of homos now.

she looks like my cousin

You have one ugly cousin. We'd be perfect for each other.

why did they ruin her hair?

Attached: nutifa.jpg (1018x666, 139K)

Wait for her with her purple dress. Shes a fighter, shes not gonna have her hair in that place for long.

>Shes a fighter, shes not gonna have her hair in that place for long.
she does in FF7 and Dissidia

Shes a doll in dissidia.
And in ff7 there so many wrong things that hair there or not is the least of your worries.

>she's a fighter, she's not going to be a twig with no muscles
>she's a fighter, she's not going to wear a thin pair of thigh-highs that will easily tear anyway
>she's a fighter, she's not going to wear floppy boots instead of solid, fitting boots
>she's a human fighter, so she's not going to suplex 10-ton giant monsters

That gigantic fucking sideburn on the left pic. Yikes

you mean, improve.

If you like sideburns so much why dont you just come out as gay? Women with facial hair arent women

I was watching a playthrough of FFVII while reading this and Tifa was literally called a beauty by a character about 30 seconds before I red your post.
Tifa was always meant to be gorgeous, don't kid yourself, she's presented as such throughout the game.

Meant for

v is filled with perma incel virgins so of course they would call that ugly

I won't say she's ugly but there is definitely something about her rendering that isn't as good as how it's done with Aerith, for one, her hair is flat and dead looking, the sideburn comment had merit, the one with the hair slick backwards has way more character, but it's also thicker and fuller.

Speaking of thicker and fuller, she's not thicc enough.

According to anyone who have eyes thats ugly.
She comes from a far superior Dev team so...


Attached: starburns.jpg (708x992, 127K)

That sideburn and the addition of bangs to that side really ruined it. The hair tucked behing her ear on the old model makes tifa, tifa. Currently, she looks like any generic japanese woman

>Currently, she looks like any generic japanese woman
that's my main problem with her design
the old tifa was plain but still stood out
the new one looks just generic, and i honestly couldn't even tell that it's supposed to be tifa if i didn't know it was her, as opposed to cloud, barret, aerith and even jessie

holy shit she looks retarded

>She literally has the same chink face as always
No, her face has never been this ugly before.
And in the original she had an anime face.

is there a good shot of the back of tifa's skirt?
i want to know how many belts nomura added to the nuTifa design

>Tifa was never described as beautiful anyway
This is how you know somebody never played ff7.
Tifa was the popular girl growing up.

she was literally the town stacey with tons of orbiters and cloud was too intimidated to talk to her

his name is alex, dude

No it's not. Even in AC Tifa looked better than this.
Tifa is supposed to be European anyhow considering Lockhart is a anglo/germanic sounding surname.

Even the nips complained that she's looking too Asian on 7 Remake.
The nips also without fail draw her as a white girl like she was in the original game before Nomura turned her into Rinoa.

It's like 2-3 belts/straps and a massive flap that just exists there for no good reason

We haven't even seen Tifa at the Golden Saucer date night, only Aeris. What exactly are Aeris fags comparing her to?

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I hate how the refuse to give Tifa big tits nowadays.
It's always this shit where the tits have this huge gap from each-other.

Fuck off, she's supposed to have absolutely humongous tits that don't have any gap whatsoever.
And they're suppose to portrude from the front view immensely.

Is cloud gonna get BLACKED when he goes on his date with barrett?

Why did they even change her design?
Why didn't they just keep the original?

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She's not ugly. She's uglier

Seemingly on purpose. They took one of gamings most iconic girls next door and turned her into a generic "stronk whoman" for a bunch of people who wont even play the game.

Because they finally came to their senses and realized that tifa is a second tier waifu and decided to give aeris the spotlight she deserves.

We just don't know. I'm gonna guess that after they had to add the compression bra they just went hog wild on adding/changing stuff since they were already adding something that wasn't originally there anyway. So we ended up with some atrocious looking outfit that was supposed to be simple but ended up looking needlessly over-designed.

Improved your model bro.

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are you fucking gay? she looks cute there

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Who cared about tifa anyway
Personally i dont care. Im a ff7 fan, not a tifa fan.

t. picks Barret and Red XIII every time because girls have cooties.

I honestly never cared about tifa
I remember that it wasnt until i was waaay older when i noticed everyone had a raging boner for her

To please the new Sony owners: (((sjw)))

Looks like a random Yakuza cabaret hostess, I.E, an inbred JAVslut.

no you're just blind

So far, of all the characters reveals Reno and Rude are literally 1:1 PERFECT. They modeler did a fan-fucking-tastic job. Holy shit. Seph is also good but not as good as those two.

