Risk of rain 2

skills 2.0 update dropping next tuesday

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>Another RoR1 character
Am I the only one who doesnt want to see old characters?

You have Mul-T, Artificier and the last character was Rex, it's not like everyone was from RoR1

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>Not wanting Acrid

I didn't actually expect that Loader would be brought back. I really doubt his shield will be as strong as it was in RoR1.

I've been out of RoR2 since launch, what's changed? Who's been added? Who's getting added? What are the new areas like?

They added some items, a new character called Rex, and a new zone as a ice zone alternative

We don't really know who is added next

Scorched Acres update, it added in a new stage, a new (rare) boss and another basic enemy, a few new items and a new playable character 'REX'.

This update is adding in another stage, more items, the Loader character from RoR1 and something called Skills 2.0, they haven't elaborated on what that is yet.

The fuck's this

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So what do we think, is the new stage going to be a 4th stage alongside Abyssal Depths or is it going to be a 5th?

Shame I have to wait a bit longer on the switch version.

I kinda hate playing as REX.

Really hope it's 4th. Hell level NEEDS an alternative.

The new original final boss, Brovidence.

Providence's bro

is this dropping for the switch at the same time?

Nah the console ports are handled by gearbox, so probably a bit later.
We don't know how much later though.

Are those items from ror1?

The item on Commando's head looks new, but the energy flower looking thing could possibly be the Chargefield Generator item from RoR1.

I want acrid but other than that I don't really care for any of the others. Ironically I think sniper would be 100x more fun in RoR2 than she was in 1.


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>Loader came back to the planet to fuck more Lemurians

I haven't kept up, did they say it was Loader or are these assumptions?

Never played Loader as I was an Acrid main, what'd he do?

Look at the OP image, dude.

Oh fuck me I'm blind, I couldn't make out that was him from glancing at it for two seconds.

He's a melee character right?

old kit:
>3 hit combo auto attack that ended with a tiny knock up
>a brief invincibility
>a grapple fist that pulls you to enemies(stunned) or walls
>he could drop a thing, walk around and drop a second thing that created an electric attack between them.
faggots in ror1 multiplayer used this to crash the game all the fucking time because they would use it across the entire map

I really want a new kit for loader. i love his concept, but hated that forth ability. I imagine the grapple with have a low cooldown so you can grapple from wisp to wisp

Yes he's a melee character, he had a fast three hit "default" attack combo, a grapple hook that pulled him to enemies and stunned them, a short duration and short cooldown shield that made him invincible, and his "big" skill was putting down two pylons that would create an AOE damage area between them. He will almost assuredly be changed in numerous ways though, especially his shield, it was really busted with cooldown reduction items (literal 100% uptime invincibility).

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"MeLeE cHaRaCtErS wOn'T wOrK iN RoR2"fags btfo.

Give me Acrid dang it.

For the record I gave myself cancer typing like that...

So now that Loader is confirmed, wonder who the last returning vets from 1 will likely be?

My heart wants Acrid.
However I think Sniper is most likely.

I think it'll be Acrid, he's popular, his skills wouldn't be that difficult to transfer over, and since he's a creature rather than a robot/human he'd be unique and INTERESTING among the current cast.

So no han-d?

It's alright, hes probably my least favorite though. He just feels very slow for awhile. He can get really strong if you can make it to the late game though.

I hope for Sniper just because he truly stood out from other characters in how he functioned, and it'd be a shame to lose that. Of course, that's a null point if Hopoo is ultimately unable to preserve the feeling of the character in 3D.

Will the grappling hook be like spiderman or will it just be pull yourself to a place

What if it's the ultimate curveball and Enforcer will be returning.



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The whole 'skills 2.0' thing worries me. The skills as a whole are fine as they are now, and I'm worried they'll do something stupid like adding a mana bar, or making you level them up moba style. Loader was my most wanted returning character though.

Hoping for Chef, but it will probably be Sniper or Acrid

Almost certainly the second based on the first game and what makes sense for a game like this. But it will work on enemies too, so expect to be flying around grappling from wisp to wisp.

>Reaper never
It hurts.

The question is
Will the new stage finally replace abyssal depths as the only stage 4 or will it be stage 5


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I want Enforcer purely because I want a shotgun. Imagine painting the enemy with 10 different stickies in a single shot. He'd need some changes for how fast paced RoR2 is though. Like maybe give him a monster hunter lance style dodge while his shield is up, and you could probably expect his shield to be some lame overwatch energy projection shield thing.

