When did it become cool to hate Zero? I remember people living him back when the games were coming out...

When did it become cool to hate Zero? I remember people living him back when the games were coming out, all the way as far back as even X6. I see this rising tide of opinion among the fanbase that loathe this character under the belief that he hijackws the franchise, or because he was a creation of Inafune.
What are your thoughts Yea Forums?
I fucking love both. They're one of the better bromances in vidya

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I like both but X more than Zero. The Megaman Zero games are Awesome and have some of the best music and i really like the art style they went for it

>When did it become cool to hate Zero?
Conman got exposed so people started to hate everything he made.

why are their boots so fuking big?

They dont skip leg day

Blame con man.

When people found out Con-man was the responsible over the Zero fanwank, which was going to such ridiculous lenghts that originally Zero was meant to fight the real X, who had gone full tyrant.



>They're one of the better bromances in vidya
It was almost full on yaoi by X6 but otherwise I agree.

Keiji Inafune, you fool.

Fuck anyone that hates on based Zero, X is gay and weak, a peace loving retard that let the world go to shit until Zero had to nuke himself up to save it.

never liked zero, he does nothing for me

how new?

I don't buy the narrative that Inafune was the sole driving force for Zero's inclusions. He was just an illustrator until the Playstation days where he got producer credits. I think there's a genuine love among the entire Capcom staff, not just Inafune.

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Fuck, why did I never give Zero, Dante, Vergil a try?

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Zero was my fav character when i was kid!

I like him but I feel the sheer emphasis placed on him as the series grew kind of stunted X's growth.

Not that I'd have enjoyed the path they were hinting on turning him into a villain.

Zero was never cool. I want to play as Mega Man the dude who gets lots of cool and unique powerups each game. Not the dude who's constantly dying and coming back and re-earning the same old slash combos.

>I see this rising tide of opinion among the fanbase
It's probably fans that weren't kids in the 90s or 00s.

Zero was always cooler than X and no amount of kickstarter whining will change that



>When did it become cool to hate Zero?
At least within the FGC, when he was a menace in TvC:UAS and UMvC3.

Inafune hate got redirected at his favorite creation, Zero.

I like Zero. I like him the most in X2, when he's separated into pieces and safely tucked away in my inventory.

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What's everyone opinions on the DiVE beta? I think it's neat. Nothing I'd sink money into though.

Surprisingly fun.

Its always been a Mega Man thing. Not sure why but I like it because it made the franchise have soul.

Cant play lol it ask me for an email.


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Can we admit that they need to pretend X7 and 8 never happened? Those games are fucking horrible and the characters are trash

X7 managed to make Zero not fun to play. It's amazing. He wasn't that great in X8 either. His sword combos and weapons weren't that satisfying to use, but I blame that more in the level and enemy design being poor. Speaking off level design, C8 literally only has 2 traditional fucking stages. Everything else is an auto scroller or some gimmick shit. Like holy fuck, Bamboo Pandamonium and Noah's Park are literally the only non-trash stages, and Noah Park fucking ends in 2 minutes.

I'll probably give it a go once it launches for real, but I wish I could just play it on a real platform.

Remember user,this is Yea Forums. It’s basical contrarian central.

Blue stacks my dude.
I know I'm gonna get shit for this, but a Switch port would be cool. Still satisfies the mobile requirement.

Was Iris cute enough to be tormented over for years after her death?

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No, it made the franchise have sole.

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I didnt stay up until 4am last night for Megaman news. Anything besides ZZx Colecction and the phone game?

>news about games

If there was something to talk about, we'd be talking about it.

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Yes well done.