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god I wish Tifa would beat the shit out of me

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lmao tifa fags are absolutely defeated

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Jessie is also good
The only outright bad one so far is Tifa and maybe Heidegger

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Friendly reminder that just because the remake design is ugly doesn't mean the one you posted is any good.
Still the same gooface titlet trash she's been since AC.

Too skinny

Honestly there's something in her ""censored""" outfit that's just hotter than the original. If only she was a little bit bigger she'd be perfect.
The game looks great anyway so w.e

We get it you're a faggot.


I don't think there is a such thing as a perfect Tifa because everyone has there own idea how she should look so we all agree to disagree with whatever Square throws out.

at least she's recognizable
her tits are even smaller than the remake one but she has the right outfit and hairstyle




Yeah. It truly is impossible to find a good Tifa. Truly impossible.

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So which Midgar Hot Topic did Tifa go to to buy her skull school girl skirt, thigh highs and converse?

yeah i really wish a good tifa existed

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>at least she's recognizable
Is she?
Original Tifa was supposed to be the sweet girl not this tryhard trash with a semi-smug resting bitchface like pic related.

Everybody complains about Cloud being made too emo but they never notice how Tifa's personality has changed.

Ironically the most faithful portrayal she's had since FF7 is least in terms of her face/facial expressions and her personality.

Attached: Tifa-d012ff-artwork.png (455x1024, 397K)

That skirt is retarded

That's a dude.

That post is retarded

She looks way better here, in the bar pic
WHERES that render infame?

The fuck does Gaymura have against proper boots? What happened?

where the fuck are her teeth

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if there's no legacy costume with her original outfit and hairstyle, i'm not buying this game

Well said, coomfriend
WE gotta save our faps!

squeenix is gonna have a field day monetizing autists like you

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Because Yea Forums is a bunch of incels that have gone sour grapes over virtual women.

Are you fucking blind?

>ruined samus



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They all look the same

I'll gladly buy a DLC costume if I can look at pantsu

Reminder that the only reason they didn't make her tits even bigger in-game is because they couldn't make them look good enough at the time.
This is why they reserved her real form for the FMV's where her tits kept getting bigger and bigger. All of these FMV's were made at Squaresoft's discretion and approval and are therefore CANON.

and an even bigger field day with drones like you buying everything they put out while blindly defending them.

The shot of Aerith in the dress is from Don Corneo's mansion. It's weird that they have fireworks there though, because it steals the thunder of the Gold Saucer date a bit.

lol i haven't bought a final fantasy game since viii but ok

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Nice to know that there will always be an army ready to defend Squeenix WoW Cataclysming every single little part of Tifa's design.

Cloud in drag when

Me on the left

Sure it was, buddy.


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What's wrong with your faaaace

Yellow fevero*ds are so sad.


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Yea Forums is full of incels

What a qt

Fuck off with your censored game.


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Attached: Final-Fantasy-7-Tifa-Lockhart-Cold-Cast-_58.jpg (1600x1598, 152K)

Tifa is the perfect example of why changing designs to please fags is so shitty.
They always end up being done quickly and with less thought put into them than the original design and so it ends up being nonsensical.


Attached: Final-Fantasy-7-Tifa-Lockhart-Cold-Cast-_59.jpg (1600x1598, 188K)

Thats literally your entire case against her


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Oh no. its another of (((those))) thread.

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b-but muh realism...

t. opinion-SWAT patrolling le incel boogeyman

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if she is top tier, why does she need to tear down the second tier?


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Tifa posting is real obsession
Seriously, this is nitpicking taken to the extreme

that's SE for you.
They already turned Lara Croft into that ugly sub-normal of nuLara to please all the triggered Anitas

>all that covering black shit
it's soo good, bro!

if you've ever been with a woman who wears a sports bra you would know how compressed her massive floppy tits are underneath

it's not really nitpicking when they changed her entire design 2bh
nostalgiafags just want the original and zoomers will get upset at oldfags for anything

It is a remake
The whole point is that it is not the original, and by original I mean the actual original, 10 polygon PS1 model.
And that is the only original, fanart based on it is just another fantasy interpretation.


Are you the same retard sperging about muh FMVs from /vr/?

>game looks great anyway

Remakes are worthless if they don't adhere to the original source.

Tifa is not real so that's not a sports bra it's just polygons.
Tifa's tits in game are pathetic and she's been made ugly in general.

