It influenced and entire generationd of kids worldwide into appreciating pure gameplay over graphics

>it influenced and entire generationd of kids worldwide into appreciating pure gameplay over graphics.
>/v hates it.

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i love minecraft

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who is this Yea Forums person?

Protagonist to Cyberpunk.

I don't think Yea Forums hates it. I've seen a couple of threads of anons asking other anons to join their servers to have fun and shit.

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hahaha nice joke

This OP, why does Yea Forums hate Roblox so much?

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gameplay=applied mechanics
minecraft=pure mechanics

Most people here like it. It also has is its roots here. The thing people don't like is the "culture" around it, the community is so vast and separated though that the YouTube culture of it doesn't infect the game itself.
Hell if I didn't have a bunch of other games to play this year alongside being a wageslave.

>bought it back in beta
>was amazing to explore and build
>cave divan, lava castle buildan
>devs go "dude let's add hunger lmao"
>all comfy evaporates

Nobody likes MC for the gameplay, as the gameplay it has is not fun, but for the autism you can do with it

Today I will remind them.

Attached: FLAOT.png (985x911, 1.12M)

looks like shit, what we have today is miles better

Post screenshots of your worlds

Attached: 2019-08-21_16.57.59.png (1920x1080, 1.91M)

Its ana amazing game for 50 or so hours
Then you reach endgame and there is nothing else to do other than stack blocks in different ways for no real reason
At that point Id rather be doing something useful like learning how to draw or something

Stop spamming this shit.
Even with mods this would be incredibly uncomfy to traverse and build on.
It honestly doesn't even look particularly interesting.
>wow floating chunks of dirt and sand
I get ugly floating dirt stone and sand already with normal terrain gen errors. Why would I want more of that?
The only place this would be halfway acceptable would be the End because as it currently stands it's the flattest dimension in the game with its islands all around the same height.
Overworld already has mountains and mesas. All it needs to complete this is more defined valleys and gorges.
Badlands biome has too much lowlands instead of tight ravines with sharp, fast moving rivers slicing the terrain.
Maybe when they update the underground they can implement this with actual granite ravines for the badlands.
Imo you should be able to use andesite, diorite, and granite for tools the same way you use stone. Pisses me off that they're only decoration.

>pure gameplay

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But Yea Forums loved it you fucking newfag
>clover craft

Yea Forums help made this game

One thing that I learn about Yea Forums is that 90% of you guys were the earliest adopters of Minecraft

Yea Forums

This most people who hate it are Redditors who try and larp by hating things because it was popular
Or they miss the old Minecraft

I focused on making adventure maps, with puzzle/zelda progression styles.

problem is, w/o world edit, it takes for fucking ever, and my harddrives like to take nose dives with my projects before I finish them.

Rushed 1 project, to make a smaller version in time, and ppl didnt liek how small and "unpretty" it was, since i didnt devote time to making it pretty. (most ppl liked my massive caves and temples, which i lost over the years.)

Attached: 2017-05-07_09.27.02.png (1360x768, 381K)

only pic i have left, and doesnt show much

decent point, but with the elytra, it would give more use out of it, if there was a more vertical place like this.
outside of the elytra, its pointless like u said.

Attached: 2017-05-07_09.37.38.png (854x480, 352K)

Never played minecraft but I did enjoy dragon quest builders 1-2. Yea Forums hating minecraft isn't surprising, anything that gets popular and children are able to play triggers Yea Forums to no end. Minecraft, fortnite, league of legends, etc.

Hunger is tied to many other mechanics. You don't have the inventory space for more than a very few food when they don't stack. They were also making animals persistent at the same time, which was a much requested feature that made many new things possible, like building structures for animals. Making food stackable was the obvious choice. But that meant that it needed to be changed, because if you could instantly spam food non stop, it'd be way too overpowered. So they needed a different way to restore health. And constant regen is one way to go about it. Hunger was a pretty logical conclusion to where the game was going.

HOWEVER. Hunger was not the best choice. How about giving food a cooldown instead? That'd accomplish the same thing of making it non-spammable, but would be way less annoying.
There are probably many other ways to do it that'd be better than hunger too. But it did need changing from how it was.