Acrid was the most fun without artifacts

Unfortunately right here instead of playing Miner in the game

But I've already been playing as Bandit for months.

only one missing is based acrid, the rest can get fucked

Unless they omegabuff Frost Relic, that green would replace a red which doesn't seem right.

is that LOADER?


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It could also be a red now.

Already happened with aegis and topaz

We already have multiple items that do the same basic thing. It'd just have to be weaker than the Frost Relic to not 'replace' it. Or it could just be like a single pulse of damage in this game.

From the Risk may Rain series?

Not exactly but its close, those clearly work differently. You can be Engineer for example and without killing shit your turrets start generating shields based on Bungus. Later on or for basically every other class, its the same shit really.

After Loader update the next character is going to be Shantae and the next boss will be Risky, update will be titled Risky Rains.

Did you guys like the cinematic trailer?

I don't give a shit about a trailer, I just care about the game itself, and all it does is give me a bit of worry that Gearbox is investing more into RoR which means they may attempt to exert more control over the design of the game casualizing it for mass appeal.

It was certainly an ad for the game, only substantial thing it showed was the shadow at the end teasing something we have no additional details about.

what does Yea Forums think of the current discord poll?
they add 3 items every week, so its not completed yet, but the items won't move around once placed.

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>F Tier
Kinda retarded list is this

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feel like f tier is all right but the necklace it's not that bad

>meteor in F tier


>crown ranked as the worst item in the game
>headstompers in D
>woodsprite only in C
>happiest mask and aegis in B
>catalyst, tesla coil, ayy, fucking DIO OF ALL THINGS in S
this tierlist is fucking retarded

Surprised to see headstompers and crysalis so low. Vertical mobility is one of the best ways to survive in this game. With infinite flight you pretty much are invincible.
Tincture is actually quite strong if you have the healing to back it up as Merc, and the Meteor definitely is not F tier.

The problem is items are at different tiers for different characters, so a general list like this is dumb. For example tesla is definitely S tier on Engi.

Crown deserves it. It's nice to have early on, but very quickly becomes useless as you're able to get all the gold you need to open everything in the level just by rushing the teleporter, and at that point it risks draining you of all your gold right before the teleporter ends when you get grazed by a wisp or crab.

>leeching seed

Loader makes most sense as her fucking r is made for 3d

Meteor is high IQ equipment. Last run I fucking obliterated malachite elder lemurians with meteors and it was teleporter in the fucking cave too. Meteor is fucking awesome, I love it. Wish visual effects were a bit less agressive though.


Tesla deserves S on everyone if you ask me. Its a one item instant trash cleanup that allows you to just ignore everything smaller than a golem, and is a good DPS increase vs everything else because it has a proc coefficient of .3 and hits very fast.
Jesus christ I didn't notice that, people are so dumb.
>10 minutes into the game you have like 2k health
>every hit you deal gives .05% of your max health
>from a green tier item
>it only becomes more irrelevant as the game goes on and your max hp becomes higher
>scythe is also a green tier but scales up with your damage increases
>and even gives crit chance for the first one picked up
Leeching seed is one of the worst items in the game.

>Getting hit
There is your problem

Anyone who thinks Buckler is only C tier hasn't looked at the math behind how armor works. 3 Bucklers is almost a 50% damage reduction while sprinting.
Last time I used Meteor I crashed the game because I had a catalyst+shell+fuel cells, so the meteors killed stuff which lowered its cooldown which spawned more meteors which continued in cycle as everyone's frame rates approached single digits before freezing.

Is Han-D still happening? I'm sure his assets are already in the game and I can see him chilling in the back of the lobby.

The issue isn't that you're going to constantly be penalized for it, the issue is that you will get zero benefit from it past 10 minutes and then every now and then unless you are the absolute perfect player it will just drain all your money. Why would you take an item that gives extra risk at no benefit?

For fuck's sake just give us sacrifice already, no one cares about any of this shit I just want playing the game to not be 80% looking for crates

The thing is, the range is rather small so it's not on the same level as it is on Merc vs characters like Rex or Artificer who like to stay far away

>loader is in
now i can play again

No official information. His model is labeled 'hand-teaser' if you unpack the unity file, and hopoo said they shelved him because they didn't feel ready to tackle a slow melee character yet at the time. No confirmation one way or the other.

Given that we just got our second returning melee character, and we are likely to only get one more returning character before 1.0, it seems unlikely (to me at least) that we will get HAN-D until post-release content updates. Still hoping he makes it though, but I have loader so I'll still be happy if he doesn't.