Objectively wrong
Remake is meant to be new, not old.

This. A remake is a remake. A remaster is a remaster. The moment the gameplay was changed Square Enix got free reign to alter whatever the fuck they wanted from the original.

ugly rat

Attached: superior tifa.png (1427x2409, 2.25M)

When the game comes out on PC I guarantee those massive floppy polygons will become a reality. But lets be honest here, the real crime is not her tits, it's that fact the she has NO HIPS

>serial fapper
have sex, incel

t. defender of fake women
you aren't any better

why does jessie look just like the original in high poly then?

what are you talking about, they made jessie into a white woman with an indian womans face

Considering she had even less details than any real character, anything added to her is new

>Tifa is the perfect example of why changing designs to please fags is so shitty.
>They always end up being done quickly and with less thought put into them than the original design and so it ends up being nonsensical.
exactly. Just look at the nuRaider shitshow.

being interested in whatever happen in his pants to the point of patrolling an anonymous nepalese sun-staring forum

there is no sportsbra. Polygons ony have size

>point is that it is not the original,
then it's literally pointless

I want to bang Korean Tifa.

Might as well be crying for the nth time why it is not ATB JRPG too

anyone over the age of 12 is ugly to Yea Forums

that's newspeak
a remake is the same thing, made again (maybe better and not 1:1). It's not magic word to dismiss criticism
you just want to defend your PRODUCT!!! If she had original design you would defend that.

Oh just fuck off at this point

>Might as well be crying for the nth time why it is not ATB JRPG too
being actionshit will never be an upgrade, zoomer

It's cute and pure, like a kitten

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if you actually followed this argument to its logical conclusion you'd realize how pointlessly absurd it is

>bug eyes
>wide mouth
>painted eyebrows
>poor complexion
>weak jaw
>tendons showing
she is not attractive

Cutie Tifa a best Tifa

She looks like she knows she is gonna get yelled at

>finding poop eyed bug people attractive
don't worry, you'll grow out of it.

We will see, Tifas Wal Markt scene shall decide her fate

>women with strong jawline = attractive
t. confirmed homosexual

My perfect Tifa
Fuck you basedboys

Huge ass tits. Both wide and dense as fuck.
Tiny ass almost non-existent waist
The perfect amount of thiccness in her legs

Final FMV TIFA IS Perfect in every way and I worship her as a Goddess.

Attached: ending2.avi_snapshot_01.02.103.png (1280x896, 997K)

your only freedom is to leave, if you are annoyed


You're made ugly

tifa is yuffie's wife

Attached: tuffie.jpg (1200x1500, 1016K)

I get the fishy feeling that....YOU'RE A FUCKING TRANNY

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>a remake is the same thing, made again (maybe better and not 1:1). It's not magic word to dismiss criticism
No. A remake is remaking one thing. A remake is impervious to "why isn't it like beforeeeee" criticism which isn't "criticism", just whining.

She's not ugly.
She's just not Tifa.

shut up shill

>thinking that healthy bones = manjaw

>not being attracted to a sickly mutt means you're a tranny
cope harder

nuTifa is so fucking ugly. Holy fucking shit. Don't jump to another artstyle if you can't deliver on these legendary characters.

>Tranny complaining over anyones looks

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he just wanted to coom, why wouldn't you let him coom, squeenix

>tuurbo cutie

>no response

No one's interested. You're the ones that bring that shit to light by making threads about "why is my waifu doesn't look like my hentai doujinshis" 24/7 . Fucking coombrainers.

not arguments

>seriously responding to a tranny

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You fat fucks would be too scared to even talk to someone who looks like her IRL

Remake Tifa looks already very cute. But I want to see her tits in her blue whore dress if they censor her I have to give that remake a hard pass

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t. bovine shill
want to be free from baggage? create new things

you are still here, tho
and triggeredd

>discord trannies are raiding Yea Forums again and trying to trick people into believing tifa looks good
jesus christ

They've already ruined Tifa. I wouldn't be able to bear it if they fucked over Yuffie as well.

>tranny tries reverse psychology
>first complains why Tifa doesn't have a ironjaw
>later whines about more muscles
>tries to convince people that girls can also have a dick
shoo shoo tranny

That last poll Yuffiefags actually won over Aeris fags
Very impressed with my fellow Yuffie chads

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I'm sure yuffie was fucked over a lot of things by tifa

Attached: tifyuf4.png (600x850, 343K)

ok chestlet lover

Aerith is a chestlet tho

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>modeled after a literal pornstar

Bigger than Tifa's in the remake.

