Monster Hunter Iceborne

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When do I get to Namielle

These are so humanoid they veer into uncanny territory.

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What are the best skills for Hammer users?

I got memed into buying the expansion. Damn I don't remember framerate being so fucking shit. Like 40fps even on my pro. And even with SSD shit takes 3x longer to load than on PC.

Also it doesn't help that my ps4 save is weak as fuck. Haven't even killed lunastra there.
>playstation exclusive logo on the cover
the nerve of the fucking kikes

Evade Window and unga bunga more damage
Flinch Free 1 is practically required for multiplayer so retards/accidents don't make you lose Powercharge constantly.

>playstation exclusive logo on the cover
Wait, really? That's hilarious.

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I warned you bro

I just use attack boost and affinity boosting skills like critical eye and weakness exploit. Hammer wasn't hit as hard as some weapons by the weakness exploit nerfs because it's one of the weapons that wounds in one clutch claw hit (you need to wound the monster now to get the full effect of weakness exploit). I have never found that I needed any stamina skills cause if you're running around that much you're probably playing wrong. If you want more defense I'd go evade window if you have the skill slots for it.

>Also it doesn't help that my ps4 save is weak as fuck. Haven't even killed lunastra there.
The bone/ore sets/weapons are pretty good so just gather some bones and make a set.

Tremor Res or Earplugs also help immensely on some fights even if you already have some Evade Window

good stuff. thanks

Just finished shrieking legiana, how far am I from the end?

There's a lesson to learn here about patience user. I'm going to go fresh into the expansion in January. Haven't read anything about Iceborne except what was shown in the trailers. Going to be fucking great.

What skills should i look for as a HH user? I'm debating on using some pieces of that Steamworks set for Crit status at least.

So how effective is the Endemic Zoomaster skill?
Wanna make sure it’s actually worth it before I go wasting paw print tickets.

HH Chads how's it feel bullying every endgame hunt, also how does it feel that it always feels like we're babysitting in multi-player

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Same shit you'd want on Hammer plus maybe Maestro

Did you get your tenderplates yet user?

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Rajang gameplay.
As expected... He got nerfed.. A LOT.

Imagine if Namielle wrapped my cock with her slimy wings.
Ha ha ha, that would be pretty weird.

It will. Blessed PChad.
I fucked up and now I'm paying the price. I updated my 5.05 ps4, spent extra money for a SSD, goy+, the master version.
Now I can't enjoy this shit with such shit framerate.

I got the full set + weapon and palico equipment

I just hope he still rips the ground out and toss it at you.

Doesn't seem to do it in the arena fight they showed but it might be area specific like the shit Banbaro can pick up in its horns

I mean banbaro is a fucking magician at finding underground trees I’m sure rajang will be fine

why is the rotten vale such a shit area?


Imagine fighting Rajang in Elder’s Recess and he reaches into the ground and grabs the roaming Lavasioth and chucks it at you

Do I really need maxed out crit draw and focus to enjoy using GS in MR?

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>helping out low rank quests to get the trophy
>join a capture quest, one guy, 8 minutes in
>accidentally kill the monster in 2 hits, no indication it was near death
>helpful hunter trophy pops

Oh well

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Why the fuck aren't you using Focus on GS in the first place?

Just finished the game. I have one question.
Does Nerg... want to fuck?

Ok so everything in crit draw then?

Here's your Rajang, bro.

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>special arena barioth
>every move he does puts him at the opposite side of the map

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It certainly helps

Can anyone vouch for recommended low end specs for the PC version of MHW before things go completely potato?

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a decent ways
I think you have to do more subspecies, then velk, then new elders, then shara

Looks like the hardest iteration of Rajang yet. Seethe more bingbing

He's jumping around like a madman and grabs you a lot. Looks like a fucking nightmare

I was playing with some friends, and they start sucking my cock over my buffs. Especially the stamina buff.

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How similar is 3U and 4U to FU? I started with FU, but it's kinda clunky, some hitboxes are really frustrating, ahem, Plesioth.

of course he does

Probably, possibly.
It just wants to fight YOU mostly, since it can't really be killed and enjoys a good fight.

I can play with a i5 Sandy Bridge and a 970
I get hitches when changing equipment and loading sometimes but the game runs smooth enough in hunts. Still gonna upgrade later this year

He literally can't, he hasn't got the tools for it

I'm going for a walk with my dog now.
I hope you respond anons.
Say hello to your next flagship

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>Diablos weapons have the same raw as Acidic Glavenus but have the negative affinity
>none of the weapon upgrades need a hardhorn. The only thing in the game that needs one is the Black Diablos coil

Did Capcom even finish this weapon tree? Cracks are really starting to show in the ice with the glitches and half assed weapon models. Capcom may have rushed out an unfinished product.

Does Zin HH in Iceborne have a unique animation set?

Was that fucking breast physics on savage jho's armor?

Hitboxes are mostly fixed

It’s a shame that some weapon trees are flat out better than others, but there’s nothing wrong with having some easier to build weapons as a stopgap

piscines, get him

Velkhana might be one of the worst Elder Dragons ever, holy shit. Nothing about this bitch is fun.

Is HH actually good now?
Good early/mid MR armor sets for it?

>Less reasons to fight Diablos and Black Diablos
Sounds great desu

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what did you expect from ice kush?

It stays a lot in the ground and has a pretty fun moveset.

Normie jho has them too.

The answer is always Jagras feat. Beo Coil for early HR
For any weapon, Jagras w/ Beo Coil -> 3pc Narga and accessories is a good roadmap
Just gem in Maestro 2 for HH
3pc Blos is good for uncapped slugger, you will get so many fucking KOs. I forget if BBlos or Blos is better.

What are some good Lance trees? Right now I’m still using Barioth.

I haven't gotten it yet so I couldn't tell you.

Thanks bro I'll start putting together that right away.

>hardest iteration of rajang
>when apex exists
Fuck off secondary scum


3U and 4U are in no ways similar to FU
FU fucking sucks

I won't get the serious handler back after I beat Barioth, will I?

People used to hunter 140 Rajang because it was the easiest to kill, cope bingbing

Can't wait for PC to fight a hatsune miku Rajang that transforms into Hatsune miku+10

It seems that Iceborne sold well in Japan during first week despite all the shitposting.

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No problem
I'm up to Shara and have done solo HH the whole way. The buffs and new move make it super fun. Highly recommended. HHs to make:
>Mad Bone, you'll stick with this for a long while, can make minutes after starting MR, eventually becomes Velkhana
>Dodogama itself isn't the best but it turns into Glavenus, which I used since I got it
>Anjanath, it isn't good, and Fulgur Anja is only OK, but Acid Glav is arguably the best HH
Anything with AuL is worth it. Element up is worth it in coordinated multiplayer where multiple people have elemental weapons.

Looks pretty good. Listfag BTFO yet again

It's a clutch claw tutorial monster
You can grapple the head during:
>tail stabs
>when it's flying
>anything other than charges
Free damage. Very fun fight.

how's the acid glav lance? i hesitate between it and doggo

because after all the white people are replaced by h1b visa holders and the megacorp needs another 5% before the next quarterly report, some poo in the loo shit head will rip that rom and release it as a gamestation classic special BOOMER edition for 25$ and will expect you to buy it.


