What happened to AGDQ. Why did it get so boring?
What happened to AGDQ. Why did it get so boring?
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ESA is better anyway.
this unironically
>report to your nearest dilation station
Because it's sterile as fuck now
>That Fallout run where the guy stops to congratulate his "gf" on her transition aniversary
those nipple are gross
They had to keep it corporate friendly.
>That skyrim run where they got stuck in a loop and HAD to use console command cheats to continue the run
>100% all quests randomizer 10-man relay race
>eta: 6:00:00
Who the fuck actually watches this shit? Why aren't people actually speedrunning games at a speedrunning event?
It's a corporate event now, so nothing fun can be done anymore without hurting Twitter feelings
Just posting some underrated GDQ material.
The utter lack of social awareness in this one is so good.
Around 2013 was when AGDQ was at it's best. It was still a prominent, successful charity event but it wasn't so large that it got too corporate.
Nowadays, it is too big so it has to be family friendly and many runs lack that personal feel.
my favorite runner got banned for giving his friend weed
OneHand OneHand OneHand OneHand
AGDQ is no fun allowed, ESA fortunately isn't as cucked
more focus on the technicalities of speedrunning instead of autists, drama, and fun. Speedrunning is fucking boring.
Um, you do realize how triggering presence of cis gendered females is for trans women?
I would really prefer if you would be quiet
*swallows your cum*
Once it got popular and became about the money and a bunch of the mentally ill stroking eachother off via donations. three quarters of the runners are pretty boring, and they exclude the more interesting and entertaining runners because of 'muh politics' and 'muh safe space'. Shame, really.
Shift of focus from the games themselves to the 'personalities' playing them.
Nothing good can survive becoming popular.
What's happening? Is the guy in the wheelchair getting pushed offscreen?
The AGDQ staff considered him emoting to the stream to be "intrusive".
fucking puke
>AGDQ bans an autistic man, aka YSG, from being on stream
>AGDQ bans a physically challenged man from being on Stream
yikes never knew they were that intolerant
The tranny with the huge bald spot never gets old. Get a fucking wig for Christ's sake
>expecting autists that transitioned because of a fetish to do anything other than wear grandma clothes and grow their hair out
He works at a Kroger in Bloomington, Indiana and still hasn't covered that fucking bald spot.
>not a single alcoholic beverage
makes you think
Despite how much Yea Forums usually overexaggerates their involvment, Unironically Trannies in this case.
That, and the event becoming egregiously corporate mixed horribly with the Trannies. It creates a dull, overly PC atmosphere that feels completely soulless.
>that time emptyhero got them to cut the stream for 9 minutes because the producers thought he had snuck into the event in drag and was about to talk shit on their fake charity
>characterful and enthusiastic autists get together to share their love and passion for speedrunning
>event gains steam, great runs occur, wacky characters allowed to express their hilarious autism without restraint
>sociopaths within the community see their opportunity
>manoeuvre their way into positions of authority
>turn the whole thing into their personal event where they get to power trip and essentially bully the runners who made it great into submission
>talent is scared away, the event becomes soulless and all that's left are batshit tranny freaks wielding their oppression points to lord over the remaining runners who haven't realised it's dead yet
This is what happens when a few attention hungry psychos get involved and no one stands up to them immediately.
This SGDQ was unironically one of the best GDQ in years, they finally allowed fun again.
Anything that has been impressive to speedrun has already been done. How many times does anyone need to see Super Monkey Ball with two seconds shaved off. All that’s left over is pathetic nerd drama no one should care about and the events are too professional for that anymore.
You missed the key word there:
>autistic MAN
>disabled MAN
Banning Men is totally acceptable no matter the reason.
Seriously though Mike Uiyama has been trying to bring the fun back the past couple years. He has had it up to the top of his money pile with the tranny brigade.
Blueglass was banned from being in the streaming room. He had an annoying laugh but he was pure fucking soul. He was almost always there, watching even the most boring of games. The only time he wasn't there is when he finally had to sleep or eat.
The leaders contuine the practice by banning other things that were "fun," protomagicalgirl's constant attention whoring for self validation, and allowing more and more runs that are 2+ hours long. Nothing is fun anymore because it gets banned for being mildly offensive.
They banned the true source of fun and power.
I remember there was a run where he was like the only fucking person watching this dude play his game at some retarded hour. Can't believe they'd ban him from the streaming room, fucking insane.
Its all about the importance of the stream. Can't annoy the donaters
I'm with you for the most part, but there was a cooperative Super Metroid x Link to the Past Randomizer run that was like the first time I've been entertained by anything they've released in a while
Didn't she leave ESA?
>allowing more and more runs that are 2+ hours long
This is the biggest problem I have with it. If you can't get to some kind of end state of a game in 2-3 hours it's not event appropriate. No one outside of that game's community, especially not casual stream viewers, cares that it's a 60 hour JRPG or whatever.
Even worse are the gimmick categories that are several hours longer than a normal any% of the same game.
The picture that saved speed running
No blueglass
No fun
Which stream was it?
Management happened. It got managed into being a generic inclusive shitfest. Plus, it generates a fuckton of money for higher-ups.
Sometimes it's good
This man single handedly saved 2019's AGDQ pretty much.
What did bonesaw say that got him banned anyways, I remember him being hilarious
That's what happens when things become more mainstream. It becomes fake and boring.
I think it was his jokes about AirCanada. The staff though AirCanada was going to be deeply offended when in fact, they had no idea of what was going on
Swear words.
The part that was enjoyable was the extreme cringe value from the massive amounts of autism in one place. Retarded drama was hilarious, too.
They've worked tirelessly to make it as professional as possible so there's nothing to really enjoy anymore. It's basically just watching a boring telethon now.
>Blueglass was banned from being in the streaming room.
This is one of the biggest issues that most people don't bring up. Bluegrass and certain other streamers like him are lovable weirdos who were the whole soul of the event. And it was hilarious watching chat react to their autism. Maybe it started out a little mean spirited at first but then you can tell most people came to genuinely like them. But then management banned them and any hope of fun because they don't want autism potentially maybe hurting their profits a bit. And trannies have ruined any chance of things returning to fun
I remember there being tweets from AGDQ staff apologizing to the airline and celebrities that Bonesaw poked fun at because they were so worried he may have offended someone. The airline twitter person responded with something like "who even are you?" lol