Why haven't you built that AMD gaming PC yet?

Why haven't you built that AMD gaming PC yet?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I want to feed kuruminha

Because I’m poor and a brainlet

Because AMD is not for gaming. I've got it for work-related stuff on a laptop, but that's it.

Don't want to be forced to use win10

Because AMD is a meme.
t. someone who used their shit before switching to Intel and Nvidia

When is their next MORE CORES coming?

Because AMD is a poor solution for video games.

I did earlier this year and I'm enjoying it very much.

I'm saving up for an AMD upgrade.

because gayming computers are for gays. i've amd though. but it's just computer. no gaming shit. just pure old no led things.
literally gayming stuff only adds leds lol

Because I like emulation

I still don't know if a 3600x+5700xt is good enough for lasting at least 7 years

I did, it was cheap and it was enough to play the stuff I wanted to play at low settings, I will upgrade it as soon as MHW Iceborne drops tho, my toaster can run it but it looks like shit.

>buying a PC in 2019

i tried
stupidly didn't wipe off that Indium bullshit and apply a proper thermal paste
set the fucking motherboard on fire
now too broke and depressed to try again

why is she sacrificing box?

because my 2500k and gtx 1080 are still fine

my cum

>being a 720p 30fps shitter in the year 2000+19

Because pc gaming is garbage

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>tfw the memory that's always on sale is never fully supported by AMD boards

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I don't see a single game worth playing there that is not available on PC.


i want to lick your arm

>Diablo III
>Yakuza 0
>Middle Earth
>Destiny 2
>Dragon Ball Fighterz
>Divinity 2
>Final Fantasy XII
>Battlefield 1

These are all on PC.

What is this fucking meme? Ryzen chips do emulation just fine. I don’t get why I hear AMD is dogshit for emulation, is not being as good as intel = garbage for emulation?

God damn I love that amazonian tribal makeup pattern

>16 games, worth $900
>On a console worth $400
>Still 720p 30fps
No surprise, only niggers are actually dumb enough to dump money into a console

>is not being as good as intel = garbage for emulation?
If you wanna emulate PS3 then yeah

You're already going to, once they stop patching hardware vulnerabilities

>Disney shit
Yikes, I have no respect for anyone that likes that cringe shit, kys.

It's no harder than flat packed furniture, user. You should try it.

>those spines with unimaginative fonts
>those spines with plain black text on white background
quite soulless


Damn ryzen fags

Seething pc dick sucket white bois :)

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>those PS2 games
pretty based

I will rape that little jungle slut

ps3 was such a piece of shit hardware, enjoy your neutered versions of bayonetta and ninja gaiden 2.

I'm a brainlet and I built mine. It really is easy. You just have to know how to follow instructions and organize the cables so that the airflow is good.

Don't know what's based about stealing.

Because the 3950x isnt out yet.

You can search on youtube for the exact build you want to make and see someone put it together.

>no PES
>no FIFA
Fake BR.

because I'm not poor and just spent 600€ on that 2070S card because I want my index to run at more than 65fps


I was waiting for all the kinks to be iron out

This manga is pretty cute

>threads about soe zulnn BAN
>threads about
>threads about jews BAN
>threads about blacks BAN
>threads about gamer personalities BAN

>off-topic threads with cuckshit FINE
>off-topic threads with pedophile shit FINE
>smash threads STICKY

ResetEra === Yea Forums mods

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I'm waiting until that one local store has 5700 XT Pulse.

I'm fine with what I have now and I'll just have to see what's on the market when I upgrade. If intel 10nm does finally hit the market next year after a trillion decades it might be real good, otherwise I'll probably go Zen2+/Zen3

Building it right now
Ryzen 5 3600X
RX 5700 XT
Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB
Altogether it's only gonna be about $1030 + another $100 or so for the monitor

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I like emulating

At least most of those are actual console exclusives. Must feel a bit shitty needing three separate pieces of hardware to play them though.

Side note, you have some pretty great taste user. You may be a Sonyfag but at least you're doing it right.

Is AMD competitive? I honestly don't know. I'm an Intel/nVidia fag but I want to build a budget machine for my nephew and was considering AMD but I don't know if they still face issues like bad single core performance, heating issues and the like.

But how much is the ouija board to update drivers?

I want to anally rape that jungle girl.

>t. someone who bought an FX CPU

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You can steal PC games too Jamal

Will you play her game

My RX580 is enough to play the games I like, and will probably be able to run any future game I have interest in decently. The 5700XT looks good, but I will pass for a few more years till my next potential PC. Wonder what bang for the buck GPUs will be capable of in say 3 years or so

Granted the 5700XT runs rasterized games just as well for a cheaper price. If you were really not poor you would've gotten a 2080S or Ti.

