Nintendo cringe gimmicks

I thought Nintendo was past this stage? Just move the fuck on.

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Other urls found in this thread:

From the studio that brought you hits such as 1 2 Switch and Labo, now comes the next must-buy Nintendo innovashun

I want to fuck those girls

It's not aimed for you, fatass.

It's actually aimed exactly for fatasses. A normal person doesn't need a fucking videogame to go to the gym and do basic excercise.


relax, that's just the epic argument the recessed chin ninbabies will be using from now on
also lmao at that game looking better than a pokemon mainline

who exactly is it aimed for
i doubt anyone wants this, aside from diehard nintendo fanboys

Except that for every failure, a success is three times more powerful. For every virtual boy, there is the 3DS. For every Wii U, there is the Switch. Nintendo will always chase gimmicks because when they fail they can mitigate damage, and when they succeed, they bring in way more money then any legit tech ever could.

Nintendo knows their audience and wants them to be healthy, what's wrong with that?

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What a sleaze bag cameraman, undressing that neckbeard with his slow pans. Creep.

The same people that bought Wii Fit. How is that not obvious to you?

Cute, tfw no chubby nintendo gamer bf to play videogames with

One would think they are fit by now

wii fit was 10 years ago, they obviously all gained the weight back

Not at the rate the weight epidemic in America grows

As long as you're not a pig slob fuck, a greasy pimplefaced dork, or just a general all around loser, this game is going to be PRIMO for scoring pussy.
So go on adjusting your pocket protectors, tip your fedoras, and don't wash your taints while playing your zoomershooters and autismo grand strategies, while Chad's like me are drowning in box.
Step up your game, dorks.

>this game is going to be PRIMO for scoring pussy.
yeah, totally.

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>yes, I play Ring Fit Adventure daily, how could you tell?

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Fitness games are easy money.

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>He doesn't want to be around a girl flopping around on their floor, giggling and getting flirty.
My man, go meet some women, they like to have fun.

I lost 30 pounds playing beat saber :)

nintendl is a toymaker, they never pretended to be anything else, I don't get why spergs get up in ams everytime they come up with stuff like this

look elsewhere if you want something that'll soothe your highschool trauma of not being allowed at the cool kids table

Shhhhhh, no one plays that stuff. People only play Bloodborne, Astral Chain and Gears of War.

I'm so glad I ditched Nintendo, they aren't interested in gamers since the wii.

If this is anything more than $30, you're being ripped off.

It's actually based. One step closer to the Shower-Con

Nintendo has the largest female audience of all platforms solely because of Animal Crossing and Pokemon. Switch is also getting lots of Hidden Object games, a genre that exists because of women buying them.

Oh god, im in pain from laughing

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80 bucks for the game and accessories.

imagine calling shit "cringe" while also pretending to be over the age of 18

Is this a parody?

I thought Sony was past this stage? Just move the fuck on.

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>goatse simulator

Bloodborne is weird pick even for a Yea Forums meme game, fucking ARMS sold as much as it did.

What the fuck is wrong with this guy's face?

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lmfao, they are bleeding these paypigs fucking dry

You mean Wii Fit :^)


I mean if it's a full game then it's like 20 bucks for the peripherals which isn't extoritonate but definitely not worth it.

I think Nintendo just like having massive boxes in stores.




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>Literally a Pilates ring and exercises
This is straight up designed for women.

>thigh strap

We already know what's going to happen

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>squeezy thing just presses on the contacts without any actual force being measured
>leg strappy thing is just the motion sensor being waggled


If you knew you could sell something and make big money while only upsetting a handful of "anonymous" shut-ins and socially inept mongos... you would too. No company is going to toss money away because a few people, that would complain no matter what, will dislike your current "gimmick".


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Non-shitpost opinion:
The idea is actually very good. The implementation is bad. They worked around the lack of sensors when they shouldn't have. Not a lot of sensors so you can cheat the movements and being lazy is also coded in for some reason. Also not a lot of movement variety for the same reason. They should have added a sensor in the ring itself or add 2 joycons with the game and just push the game to $100 or something.