/pol/ is a mental illness

>tfw 10+ tenderplates but no fucking gems

would anyone be actually surprised at this?
the shitposting in here was almost too pathetic regarding iceborne sales.

C-can I stay with the serious handler forever?

Literally impossible to break his head

Use partbreaker.

Use a gun. And if that don’t work? Use more gun.

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The Iceborne director proved he's a genius with just a couple of fuck ups

Which gun? I haven't made any new ones for IB

You do this solo and what weapon?

Is MHW worth it? I've only ever played MHFU and MH3 ao far but the hitboxes drive me up the wall

>W-Wait everyone, please stand around instead of chasing the monster, I gotta play you the Song of My People™
>Haha look, I'm hitting other hunters while prepping my recital, aren't I just quirky? Don't you love being staggered around while I further rack up our hunt times?
>*Gets in 1 hit after hammerbro/ Chadblade spends entire hunt sniping the head* HAHA KO BITCH GET FUCKING CARRIED SCRUBS
Literally the girlfriend weapon. I don't need your bullshit "buffs" fucking with my controller rumble and throwing off my game. Go back to using your actual weapon like I know you will in a few hunts. Nobody actually mains HH in World.

>Even Though he can still Blanka Ball
>Even Though he shoot his laser
>He even has a grab
>Can charge faster
The only thing that wasn’t seen was The multiple Blanka ball move and the Ripping of rocks off the ground

Yeah I solo it with Hammer to farm plates and gems. Multi you get retards just dpsing the legs and carting and shit. If you want to break that head go solo whenever you get the quest. The fight is relatively simple once you learn it... but the final phase with the exploding sand everywhere is cancer.

Which could still potentially be given to Furious Rajang since it would take almost zero effort to include now or in a later update.
The new punch flurry while enraged, the turnaround uppercut, and the body slam all look like pains in the ass.

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Nigger just shut the fuck up.

>fighting shrieking legiana for the first time
>flies off, I run after it
>catch up with it only to find it’s got a non-shrieking legiana friend and they both gang up on me and keep fleeing to the same places until the non-shrieking one finally fucks off
Still managed to beat it without carting but felt like some bullshit trying to fight two visually similar monsters who don’t distract each other with turf war shit and just work together to bully you. Was it meant to happen like that, or did I encounter something weird?

based tobi saving his bro

I did the same, but on my base PS4. I can't stomach more than two or three quests because of the FPS.
I played more vanilla world on my PC than IB on my PS4 last weekend.

Damn failed to the final boss 3 times now.
Guy just wont fucking die


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Is there a reward for completing all optional quests in iceborne?

>killed by the grab
>cat revives him
>killed by a thunder ball
Yup, I'm thinking he's back.

Both times I've fought Shrieking it's had the normal one as a constant back-up dancer. Looks intended to me.

Wait what? Isn't it on X1? I could see it with the PC delay but not withoit console exclusivity.

Didn't they say that they were showing the DLC roadmap soon?

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Just beat Shara there. I decided to SoS as I was a bit worn down after Ruiner -- boy was that a mistake! Two shitters showed up, carting in rapid succession so I gave all 3 of them the boot and finished the cunt solo. The worst thing is that the first one to cart had the gall to have an auto shoutout calling other people shit for carting.

Like I said, the fight was still manageable even with the second legiana so it’s not like I’m really complaining, but I was a bit baffled, it didn’t come across clearly as something they actually meant to happen.

Im a little disappointed. Where is t he triple bouncing ball? Where is the move where he rips the ground up and throws it at you?

>Fighting optional Rathalos
>Tigrex shows up
>Flash, throw some poop, everything's fine
>Everyone starts spamming stickers and running around like headless chickens
Fucking awesome experience but man, it seems like there's always 2+ monsters on the map constantly getting in your shit. The raths audibly call for each other now too.

A-any news about the PC release?

I need a Research Commission Ticket and some mystery ore for my Handicraft Charm 3. The ticket looks like a pain in the ass, you need to complete all optional quests star 1-8 to unlock it.

Okay. I looked into it and it's the HZD unlocks that it's talking about. The user who said it claimed Only on PlayStation is an idiot.

Saturday I think?

Just join white winds or sapphire star in SoS if you're a lazy fuck

Plus if it happens Spirit Bomb could make it, but I know that’ll never happen

Saturday Stream



How is the power gap between monsters and hunters in IB? Looking at sets and decos, I'm actually scared of the mixed sets that are going to come out.

If you get to HR100 you get another quest that gives it.

Shara has a spirit bomb so it wouldn't really surprise me

Be honest user, how many tries did it took you to hunt him?

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Monsters hit hard, are spazs and have a fuckton of HP. Monsters got more buffs than the players

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But he's faster than ever
And he has new moves, gaijincuck showed one of them on twitter

Monsters are relatively tougher compared to the hunters, compared to World before any updates. Who knows of Title Update monster equipment will be as stupid as the Gamma sets or Drachen.

only one, but he was still the hardest out of tigrex/narga/him and that really surprised me.

Monsters basically are more focused on AoE stuff now(And that’s a good thing), And they all have new moves from base world, And obviously they don’t show mercy. Though that doesn’t mean Hunters aren’t packing heat either with the weapon changes

One but I only suceeded because my Palico rezzed me once. Barioth's tankyness is unreal, I sleepbombed it in the nest, carted, restocked, went to the nest again, sleepbombed again and I still had to whack it for like 3 minutes before it died

For some reason he took me longer than the final boss

What does Gaijinhunter look like? Is he a shining example of the legendary Japanese handsomeness?

Wait til you get to the endgame area
Guiding Lands is some maxmimum comfy because with carts being lower risk (only affecting the rewards of the person who carts) multiple monsters showing up turns into a fun as fuck brawl
Me and three other hunters teamed up with a Great Girros to ruin an Odogarons day

One, but I got my ass handed to me for the first half of the fight.

>What does Gaijinhunter look like?

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>Add a fucking sword tail monster into the game
>Make the hammer look cool and the blades can suck a dick

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No fucking way. Also what's with the filename.

Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying my 28 unique weapons models, Capcom worked really hard on them!

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here is your glavenus GS bro, you can thank me later

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PC release date pls.

Well his soft faggot voice does fit him.

Iceborne director needs to remove clutch claw, so many bloated mechanics.

>What's the the filename

He was streaming on his 3DS, his ex-wife tripped over the capture card cable which fucked up the stream, then you could hear him hitting her in the background.

Oh hey that's pretty good for Capcom. I'm really liking IB.

Where's the proof?

Yo someone explain me something.
Some monsters are weak or strong against varying elements in varying amounts and the hunter's notes show this with the 3 stars.
But how much more damage does a three star weakness monster take from the element it's weak to? How much damage does a 2 star weakness monster take? And for 1 star too?
If i wanna farm Vaal, whos 3 star weak to fire, how highly should i prioritise using fire against him?
In most games this shit would have been datamined or found out exactly in like a couple weeks but for MH it seems that alot of the technical shit and percentages and all that doesnt get found. Why tho?
Plz help, this shit has bugged me for a while.

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It's actually better than the inexcusable tat we got

MHW is such a fucking turd.

Tigrex horn is pretty based, but I don't play with damage numbers on so I just go based on feel.

