A woman as president

>a woman as president
Does this game occur in the alternative timeline where HIllary Clinton won?

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If that’s true, I’m going to hang myself with a garden hose.

Sick PT reference bro

>a woman is a president
>everything becomes a surrealistic nightmare

i believe this game exists in a fictional world, where a woman is president. you absolute fucking cretin.

its a game, no need to get political. i wouldnt be surprised that she's actually the final antagonist

>where HIllary Clinton won?
no that's clearly the bionic woman you dummy

No, it’s an alternate universe where men give birth and women do all the hard stuff. Norman Reedus gives birth midgame and you have to play around it

reminds me of homeland, they were so sure she will win ahaha

>Alternative timeline where everything went to shit
>hilary won on this timeline.
seems about right.

What this game has to do with? Why do you American mutts need to inject your IRL politics into everything?
Truly the most cancerous country in the world.

>Samantha America Strand

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This game is actually weirdly focused on American politics, they're kind of justified in this one case.

In a fictional America that reminds nothing of the real one.

She is the president's daughter though, who was also a female.
But still, it is a fantasy world so presidency could be a hereditary title.

The game is literally about American politics

How so? The games are being made by a Japanese developer.
Where is the connection?

>No need to get political
So, you never played a Kojima game then?

one thing i learn about /v /is that 90% of you bastards are just full of Misogyny

Video games don't need attractive women

A woman would probably make a good president. Hillary Clinton isn’t a woman though, she’s a bag of human skin filled with spiders.

Name a single good female ruler of the last 100 years.

Yea Forums
My God, I wish these two shit communities would just kill each other and cease to exist.



It's so easy children can do it.


At least this bitch seems to actually care.

>tfw no crazy leftie gf to murder suicide me so we can cease to exist together

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Of course. They never grew up and still believe in cooties.

every game kojima fuckin makes is political lol
did u ever play GZ?

well obviously yeah. america's a train wreck.

lol no


>madame president in a hospital bed in the oval office
>country under attack from homo demons

The absolute mad man.

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>woman in red
it's all about the symbolism user

Didn't you hear? She's the president of jack shit.

Incel mummy fag here she cute and beautiful haha

Shame this walking simulator is ps4/5 exclusive I'd definitely pirate it on pc just to watch her milkers flop around realistically based nips
Blame gaymur gayte

Indira Gandhi
Sükhbaataryn Yanjmaa


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High iq posters

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>world goes to hell with a female president

so it's based on a true story?


she is almost single-handedly responsible for the drug epidemic in Britain

>tfw i've seen poltards say trump doesn't have any power and hillary runs a "shadow government"
so i guess yeah she did win according to the_donald

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why is she so inexpressive?

o shit

You're so based oh based beautiful centrist teach me your cowardly never pick a side ways so that I never run the risk of having to believe in anything.

all politicians lack expressions and emotions

And she is back my white friend. Choripanes for everyone!

drumpf makes some pretty funny faces though

Because she's a CG recreation/deaging of Bionic Woman-era Lindsay Wagner instead of the real scanned version.

so do porn actresses but you know they are dead inside

huuur duuur women rule bad huuur duuur strong man good rule huuur duuur

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>if you're not a totally fucking retard that overacts massively to petty shit that means you're a centrist that doesn't believe in anything.
Thanks for confirming you're a spastic.

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>HIllary Clinton won
Yes, and as you can see the world in the game is all fucked up.
So Trump was the right choise all along.

Real talk:
I believe that the 2020 election will be the LARGEST back-peddling from a previous term in history, and that’s why we’ll get a female president, even if it ain’t Hillary. Maybe not all, but a good number of folk who voted for Trump will most likely be on the polar opposite side of the polls by now. It’s the same reason why everyone jumped on the Obama wagon in ‘08 after everyone got sick and tired of Bush’s schtick.

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Kojima ALWAYS make games in tune with the state of politics.
You'd knew it if you were over 15 years old

>and that’s why we’ll get a female president
spoiler alert
its gonna be Biden vs Trump
the only woman and probably the only person that can beat Biden would be Warren (rip Bernie) and that's not gonna happen.

yang will win

I cringe
who the fuck gets hype for this gay shit

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>rainbow colours

Americans will much rather have a shitty male president than a female president. It's why Hillary lost.

You're delusional if you think they aren't going to push Biden the loser who already ran twice for president and lost. Third time's the charm.

AOC will become US President in 2024. I don't particularly like her but it is an inevitability.

Of all the games Kojima made, only like two of them WEREN'T focused on American politics. The only exception I can think of is Snatcher.

Wash off the make up and remove the filter

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>Margaret Thatcher
>Dilma Rousseff
>Cristina Fernández de Kirchner
>Angela Merkel
Yeah it's no surprise the country is in the absolute state it's in, leave it to a man to fix a woman's fuck ups. I'm thinking Kojima is based and sexistpilled.

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Does that look like Clinton to you,retard?

The game is LITERALLY about an American trying to reunite the divided state of America following some sort of catastrophe you obsessive ape.

>AOC will become US President in 2024
There's no way. She's in constant conflict with other democrats and she's not politically effective. Nancy chews her alive. And this is coming from someone that likes AoC.
Oh, and she's way too progressive to win.