>FF game
>Not having needlessly overdesigned outfits


>because I associate someone with something it must mean everyone does!
Simple jack

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Even with her tit cage it's not a even a contest

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>Not mentioning her huge ass feet
One job

Right. It's merely a coincidence a remake with a westaboo reigned art direction has a character with the exact same face as meme JAV actress which happens to be famous for her tits too.

>according to Yea Forums

Therein lies the problem.

>with the exact same face
>same face

Attached: 1564049252974.jpg (458x434, 41K)

You heard me, delusional waifufag. Posting the model from a different game won't help.

Her feet look normal sized in that pic actually.
I'm not sure what they were thinking with the last trailer.

The visual design so far in this game has been very amateurish. It feels like KH3/FF15 all over again.

>getting worked up
>because people don't like your head canon

which jav slut?

Did they fix her yet?

Anri Okita is a filthy slut but still one of the hottest women alive and also looks pure. Looks are deceiving, especially when it comes to women. How new are you at the human race bro

Yea Forums's the same board with shit taste that praised garbage goblinos like aloy, the ugly kike jew in dmc V nico, the ugly goblino handler in monster hunter and nu-claire in DEMAKE 2
why the fuck would you ever trust Yea Forums?

I don't see Anri Okita in any of the Tifa models wtf.

>accusing headcanon while grasping to own headcanon

Attractive women only look pure to virgins.

she looks like a little mexican boy or some shit

Not him but if you're talking about Anri Okita pretty sure she's married and has a kid.
Granted this does not erase her past sluttish ways and how many dicks she sucked in porn.

attractive women only look unrealistic to sjw

That's because your gay nigga. You probably see mexican boys everywhere

That's Tifa entire character design. She looks like the slut that would suck your dick for a dollar behind the bar she works at but she's intensely devoted to one man. Aeirth has the exact opposite characterization, being a woman with a pure appearance who is willing to date and hang out with several men.

It's not that she's ugly by any capacity. Rather, it's that she's sorta 'generic asian' pretty.

>Tifa was more body/personality more tha anything.
No that was also Aerith. It goes like this

>Aerith is the pretty one
>Tifa is the hot one
>Yuffie is the cute one
Final Fantasy often follows a similar trend in female characters.

They literally said Tifa is the Cute/hot one

One thing I always hated about Anri (and most of JAV I guess) is how she always looks constipated in her scenes, like it's a fucking torture a male is touching her. What's the deal with that?

translation please


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Look at Tifa’s pecs.


so...this is the power of nitpicking...

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Beady eyes

Naturally pouty face. It looks cute but most porn actresses openly admit they do it for money, only the truly psychotic ones enjoy it. She probably doesnt like her work very much, and iirc went on a rant recently about how she hates how inseparable it is from the rest of her public life. So she sounds like a dumb bitch, but not full crazy just really stupid.

Listenup kid. This is Reddit and I just downvoted you. Do you reallythink your opinion can exist being so grossly different (more like wrong) to my own?Think again edgelord RIP inpeace to your karma buddy because that arrow is gonna be down and blue when I get through with you Perhaps you should think twice before disagreeingwith me

I don't understand why she is so skinny and the high school girl skirt doesn't fit Tifa at all. At least give her red gloves or something.
The sport bra under the shirt with such tiny boobs is pretty dumb too

man it takes a special kind of retard to unironcially spout that but hey man you did it

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Couldn't at least try to not look like the guy is raping her?

They fixed up her face, she looks a lot more younger and sweeter now

The skirt is definitely the worst thing.


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I'm willing to bet after 10 years of getting railed out by random dudes you're not attracted to has ruined her appetite for sex. I'd be pretty grossed out too. Still her own fault, she didn't have to become a porn star. It's the fate that awaits all of them.

Nomura is a bigger hack than Kojima. The faggot is a character designer, whoever had the idea of making him a director should have been shot on the sport.

The skinniness of her and her tiny ass legs in that stupid fucking skirt gets me angry. She was a thick woman in the OG game. I'm surprised more women havent complained about it.

>Anri Okita is a filthy slut
Dude what is your problem?
she's an actress she's just doing her job besides she's probably had the same amount of sex as the average female in the modern age.
Anri deserves the same respect you'd give a nurse, teacher or fire fighter.

>I'm surprised more women havent complained about it.
>women complaining they uglyfied an attractive woman
You know zero about women, user.