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Two. First try I went in with my High Rank stuff. Came back with MR Beo and Bone armor and slapped his shit in. Just "finished" the game and the hardest fight in the game by far was Shara Took me 3 tries and very nearly took me a 4th. Those are the only two fights in IB that triple carted me.

Swept under the rug

>l6 gunlances do 270 per charged shell on the stake bomb
Holy shit. W6 is going to be busted.

Clutch claw is one of the few new mechanics in World thats actually good though

>In most games this shit would have been datamined or found out exactly in like a couple weeks
It was the same for MHW too. Just look it up online, ffs, you lazy bum.

for example a hit would do 50 damage from 3* element but only 30 damage from 2*
if you don't know about hitzone values I recommend you start looking that stuff up now
I only gave you a simple non galaxy brain answer

Jesus I wish I had some good decos so I could remake my meme focus gunlance build

>Fighting Narga in the Highlands
>It's going well
>Fulgur turns up
>Then Savage Jho moments later
>He follows me around the whole map

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there is no max level wide yet again


I'll probably never use HH myself but they are so great to have on the team. They make me feel powerful.

I know. Using the silver rath gunlance for now.

Triple bounce was super easy to dodge after he missed the first one, rock would be nice to see tho.

One, compared to Odogaron his is like little baby, specially once you break a wing

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>He follows me around the whole map

Some of these G-rank monsters are relentless. I ran out of potions when I was fighting Acidic Glavenus so I tried to dip back to camp to restock, and he ended up chasing me all the way from the bottom of the rotten vale to the top. Never had a monster do that before.

Didn't even notice what it was until unseathed, 10/10 would hunt with it

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You attacked Weebasarus in his stinky neet cave, he can’t let you live after that

imagine being bad

Holy fuck, savage jho did half of my HPs even with 800 def
How fucking strong is the tempered version?

Considering we got the tuna sword, this isn't even that strange

The fuck is with the drop rate on these things, some monsters drop them like candy and others refuse to drop anything. I got 2 brach pall from 1 hunt too

Glav please

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One, but I carted twice. Been easy ever since, though.

I had to kill like 20 Anjanath's to get his mantle. It was slightly shit.

>Not having one level of flinch free in MP
Only have yourself to blame.

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>fucking negrogante gets unique weapons TWICE, while all other monsters get's fucking boned
The actual fuck is wrong with capcom?

Did they add blood to the game? World tricked me by prerelease info telling me I could turn damage numbers off but then when I finally got it and tried there was no feedback to indicate damage just a shitty rock spray. I wont buy this unless they added blood back to the game, did they?

>having a tempered version
Are you new to MH? Capcom is retarded, they do random things like excluding monsters from certain things.

It's too expensive to give weapons unique models in their best selling game, please understand

You can get blood on the PC version

I got 7 rath pallium in the time it took me to just get one rathtalon+ Full break and everything.
something aint right.

>Tempered Savage follows you to the next hunt
>AT follows you back to the hub

>mantle/pallium instead of heavenly

Is it a mod or something? That might be worth looking into.

>makes the slinger and slinger ammo actually have a purpose
>gives melee users a better way of hitting out of reach monster parts
>being able to literally slam monsters into walls
Its also 1000x better than mounting because all of this happens really quick, unlike mounting which makes you spam the same button over and over again for 5 minutes. Also unlike mounting there is actual risk to using the clutch claw because a monster can easily just hit you off if claw at the wrong time. Its implementation isn't perfect, and allows for some pretty nasty cheese strats if you abuse it, but its still a fine addition to the game.

heavenly scale was a waaaaaay cooler name

Yes, you can even have old mh sounds for menus and shit

audibly laughed

AT Xeno and Kush were way harder than anything in this expansion.


>AT Kush
He’s legit the easiest AT

I looked it up a it and im still confused.
Vaal is supposed to be weak to fire yet the highest HZVs are 25 for fire. Isnt that shit? He has a HSV of 50 for sever on his head.
Also, I forgot what the HSVs mean. Does 25 mean they take 25% and 50%?
Bruhhhhhh this shits too confusing.
Basically, I wanna use free element 2 on my wyvern ignition because i wanna kill Vaal and he's weak to fire. I got like 1138 raw and 440 fire but i also wanna know if its even worth doing.
plz halp ty

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AT Kush is literally just a Kush you can't cheese with endless flashes, he still crumples as soon as you get a couple knockdowns

>Its also 1000x better than mounting
Fucking THIS. Mounting is the worst mechanic in the whole franchise.

Element and raw damage are calculated entirely differently. Weak raw hitzones are typically 45+ while most elemental weakzones are rarely above 30-35

I found Vaal and Teo to be the easiest. Kush was an absolute nightmare for me because you couldn't flash him down. AT Xeno felt like the true final boss, it reminded me of White Fatalis

>AT Xeno is hard
Tell that to any IG user and watch how they laugh

You're better off raw with GS anyways.

Being directly under a flying Kush is nearly 100% safe, you can just bring a Lance/GL/SA/GS/you get the point and slap his ankles till he lands or falls down

>Seething Beetlejuice almost never flies anymore

That was his best move. The hell, capcom. Now he's just a fat tigrex that can't charge more than twice.

if i have 440 fire and hit a 25 fire HSV how much damage is that?

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I ended up picking that up, but for most of the fight I spammed mega pots with free meal/speedeating/recovery up to keep the shitters alive.

You mean just a Kush with a trash gimmick that forces you to basically watch a movie while running in circles

That's a pathetic shit for a monster that eats a fuckton

Man with all these new decorations and RNG still fucking me on anything good the temptation to save edit grows every day


Hit his ankles, he doesn't even fly out of breach of anything but DB

>favorite monster design is Rathalos
Am I boring

Perhaps it's because he can metabolize everything with extreme efficiency, leaving little waste?

Just means he has incredibly efficient digestion

440 fire is actually 44 fire (all elemental and status values are divided by 10 to get their true values), multiply that by 0.25 hitzone. Voila, you get 11 fire damage per hit. Multiply that by sharpness modifier.

Either that or japanese

You are aware that this isn't fun, that even still moves around way too much and that it's poor damage? Of course I'm hitting his feet, it's just not fun.


Is monster shitting new to Iceborne or did I just completely miss it in my 100 hours of vanilla?

The starting post in the chain was claiming that Kush was one of the hardest ATs, no one said anything about fun

Does Savage Jho really have no tempered?

Why is Capcom so shit and random?

>Hey what if we made an Elder that literally hits the entire arena aside from right under itself, and made it able to use it every ten seconds
>And then gave it a massive AoE that targets directly under it
>Oh and the attacks deals 3/4 of a full HP bar, and ignores the walls the boss puts up
>Oh and it can also roar and make projectile fall on you, fucking up any weapon that makes you stand still for more than one second
>And to top it all off lets give as many tail moves as fucking Glavenus, and give them all broken hitboxes.
>Oh and almost every single attack will inflict Iceblight
Fuck this stupid frigid cunt. Nergigante is a better Elder in every single fucking way. Thank god the porcupine is the real MVP of the expansion.

I thought he was easier than the normal one. He hardly ever flies and is essentially a giant weakpoint.

