It's a Vinny sounds suicidal again stream

>it's a Vinny sounds suicidal again stream

When will he finally do it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

What did he do this time?

Post clip

joel is better anyway

Is Joel's Spelunky phase finally over?


never, hes fucking made to be an entertainer. any of you retards who think you can connect or relate to him are pathetic. just laugh at speen man and stop caring about his personal life. hes fucking fine,aw dead mom? fuck it, you can deal with it fine. hes a normal human bean, are you?

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>he streams his suicide while doing mario & luigi voices

"i can't deal with this luigi, my life is a fucking mess"

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Here's a better question. When will e-celeb threads finally be banned from Yea Forums?

Yes, he finally beat Yama. He'll still probably keep playing cause he likes it so much, but it's impressive to see how far he's come now, especially with the decisions he makes and prioritizes in the game.

>internet funnyman goes crazy
wow le so randum xD subscribed and upboated

>internet funnyman kills himself

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Where can I download the Spelunky mod he uses?

What happened this time? Did he get salty and bitch and whine about a Mario game or some fan created thing?

is vinny's mom dead? i didn't knew this

i'm fucking tired of the red letter media jokes he does every 5 minutes

>Dead mom
Nigger WHAT
I know Vinny never really talks much about his parents besides when he talks about his childhood, where the fuck did you get that Vinny's mom is dead? You're not thinking that Molly was his mom's name, right?

>watching streams
I came to Yea Forums to talk to adults

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My mom's dead too why dont internet stranger's feel sorry for me too?

Welcome to the club, buddy. I, as well as hundreds of others I'm sure, am fucking sick and tired of Vinny talking about
>Lord of the Rings
>Star Wars
>Star Treck
>Blade Runner
>His shitty fucking band
Every stream, every fucking stream he does this. It's unbearable


Sorry about your mom, user

The second you off yourself. Better get to it.

That's rough buddy.


damm, sorry for ur mom user

>it's a "weird game" stream
>games are all off made by trannies
every time

Hope you recover quickly, man. She wouldn't like seeing you get down over it.

How else does someone live in a house in new york city with no job?

Maybe you should join her too

I know how it feels to lose a parent, user. I'm sorry.

Protip moron, teens have always been here and you're the dumbass that keeps arguing with them day in and day out.
t.started browsing when I was 15 during Japan Time

I only watch him playing weird and shitty games and he obviously loves those. The monkey wii game is probably the highlight of the year for him.

Yeah those games are so wacky dude xD

Sunday streams are the absolute worst, shittiest streams Vinny does and you should fucking kill yourself if you support him doing that cancer

i'm sorry to hear it user.

He inherited a bunch of money from his Grandma. He could never work a day in his life again if he wanted but he streams for your entertainment.

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>stop liking things REEE

At least some of us grew up and didn't start donating our time and money to internet e-celebs.

If streamers kept the chat interaction to a minimum they wouldn't be so insufferable

It's only fun watching Vinny when he's playing weird shit you've never heard of or when he's playing games he's good at. 90% of the time he's playing any other kind of game is infuriating because honestly he's not good at games he's not familiar with.

>Get 10k points
>Sacrifice them all to Sheev for my WASTE OF POINTS
Worth it, m8

There also may have been a malpractice case regarding what happened to his Mom.

Once we get an eceleb board

should've replied to that post

He looks so depressed.

for me, it's jerimiah

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Imagine having to tolerate furries, no wonder he looks so depressed

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Cheesey Draw's art fucking sucks.

His mom died like 4-5 years ago

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He sounded like he was having a good time when he was playing SNES games in his latest stream.

I wish I could go back to the 2011 2012 streams where he would say retard constantly and look at funny Yea Forums posts. I wish Tumblr didn't have to ruin everything they touch. Now he's just a husk of what he once was.

Anyone else gets the feeling he is actually terrified of his fanbase

I would be too if my fanbase was compromised of obsessive transexual furries that idolize me like a God.

>jeremaih "trans rights" harrington

Look on the bright side, the new guy is a lot better at uploading videos compared to Vappy.

Someone post the vappy porn.

