Why do people defend their generation of games as if it was the peak of the media...

Why do people defend their generation of games as if it was the peak of the media, all while trashing and disregarding anything that came before and after it?

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"It's different in my case"

My generation = SOUL
Your generation = soulless

No one disregards what came before it, its very common for people (specially after emulators became easy to use) to like games from older generations. Those who disregard new games just don't actually like videogames anymore and just like the ones for nostalgia

people who lack fulfillment in their lives but still want to be arrogant find pride in anything tangentially related to them

The most simple way I can explain it is with Zelda.

Whichever Zelda game was someone's first is their favorite. Everything before it is bad and everything after isn't good.

Post more crummy pokemon creatures dammit

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I started with Twilight Princess, because I grew up poor and didn't have a TV, and it sucked dick. They all suck dick.

I'm an oldfag by this board's standards. There's a lot of new vidya that I like. What I hate is bullshit monetization models and games releasing that are broken to fuck with the thought that it can always be fixed later.

my first was Ocarina, BoTW is my favorite, followed by the NES Zelda

You lose the ability to feel true joy after childhood ends. When you're a child, your brain is pretty much absorbing as much information as it can and then once you're an adult, you simply do things based on the information you gained when you were a kid. Nothing is ever really new. This is why so many people on /v are whining all the time about video games getting boring. Games aren't as rewarding as adults, but it's the only way they learned to gain joy/fulfillment during childhood so when it stops working they're completely lost.

I don't care about generational shit, if a generation happens to have fewer games that I enjoy that's purely coincidental.
In my experience the old good new bad meme is only used by people who have nothing better to say in the face real criticism, and thus the problem looks more severe than it actually is.

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Water is better, reatard

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Hold the fuck up. A video game thread on Yea Forums?

Steel types are where it's at, bitch.

Link to the past was my first, but BotW is my favorite.
I enjoy them for completely different reasons.

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my first was Link to the past but my favorite is majora.

your theory sucks

The only Zelda I actively dislike is Skyward Sword

because i grew up in the literal golden age of video games, it was the peak of the media and is recognized as such. dumb fucking zoomie.

>pokemon go
>pokemon co.

Tried and true.
>Old thing good
>New thing bad

>Everyones an idiot except for me.

because my generation of games actually was the peak

(1) Things, regardless if its games or not, are made by a minority of people who dont know what they are doing.
(2)Then those things get fine tuned by the people who do it "better".
(3) the minority of fans who liked the things try to build off the prior examples.
(4) The "better" things shy away from concepts that the original ideas tried, alienating some of the original fan base. All while the new creators wonder if they can get more people into the "thing".
(5) Next generation has more fans of the "thing" than the prior generations, due to changes to the product.
(6) The thing has become mostly focused on targeting the majority of people, while alienating both the original group, and the middle groups.

This is why this issue happens. It doesnt mean the new thing is inherently worse, nor the original thing is worse.
Examples in video games;
>Old atari games play like mobile crap
>NES games try to make advanced Atari games, while some start the new generation of "flashy super power up" style games like Mario.
>SNES makes new genres, some of which play like pretty mobile crap, and enhances the flashy super power up style gameplay, with ice guns, and earthquake missiles. Adventures grow longer.
people who like the mobile stuff feel alienated by the more time dedication of the adventure games, but semi ok with some of the flashy super power up stuff. newer generations see most of the atari stuff, think its too simple.
(some like it, like my mom)
>PS1/N64 multiplayer games start to kick into full swing with N64, and attempts as "simulation" realism kicks in, with less focus on "super power ups" Players stick to the game types they like, while casuals are attracted to simulation and multiplayer.
>PS2/xobox power up/mobile stuff nearly dies off, realism goes up, online multiplayer starts off
>PS3/360 continuation of the above.

I was a fan of the flashy super power up era. I like my gravity gun, ice guns, etc. Mess around toys.


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You'll understand when you're old enough to post in this forum

I started with A Link to the Past, my favorite is still Ocarina and the only Zelda I think sucks is BOTW because it's mediocre.

So how did you play it? Did you just look at your reflection in the disc? You should get a Wii and a TV, it is actually a video game

Zoomerchads don't care, they still got a whole life ahead of them and their arguments are like "lmao i dont like old graphics, chill dude xD", while boomers and "born in the wrong generation" zoomer incels from 4channel seethe and try to pinpoint why old good and new bad.


Just realize that it is a cycle and when you start to get older, you WILL somewhat grow out of touch and feel like events are just passing you by. Also, teenagers and young adult are objectively "stupid" in the sense of their lack of experience, but eagerness to preach, so as an old fuck, you will find them insufferable even if you know you used to be the same.