Git gud

>tranny subtly shoehorning tranny lingo into Mh thread

Acquire skill


I thought Velk was an annoying bastard too. It always manages to get a cheap hit in. I farmed it for its GS + set and I'll probably never touch it again after that.

The variant is the Tempered version

To make up for World having only shitty diablos hammer or golden turd hammer.

anyone find a good build for Lance yet? I need something to aim for
(still using max sharpness Odogaron one from the base game)

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I wanna _ _ _ _ it

You can dodge through the expanding ice rings pretty easily, its exactly the same as AT Xeno's explosions

Guard up is all you need

Then why do other monsters that have variants have tempered versions?

It's random Capcom retardation again. Don't even defend it. Deviljho fans get cucked again.

what armor/weapon tree would you recommend for that?

>dropped guard for evade distance and window
I have been playing gunlance wrong this whole time

A guard up deco.

>>playstation exclusive logo on the cover
>the nerve of the fucking kikes
Try learning basic reading comprehension. It clearly states that the Horizon free DLC is playstation exclusive.

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All you need is the decoration. Adjust weapon element accordingly to the monster. Given lances lower sharpness handicraft helps. Weakness exploit is great because of the precision of the lance.

>250 hours in base world, 45 in Iceborne.
>still no guard up deco

Guard lv3
Guard Up on some fights
Standard offensive skills

1000 raw is how much really? What is raw multiplier? Then thats multiplied by HSV then sharpness yeah?
Also, fire is shit on GS then. Vaal felt more annoying than usual, maybe cos first hunt today, maybe cos no miasma jewels, maybe cos elements are shit and also gay.
ty for help. i now understand element shit.

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So did their efforts to buff elemental bear any fruit for GS at all or is it business as usual?

Are you ok, user?

Crit Draw fucking works again, so yeah. You'll rip things up. I got a charm and a single gem, so I can roll with pretty much any set I want for fashion and still get kill times at 15 or less.

Story Ruiner is the only fucking 3cart I've had

tick tock Niggagante
tic tock

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someone did the math for the Velkhana ele Gs set and the Teo/ Damascus Raw GS and the Velkhana did better. Take that as you will.

What are some recommended early Gun Lances?
I'm currently up to Tigrex in the story.

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>Evade Distance messes up with the Charged Slash to Perfect Rush.
That sucks really hard.

>Doing a first level charge attack out of the draw with Velkhanas set bonus and doing like 500 damage
feels fucking good with how easy I can set that up.

ayo why the FUCK does Ishvalda looks like its looking at me in every single fucking pic you people post

>1000 raw is how much really? What is raw multiplier?
Depends on the weapon type. LOOK IT UP.
>Then thats multiplied by HSV then sharpness yeah?
Yes, also multiplied by the MV of the attack. Unlike elemental damage, raw depends on each individual attack of your weapon.

>300 hours
>no guard
>no guard up
>no artirelly
>no capacity boost
it all so tiresome

Am I the only one who feel in love with GS due to IB? Prior to IB i had more than 2k hunts with it and was literally so sick and bored of it that I started fucking gunning like a fag. With the slingershot thingy they added it just feels so fucking good again. Not to mention those new big dick numbers.

Because it is

What's the recommended longsword progression?
I'm using max upgraded viper tobi kadachi LS now.
Anything better I can get now? I just beat Vaal Hazak

So after the update, what weapons can now use elemental effectively?

Thats the game telling you to fuck off and pick another weapon.

>500 hours
>Have had at least one of every gem since the 150 hour mark
Suck it lucklets

I just need raw damage multiplier. plz help.
I slept 14 and a half hours yesterday and accidentally went on a 30 hour fast because of it but i had a chocolate bar and some sweet chilli crisps and two lucozades today so im fine now. ty for concern.
Okaty user. Guess ill watch the gay guys video again.

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Its worth at least using big raw + appropriate element for most weapons rather than unga bunga non-elemental now.

>entire build depending on this one rng deco that I can't fucking get

I don't like how cutting the tail doesn't do anything since it just regrows it with ice whenever it does a tail stab. It's clever, but I just feel like I wasted my time cutting the tail.

Guard up is a convenience for dealing with grabs and lasers the fuck are you talking about. You hardly have to base an entire build on it. You can make a charm that has it.

Anyone got values on the velkana bonus yet or naw?

Does Garuga still have the phantom tail hitbox after you cut the end off or did they finally fix that?

Elements also get charged better with GS now with the buffs. Hence why Crit Draw with elements can keep up somewhat with raw, or in some cases like with Velk, outpace it.

It's eyes are programmed to look at the camera.
Just try moving the camera around when it's knocked over, it's pretty funky.

how playable is iceborne without clutch claw?

he cute

Literally creepypasta-tier

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>50 hours on PC
>have 50 of every gem
suck it console pleb

Yeah shit like this just happens all the time haha
Fuck off nintendo babby your console will never be relevant for this series ever again.

Those 500 hours are on PC, I'm not a cheating bitch

>Guess ill watch the gay guys video again.
It's on the wikis and shit. Read, nigga, READ.


so attack up, guard, weakness exploit, handicraft?
any opinion on crit boost or crit eye?

I really like how it does that, really ties in with the whole enlightenment gimmick it's got going with the weapons and armor.

>Coral region is level 6
>Silver Los won't show up
I'm tired of fighting tempered Pink ian, just show up already you fuck.

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>Tfw you need more power

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Not that user but critical eye 100%

>wastes 500 hours of his life to get a shitty trinket in a video game
nothing to be proud of fucking retard
you'll never get that time back lmao

protip: go into the phase 2 with a ghillie mantle and watch Shara's pupils relative to his head movements

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I'm honestly considering playing LS even though I'm kinda meh about it just because it's literally the only weapon that seemingly has a cohesive moveset.

Why cant i watch the gay guys though?

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Based PC falseflagger.

is the offensive guard skill good at all? I'd imagine it'd only be suitable for Lance

Good for lance and Charge Blade assuming you hit guard points consistently

One, but it was extremely painful and I got the shit kicked out of me for the majority of the hunt
Good wall

>15% attack for 12 seconds after guarding
That's massive for Lance and CB

>Tfw too enlightened to look at the hunter

I played to have fun and I got everything I wanted long before 500 hours, if you would try some reading comprehension

they turn it into a decoration/jewel or is it limited to certain armor and weapons as of now?

I want to pet the creepy dragon.

If you are good at guarding with lance rather than just shield up all the time its fucking supreme. Regularly keeping up 15% damage buff with lance is a big deal. You can also get it to trigger with the shield bash move

>grinding lands
god this shit takes FOREVER

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>try watching a stream
>all of them only run around monsters now looking for slinger ammo to throw monsters against walls
there should be a fucking cooldown on how many times can you use the burst to throw monsters against walls, this is pretty boring desu

There's a number of level 4 decos that have it.

For me they never do it right after I slam them into the wall. They just flinch. But I have absolutely been in a group hunt where we fucked brachydios into a wall 3 times in a row in fast succession

i just killed brute tigrex in 15 minutes, honestly hes kinda easier than regular tigrex

I have like 6 offensive guard gems that either have attack/evasion/critical eye on them

Patrician taste. Guard is usually my last-resort move.

Today has been a good day.