Shitpost Opinion:

Nintendo left this out from Direct for a reason. They know all their audiences don't overlap. Millions of people who bought Wii Fit and might be into this are not interested in bing bing wahoo and vice versa.


They did this with Labo too but OH NONONONONO, etc. etc.

I like that they're doing new things conceptually, even if it's not for an audience like myself.

>that boxing game that's also on Switch
is it?

Absolutely magical

Why do Nintendofans love to act like toddlers?

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I haven't laughed this hard in months

At this point I think Nintendo just loves making their fanboy look like total spergs

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Every single thread.
>He was paid to review this

>past gimmicks
What is 3D
What is the Wii U Gamepad
What is muh switching

They're completely different and well implemented in a few fringe cases (Mario Maker 1 comes to mind).
This is more like the Balance Board.


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>The game doesn't count because I say so

No way they put this up in an official video

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>I thought Nintendo was past this stage?
They just released a console with last gen hardware just so you can play it on Söylent meet-ups.


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>They're completely different and well implemented in a few fringe cases
3D was an utter cancer to the 3DS in every single feasible way.

It took processing power away from an already weak handheld. It demanded that even games that don't use 3D have a low resolution because the screen was low res to accomodate the low power and 3D of the system. It served no meaningful gameplay purpose, and having experience both it and VR, I can say I never once felt 3D offered me any meaningful level of spatial awareness like VR at least can do sometimes, as gimmicky as it is. It also inflated the price of the system considerably.

3D on 3DS was the definition of the absolute worst kind of gimmick a console could possibly have. Utterly meaningless, yet demanding on the hardware and expensive to produce.

Oh yeah, the 3D was shite. The Gamepad was squandered potential though.

>posts the official 2018 Game of the year
Not sure what point you're trying to make sport.

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Spider-man was a way better game wtf

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>not whirrjak simulator
come on

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It's absolutely retarded to not try to diversify.
The sole reason why gaming as a whole is shit is EXACTLY due that.
Companies obsessed with copying exactly the shit that sold most and nothing else.
Not trying anything new, not trying to hit several markets.
Not wanting to have a solid base.

Yet you're still fat. Only a fat person can lose that much weight from playing a shitty motion game.

>not realizing that Nintendo's endgame is making YOU the controller; momentarily freeing us from console cuckery forever as Microsoft and Sony revamp their platforms to compete.
>not realizing basedTendo only has to get it right once to change the world and they are completely willing to fire as many shots off into the dark to get it right
>mfw Yea Forums wants gaming to change but mocks gamings prime innovator

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Just don't buy it?
It's not like any big titles still force your lazy ass to move like the Wii did.

>cringe gimmicks
They always do something weird to compensate for their weak hardware.


On the other hand, it works. Wii sold like crazy while Gamecube and N64 both failed.

is losing weight a bad thing now?


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This is it, this is going to sell so much that people in the VR sector will finally realize that VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.

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getting fat in the first place is a bad thing

You're either extremely overweight or you changed diet aswell


>snoyboys trying to divert attention from the death stranding disaster

It honestly looks kind of fun. Just because they do this shit every now and then doesn't make it automatically bad or make it all they do. What are you gonna tell me next? DDR is bad because it's a gimmick too?

Thanks for confirming it's you ninetards that are doing all the death stranding shitposting.

Looks fun at fuck, y'all fat shits are just mad you won't be able to play for more than five minutes without being gassed.

The thing about DDR and Beat Saber is that those games also have learning curve and difficulty and also tun of customization. What will this have? Chances are it's yet another Nintendo party game that gets boring after two hours. Nintendo could experiment more and give more tools to the players but that would probably clash with their profit goals.

Ok , jokes aside, so no one here sees the pros of a videogame device that responds to force? Outside of an exercise game? Like u can pick up a boulder and crash it, or even enemies skulls

That picture takes me back. I fapped to that gif once.

it has 20 worlds with multiple stages and apparently takes dozens of hours to beat, so it's probably going to get pretty tough after a while, physically I mean


Watch, by the end you're doing like, supersets of burpees, squats, etc.

fucking lmao

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Just imagine the streamer potential nowadays


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>tease a game that's completely incompatible with your new hardware a week before it comes out
What did they mean by this

>This is what Nintendo thinks roasties do

post fit grills

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It means Switch Lite is just an excuse to sell a SwSh bundle

You know, it's quite possible to do a full body workout using just your body and your floor. Don't even need electricity for it.