Politicians don't have souls, it's one of those universal truths in life.

That's very debatable.

Get fucked faggot you’re just jealous that nobody gives a fuck about your shithole

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If there was any chance that Trump could lose the next election, there wouldn't be one. Of course he's gonna win again. And, provided he'll honour the term limit at all, his son has already announced he'll run in 2024.

user requested names of GOOD female leaders.

The setting and story

I wouldn't say nancy chew her alive. That would imply that nancy comes off anything other than a soft fisted old clintonite. Though you're right on the rest

that Croatian lady with the big titties

>alternative timeline where Hillary was president
>america ends up absolutely destroyed

Top kek

reminder that this is how she actually looked and Kojima just wanted to see his waifu in her prime again

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She's an inevitability. The left/people who are left-leaning will go extreme because they've been out of power for so long, like what happened with the right in 2016.

not as bad as old ladys go desu

>madame president
>reunite america
>kojimbo "game"
>box delivery gameplay

oh wow goty

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she literally wont be old enough to run until 2025

This is your brain on ID politics.

Leftists are already extremists, thats why they lost 2016.

my nigga
we've been doing identity politics ever since cavemen would kill each other for belonging to different tribes lmao

>Voting a female into a position of power
One day you'll collect enough real life experience to figure out how retarded this sounds

lol wut? Who lied to you about this? Why are you repeating the lies?

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are you trying to imply hillary clinton is anythinf but a center right moderate?

This is the reason why you guys will lose again 2020, and I'll be here to laugh at your face again. Stay delusional folks.

>Kojima game
>Not about American politics

you are so disconnected from real life people
the average left leaning person isn't an internet socialist / communists/ anarchists that thinks american antifa is too soft

>sooo basicarry when i made deatho-strandingu
>i thought
>trump baaad

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Yeah, but unfortunately they have no voice, all you see on the left nowadays is a bunch of dictatorial perma angry SJWs.

do you ever pay to attention to actual policy?

I do, do you tho!?

We're not cavemen anymore, if you legitimately think that Hillary lost because she's a woman you're stupid beyond salvation.

this game looks like fucking garbage

>Sam, you have to rescue me from a terrorist organization that holds me captive in a suspiciously civilized manner so that I can assume the presidency of the United Cities of America in an absolutely monarchical manner.

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Kojima's a fag.


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oh no, she lost for a bunch of other reasons but to say "lol dude why bring up identity" is a silly meme

>because Hillary lost to Trump, no woman can ever become President


>It’s the same reason why everyone jumped on the Obama wagon in ‘08 after everyone got sick and tired of Bush’s schtick.

Yeah because there was a good options after 8 years of what was then the worst president ever. Unfortunately, Obama can't come back. :^(

>lol dude why bring up identity

Not the point, its just that people who only see ID politics think thats the reason why Hillary lost. Americans elected a black president twice, so ofc its not the determinant factor.

>Kojima came out as a libtard

All of the day, bro.

she's the boss

It's his turn, after all.

>terrorists don't rape captured qt blonde 24/7
Yeah, something is totally wrong with the setting.

Women are literally and scientifically sub-humans. Their one single solitary use is breeding. Which will be solved soon enough.

Females are a form of genetic parasite with the sole purpose of sucking the life out of a species until they can no longer copulate. Their very core is selfish and all-consuming, they use countless dirty psychological tricks to perpetuate their existence and inflict lifetimes of sufferings on millions. They are rampant all throughout the universe but it is possible to save ourselves from the wretched entities with artificial wombs. There are species that don't need females. We can do it. We can be free.
Death to all females of all species. We must free ourselves from the destroyers, the consumers, the manipulators.

>Women are literally and scientifically sub-humans
Which means the pass the qualifications of what it takes to become a US president, especially considering the one that we have now.


In Vanquish, the president is Hillary Clinton and she has been conspiring with the Russian terrorists by providing then with weapons to overthrow russia, which led to the invasion of america by the same terrorists that hijacked the microwave solar cannon. She then orders the marines to kill Sam for knowing too much. As soon as Sam survives the betrayal she kills herself because word of her hand in aiding the terrorists will end her presidency.

First, scientific literacy is not a required qualification for political office, getting a lot of votes is and a huge chunk of the US voterbase cares more about who they can have a beer with than how much science their candidates know. Second, you cannot claim with a straight face that Trump is scientifically literate. He prioritizes the interests of industry shills over the scientific community, and besides that he keeps saying dumb shit that only a senile tard would say.

t. a supreme gentleman

He didn't say women are bad at science, or that presidents need that skill, learn to read.

Funny, I voted dem, but after the fallout, I no longer trust the Democrats in positions of power.
Trump might not be the greatest, but I don't remember having protests every week about killing or locking up the president when Obama was in the White house.
Really made me think.

>america is finished

>Which means the pass the qualifications of what it takes to become a US president

The only thing you need to become president of the USA is worship the Jews that own the USA. Both the Democrats and Republicans are Jewish Puppets. Don't bother voting, it won't get rid of the Jews.

A centrist believes you are retarded and he is probably right.

>no refunds bernie

Yes as you can see that is Lindsay Wagner aka Hillary Clinton.

But Trump is a retard and a liar. I feel cheated because Trump ends up being the very same thing people feared about Hillary.