No she doesnt because a fire fighter is paid to fight fires and brave impossible odds and sucks dick for free.

I'm surprised that they havent complained about her being skinnier is all. With all the fat chicks running around I assumed some of them would get upset. Tifa looks like she's fairly heavyset but in a good way. Her battle model has a fat ass and thick legs and she's STACKED all around.

>She needs to be more realistic!
>Proceeds to make a bunch of stuff less realistic in the process.

She looks like that guy from the Turks kek.

let's be real here Yea Forums
it's jessie = elena >= yuffie > tifa > aeris > shiva > the snow bitch > marlene > priscilla > scarlet

>not wanting to fuck scarlet

Skinny waist and big tits is elder go tier homoboy. Also dat tummy

Attached: D_t95YYU8AAkICT.jpg (876x1200, 54K)

thick-hot != thick-fat
They care about fat, they hate hot.

Elena is a stupid cunt who isn't even aware of how retarded she really is. Scarlet is much better than her, not only is she hot as hell but she also relishes abuses her power and flaunting her status.

>before Nomura turned her into Rinoa.
That's funny because I thought they turned Rinoa in the FFVIII remaster into Yuna.

femdom is only hot when it's girls only

breaking dominant evil sluts is great though

now we're fucking talking

They really went full cutie with her

aeris was supposed to be the cute one though while actually being a slut

Now she is just a slut. Everyone wins

You are free to keep enjoying shitty garbage

No one asked for her photo? Whats wrong with this world? (and send the god damn photo of your cousin)

2015 or 2019?

Attached: 1533689667170.png (2342x1288, 2.81M)

Have you seen the males in JAV?
They're always ugly as shit.

I always thought Anri had such an ugly hag face.

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Jessie is pretty close, can't really choose. 2019 Biggs is so handsome that he might as well be the protagonist instead of Cloud.

2019 biggs is a chad


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this is what made her fuck yuffie

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>remake Yuffie will have buttoned shorts, covered armpits, clothed navel, and no shit-eating grin

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they can't do that, user
they won't

Tifa is finished.

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nice pushup

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>buttoned shorts
already happened

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Clouds looks like he doesn't care one bit

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that's dirge of cerberus, it doesn't count

It was unethical.

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Considering alternate costumes sound like such easy money and most characters from VII have appeared in at least one different outfit before it seems like a no brainer that they would do alt costumes as DLC.

t. zoomer
you need to be 18 to post here faggot tranny

delete this

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You know they will. You think her tummy will go uncovered? That her shorts will remain unbuttoned?


cope titlet

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>nice milkers
>terrible everything else
you fags complained about the wrong thing

Can somebody analyze how big her tits are through those shots? Like a actual cup size?

s m a l l

Tifa looks beautiful. We still didn't get a high in game render of her face but when we do it will be glorious

>nice milkers
Not even remotely
These are nice milkers

You should analyse how pathetic your life is.

>Tifa looks beautiful
Burgers everybody

ur wienie is small

>legs loose and flopping around like she never does pull-ups
>no muscle
I still find it funny they said they wanted to give Tifa an """athletic""" look.

Wal markt slut Tifa is getting closer

i can't believe they'll make yuffie flat bros. this can't be happening

What they meant with athletic was giving her a giant sportsbra.

Well, he should have added nice remake milkers. OG Tifa milkers are a once in a life time gift

>non dolled up Aerith looks fin--

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hopefully the PC port doesn't take too long so modders can fix this shit

She has muscles. Problem is it’s only in her pecs and broad shoulders.

They changed the design for no reason (:^))
this is an objective fact and if you think the end result looks ok that's fine but some people don't enjoy when you fuck around with perfection, its already perfect

Ching chong ding dong anime

Not gonna like, I love video game working out.


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I want Tifa to get really fat and inflated

Shiny clothes are so sexy.


Looks like Tifa.

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>he doesn't know typo

This board is full of retards, fags, hipsters, and retarded faggot hipsters. You are all a waste of air. Anyone who complains about dumb shit like are either baiting or are just flat-skulled brainlets who have nothing better to do than complain about how fake women who are far prettier than the vast majority of women on the planet are just not pretty enough.

Inb4 "You're here too." Fuck you mongoloid.

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would you drink from there?