Why Nintendo and it's fans so fucking pathetic?

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This looks like it's a Mad TV sketch

The way the woman leans over as if he's her 5 year old kid.

Happily married father of two here. That looks like fun. Might check it out. My kids absolutely loved LABO too and I personally was very impressed with the imagination and innovation behind it all - as were most rational adults.

You mentally cripped seething tweens get yourself in a state over absolutely fucking nothing. There's a reason Nintendo don't even mention these things during their Directs. Because they're not aimed at you.

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Just don't buy it

do they really think people that play nintendo.... work out?

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*This post was sent from the Nintendo manchild basement*

I wish my apartment had enough open space for me to play.

Are you unironically defending the fucking labio of all things?

move your couches user

A lot of work to play a single game.

>past this stage
>Just move the fuck on
you talk as if Nintendo isn't about to make 10 trillion billion normie dollars off this hula hoop with a joycon slot.

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Trannies arent women


looks like he's .... one of the subversive types

If Cardboard works...
At this point might as well sell a Sandwich bag full of cow dung, plaster a N logo on it, and call it a day.

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Party hard.

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The but-lug doesn’t hold like it used to.

fuck everyone else. I am a fatass with horrendous willpower and laziness problems. Id rather just play bideogames and stay inside. If this actually helps me get fit a bit then i will give it a go. If it doesnt work then it doesnt work. If it does then ill finally get fit doing videogames and i can be happy about finally being able to do anything without huffing and puffing harder and faster than that big bad wolf.

I wanna fuck the dragon

These people wasnt paid to pretend to enjoy it
Nintendo literally had their children off camera with guns pointed at their heads.

Arms is good for burning calories and it’s actually fun.

Think they will ever release a Nintendo Labo soi bottle opener... my hands are starting to bleed.

They only post when their wife's boyfriends say they can. which isnt as often as you would think.

They make bank off of this shit.

fucking embarrassing

Learn proper grammar, faggot.

Wii Fit was successful, it's just that again

as if they were targeting the average Yea Forums user with it

>with horrendous willpower and laziness problems.
until you fix this
you will never better yourself regardless of what game shit you buy.

I mean I think the game itself isn't worth 60 bucks but it's disengenous to claim the cardboard is all you get.

yeah im eyeing it but i want to work more on legs and stomach. I have huge tree trunks for legs(i am 140 kilos) which is causing me a lot of problems which is making life difficult at the moment.

However I might pick arms up in the next nintendo winter sale.

But would merging the two demographics of just wanting a simple light workout game with an RPG work and sell?

And i am trying to fix it, hoping that because this is a video game it might get me to improve my willpower problem. Im not looking for this to fix all my problems, just to be a launch pad to get me off my fat ass and help me out.

I mean it worked for stuff like Wii Sports, look at the swordfighting game in Resort. Building on it for a full title isn't that out there.

Why is everything about Nintendo so sóy infused

at the very least this will bring some fun jerma streams

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I suppose it's not that far out if it's a bit simplified like the sword fighting mini-game. I doubt the RPG elements will be too deep to turn off some people not used to it.

Sure they are

is there a video source?

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>genuine picture evidence of Miyamoto COOOOMING
Why do you even have that?

Console wars are over. No one could ever recover from something like this.

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It's just a novelty item, learn to laugh and not be such an uptight cunt about entertainment items.

> exercise is "cringe"
When did this board get invaded by fat gay hipsters?

You don't just stop exercising when you get fit. Staying fit is a lifelong commitment.

>that boxing game that's also on Switch
Where's the source on that?
Only article I found said it sold only 300k physical

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nice, a new cockring, finally my size

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Nice low-effort cardio, Nintenbabies. Do you actually expect to gain any semblance of fitness from this "game?"