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why the fuck doesnt this game look this good

It does on Switch.

surely you jest

pre-rendered trailer with a completely different artstyle is gonna look a lot different from ingame
imo it's kinda dumb to make a trailer like that because it kills expectations but whatever

Is gasoline that good? Feels like by the time you'd get enough of them that it has decent range the amount of DoT is fuck all.
Then again this list currently has fucking everything in S-B tier.

I’ve been trying really hard to make him work, but he just doesn’t pop off like other characters unless you get the perfect items

Nah, gasoline is pretty week. I still love to print it because it's nice to see everything slowly burn around you but it does pretty small damage over time.

That's a RoR3 teaser, gonna be in 4D

Fuck rigger, I want miner.

It's a good early game AOE for characters that lack it, that's about it

That's literally every character, user.

*for character that lacks it

I find him best with a glass or two. The whole 'lifesteal tank' role simply doesn't work in this game, so really you should just be spamming the M2 in order to make him relevant, and if you're doing that then you're already going to be at half health all the time which leaves you so vulnerable you may as well go all in on DPS as your survivability, and ramp up the high damage of your M2 even more.

Loader was pretty boring for me in ror1 but I hope he's slightly different in 2
Also pray that he doesn't just get fucked by wisps

I spend all my coins just checking the shop for clovers

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He needs his grapple to reset on kill, or for its cooldown to decrease when he punches stuff. He will be a ton of fun if that's are the case. Or maybe if you could charge your M1 to do a 'rocket' punch.

I decided to try my hand at making an items tierlist per-character. Feel free to call me a nigger for ranking your favourite items wrong.

Attached: items tierlist.png (2125x1262, 1.97M)


>Dio in S
Dio is like. the worst red item in the game tho

>corpsebloom D on Rex
fuck off

Yeah, should be below F for everyone.

Surely things like scanner, Azurelite and fucking key should be on the same tier for each character.

Nice meme. One corpsebloom is really good.

>cap the healing of the character who relies on it most at 10% of the regular rate
yeah no

Why would you take the item that reduces your healing for no benefit?

Not for Engie it aint

Because it doubles your healing? You can spam mortar much more freely. Corpsebloom can be a bit bad really late into the loops but at that point it doesn't matter anyway. It's really useful in early and mid game.

It only doubles your healing if you stop fighting for a long period of time. You can heal for more than 10% of your health per second while fighting. You don't need HP while you are not fighting, because if you are not fighting there are no enemies. It absolutely cripples your ability to heal quickly and instead forces you to run away like a coward waiting for the heal to trickle in. It's got all the downsides of transcendence with none of the upside.

Tonic is too good

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wouldnt the crown be useful for the class with a deployable shield?

his turrets don't give him any money at all with crown, while being sitting ducks

didnt know that, thats fair

>itll be even stronger
He'll be unstoppable punching god.

>and knocks up enemies.
punches them so hard they become pregnant

>It only doubles your healing if you stop fighting
What a nonsense. It doubles your healing. If your scythe heal you for 8 it'll make it 16. If amount exceeds 10% of your max HP, you'll get a second healing tick. Basically you're getting a nice health regeneration. If you get rejuvenation rack the cap will be 20% per tick. It's absolutely amazing on Rex since you constantly below your max health and getting constant regen is great.
>It absolutely cripples your ability to heal quickly
Which you only get like super late game or if you stack multiple glass. Both of these cases are irrelevant since at the late game you're a god anyway and stacking glass is a OP and relies on one shot protection gimmick.

Incredible work, good turnaround time too

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>you are already bred

>enemies frequently do 90%+ of your health in one hit
>would I rather be able to full in a few seconds or heal to full in 10 seconds, but then heal for more afterwards even though I'm already at full and if I weren't I could just continue healing by fighting
Hard choice! I can see it being OK if you're playing on drizzle, but if you're playing on drizzle it doesn't matter what your items are.

>enforcer probably won't get in
>no acrid
>Han-D never ever
>no Bandit
>"Hint: its not miner"
just want to use shield and shotgun man

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I play exclusively on monsoon and on gamepad by the way. Almost always pick corpsebloom from lunar pods and literally never had any problems with it, only benefits. My favorite pickup on Rex after rejuvenation rack.
>enemies frequently do 90%+ of your health in one hit
Ever tried to not get hit? Healing full in a second is only possible in late game when you have insane mobility.