And what the fuck enables you to unleash all that autism? I hope you're not one of the faggots who think that gameplay is just combat mechanics

Combat in minecraft and everything related(HP and hunger) are all pretty poorly done. At this point, I'm just waiting for hytale because there's no reason we can't have building and decent combat.

If it wasnt for the really bad combat and how unoptimized thay are the DQB games would be better in every way.
Minecraft is simply unfinished and purposeless


Yea Forums doesn't hate minecraft for what it is. At least the anons who were around for its creation don't. It's hated for what it isn't. Wasted potential amid infinite vacations.

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I can't figure out what people think when they shit on hunger. Having hunger is much better than the old health system with every piece of food acting like a instant potion and taking a whole inventory slot. That was fucking retarded, and it's not like hunger is such a huge inconvenience. You can literally just kill some animals on the first day or make a small farm and you're good for food for a week.

>Missing old Minecraft
I'll never get this. Minecraft provides the easiest possible way in any video game to roll back to earlier updates and run servers on them. Infinite modability as well to make it whatever the fuck they want. Niggas just want to complain

How do I have fun on multiplayer servers
I always just end up playing singleplayer with lag and underage drama blocking some of my vision

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Your post implies the FLOAT islands would exist like that if they hadn't been forgotten. They're just floating versions of what the regular overworld looked like at the time. If floating islands actually existed in modern minecraft, they probably wouldn't look like the jumbled mess that FLAOT is.

>minecraft gameplay


zoom zoom

If you think moving blocks around is good gameplay you are so lost.
MC is not a good game because it doesnt have good gameplay

Food with cooldown + potions for no cooldown heals
the only caveat then is what to do with sprinting, so maybe keep the hunger bar for that alone, or add some form of stamina meter which can later be ignored via enchants or something

Is there any need to restrict sprinting at all? I do it pretty much all the time anyway because it's not like a stack of food runs out that fast. Could just let people do it freely with no penalty.

catch me on build to survive the zombies

Minecraft has been one of the most popular and celebrated games for over a decade now. Your contrarianism doesn't mean much.

What magic mods do you like? I've been enjoying Thaumcraft but I know there's a whole world out there

Attached: magic_variation_on_the_steampunk_pic_by_matteodealmasy-d60zcrq.jpg (874x913, 263K)

>you are just a contrarian
>its good because its popular
Its ok to not want to have a discussion about things but if thats the case just dont reply and make me waste my time.

Pretty much. It doesn't need to cost. All it costs atm is food but that means fuck all because food is so easy to get, and easy to carry because one 64 stack lasts ages. It's just annoying to stop and eat. That's all. Fuck, hunger is easily the worst part of new MC

>It's bad because it's virtual LEGO
That's what you're complaining about. That isn't even a complaint, it's a matter of preference.

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Attached: Titties.png (1920x1080, 1.63M)

No, you could have an amazing virtual lego game
MC is not that game
>you are not allowed to ever criticize things picture
Dude grow up

I liked ars magica 2 and witchery, thought witchery was kinda underpowered even compared to something like thaumcraft. There's also botania but it's tedious as hell, so I don't like it that much. Oh yeah, and there's also blood magic, which is decent.

>You could have an amazing virtual lego game
>If you think moving blocks around is gameplay you are so lost
Nice contradiction. Learn to construct arguments before attempting one.

Does shit still work?

Attached: Minecraft_seeds.jpg (1600x900, 121K)

of course not
seeds become pointless with every single worldgen update
so only 1.14 seeds are working right now

I remember in PE when there wasn't a superflat mode, so we used the seed "silverfish"

It's MS Paint with cubes. And a shitty Terraria rip off with a tiny fraction of the content as a side mode. How do you Minefags not realize this?

like right now?

When will we get some more weapon variety?
>old school cannons (like revolutionary war)
>variants of swords other than a longsword
would all fit the style of the game

Nope. Testing them now and no luck.

large reason why this was so popular with the kids is because it was the only thing besides team fortress 2 that runs on their mum's toshiba laptop, or their dad's old windows vista Dell in the study