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>Nintendo announces Switch Mini which isn't compatible with Labo, implying they won't release any more Labo sets
>but then announces a new peripheral that's only compatible with original Switch models

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Why are you even complaining? It's a single fucking game. If your talking about gimmick games in general like labo and 1 2 switch, THEN ITS STILL MERELY JUST A HANDFUL OF GAMES. It's not like the wii where every developer decided to throw in gimmicks in their game because the had motion controls, and you had no way to get around it. Just don't buy the fucking games, and you should have no problem continuing to jerk yourself off with other games. I actually like fitness games and this looks interesting to me, fuck you.

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>two vaporware games
even while flexing, nintendofags manage to make themselves look worse

> Everybody losing their shit about a guy doing flutter kicks
I guess they look a little silly, but you guys are reacting like it's the weirdest thing in the fucking world. That's a basic cardio maneuver. It only looks so weird because there's a room full of people around him clapping.

Remind me again when the last PS4 exclusive launched?
Wasn't it Days Gone, back in April?

Yes. I expect that doing cardio every day might be good for somebody's health. Do you have an argument to the contrary?

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>Why are you even complaining?
Im not, Im just saying this looks like another game where the player acting like an idiots is the most entertaining part

>white people.webm

Judgement in June, what does that has to do with 2/3 games on that pic being MIA since forever?

>what does that has to do with 2/3 games on that pic being MIA since forever
You mean like Ghost of Tsushima, Wild, and Deep Down?

>Judgement in June
That came out in December

im not, im actually interested. However you are on Yea Forums and Yea Forums just loves to fling shit at anything unique, especially when its nintendo doing it.

All the console war faggots andshit coming out of the woodworks to cause a shitstorm and then after play victim and call nintendo the worst group because they rise up to bait. Its pretty shit but nothing can be done unfortunatly.

I dont know, I didnt make a pic about those games, why are you deflecting?
It came out here in the states a few months, but if you want to be autistic about that then Azure Lane came out like last week

>Exercise games are cringe now
Wanna know how I know you're a fat fuck?

>I didnt make a pic about those games
neither did I

my god, this has me in tears

then why did you save that pic?

I wasn't the one who posted it


>Exercising is cringe now
This is why none of you will ever get laid.

It's a fucking game that's designed to help you get fit and lose weight. Hell, people without a gym in their area would kill for a game like this. Why is trying to lose weight suddenly a "bad thing" now? Because it's Nintendo doing it?

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This is hardly proper excercice. It just fools hambeasts into they're working out. If anything it might be counterproductive. Also getting fit is 99% diet.

>losing weight by playing games
Not how you do it Amerilard.

>Exercise is counterproductive

that ring thing seems dangerous, when even a skinny young woman can press it together that easily, then someone stronger might hit their hands together or break the damn thing

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If you need a game to be motivated to work out, then chances are that you are indeed a fatass or a fanboy who wasnt into this until Nintendo decided to make money out of it

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>Because it's Nintendo doing it?

Pretty much, that and people just love calling anything thats different "cringe" which is fucking pathetic, what is cringe about exercising in your own house?

I fucking despise hate culture, unfortunatly i still stick around Yea Forums because of the few gems of threads that appear now and then.

You got room for treadmills and shit in your house? Got like 699$ for exercise equipment? Is there a gym near your area? No?

Then what are you to do now faggot?

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>This is why none of you will ever get laid.
>first thing it comes to mind is using sex as an argument

Learn to read faggot. This is like people who take alternative new-age herbs thinking it's as potent as regular medication.

Go for a jog fatso. Hell I'm pretty sure a game like Beat Saber or DDR would give better excercise, especiallh cardio.

>nintendo tries to find a way to get fat weebs to exercise
>fat weebs call it cringe

push-ups? squats? jogging? using whatever heavy garbage as dumbells? are you that lazy and fat you cant come up with exercises that dont require equipment?

These two are so fucking weird. May be it''s ironic and they supposed to be looking like couple of serial killers?
Watch 1:11 - the man awkwardly looks at you with his psychotic eyes and gives you a shitty full of teeth smile like he wants to devour your soul?

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I have nothing scornful to say about it, but it just doesn't look that fun. It's waggle 3.0, which I wasn't fond of when it first came out.