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>tfw plunderblade gets a gem twice
Suck it lucklets

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I always dogged Brute Tigrex. No idea why, I think maybe his colour scheme.

What's more cohesive about LS than CB?

Truth be told I'm going to just cluster bomb the cunt.

You can make a move after the spirit slash combo and just keep going. I think that's about it. Fucking rad though honestly.

>pirate the game a few days ago to try it
>suddenly goes on sale
Bought without a second thought. This is fun.

Why is this theme so good?

They made it braindead-proof by letting you combo off a spirit finisher now.

Though CB is also braindead-proof so whatever.

Just add Chameleos already for fucks sake.

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>Shara with stones is the easiest shit in the series
>Shara sans stones is oneshot city

Just shit in my throat Capcom
>I need more
>I need more PS2 trash with awful movesets
>I need more...Kushala clones
>please, I'm opening wide
>shit...right down

I did the same a while back. But the more you play the shittier it gets and Iceborne seems bottom of the barrel. Definitely only pirating the DLC.

You could do better

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t. 4U abortion signing online petitions to get gore and seregios in the game

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All moves are useful and have their own role even though there's still heavy emphasis on spamming finisher it's not nearly as bad as CB.
CB is supposedly a balance between sword and axe mode but it's really just spam charged attack to get phials which by the way charge way too fast with focus so there's no need to ever think about maximizing their usefulness.
Axe attacks are 100% useless once again. You have to savage axe mode now which still not as good as saed spam.
So you'll use savage axe mode and now you can sort of use the weapon like you should but it's on a timer instead of the axe attacks just being good.

Yeah and those aren't Kushala skeletons with awful movesets. What the fuck is your point?

probably the only objective massive improvement over the original as far as returning songs go

4U is filled with PS2shit monsters so i don't get it

Updated list:

-still a buggy lag spike before(!) you or someone else dies messes up your inputs and gets you killed (it's almost like Capcom did this intentionally because they know the game is too easy otherwise)
-rock spray instead of blood
-still trying to get children addicted with the completely pointless HR1-999 system (younger players conflate it with skill)
-the late PC release date is pathetic for today's standards, to say that at the outset (the version is also still kinda buggy; lose connection after alt-tabbing, animations sped up, too demanding)
-only elders get AT quests, meaning the game basically only has a handful of monsters because you don't even fight anything but elders as only those put up a fight in the endgame
-all challenging quests are time-gated events
-tripled down on AoE spam (see new Bazel, Vaal, Namielle and even Savage Deviljho) instead of well-designed movesets
-unstable framerate, especially due to clutter and an overload of effects
-yet they keep putting monsters in the cluttered forest; now even the Vaal subspecies, which will fart out and spam even more AoEs
-way too much walking and long transition zones (even Guiding Lands) that almost make you miss loading screens
-Guiding Lands and SOS system siphon from the comfy lobby system
-what's worse; only a limited number of lobbies and SOS quests displayed and hundreds hidden for some inexplicable reasons (sometimes can't even find an event SOS when AT Nergigante is live, even though there definitely are some)
-unskippable cutscenes because they want you to see their "beautiful creation"
-spawning in random zones and preventing it is an asinine chore, especially since you can fast-travel anyway (they probably do this for the same reason you can't skip cutscenes)
-very first big monster you fight, the flagship monster, the final monster of World and the final monster of Iceborne all rehash the same skeleton
-Nargacuga, Zinogre and assorted returning monsters slower than ever

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-bad hitboxes and hit progression (animation barely started and already does 100% damage, or how Nergigante's tiny tail slam does as much damage as the spin itself and one-shots you)
-can't pause
-precise gameplay with GS is dead (few exceptions like Kirin), it's all about just getting your TCS out, which barely requires skill; experience, spacing, positioning, timing (just watch a Kulve or Vaal speedrun and compare it to a 140 Shagaru speedrun)
-forced to hold a bunch of useless items that can make item usage a pain
-you can even make spots that aren't supposed to be weakspots such with the Clutch Claw and consecutively trip monsters like Nargacuga (can even make his wing blades weakspots by tenderizing them)
-palpable input delay, almost as bad as MH3U on Wii U
-most new monsters require no precision; just whack them like a pinata (Odogaron, Kulve, Vaal [EVERY hitzone is a weakspot], watch speedrun videos with GS), a joke compared to old monsters like Gore or Diablos before turning his head into a weakspot in MHW
-cryptic menu inputs for simple things at some instances
-now that lock-on exists, monsters circling around the player (think of Nargacuga or Nergigante) seems pointless, however, more and more monsters do it and people who rather play without lock-on are either forced to play with a camera setting they don't like or play with a big disadvantage
-one-player difficulty scaling arguably makes monsters too exploitable, the game too easy and cooparative gameplay redundant to good players
-HBG, CB and especially Bow easy yet overpowered, ridiculously so in the base game
-95% of armors useless
-almost all weapons but Kulve useless in the base game (they'll probably do something like that again in Iceborne)
-can't see quests other people have posted when you have a quest pending already, even though MH3U just made it possible not too long ago

Please please give me tips for Shara
I have mirewalker, I keep fucking dying when the quicksand pools are everywhere and sandblasts keep flying around
It's 30 straight minutes of fighting then I fucking die

>no unique swing sounds
so close

Get Tremor Res.


-way too many roars (semi-unavoidable ones whenever a monster flees), even gave Zinogre a roar when approaching him
-roars can glitch out (consecutive micro roars impossible to dodge and predict, annoying when speedrunning)
-stunned way too long by tremors
-instantly craft and pop Ancient Potions, which in theory nullifies difficulty
-only source of threat is getting stunned now, which they ramped up greatly (don't start me on Teostra
-half the endgame monsters do thunder attacks, barely any water monsters
-crammed and visually busy while monsters clip through everything and can even shoot through the massive trees in the forest
-generic weapon skins
-Palicos constantly heal and even revive you
-automatically climb and slide everywhere because of slopes and other shit, forcing contextual and often impeding inputs on the player
-sabotaging automatic animations such as taking off used mantles when trying to quickly prevent a monster from fleeing
-some of the obejctiely worst monsters in the series, notably Zorah, Lunastra and AT Kushala who flies constantly without even an airborne moveset/openings (Alatreon and Rathalos have good aerial openings)
-item wheel unresponsive and clunky
-paid DLC
-random MVP cards (feedback and knowing who did best is nice, but the execution is horrible and you have to do 70% damage to even get the damage card)
-neck-snapping camera
-NPCs scattered across the hub
-can't see previews in the crafting menu for some reason
-likewise can't see things like your weapon slots in the general gear window, wheel tied to loadouts, decos sorted basically randomly, etc.
-invasions more likely, even elder dragons you can't dung
-three monsters in one zone constantly roaring and pushing each other around
-no transmog
-forced to use environmental traps if you want to keep up as a speedrunner: Monster didn't spawn in the area with the boulders or you missed one (5% damage) because the AI went nuts? Restart the whole thing

>people who rather play without lock-on are either forced to play with a camera setting they don't like

Either a post-launch monster or fucking dead

Probably because the original was really repetitive, so for once World/Iceborne's bad habit of adding extra bits to existing tracks actually worked out entirely in its favour.