Outheal the OSP is the most retarded thing introduced in RoR2 and doesn't work as well as you expect.
And again, I'm talking mostly about early and mid game (so up to stage 11) because that's the most fun part of the game for me. At that point your healing literally doesn't matter, you either got a god run or you're dead.


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Huntress' thighs are too thick.

fucking lol

Fuck off back to discord, tranny

gay gay gay you're gay you're fucking gay you're FUCKING GAY

Based and loaderpilled

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im literally gay and i want her to sit on my face

I hope new map will have actually new monsters. My biggest dissapointment in June update was only one fucking new enemy type. RoR2 right now really lacks in enemy variety. What's the point of new map if you just fight the same monsters there?


Considering the new character so far was Rex, probably. Just port all the old characters before dumping trash like meme trash like Rex into the game.

And Artificer and MUL-T. they are both cool and fun.

Not cool or fun enough to make up for Rex

game needs an item that restores health based on a percent of damage done, because artificer and huntress are super fucked for healing compared to MUL-T or commando purely based on attack speed

maybe a green item that heals for 25% of your highest damaging hits in the last 10 seconds?

>loader is in

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>glass in A in Merc's tierlist
Why tho, it's easily S tier especially with stacks.


Ten man Risky 2. CTRL+alt+~, connect
>Sacrifice (only for equips. This was to solve an enormous rift between Engineers and Mercenaries. This is a LOT more balanced than previous sacrifice mods I've used, and every character is now viable)
>Bigger Bazaar, base prices are 12 for white, 24 for green, 54 for red, scaling upwards with player count
>Anyone can join at any time
>A low amount of printers (to avoid lag during late loops), and printers have instant printing enabled for no waiting
>Red items have a 1.6% chance to drop from teleporter bosses
>Shrines of orders are enabled for Rallypoint
>Enemies with items enabled

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Quick game btw, maybe an hour.


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>tfw when you like both loader and bandit

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ok bros this is important
is loader a robot or a dude in a mech suit


user, it's not good to be too delusional

He will bea woman soon enough if modanon's not dead

what would loader even look like


Sniper makes more sense in 2 than he did in 1

Cute, I hope

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You guys help me
I just found 2 elite drops (between lightning and the retort)
do I miss out on one if I leave it behind?

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grab the retort, it's the best of the 4
you can only have one

I just picked the game back up after taking a break since june, I dont know what malachite does

deletes your healing for a while, makes spikes everywhere, has a fuckton of health, overall a chad but also a bitch

malachites can block healing, spit out balls that do big damage, and summon urchins that attack as well

thats fucking garbage compared to electric
Mini stickies with 24 syringes >>> dropping spikes occasionally and cucking dunestrider when I instakill him

spawn spikes that nuke your health and disables your healing if you get in contact with it
after death, they start spitting needles at you

I said I'd post when open, but I must go now. Think I figured out what hte problem was with the massive lag and desync. Should be much better next time I host. Thanks to all who joined.

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Thanks for hosting hostbro, i'll be waiting for that loader tuesday

thanks for hosting

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All I want is either Enforcer or Sniper and I'll be happy.

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Malachites are run killers that just promote spamming Guillotines which are getting nerfed to Green.

It would be fine if the model was bigger and particles more clear, when its even 40 minutes in its hard to see a Malachite Wisp or Lemurian in the midst of particle nirvana.

What are all of the Risk of Rain name variants you all know of?

Things like Possibility of Precipitation and such. Launches my sides into orbit every time I see them.

do you want me to start dumping

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Maybe Monsoon

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Yes please, based user.

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What is the best item for MUL-T and why is it the Brilliant Behemoth?

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>not meathook

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>skills 2.0
What does this actually mean?

Bros, when is Mod Loader getting good Multiplayer Support?

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I like daggers on him.

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also meant to reply to

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I would play ror1 again if it did.

But nothing compares to the feeling of playing a land-based A-10 Warthog.

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I don't think Yea Forums rules will ever be stable enough for ML. I've done countless hours of testing, and any mod enabled along with Spite and Glass invariably causes a crash. I keep forgetting to tell them about this.

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hey nigger stop spamming peice of shit bitch

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last one

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I'm out of cover art renditions.

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Man their fucking "UNIQUE AND INTERESTING" thing is such fucking bullshit. Artificer's some space girl who most people just make THICCER, MUL-T is as safe as you can get considering how many people love HAN-D.