I don't think he's terrified. He just doesn't want to have to deal with drama or hurt feelings and wants them to keep a respectable distance. He's self-aware enough to realize that the whole streamer parasocial relationship thing can be fucking creepy

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Vinny is a cringe faggot. Joel is based.

He's not a husk, he's just guarding himself against retarded outrage mobs. Ultimately he cares more about playing baby games on stream than being a Yea Forums shitlord.

I mean what, realistically, would most people choose?

>You can keep your fanbase and continue to stream but you have to avoid triggering twitter retards
>Say nigger and faggot and retard as you please and deal with constant outrage mob attacks until you're depersoned from the internet

>download is highlighted

>giving a fuck about a streamer's politics or views

They basically kidnapped him. If there's one thing furfags hate, it's when people they like go against them. They'll fucking ruin him the moment he tries to turn on them.

I wonder if it was the artist who decided to put it in or if it was comissioned like that.

I love when you can hear when he clearly has contempt for certain corruption makers. He got pretty annoyed at this one guy for doing memey shit, or just others that do the same old shit Vinny's been doing since 2013.

He's pretty obviously done with corruptions, but he has to keep doing them because they bring in the views. It's like James with AVGN.

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Same with Joel, there was a time where he wouldn't give a fuck. Internet just forces ecelebs to walk on a thin-line and it's sad

He still is a lefty sweed but I like him


Jen and Ima both have a shit load of furry shit and they were like the first people who watched vinny lol..

God i wish that was me

He only says that when trannies donate to him with it in the message and he reads every donation. He sounds really awkward/hesistant every time he says it

I mean broteam is still streaming which disproves your second point

It's a sacrifice most are willing to make.I really hope we have a cultural collapse sometime soon so people can freely express themselves without hairdye faggots ruining their lives.

But Vinny always showed disgust towards furries

Im sorry bro...
reply to that post next time

What? He seems pretty upbeat in the last stream from what little I've watched. Vinny seems fine in most streams recently in fact. Is this some kind of projection? At most he might be a little bored at times, but depressed? I dunno man.

Yeah but he's getting that furbux though. That's bound to ease the pain a little.

Every content creator that gets a semi-large fanbase goes through that, yeah. I think he's been fairly smart at setting ground rules for them so he's probably better off than some in his position. But as said, he's probably just keeping them at arms length. Which, again, is smart.

I like how he handled the Vappy question the other night and played it off as Vappy not having the time to work on the channel anymore instead of shying away from the question. As I said before, he knows how to work his audience and keep the drama in check.

God I need a life. I know entirely too much about a man I'll never meet.

Joel please play Morrowind.

What did Jen mean by this?

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Allegedly Vappy wanted it in there and I even heard that wasn't even the only time this has happened. Either way Vappy had it on his account and got called out for it.

>no job
not even counting the money he inherited he has a decent subscriber base

>vinny stream fan made submissions
>they are shit
>he tries to find the most diplomatic ways of saying that they are garbage without outright saying it

every time

Happy birthday Rev

Vinny realizes that in a few years he's going to be a 40 year old loner doing wacky Mario and Luigi voices to earn money from literal children. I'd be depressed too.

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That's fairly recent. Twitch only forced people to accept subs and bits a few years ago iirc, he had it disabled until then.

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People mention he was depressed because prior to like 2014 or 2015 he was. Listen to his tonality in any stream before that point and you can see that he was a lot less upbeat about stuff.

>literally the most inconsequential dude playing video games, only thing of any note is that he clearly was at least partially influenced by Yea Forums culture in his early streaming days based on the way he talked in early streams
>every Yea Forums thread about him is a conspiracy theorist and doomsaying thread

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i don’t think he ever disabled subs but he did keep bits and i think donations disabled


i feel bad for him
he should have dealt with the furry question but its too late

The latter, only an idiot would give attention to outrage mobs


That is because he had a shitty job that would stress him out, he would also do drugs to cope it

>trannies start spamming their flag in the chat
>you either ignore it or approve
>if you ask them to stop you will be a bigot and get cancelled
It's not like he has a choice

He's a leftist cuck of course he's suicidal.