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It's like a madtv skit.

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>We have reached the fucking point that exercising, losing weight, bodybuilding, getting fit, etc. is considered cringe on this board.

What the FUCK.

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it is cringe when your motivation to work out comes from a fucking videogame and not because you want to self improve yourself

who cares what your motivation is?

Admit it. It's because it's Nintendo doing it. Isn't it?

Nah it was still cringe when Playstation did it

because people now suddenly want to work out of nowhere because they made a game about it
I could care less if anyone else does it, the fact people JUST NOW want to get in shape because they made a game about it it's fucking dumb

Have you gotten the message that maybe these companies want you to get off your lazy ass?

Have the companties gotten the messages that their audience doesn't want to do that

More like Nintendo tries to fool Stacys and old fucks into thinking this is a valid replacement to actual workout.


>Stacys and old fucks
then why would they make it look like a jrpg dumbass

>making fun of anyone exercising for whatever reason
This poster is 300+lbs confirmed.
Only a fat piece of shit with no willpower or ability to not be a fat piece of shit would be angry about someone exercising. I would say hang yourself, but your family don't deserve to be crushed under a collapsing house.

Pokemon GO and the 3DS say otherwise. If they can convince people to go outside and walk around for HOURS, they can convince people to get fit.

>Beat Saber and DDR
How the fuck is that any different than this
>Go jog
Not a healthy option where I live

Companies also send me the message to accept trannies as people, and like all messages im in my choice to chuck that message to the garbage bin

>Implying anyone actually used Streetpass outside of Japan

Not sure how this is cringe

I'd like the non-payable wifi gimmick.

>Pokemon GO
didnt most people used their cars and such or only did it on their houses or while also doing something else on the street?

>didnt most people used their cars and such or only did it on their houses or while also doing something else on the street?

Only the most insular people did that. When GO first came out, we literally had parks and shopping centers having to ban people here because there were dozens walking around playing

Did you not go outside even once during those first few months or something?

>Happily married father of two
>Makes fun of "cripped seething tweens" on image sharing board for autistic manchildren
Something doesn't add up here.

No one who posts here is a happily married normie man. Great larp.

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most people shitting on it haven't done a single exercise for the past 10 years

>Exercising is cringe now according to Yea Forums
I hate this place. I hate that going outside, talking to people, getting fit, and freely expressing yourself and not feeling insecure is considered unnatural behavior on this hellhole of a website. Is masturbating to cartoons and talking non-stop about multimedia products the only thing that matters here. Is reality just a big middle finger here that you faggots are just afraid to face it like a man.

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>anonymous man on the internet tells us how he's more succesful and happy than all of us while acting like a child

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If I wanted to get exercise I would do it without having someone to sell me a videogame about it

this isnt real right? this cant really be a thing

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And what about people who WANT to play a game like this? You're acting like if you saw a mom buying this for herself you'd slap it out of her hand like a manchild.

I literally use my VR to do cardio daily via Creed. How is this any different?

>And what about people who WANT to play a game like this?
then they are most likely to play this for a while and never touch it again like they did with most WiiFits
>You're acting like if you saw a mom buying this for herself you'd slap it out of her hand like a manchild.
im not a sperg like you so...

My wife was interested in it. She might pick it up. I'd try it.

>inb4 "My wife's son" or Tyrone posting

/ourguy/ josh thomas thinks it looks super generic and sterilized and that it's worse for actually working out than wii fit

oh nonononono

>I thought Nintendo was past this stage
did you miss the joycon gimmick they released with their underpowered tablet or what?

>thought Nintendo was past it
Did you completely forget about Nintendo LABO already? They're nowhere near past it. Trying to sell a fucking exercise band with a game isn't even the worst thing they've tried. I'm amazed they didn't try to say it's compatible with the old Wii Fit balance board to force people to rebuy those or something.

There is something sexual about this.

Who's the grill in the Labo shirt

I already take my Switch to the gym to use while doing Cardio so...

To be fair being married and a father doesn't save you from being a stupid fuck. did i just watch...Switch Sports ?`!?!

Nintendo wants you to get fit. Yes.