Your little peabrain malfunctioning? It's not hard. A...B...C... Just try it, I'm sure you can form an actual word and in a few hours maybe even an argument.

he got turned into velkhana

Better version without the crunchy audio

>I want more Kushala rehashes
>I am your toilet

He's in a different game. :)

Picked up MHW on PC in anticipation for Iceborne, and I can't decide if I want to start with Hammer, LS, or SA

If Alatreon even makes it in, I doubt they will give him his own map. Enjoy fighting him in the Ancient Forest. He will thunder glide his way to your ass in the narrow corridors.

>same skeleton means same fight
suck nigger cock, retard

go for GS

Ignore the fag. Dont give him what he wants

>-still a buggy lag spike before(!) you or someone else dies messes up your inputs and gets you killed (it's almost like Capcom did this intentionally because they know the game is too easy otherwise)
Iceborne still didn't fix this? Honestly?

LS is so absolutely braindead you can't go wrong.
Base world SA sucks ass.

they can give him the shara arena

Similar enough. You don't need Kushala, Velkhana, Stras, Vaal, Namielle AND Alatreon AND Chameleos and whatever monster I forgot now.

Shit eaters do, though. They accepted every turd as a gift and are now incapable of imagining Capcom actually making something new and creative, even though the possibilities are endless.

>SA sucks ass

Attached: 50d.gif (550x423, 3.71M)

>LS is so absolutely braindead you can't go wrong.
They are masterworks all you can't go wrong.

Chameleos, Namielle, and Vaal share almost nothing in common with the rest of the monsters that use the same base besides the trip animation.
That's like saying Tigrex is the same fight as Rathalos

>Kushala, Vlekhana, Namielle and Alatreon are so similar only one of them should exist

In world it's fucking awful, yes.
Not IB, world.

>Can't do the claw grip anymore
>Using the 3ds "stick" is a pain in the ass and occasionally mess up movements since my thumb will slip off the control pad for a second
Playing 3U is a lot harder than it needs to be.

It took the shitposters and listfag a while to ge to this thread.
Time to abandon this one.

Does the shell count as the HP of the final boss?
Or when the rocks come off its full HP?

Just emulate it on CEMU with another controller

No need. I got this

Can't you play online through citra?

It's not awful in any game except, arguably, 4U because of fucked up MVs. Never stopped me from fucking Rajang up with it though.

So I don't know where you're coming from. SA is one of the better weapons. It always has been.

3U doesn't have online on 3DS so there's no point

I'm 32 fucking years old, why did I laugh until I wheezed to this shit..

You can emulate local wireless or something like that.

>It always has been.
No, it's never been, it's always had a fucking awful moveset and in world HALF of it is fucking pointless because the axe mode does literally nothing at all.
It's, by an extremely wide margin, the worst gimmicky weapon of them all.

Can you? If that's the case then look into that i guess.

I'm playing 3U with a friend through citra right fucking now

I tried to do this last week but I couldn't get a fucking working download for 3U that wasn't under 100 kbps what the fuck.

You need to go into axe mode to use your strongest attack though.

I didn't say that. But we don't need every single one. Is your brain so mashed you really can't think of anything more interesting than a bigger and slower Alatreon who shoots fire instead of wind or a worse Nami with poison cancer?

No cool animal that comes to mind they could try next? Nothing?

pretty sure I got mine from here with the Fichier link

Have you ever actually used the weapon? Because all I'm seeing are parroted opinions generally held by people who browse Yea Forums too much and never actually play said weapon. I've done everything from Lucent to 140 Apex to AT monsters with SA with little to no trouble. It's perfectly fine. It does take some getting good to be proficient with, however. Maybe that's your issue?

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>fighting odo in the guiding lands
>fucking velkhana shows up
>throw 8 pieces of shit at him
>he never fucking leaves

I did behe solo with swaxe so it must be at least "ok".

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Elder Dragons can't be dung'd
You should've dunged Odogaron and chased it instead, Velkhana won't chase that far if its not enraged.

>AT ruiner nergigante

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>Elder Dragons can't be dung'd
didnt know this.
and i did throw shit at odo eventually accidentally

AT isn't happening anymore in Iceborne.

>the way Shara twitches her wings when you knock her out
>her wings make janky, jittery, insect-like moves while she lays completely still with a blank expression, to the point of not even breathing
The more I watch people fight her, the more I like her.

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>he doesn't know

There will be another event buffed up Ruiner Nergi.

that's a pretty nice maw

This is by far the shittiest monster I fought in 4U.
>dude what if I shat AoE attacks everywhere lmao
>oh you want to hit the head with a hammer?
>well too bad, because I'm just gonna do a big ass slam
>oh no you got infected with frenzy?
>lemme just fucking charge all over the fucking arena so you can't even hit me lLFMAO
fuck Ryozo and fuck tendies

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Is Iceborne's Barioth the strongest he's ever been since vanilla Tri?

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That only helps against the stone form, though. I haven't experienced any Tremors in phase 3.
Also, is there a way to encourage slinger pods to drop? The fucker keeps breaking the hazards in phases 2/3 before I can get to them.

Shagaru is based

It's still not gonna be AT, at most it will be like Extreme Behemoth.

Ultimate Kaiser Behemoth when?

vorefags pls go and stay go
Keep it in /trash/, man

Lure it away from the sand, stay near its front legs and try to keep an eye on what it's doing? If you can't handle that then go for the back legs. It will do less damage but it can barely do anything to you there.

>mfw brachy fight

he's so fucking fun, anons, I'm really glad he made the cut

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Imagine getting dabbed on by the most based well-designed no bullshit dragon in the series.


Not very since barely weak spots without it

excluding the random frenzy pillars, you mean?

You can kill him with the basic LBG and Jaggi Gunner Armor with Normal Shots. It takes forever, but it's very much doable.

His fight is fine. At least they give you a big enough arena to deal with all his bullshit.

Haha just kidding fuck Shagaru. But it's poetic though, you see, because Gore is a great fight, and Shaggy is a shitty one, reflecting their light and dark duality. Ryozo is a genius.

Tell that to his """"""""RNG"""""""" mines and that one explosion with a radius about three times larger than the telegraph.

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Phase 3 Shara occasionally causes tremors around the sand puddles. I think it's only when it sticks its wing hands into the ground though.
Besides using the clutch claw, no. There are two Stone gathering points though.
I've been told to stand on the opposite side of the wall so it pushes itself towards hazards with its beams.

>when enraged, Rajang picks up a shock trap and crushes it
I think he will have more interactive shit attached to him, similar to Deviljho. Instead of ripping massive rocks out of thin air, he can maybe use actual environmental damage sources, like grabbing the massive crystals you can shoot down in elder's recess and tossing then at you.
They fight him in a sterile arena. I think he will have more gimmicks once fought in actual locations.

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What weapon?

If you when you drop rocks on him he instead catches them to throw at you I will instantly pull my pants down and masturbate to hot monkey dick.

Haven't had any problems up until Shara
>there are two stone gathering points
Do they not show up on the minimap? Can they be destroyed?

He's gonna give Deviljho himself the Deviljho treatment and throw the pickle at you.
How do you fuck up the most iconic song in your series like this?

>thought you just meant he destroyed it when walking over it
>he actually has an animation of him destroying it

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Killed him on the first try, doesn't mean it's not a shitty fight.