>buying Israeli hardware

I've seen a lot of test footage of RPCS3 tests run on Ryzen. It's a perfectly viable platform.

I found one with memory speed up to 3466 with Bios flashback for like $95


AMD processors are leagues ahead of Intel in terms of actual processing power, while only being slightly behind Intel chips in games.

The white side banner on PS4 games is the ugliest box art design ever conceived.

because i learned my lesson the last time

>another $100 or so for the monitor
You're getting the wrong monitor

I'm still rocking an i7 4790 and have found no reason to replace it.
I do however have an R9 Fury, and while it's still good enough for 1440p60 in most games, there are a few too many drops for my liking in games like Yakuza Kiwami 2 and Control.
Maybe I'll get a Ryzen CPU when I upgrade to an RX 5900 XT/6900 XT/whatever the fuck they call their next gen Navi GPUs.

I'm only concerned about gaming performance. Does the price difference make up for the performance difference between them?

>single core usage
true but at the same time decieving.
single core usage is recently degrading as new games are surpassing the 4 core usage count, some games that use a single core end up having performance issues as 1 core for such game isn't enough, if you want an example of that you have Bless Online, that game got review bombed not only for their money cloning glitch but also for their performance issues (with only running on 1 core being the main issue). long story short: Intel was just at advantage as long as the videogame market kept stagnant

>heating issues
that was long ago when AMD FX CPUs made that meme, today AMD CPUs even have less temperature issues than Intel

on games, between Intel's 9XXX and AMD's Ryzen 2XXX it goes over something like...
>Intel running at 130 fps
>AMD running at 124 fps
otherwise they almost run the same, and I've heard that the new AMD's 3XXX ones surpass Intel's in most games

Unironically got linked to reddit where a user shows P5 on R2700x and 1070 running 60 fps.

Bought a used 1070 Ti for $230 and now I'm finally all set. Can run any game on max at 1080p@60fps.

The CPU is i5-8400 and it's still only 60% load in most recent vidya, literally why buy anything else unless you're emulating PS3 or something.

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>Because AMD is a meme.
guess who copied the FX meme and got discontinued in less than one year

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>60% load
>tfw my old FX cpu runs most games with one core at a constant 33% load and the remaining cores at 0%
is there any way to unlock my remaining cores from bring unused all the time?
and how do I dodge my cpu core load from getting capped?

That's a big Kuruminha

buy AyyMD
>either buy X570 with loud af chipset fan or B450 and play the BIOS game
>1.5V idle
>can't hit avertised clock speeds
>overclocking can sometimes reduce performance due to CPU:IF ratio mismatch
or buy Intel
>plug n play, everything just works the way I want it to
>get better performance too

And I'm not buying a radeon housefire

Of course not, I'm just observing and waiting for the right moment to buy which might never happen.

I want to sneed Kuruminha

>plug n play, everything just works the way I want it to
>radeon housefire
nice cherrypicking

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Care to explain? You are talking about latency ram?

>get better performance too

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because im not some poor backwards ass retarded brazil shitter who cant afford to play games


>plug n play, everything just works the way I want it to
>doesn't play because the mobo was from the previous gen
>buys a new one from the current gen

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>buying a PS4 to play FF7:Re
>PS5 hits next year

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>buy intel
>wow so fast
>exploit revealed
>patch is in and slows the processor down
>another exploit revealed
>patch is in and slows the processor down
>repeat until 50% of initial advertised speed

Rocking 3600+1660. Will probably replace vidya in ~3 years, cpu will last at least 6 though.

I'm not a Brazilian monkeyman

I own a 9700k and a 1080ti, I'm good.

I need to upgrade my monitor more than anything, I'm still running games at 1080p.

I bought my friend a gaming pc with the new amd stuff first because he was a laptop pleb and still plays stuff on low gfx and low fps. Had an old 1060 6gb laying on my shelf so I put that together with the 8 core ryzen, asus mb and 16gb of ram. I hope he'll be happy with it. Also it'll be a good test to see if I like how it works and decide on my own pc upgrade.

