Since EGS doesn't have any kind of functional forums for feedback, the devs/publisher of Close to the Sun are hoping they can sneak back onto Steam to use their forums in the meantime lol. I guess they didn't read Steam's rules regarding the 30-day window.
Epic exclusive game trying to sneak back onto Steam to use their forums
it's a walking simulator?
So you're saying we should report the store page OP?
le beurre, l'argent du beurre et le cul de la crémière
It's 7/10 at best, have fun playing it one year after release steamcucks. Fucking launcher loyalty, what a time to be alive
Seems like it
>It's 7/10 at best
>"haha steamcucks cant play this shitty game!"
big brain
I'll just pirate it. :)
It's better than anything released on steam in the last 4 months. Not a huge achievement, but it's something
idk user, greedfall is pretty good for an eurojank game.
you realize you can pirate damn near any egs game day 1 right?
I do, developers on egs are pro consumer and don't put drm into their games(most of the time). Which is why i reward them with my money
>developers on egs are pro consumer
Horrible baiter, you can do better than this. 3/10 made me kek
i bet your wifes bf is proud of you
>leddit and youtube told me they are anti-consumer, so it's a bait!
Yeah, i'm not a cuck. I deleted my steam account years ago
you can't delete your steam you cringey little virgin
>litetal who game gets shilled
dont care
Sure console-kun.
>you can't delete your steam
Wut? Gaben put microchips into his customers already and now you are linked to your steam account or something?
Good thing i'm pirating every game that is exclusisve to steam then
The game has to release within 30 days to Steam after it releases on the Epic Games Store.
what are consolefags hoping to gain from this?
>N-no only consolefags belive that epic is saving pc gaming
So, how is gaben sperm?
>My Friend Pedro
Has the EGS game drought inflicted brain damage on you or something?
They just want to give their shitty opinion on a platform that they don't even use for gaming.
>"Company shall submit the applications to Steam for release no later than the first commercial release of each application or Localized Version, or, if already commercially released as of the Effective Date, within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date. Thereafter, Company shall submit to Steam any Localized Versions and Application Updates (in beta and final form) when available, but in no event later than they are provided to any other third party for commercial release."
Nice ad personam, shill.
No argument left i see.
you are a retard, also you are genuinely cringeworthy. imagine being mad that people use steam lmao
You mean you uninstalled it? Fucking moron, average egs user everyone.
Greedfall is pretty good, the rest of this list is absolute trash.
Nice bait, 3/10
Yeah i'm not mad user, i'm just making fun of people that belive steam is something more than just another launcher
you seem upset user, people will use what they want, don't get mad about it.
I'm not mad, you can use steam and play games one year after release and i can use epic and play them right away. It's up to you if you choose illogical fanboyism over you know, playing games
look at how upset you are lol, it's genuinely pathetic. also you forget our boy tim gives all those games away for free.
ye, i'm shaking
Sounds like they will be the first dev to test valve's rules, this will be interesting to see what happens
why are you even replying still lol chink shitter
I googled "close to the sun game", and there's no epic store link anywhere in the results. what the hell is wrong with their SEO?
I can search any game on steam, like if I search "devil may cry 5 game", the first link you get is the steam page to buy it from
where's the fucking epic store in the search results? how are people supposed to be able to find these games? I searched "ooblets game", that indie game that made a big stink about being epic-excluisve, and I found their fucking steam page before an epic store link. timmy boy, what the fuck is wrong with your search results?
Becaue i know you have nothing to say, kinda funny how you struggle to reply
>>struggle to reply
lol what are you even talking about there is nothing to say. you're mad that people prefer steam over egs for some reason, that's about it. it really is pathetic mate.
kys chink
经济低迷Economy in the doldrums比索十多年来一直是最弱的The peso is weakest in over a decade 价格上涨10倍prices increased 10x 远藤仍然像以往一样广泛实践 Endo still as widely practiced as ever
中国继续占领南沙群岛,尊重菲律宾或“联合国海洋法公约”的裁决China continues to take territory in the Spratlys, zero respect for the Philippines or UNCLOS ruling共产党人仍然活跃,并没有结束反叛的迹象 Communists still active and no sign of ending rebellion 穆斯林极端分子占领城市三个月Muslim extremists occupy city for three months 成千上万的EJKThousands of EJKs 邓卡夏的延伸Extention of the Dengvaxia Anti Vaccine麻疹爆发歇斯底里症 Anti Vaccine Measles outbreak hysteria 疫苗接种恐吓导致实际的大规模死亡Vaccination scare that leads to actual mass death 像Romualdez这样的Cronnies偷走了yolanda基金 Cronnies like the Romualdez stole yolanda funds PNP的可信度始终较低 Credibility of PNP at all time low 在NCR交通像往常一样残暴Traffic in NCR as atrocious as ever 随着援助受到威胁,与美国和西方的关系始终处于低谷Relations with the US and the West at all time low, with aid being threatened 海关像往常一样无可救药地腐败Customs as hopelessly corrupt as it ever been 3D渲染基础设施承诺 3D rendering infra structure promises.债务现在价值数万亿 Debts are now worth trillions 低级寡头级“联邦主义”“将使我们回归sleazy oligarch tier ""federalism"" that will set us back博拉凯康复史诗失败 boracay rehab epic fail 护照数据泄露Passport data breach马尼拉湾宣传特技清洁 Manila bay publicity stunt cleaning 中国毒枭集团的儿子Chinese druglord syndicate son假新闻传播妓女女儿 Fake news spreading whore daughter Dutertard / Marcostard facebook假新闻 Dutertard/Marcostard facebook fake newspurge
More like an Amnesia crossed with Bioshock kind of deal.
Epic doesn't bother advertising, that is up to the developers to do
dont need for advertising when you got paid in advance I guess
well, now they have to find a way to get it all without a massive lawsuit
>Check steam forums
>Just 5 topics made in last 24 hours saying fuck off to Epic.
Mods must have gotten purgy.
Shill detected
>try to sneak back onto Steam because neither the billion-dollar megacorp Epic Games or the indie developer personally cannot into making their own forums
it seems more and more use that shitty Discourse now since it's like Discord (and might even be a tendril of Discord), what's so hard about setting it up dude ha ha just moderate it properly so you don't get flooded with chink casino spam
>Epic "Here have a bunch of money and deliver the same product at the same price but only on our store"
Based retard.
If someone ever hacked Tim's Twitter and this got posted... holy fuck id die laughing
Bet TenShit would drop epic so fucking fast