Maybe he has such monumental constipation that it drives him insane with pain and torment while hunger keeps him going?

If we're going to get technical, would something with a stronger digestive system and metabolism pull more nutrients and stuff out of what they eat, therefore meaning less waste gets produced?
Jho having tiny shits makes a bit of sense.

How much HP does the final boss fucking have? Wtf.
It takes forever.
What the fuck is this shit.

>rajang vs deviljho turf war

>Worldfeti can't into positioning

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They don't happen point blank near him and they stop when he trips

4u is a shit game.

dumb question probably but is vanilla MHW playable?
I have a few patches, but not the latest.
The reason I ask is that I want to keep my PS4 offline and on an older firmware for jailbreaking purposes in the future. I dont really want to update it for one game.
I have MHW on disc and a few of the patches up to late 2018.

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>monster hunter before 3tri was non existant

Okay faggot.

reddit is mad that Ruiner Nergigante ties with Savage Deviljho in their turf war

>t. Iron bang I

Jesus what the fuck is that movie. Snapping t-rex neck left and right.

Is anyone going to update pic related?

Also shara's arena has multiple cliffs that break and fall on him if you wallbang him with slinger. Thats 8 instant part breaks and couple thousand hp shaved off.

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World's soundtrack was awful all around, I'm glad Iceborne made up for it

It may as well be to World fans.

>retard doesn't know King Kong

>implying there's a difference between newbies and Worldlets

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Because you can still appreciate humor

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And 4U babies.

Sure it's playable but it's kinda boring due to how easy most of it is.

Yes, not knowing some remake clearly means I don't know King Kong.

Hmm okay thanks. Will think on it more.

>reddit is mad that Ruiner Nergigante ties with Savage Deviljho in their turf war
Not just reddit, Nerg fans in general are complaining.

>rotten vale jingle

Nergigante is just Godzilla.


They will be even more salty when Furious Rajang will just snap Nergisue and toss him on the other side of the map.

>Doesn't know of the 2005 King Kong remake
>One of the most popular monster movies from the 2000's

Why are you obsessed with Nerg? Is this your first flagship?

Blackveil Vaal is fucking annoying. Easily the worst fight maybe in this entire game.

He’s just mad that Valfalk got tossed aside while Nerg got a lot of attention

Whats a good weapon to use?

I want the mobility and speed of a LS but be able to deal massive damage, KO, break, chop monsters etc.

So who should win in a fight?
>Ancient hyper-regenerating brute of a dragon who devours forces of nature for its meals. Has lived long enough for its protruding bones to condense into metal spines.
>The world's angriest pickle
The answer may surprise you.

They do show up, but for some reason it does seem like they disappear for a while. Not sure why though.

Your marysue lost to a fucking angry pickle. Jho wiped his ass with the edgy porcupine.

What did I do? Also, isnt it a tie?


Jhowipes his ass with pretty much everything you tard.

Believe me, they are extremely pissed and triggered.

He doesn’t lose though.

shrieking legiana

Again, source?

new monster

He lost. Jho just thrashes Nergi around like a rubber chicken while Nergi barely manages to land a single blow.

Probably an audio glitch

Legi and Shrieking Legi fucking

One try, 30 minutes
I want to think it took that long because I was using a High Rank weapon but deep down I know I'm a shitter

They're like trannies, I swear. Thank God Yea Forums is based and redpilled Trumpkino that sticks to classics like Fatalis.

glitched legions
don't get your hope up faggots

Just killed Velkhana, whats a good gear set and weapon for GS?

So when does Iceborne get difficult?

I beat the last boss and am currently MR 49, doing the quest to remove the MR limit. But everything is just so easy, Im still using base game weapons and running in full barioth set and only carted once to tigrex.

I thought MR/G rank was supposed to be hard?

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Reminder that calling Nerg a marysue is one of listfag's favorite shitposts.

Dude trust me, the NFCC (Nergigante Fan Club Comission) headmaster is really pissed and already issued a public statement.


>All moves are useful
same as CB
>CB is supposedly a balance
nah, that's switch axe. CB is about charging and discharging
>Axe attacks are 100% useless
even without savage it was useful for breaking parts, certainly not optimal though, but now with savage it's just straight up great and can demolish monsters no problem
>saed spam
this is like saying helm splitter spam
it is the most effective attack when aimed and timed properly (which is harder than helm splitter, both in terms of player input, positioning and game knowledge required) but you don't need to spam it, I rarely even use saed over aed

and it just has more moves and more options to react to situations
not to mention the constant resource management and longer animation locks also demand more attention from the player whereas LS just has a way more simplistic toolset while dishing out the same kind of damage easily, so even in terms of balance it's just in a better place

these two are probably the most well rounded melee weapons given that they cover offense and defense really well and offer reactive gameplay instead of flowchart stuff like lance or GL, but CB is just a more complex and versatile weapon

But he is.
>eats elder dragons
>has edgy design
>killsteals a final boss

World is casual baby shit.

That doesn't make sense though, the pickle even jobs to garuga, now they can't even stay consistent with the powerlevels?

Glavenus is quite literally THE GS set from what I've seen.

MH hasn't been hard since FU.

Sure you did buddy

Thread is sent to the mods. Dont reply to him cause replies are also getting the boot for flamewar participation.

It must be a burden to be so good at videogames

Flagship monster.

Oh, shut the fuck up you retarded child.

I am so tired of these threads and the massive paranoia that clouds them. Everything that isn't super positive goes back to listfag. Just shut up already.

But you kill him
But you beat him
>>eats elder dragons
So does Rajang
>>has edgy design
That just means he's edgy, not a mary sue
>>killsteals a final boss
After you wipe the floor with said final boss, not to mention Nerg's whole shtick is being a scavenger that loves eating dying Elder Dragons

>no proofs

We’re gonna know very well who’s who soon

He’s the strongest he’s ever been, including Tri.

I can never get into CB. No matter how I tried to approach it. You have to watch over a fuckton of things simultaneously and basically babysit a weapon to the point that you forget paying attention to a monster. It is the fucking flowchart incarnate.

You want a timestamp with me playing Iceborne, you fucking baby?

noooooooo world is prefect flawless
I know, I'll call you listfag to deflect any criticism

He’s right though.

how do i get brute tigrex to spawn in the guiding lands? my rotten is at lvl 6 and im past MR 70

savage pickle>>>>>>>>regular pickle

Only in theory due him being able to regenerate stuff over time.
Beaten four times throughout the story. Five counting Lunastra smacking him
>>eats elder dragons
That's his niche, and even then I'm not sure it's entirely unique sine Rajang eats Kirin and we don't know how much shit Nakarkos had
>>has edgy design
Not really?
>>killsteals a final boss
He IS the final boss, and even then that final boss already got its ass kicked beforehand.

don't you dare ever shittalk my son ever again

>He didn't get Dante's CB and just learn to have fun
Flowcharts are for bitches, user.

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>You have to watch over a fuckton of things
>It is flowchart

Most flagships don't even come close. Just look at Velkhana.

Your son is fucking GAY

it's a draw your retarded

looks like you guys are right.
weird. Nergigante is great, though. Super sexy.