They banned it during the vinesauce is hope stuff cause it was spam.

He probably masturbate while making Mario and Luigi voices

>check notification
>Spelunky part62 + game + game + more?
>he just streams Spelunky for 4-5 hours and calls it a night
That is one phase I won't miss.

When did this happened ? Jerma always seemed like a right wing guy behind the camera



He will in 2 hours

i swear to god Joel if you don't stream morrowind i'll scream in your in chat in a shitty toad voice.


Vinny is staunchly apolitical on stream

>Dreams stream
>it's just low effort Unity platformers and meme shit

Oh Mario 7?
Is this the one I played?

> The single reason why people are fucking tired of tranny's in gaming
That part of Mario Maker 2 where he had to disable comments in the game because of transfags was really great, seeing all the faggots having to cope with chat finally telling them to fuck off. "Chat is really gross right now" x1000

>suck america every opportunity he gets
>attacked by american hornet
With jews you lose!

The fuck are you on about you autist?

Except those times where he goes political and you can tell he's a socialist.
see: his health care debate.

Tfw he has to because of the charity

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Would you fuck meat-chan Yea Forums?

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I have always been mildly fascinated with fables ever since I was a kid. Playing with the expectations and subverting expectations when it comes to the known traits and associations with various animals. Naturally applying this to humans to various extents also works.

That said. What is it with these furries? I don't understand them at all. Like here you've got humanoid that despite being very humanoid has a shockingly high degree of monstrous traits. And in spite of this is still wearing human clothes and even has human hair. What even?
It looks some really odd case of wanting to have the cake and eat it too. It doesn't look like a human with monster traits, and it doesn't look like a monster with human traits. It's like the dude desperately wants it to fully be both.

Also why are so many furries gay?

When was that? latest MM2 stream?
I dont watch when he plays that game but thatd be worth it

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>le ancient Rome was socialist arguement
What's wrong with seppo's?

Was that why he disabled them? I remember him sounding incredibly exasperated when he did it

I think vinny has a slime girl fetish.

Why does joel keep sucking off Jerma and Simpleflips. No one fucking cares.

robot girls actually

More based

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remember to report all e-celeb threads

Ancient rome was a corrupt failure of a empire and it collapsed for a reason. They should not be emulated or looked to for inspiration or ideas of any kind.

It's that time again, post your hot opinions
>Vinesauce streamer
>upcoming game you would want to see
>retro/vintage game they probably wouldn't play but you still want it anyways
>game you never want to see streamed, alternatively a streamed game you want to see blocked so it will never be touched again (can be one of the current)
>never ever game they would need to get memed into playing

>Vinny reveals he actually has cancer while doing mario & luigi voices

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i do

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But he mentions slime girls a lot. Also lets not forget the one from the charity stream.

>This is it Luigi!

Watch instead of this furry pedo vinny.

Whens vinny gonna credit britbong for stealing the ralph pootawn character in his shitty videos?

>Destroy All Humans
>Warcraft 3
>any Final Fantasy


He has hots for Palutena.

>vinny and joel trying to shill other vinesauce streamers for 10 fucking years now (even getting sorta offended when someone draws "vinesauce" art that only features the two of them)
>most of them still have garbage streams and sub 100 viewers on average
Vinesauce 2.0 with vinny, joel, jerma, simpleflips, jabroni mike and others when?

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I cannot think of exciting new game releases
That pc98 Kojima game would be fun, especially with the blade runner influence
Anything tranny

That's not funny!

FFVII will keep him alive.

Between part 5 and part 6 I think is when it happens. One stage has a bunch of trans flags comments shitting up the level and chat is finally fed up with it, and of course you have the faggots in there reeeeing, all the while Vinny is doing his best to ignore the entire situation, until the next part he has them disabled and even talks a little bit about why he disabled them.

manlet tears shills are still around or is this ironic? i honestly cant tell anymote

I don't know how anyone can actually think Joel is better. Joel's been trash for a few years now.