You got any proof to back this propaganda up?

biggest one recently was the hyperthreading exploit where the only fix was to disable it altogether and then one just came out about server chips where they can be spied on because they skip a lot to make a direct connection to network cards. almost all the exploits for intel are in processors for years before they acknowledge anything

Well okay, if you say so. Have to check it on google

Early this year I built a mATX PC on the AM4 platform and I had problems with memory compatibility using 4 sticks of ram, you can literally use absolutely anything as long as you only use two sticks, but only a very small amount are supported if you want to use up to four sticks and they're usually pricy.

Why 4 sticks of ram? How many gb is that anyway? 2 sticks of 8gb ram each should be enough. Having 32gb and above is such a meme honestly.

That's the issue, wouldn't you want something you could upgrade later on? I only got 2x4GB at first since I'm only using it to edit images. Last month I had to get rid of those and get another pair of of 8GB.

Just bought an EVGA 2080 Super Hybrid, couldn't be happier.

>he fell for the rtx meme

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I guess so. 4gb rams are so out of date since many years ago so it was good time for you to switch to 8gb ones. I am still using my 4 years old 2x8gb hyperX 2666 from my old i3 6100+z170 krait gaming build in my 2600x+b450 tomahawk max build. Was fortunate enough to buy the ram before prices had hiked up.

>buying games

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I already did though, except for the GPU
Gonna get a 2070S

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AMD CPU, Nvidia card.

im using the 8350 rn and its not too bad, is there something fucky with FX in general or what

Naw it's still acceptable budget cpu for gaming but a tad bit old

fair enough, i upgraded last week from a fuckin fx 6300 so any improvement blows my dick off at this point

Because I value my house and everything in it. I wouldn't want it all burning to the ground, would I?

What's with the anime brown girl and red face paint? I've seen it posted more than once. From Jojo's?

waiting for the 3900x to come back into stock already

yea part 6

kuruminha, mascot of brchan


I want to see how much it'll cost me to fix my car first. A fucking deer ran into it a few days ago. I'm just going to build a lower mid range system. I still haven't decided on what 570 to get. It's all I need to replace the toaster I currently have.

Because CPU-instensive games, like sandboxes rely much more on single core performance, and when i bought my rig, core-for-core Intel was superior.

I really like my R5 2600 and 1660 Ti I just put together a few months ago.
Really nice upgrade from my i5-3470 and 1050
Gave my old PC to my kids

AMD had a genuinely bad streak of shit, hot running procs during that era. Bulldozer and Excavator were travesties. They seem to be doing fine with Ryzen, however.

Thank you user for sourcing who she is, I was always too lazy fuck to image search her

33 year old NEET and I told myself I wont buy a new PC unless I get a job

thats funny, im a week removed from installation and my temps have been phenomenal even with just the stock wraith and paste. guess i lucked out with the one i got

Ryzen? Ryzen's fine. I bought the 2700X for my computer a while ago, and it's great.
Now if only they could reverse their fortunes for their GPU market and give Nvidia a run for it's money.

no ryzen, im the fx 8350 guy

i already have a PC and it's good enough
also i don't into /g/ so i don't know which parts to buy

Because AMD is 4 broke niggers

Not happening, idiotic shill.

Didn't know the stock cooler for the 8350 was called the Wraith.

Use a board that isnt Yea Forums once in awhile

I did but sadly have to wait 2 weeks because the case is sold out. Now payed 1k to wait 2 weeks for my delivery in 2019 I'll probably neck before it gets to me

I'm actually a week or two away from having enough money to build a quality computer, hue-chan.

Why is she naked?

>He uses the Anime boards

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I really want to go AMD but I'm worried about lack of things like OpenGL support and the microstutters their CPUs cause in games.
Because of this I'll wait til next gen and see what happens with Intel before I build a new rig


I'm not mentally retarded.

I9 and launch 5700xt reporting in.

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>Not using both AMD and NVIDIA

I've never built a PC before. I've been thinking about a refurbished prebuilt, and then just upgrading that as needed. What are your thoughts?

They're eternally memeing the fx series because intel dick is too far up their ass to check out any new stuff.

Built this earlier this year. Getting a 21:9 monitor hopefully next week, will depend on Correios.

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because i've spent all of my money on my gpu and the i7-7700 is a good processor

>install new hardware
>accidentally unplug a cable
>lose my shit when the PC won't start
always double check, bros

i keep making a set up and putting money aside

and then i make a list of games i want to play and things that would actually need the power

and then i stop when i realize all i do is come here

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>AMD gaming

Yeah, you don't need to upgrade pc at all. You can watch youtubers play the games for you instead!