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>1 post that nobody agrees
Yeah no

>But you kill him
He raises himself from the dead. He doesn't die, just carts. He is like tri's kelbi where they get back up after their "death". His item descriptions and his description in a monhun card game directly tell you that he is immortal unless you completely mutilate his body.
He is unbeatable by other monsters so far.
Rajang only eats Kirin who is the weakest elder.
All of the above makes him a marysue.

>Literal who posts that nobody agrees with
Dumb faggot

that's it user, I'm tired of your shit

Holy fuck he’s mad as fuck today. What happened?

Not him, but it's just one example. I don't know why you guys care so much about it anyway. Just shut up and play the damn game.

Hey, I'm new to the game and I just got to Nergigante. I can't beat him without using a Max Potion or a generous few potions, and that kind of makes me feel like I'm a bad player.
Any general tips I may be neglecting to utilise?

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I can't unsee this

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It's just an angry pickle, they made it clear before that elders are above every other monster by a fair margin, rajang eats kirin only because it's the weakest elder and he is immune to thunder too, now that an elder variants jobs to pickle variant seems weird

Sales figures came. 1.2 million in the first week so he’s red with rage


>unless you completely mutilate his body.
Which you do
>He is unbeatable by other monsters so far.
Lunastra makes him run off with his tail between his legs
>Rajang only eats Kirin who is the weakest elder.
So it only counts when you want it to count
>All of the above makes him a marysue

It is a pathetic draw. It's as if Jho fucked Nergi in the ass and Nergi just managed to bit Jho in the dick with his spiky asshole. It's fucking embarrassing.


> and offer reactive gameplay instead of flowchart stuff like lance or GL,
What? Lance is all about the counters. Especially with Offensive Guard.

Christ did Nergigante fucked your mom or something?


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Seriously, these threads are shit now.
Listfag is a problem, but anyone criticizing World/Iceborne gets labeled as listfag.
I was called listfag once for pointing out how washed out the game looks.

>1.2 million in the first week
Where the hell are you getting that number from?

Cut the tail, smash his bones whenever you can, learn to dodge and use those superman dives

God I fucking hate Shara
I keep fucking dying
I hit its head with GS the entire cocksucking time, and no head carves
Fuck tenderplates, and fuck everything, god I wasted two hours of my life trying this fucker, god fuck cocksucking fuck old everwyrm hsit fuck

Guys why is Gore Magala such a mary sue
>unkillable, comes back as Shagaru
>kills other flagships and turns them into angry zombies
>looks edgy
>final boss of G's village quests out of nowhere, only major thing after him there is Fated Four huntathon

>proceeds to get mad over and over while nobody cares
Does he ever see the irony?

t. listfag

Can you catch Zinogre with a shock trap? Leveling up grinding lands sure is some shit.

I can't tell if these types of posts are really just one guy or if multiple people enjoy shitting up these threads.

>Can you catch Zinogre with a shock trap?
Yeah, sure user. Go right ahead.

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We're not gonna agree anyway.
>same as CB
Dodge slash useless besides once every five years to get some distance to use saed the actual move you wanted to do.
Swords attacks besides charged slash and shield thrust useless.
>Axe attacks are 100% useless
Normal axe attacks ARE useless. Part breaking my ass.
What's good is savage axe mode which I said which is still worse than saed simply as that. The only reason to use it is for fun.
>this is like saying helm splitter spam
Uhm yes? That's what you do. Just that saed spam is even more extreme. All your examples are just about going out of your way to be fancy not the actual moveset being useful or fitting together.
Nothing you said is actually useful in game. All these options of CB are on paper.
>constant resource management
Focus 3 says hi. 6 Phials in 2 or 3 seconds is hardly massive resource management.

Again there's only charged slash. GP and saed that you need to actually use for 100% effectiveness.

Good question. I've never actually tried in my past years of monster hunting. I just never took one on Zin gunt with me after I learned he charges up from them.

Can't wait for you to get banned again.

>Which you do
You don't. You just cut off a bunch of shit, which he then regenerates back when he revives himself.
>Lunastra makes him run off with his tail between his legs
Teo and Luna both. He slams Lunastra's face in when they turf war, and he tanks her nova.
It is a well known fact that Kirin is the weakest. He has the least amount of HP in every game, he is easy to stun and trip.
Keep crying, porcupine fucker.

>it only counts when I want it to count

That's what i figured, but considering it works with the other thunder monsters, maybe it would have.

There’s probably a lot that you still have to learn.

Chugging like crazy is perfectly normal though, and something even I do to this day, with 10 years of experience on my belt.

The point is not dying anyways. It doesn’t matter if it takes 1,2 or 20 megapotions.

Just focus, learn the patterns and avoid getting frustrated or panicked. What weapons do you use?

Chameleos uses fatty skeleton though

No it just makes him more powerful.

This should be obvious, but - don't get greedy.
If you feel like you have to heal too many times during a hunt - then try not to take as much damage in the first place.

he could get knocked like the elders, but devs are retards

I caught him in one just the other day, dunno if he's trapped for less time than other monsters since I tranqed him before the trap.

>dude trust me

I hate Nergigante, but unlike Listfag I actually played Iceborne so I can give my reasons to hate it in the story
>after you kill Velk and you do the Elder investigations, Nerg thorns start showing itself and handler creams herself in the voice clips
>if you three cart to Ruiner Nergi before Shara (I did, which was really pathetic, I know) there's loads of dialog about "OH THAT OLD THORN IN OUR SIDE'S BACK AGAIN AND MAN HE SURE IS STRONG AND AWESOME"
>the whole killsteal debacle
>during the credits, Admiral talks about how Nergigante is nature's "balancing mechanism" and everyone sucks its dick
In short, Nergi is Ryozo's pet, look forward to the final DLC being AT+ Ruiner Nerg

>implying I need to lie
Im not a streamer normie so there is no evidence, if I wanted to lie I wouldnt even have mentioned my cart to tigrex. Also you guys thinking that thats something hard to accomplish speaks for itself. git gud

AT Nerg and AT Luna were much harder than anything in iceborne so far.

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I know they get a bad reputation online, but I have the most fun with Long Sword and Bow. Mostly Long Sword alone, and Bow with others, though.

Only if he's not supercharged

Washed out?, the colors get very vibrant. Just look at the coral highlands.

kulu lance is easy to get early and will last you until postgame it's really good

>No proofs

Yeah, you totally beat the game with HR gear. We all believe you and you're really cool.

Who gives a fuck, you dumb faggot?
>dying to ruined Nerg
git fucking gud lmao

I got the palico revival once when I was fighting Brachy because Azure Los was being a cunt and poisoned me with that double slingshot attack. Iceborne is easy.

>useless except all the times when it's useful
normal sword attack is also useful when you don't need to do a charge to fill your phials or as starter to not accidentally do the sliding attack

no all those options are real and offer way more depth, the fact that you're some minmax rainman tier autist who only has to use the top damage move at all times doesn't change that a good player can and will utilize the weapon better than you; by your dumb logic the GS doesn't even have a moveset since all that's worth doing is finding a ledge and spam jump attacks

>faster resource management means less resource management
quite the opposite, you need to be even more attentive

I literally said my gear was the Barioth set, which doesnt even exist in HR. My weapon was and still is Empress Cany Styx, until I get enough mats for the high endgame stuff.

It sounds like you need to git gud, duder

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