>another labo where the tendies will defend the fuck out of a garbage gimmick

>Yea Forums is bad because people don't pretend Nintendo gimmicks are good

Nah, Labo is fucking retarded but this is actually interesting. It's a turn based RPG game that you play with physical fitness. Sorry you're a fat fuck and won't be able to play it

Nah it looks like shit lmao

cope fat lard

I guarantee you're fatter than me, tendie. Now go play with your labo ring

t. brainlet retard

Kys you samefagging tard

his soul is dying

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Post your weight tendie. I weigh 70kg on 1,83m.

>t. nintendie faggot

>Associated with hating women and mass killings

Can you imagine being a disgusting incel and hating mass killings?

That's a fun way to repurpose the drifting joycons

Staying fat is worse faggot

>Nintendo wants you to lose weight
>This is somehow a bad thing

t. literal shit for brains

Nope. Nintendo wants you to think they want you to lose weight. In truth it's another useless gimmick that will have minimum positive impact on people's lives.

I doubt someone would lose weight to this or lose it only to gain it back shortly after

you got ripped off mate, got my copy for like £10.

How the fuck is this supposed to make you lose weight? This is some shake weight shit.

What race are these people?

Doing that many reps that quickly is actually hard as fuck. Props to this man.

They can do whatever the fuck they want, they've been releasing the same games for over 20 years and people still eat this up.

why does every white guy who works at nintendo looks like he's on coke

Good job user, we all start somewhere. Keep it up.


Good job, I'm proud of you


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You can cheat the movements with almost every exercise under the sun, but in the end you're just cheating yourself and wasting your own time. It's similar to Just Dance, it doesn't matter if it can accurately read your movement, what matters is that the game is telling you to move and you do just that.


This wouldn't be even a tenth as funny without the five people watching.

the guy in the blue shirt lmao

underrated post

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Im feeling a bit nostalgic for gimmicky shit like Wii Fit, night pick it up. Could also get back into exercise too

>nintendo STILL trying to recreate the wii
just move on already holy shit


>pewdiepie better give me that fucking money

Will this be the first SMT title to sell over 600k copies? I don't believe it's going to break a mil, I simply don't believe it'll break 1 mil even on such a popular console and hype.
On the other hand, Kaneko you better come back you fuck and leave that hack Meguro working on his epic jpop low fi hip hop beats dancing games, bring back the SMT IV sound team and only let Meguro in the building if he's brought his SMT III/SJ self with him.

Astral Chain has been out for about 3 weeks.

It would have been three vapourware titles if they'd put in metroid prime 4 too.

>only reason I can get into fitness is because I bought a video game product associated with it

He was talking about Bayo3 and SMTV

fucking kek, and I though labo was bad

They're aiming for the Fortnite audience aren't they?

>I went to acting school for this


Attached: lucifer.webm (1280x720, 2.64M)

>I would say hang yourself, but your family don't deserve to be crushed under a collapsing house.

Reminder that the Labo was meme magic'd years in advance

I kind of like the idea of a ca(r(pg))dio

although I also actually go the gym a lot and am in pretty good shape so im not worried about looking like the stay puft man trying to play a game

I mean you, don’t have to buy it.

Robbie Rotten.

I love gimmicks, keeps video games fresh.

Attached: 1371366832361.jpg (288x175, 15K)

Attached: BB Dragon.jpg (1200x1143, 104K)

I want him to crush me until my bones are turned into dust.

Just do fucking burpees and jumping Jack's or the 7 minutes workout
Like you need a game to exercise

>This poster is 300+lbs confirmed.
Enough projection to build an entire cinema

Why would I just do that out of nowhere if I don't even get experience points or deal damage to enemies?
How unsatisfying that would be.

I'm close to 30. Ever since I stopped smoking I've been gaining weight. I'm close to a beer belly situation or already there. I should have more motivation to go running / do actual sports, but I don't.
And now I'm actually considering giving this a shot.

These companies don't give a shit as long as they get you to buy their crap and make themselves look good.

Reminder that the Labo was meme magic'd years in advance

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 34K)

What kinda disgusting mutt is this?

based and saved

Wait til you see the post above yours.