>made Gay man PC
>only use it for emulation of old console games
Really makes me think

why even bother. its faster just to pretend you have and post the cropped smutt in the threads and argue

just cut the middle man out entirely, and get straight to the part i actually want

It's been years since I had it explained to me in college, so I might be a bit fuzzy on the details. In layman's terms, spreading your 8gb of memory out amongst four 2gb sticks results in much more efficient and faster memory in comparison to running 8gb via 2 sticks. The load on the memory is lessened since it's spread out amongst more sticks and different processes can have their own sticks simultaneously since most don't need the entire 8gb of memory.

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>If you wanna emulate PS3 then yeah
Not really, RPCS3 is running pretty nicely. Just got a 3900X, it's amazing to see P5 run at 60FPS 4K. I'm sure a 9900K will perform better since it has TSX too, but Ryzen 3000 is most certainly at least decent. If a game is in the Playable category for RPCS3 I imagine it will run fine on Ryzen 3000.

My Index at 144Hz makes my 2080 Ti choke like a bitch in heavy games, at only 100% supersampling. So, manage your expectations I guess.

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Because I already have an 8700k running at 5GHz. No need for AMD.

Plus all I do is play WoW classic and watch porn.

Why would I get an AMD card when I can have raytracing

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I did, sad thing is that had to settle for an rx 570 because poorfag. Still, can handle Control at 50-60 fps at "very high", so thats cool.

because the 9700k was cheaper for me than the 3700x and it has moar frames.
i don't do work on my pc so i don't need the extra threads.

This is kind of true. Modern(-ish) CPUs have multiple memory channels (dual channel, triple channel, quad channel, etc.) so you want at least one memory module for each channel, as your CPU can use them in parallel and this will provide a pretty huge increase in bandwidth. Pretty much everyone runs at least dual channel nowadays. Having 4 modules on a dual-channel system does indeed also bring some small benefits, but it's nothing as major as dual channel itself. I think every modern CPU/IMC can do memory interleaving, which essentially means that while it cannot use 2 modules per channel at the same time, it can still issue a command to one module and while the system is waiting a specified period for the module to respond it can go talk to the other module too. This improves efficiency slightly over having just 2 modules, 1 per channel.

Then there's also the fact that some memory modules are dual rank. Single rank modules have RAM chips on one side, forming a 64b bus. The other side is completely empty. Dual rank modules have RAM chips on both sides of the module, each side with its own 64b bus. Just like in the 4 module setup, the CPU cannot access both sides of a module at once (it only has 1 64b channel for each module) but it can still use interleaving. So while one rank of memory is busy with something, the CPU can issue a command to the rank on the other side as well, again improving efficiency via latency hiding.

The caveat is that it is harder for most controllers to run 4 modules or to run dual rank memory. This means that in real-world scenarios if you run 4 modules or dual rank, you may not be able to reach the same memory clock or the same timings. If you're forced to use lower clock or higher timings, then the performance benefit of interleaving can be lost. If you can get the same settings though, it's better.

>because the 9700k was cheaper for me than the 3700x and it has moar frames.
>Ryzen 3700X is $20 cheaper

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>i'm poor
so amd is perfect for you

I'll in all likelihood be building one in a year or two. The pc I'm using currently was built in 2012 and has slowly had nearly all of it's components replaced or upgraded throughout the years. It's been doing well but after a certain point it's just easier to build a whole new system.

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she's a mascot of a brazillian imageboard, her name is kuruminha

Laziness mostly, why would I bother building one when I can pay slightly more to get one pre-built delivered into the nearest bush during a rainy day

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>live in brazil
>tfw no Kuruminha loli to fuck

I wish Rio de Janeiro had more cute native girls.

I got better shit to waste my money on.

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Noice botter noife, m8

Waiting until Winter when there are some sales on. Need to get a new board, RAM, cooler and storage, and what I have is fine for now, so I'm in no rush.

Honestly,its the coolest shit ever.

I'm expecting some cash at some point soon, at which time I will do so.
Never heard of this before, does it feature actual BR mythological shit?

Attached: sopa kuruminha copy.png (1280x1280, 331K)

just go to the countryside bro, we have a few native reservations here.

BR monkeys tell me if you have the look of a first worlder and go to the places where natives congregate, they will give up their lolis as child brides if you give them a brighter future. I am sure these BRs are telling lies, but wish to know more.

>mfw a E8400 clocked to 5.4 with nothing but a big ass heatsink and an idle temp at 50 served me well until I purchased a 4770K

you faggots need to stop the cooling meme, it's pathetic

I did, it was way easier than expected and it's been working great so far, just finished playing control and now I'll be playing a plague story.