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>finally get to play RoR2 again with vee

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>he hasn't played in the 10 man sessions
they're fucking madness, it's the closest there is to an equivalent to ror1 Yea Forums rules

After Rex I really hope Hopoo sticks to humans and han-d/mul-t type robots.

>Elder lemurian surfaces
>Sprints the fuck over to me in a flash and blows fire, proccing blazing and bleed

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I've only managed to catch like 2 or 3 sessions between the last update and now, modanon usually starts doing them at a time that's late as fuck for me

>some faggot decides to use the mountain shrine on stage 4
>get absolutely buttfucked by 4 magma worms in the cave

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I could have kept the run going, but Im gonna go drinking. This is the most damage ive done since the sticky bomb nerf.
I don't think these are the best items ive ever had, but I had the most attack speed ive ever got and the most clovers I got.
The clover is the strongest item in the entire fucking game change my mind. Even getting one of these sons of bitches means you win late game.

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yeah, clover is nutty

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shit tierlist made by shitters
dumb mongoloids, i hope hotpoo doesnt balance according to those literal mouthbreathers

He does, his gay little discord is all he cares about now

>crown not in S
>transcendence and heal scythe stole eachother's spots
>glass isn't S
>primal instincts isn't S
>dio IS S
>dagger isn't A
>PSG is low tier???
>fungus and opinion aren't considered S for engi alone
>leech seed is too high
>fire works are too high
>vultures wake is literally the worst red item and it isn't F
>gland is too high
jesus fucking christ, I could go on and on. I'd expect nothing worse from a discord community

just remember these are the people voting on this that have an actual say in what gets done with the game because there are feedback and top feedback channels that people in the server and top feedback is what hopoo actually looks at.

that's fucked up

>>crown not in s
what did he mean by this

Yeah, I've given up all hope for anything relating to Risk of Rain 2 officially. The only thing that can really save it for me at this point is modding but even that community is going to be full of discord circle jerking faggots.

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haha fuck you ugly lizard

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As someone who just got one shot from 1000HP to nothing despite 10 tougher times and 2 57 leaf clovers by an overloading greater wisp, you can suck my balls.

I fucking wish his hook would work like the hooks in that AoT game

>Loaderbros made it in
I'm happy for you guys, you wanted this

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Prospect of Precipitation is the best followed by Danger of Deluge

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>hook onto magma worm
>punch it in the cunt until it dies

his damage will be pretty lacking unless hit ult gets a huge rework

Maybe some day user, even if i didn't like playing him i wish you the best

why the fuck would crown OR beetle ever be any higher than D tier?
How is vultures wake worse than snowflake? What the fuck game are you playing where having avatar state always up after 50 minutes is worse than some dinky field that really only changes your FoV and accomplishes nothing else?

>stickies in same tier as daggers, literally next to each other even
What the fuck? Don't they see how utterly retarded that is?

this list is low IQ

Trying to unlock clover ith commando without being a drizzlet. Any sugguestions?

Play on Monsoon.
Probably don't play Commando.

>he plays commando
If you're hellbent on it, play on rainstorm with 4 player loot all to yourself or keep trying until you get the perfect run

not him, but wake is annoying because the overloading boost kills oneshot protection and healing
the others are good enough to make it worth picking up, but god overloading is cancer

Try to avoid spending >5 minutes on a stage. Rush for the Preon Accumulator on Rallypoint if you can. Know what items are good for you, and know what enemies to prioritize. Avoid doing challenge of the mountain.

im like 99% sure that the overloading buff doesn't even touch your health anymore

everytime I get it it have my full healthbar (the original value) PLUS a shield that's worth like 50% of my health

this list gave me an aneurysm, holy fucking shit

Really appreciate the advice. Is commando really that bad? He's always been my favorite.

The item changes last patch really weren't in his favor, to say the least.
He was top tier before the patch, now, well, you're better off playing someone else. Anyone else.

he's fun but really rng reliant. Procs are cool, wish his roll got atleast i-frames or something. M2 and R are kinda boring and not too great.

He's good enough if you enjoy him though, commando players are pretty based



He lacks good crowd control compared to absolutely any other character and he has no i-frames to speak of. He's really bad right now. Hopefully skills 2.0 gives him the kick in the ass he deserves

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Commando is fine, just a bit boring for some people. is totally wrong, the only thing that hurt him was stickies being weaker. If anything, he's a bit better now because of the way proc damage was changed.
All characters are viable, don't let anyone fool you.