Hell yeah

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>change trademark look of iconic character who is the first waifu of an entire generation of Yea Forumsirgins
ok retard

Yuffie is better

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Not ugly. Just soulless


Seething tifags
Aeris is perfect
You can really tell how much extra attention aeris got

they're gonna censor her outfit

I don't see any problem with her face, she could be only slightly more busty, but that's it. Most Yea Forumsirgins are autistic I think.

What is she going to do with that materia?

>they had to downgrade Tifa's face and tits and upgrade Aeris' tits to finally make her best girl
good thing FF7 is still canon and the remake is just glorified fanfiction.

"Souless" is the most souless critique

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We'll consult you the next time we need a blind persons input.

Why does she look like she had several strokes? Is this the attention of detail you really wanted?


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what the fuck is ion maiden and why are you posting it in an FF thread

Its the Same autistic shitposter, he's behind other stuff here on Yea Forums too, and the janitors can't ban this nigger due to IP hopping

sounds like you need a tinfoil hat
have you not seen the thousands of people shitting on tifa's new design over the past few months


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>I don't see any problem

Oh how its fucking easy to bait you intro reveal yourself Green Skelenigger.

It is compared to what we should have had.

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oh noooo

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>Green Skelenigger
i don't even know what the fuck that's supposed to be but ok
Yea Forums is only one person after all

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>doesn't dare to use the actual shot of Aeris mug

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>without the nice rendering Aeris looks like she is a stroke victim

tifa isn't ugly. but her tits are smaller and her outfit is worse (plus spats, no panty shots).

aeris won, big time.

>shitty black legs and bra lines

She's supposed to be a bombshell and gorgeous. For some reason, Nomura gives everyone super long noses. He's done this since FF13-2.

She's not ugly at all, but she's the least attractive girl we've seen so far. Aeris and Jessie look better.

Biggs should be the main character, Cloud looks ridiculous compared to him.

Storyline wise and big tits aside I always assumed Aerith was supposed to be "hotter" and more exotic than Tifa who was a bit more plain.

That's part of the reason Cloud got infatuated with her not counting the Zack compilation stuff that was added later.

Only if your into man

Attached: ugly_aeris.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

no really, aeris got a huge upgrade while tifa was made worse.


>Top tier East-Asian boys are the only creatures that can compete with 2D though.


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The second she is rendered normally she looks pretty plain like look at this shit I have to wait for bluedress Tifa to really give a verdict here

cant they just use tifa's dissidia model?

>Tifa is still search banned on youtube
Why does everyone hate her?

NT Tifa wins over any of these sluts easily

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Aeris has a dead, eerie look from time to time.

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why is there a second brown haired Tifa on the left there that's wearing Yuna's clothes

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quick post source before it's deleted

It would be difficult because, something/v/ doesn't know because they've never even touched a girl, ribcage size effects cup size.

Say there are two girls with breasts exactly the same size, but have differing ribcage sizes. The girl with the smaller ribcage would have a larger cupsize because she has larger breasts in proportion to her body size.
That said, if Tifa's not a DDD, then she's at least pushing it at a high upper DD.

SE is just hoping no one realized their shitty censorship job.
A little late, given how literally everyone already knows, but what would an SJW-appeaser be without shitty damage-control attempts?

user please no

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dios mio... le creaturo...


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It's because her tiny mouth does scrunch her cheeks to cause emoting in her eyes.

>Aerith still looks great even without CG
>Tifa looks like she's a drug addict
Tifafags must be suffering from sunken cost fallacy right now

If this SJW nonsense has taught me anything, it's to never apologize. No amount of trying to right a wrong will make people not angry.

>ugly according to Yea Forums

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True, there's no reason to level with people who are irrational and unforgiving.

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>corpse fag is literally coping

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Why expend any more effort?

>Aerith still looks great even without CG
she looks awful

How many burgers till SE tgs conference?

I wish Tifa was pretty

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>Junkiefag coping more
OH NONONONONO HAHAHAHAHA Tifa is so ugly people care more about fixing her face than her increasing her bust size now

In clear speak:
>We can sell it to more normalfags if we neuter it and any criticism can be deflected by calling them perverts or alt right.

I wish Squeenix wasn't so fucking shit and hungry for western cock.

>corpsefag is already writing in caps

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Japan doesn't really give a shit about American politics. They're just going with the least offensive approach. It's not like Japan to call out people, that's more an American thing.

Japan doesn't. Squeenix does.

>junkiefag can do nothing but laugh

I said they only care only in a way as to be the least offensive to get more sales. They don't actually care about the politics itself, and Japanese companies do not call groups of people out, because it's not something they usually.

soulless impostor

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