Is another lobby happening any time soon?

commando is fine, just know what items to get and know when to obliterate for coins.
if you want 20 stages, Get cozy with 2 glass shards.
I can get to stage 7 on a shit run, and it still contribites to the good run with lunar coins.
get daggers, syringes, ukes, wisps, pauldrons, and crit(glasses, predator, and scythe). Dont get gasoline

get 5 sentient meat hooks
just save up and cycle the shop when you know the run is good always get a syringe or glasses when you have the chance, dont get more than 2 tough times on purpose

The changes were an indirect but massive nerf for him since it buffed all other characters, leaving him behind
Maybe Rex is worse than Commando, but every other character is more viable.

What's your favorite red and least favorite red items in the game?
Meat Hook is basically your own on-demand succ cube, and can free up your equipment slot for something cool like meteor + snail shell
>least favorite
Frost Relic is fucking shit, and accomplishes nothing but increasing your FoV. I hope it gets a buff, but until then its absolute shit, atleast head stompers let you instakill bosses if you do the ramp thing

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making other characters good doesn't make him bad, what the fuck are you on
he's behind other characters but not "bad"

>rex is worse than commando

he has one of the highest, if not THE highest base DPS and crowd control capabilities in the game, both of which feed into his survivability

just because he takes a couple neurons to play compared to frailtress and memecenary doesnt mean REX isnt one of the strongest characters in the game right now

git gud

he's good and synergizes well with on-hits

as much as i like playing rex he's not that good user, when you look at merc or engie you can clearly tell he falls behind

let me rank from favourite to least favourite
>meat hook

Commando is pretty good but relies a bit more on getting good drops in my opinion. The fact that he has no i-frames and his R move is probably the weakest in the game, but his m2 works well with succ cube

>ayy head

This game looks and plays like absolute shit. There is literally no challenge except if your computer will explode after 30 minutes.


Skills 2.0 is rebalancing/redoing skills for existing characters

>dio twice
>meathook nowhere
user are you alright

accidentally picking up headstomper makes me alt+f4
clover is obviously best item, but tesla coil or daggers are cool as fuck

hes good, i carry games with him always.

Attached: FIREEE.jpg (321x323, 120K)

clover because it makes every item in the game better
items like missle launcher, uke, and happy mask dont stack in proc chance, but the clover changes that.

least favorite is vultures. its so god damn useless it should be demoted to green, straight up

what kinda toaster from hell are you playing on?

they should make the effect permanent and have it change based on what elite you last killed

Meat Hook is the best not because of the succing, but because it duplicates whatever damage proc'd the Meat Hook across literally every enemy affected by it.

Does anyone else hate the RoR2 item balance compared to RoR1?

>ror1 infusion

Yes, aside from infusion it needed nerfed.

RoR1 infusion wasn't even that fucking good unless you play on Glass or stacked it, though. At most you get +1000 or so HP if you have a long enough run. If they had just made it a red it would have been fine.
The real broken as fuck item in RoR1 was crowbars.

not to mention it's got proc-chain capabilities like ukulele

sticky bombs were trash and so was barbed wire, headstompers, the piggy bank, the health regen items, the crow bar until you get 400, the spike strips, ect
green items were too godly

infusion was only broken on the shitty Yea Forums servers where command/glass/whatever the one that made enemies all elite was, since that meant you could just rush clovers and stack like five infusions for 5HP per enemy

The thing you're forgetting about RoR1 is that the brokrn as fuck items came with the broken as fuck enemies, though. Missile enemies would wreck your shit, RoR1 Overloading was worse than RoR2 Infernal ever was if you played a meleefag anyways and that's not even mentioning the late-loop enemies like the fucking invisible bastards.
Also, Barbed Wire/Spike Strip was decent depending on the character.

It's alright, I guess. It's mocap, so the characters are just standing still or lightly moving as they shoot. It would have been better if it showed off how the players move and look when they're not just starting out on stage one.

Its not a toaster, this is just a shit Unity game

Attached: not toaster.png (407x269, 12K)

>intel i5
>Nvidya 1070
nigger i'm running a 1060 and i have a stable 60
you're retarded

Even 30 minutes in with a shit tone of particles everywhere?

Doubt it

>extra life

Yes, I am. I've done 2 hour long runs and only had framedrops if I get an assload of Meathook procs or something like that. You've probably got malware on your computer you dipshit.

If you die the you basically lost out on a red when you could have had something permanent that saved you anyway

>still on DDR3 ram

>have a 960 and can run the game on max settings without any frame drops
yeah i'm thinking this user's pc is fucked somehow