Mike hasnt been funny since he was known as m6000w.

vinny could have been a fashion model. he has a perfect face

I'm glad Vappy got the boot the new guy running the full sauce channel is far better with the uploads

Sorry to hear that user. I lost my dad this year, I know what you're going through.

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So far the only thing he has schedule that I'm excited for is the dead space 2 stream next month. Hopefully he also plays systems shock 3 in the future. However I hope he never touch undertale just so he can appeal to his autistic chat

I only watch Vinny for a few games, not regularly. What's all this drama about furries and who is/was vappy?

We keep telling you to reply to that post and you didn't listened!

The fact that Vinny is actually good looking makes his resolve to never use face cam even more admirable.

Also 9-Volt's mom

today we're cooking some meat on..

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he shilled here

every time he even mentions Undertale in passing he is guaranteed at least 5 angry emails

Sorry to hear that, bro.

Hope you're doing okay.

Don't know much about the furry thing but vappy helped vinny with editing to get the videos to YouTube. But I'm glad he's gone now because what's his name uploads shit way faster than vappy

Yakuza 7
Sims 2 or Deus Ex
Don't care
Any idolshit or bandori

Vappy was the uploader for the Fullsauce channel for a good few years when it was first created, and even before then on his own channel. But recently (a few months ago) he put Vinny in the background of some furry porn art and that was the last straw for Vin to kick him out. Aside from that between his Animal Crossing and Tomodachi streams both being edited by Captain Southbird (another big furry) it's no surprise that furries are a hidden yet undeniable force in his chat.

I've only seen the one Android game that was circling on livestreamfails with the green screen intro.

What was the other one? I believe it was earlier in the stream.

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and also cause vappy commissioned furry porn with vinnys face on it at least twice

Rev's Homestuck streams are very entertaining


Kek I remember him getting really involved in minigames with 9 volt mom

Wait, twice? I know about one of them but what's the second one? Also, why did he think putting vinny face in his smut was a good idea?

Is Vinny another "came out of Yea Forums" personality?

w-what happened to his mom?

It's gone forever, some user posted it on a streamable link just moments after it happened but it got nuked due to NSFW content.


I hope Vinny plays Death Stranding. I can see the chat hating it and causing him endless irritation but I can also see him having a great time with it. I also can't wait for him to play Animal Crossing next year and maybe Cyberpunk 2077

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actually i might be remembering wrong. he definitely commissioned vinnys face that one time but i think he was also responsible for that cherry art with the red vox shirt

he didn't reply to that post

where'd you fucking get this lmao

It's my money neet, I'll throw it at whatever the fuck I want

His last name isn't Harrington

Where was this from? It's cute

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His Mother died from cancer.
Same with his Grandfather who he was very close with.

>user justifies lootboxes

At least there's a chance you actually get something out of a lootbox

>tfw no cute depressed bf

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>literally all of the voices on his streams are the same he did a dozen years ago

not vinny

his chat loves feet and CBT for some reasons

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Why did his chat killed his mother?


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you look good in that pic

That's likely not true, just the memey fetishes for the sake of a laugh. I'm sure there are definitely people into tat who watch Vinny but for the most part is joke.

I'm pretty conservative, but I think we need free healthcare.

CBT crowd came from Joel and to backtrack further, Simpleflips

His official story is that Vappy has no time because of family and such.
But that IS just a cover story, right? He got fired because of ?

They're just memes because "lol such weird fetishes". Also Joel pushed the CBT meme hard as fuck.

Curious, how did you go about your life afterwards? If my mom died I'd be alone and would have to learn all the adult shit I never bothered to learn. I'd probably be fucked.

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Y'all niggas definately need to rework your healthcare shit. How anyone can even defend having to pay 3-4 figure sums for some fucking stitches is beyond me.

Rev flipping his shit over Hussie using the term "Flame Suppressant" instead of "Flame Retardant" considering his constant use of the word retard was pretty great.

He has shit boomer tastes, especially with his taste in music. He asks like he tries to view things in an unbaised manner yet he throws out definitives left and right. His music sucks really bad took.

I still like him, but the more I watch the more I get annoyed by him.

>Sauce Boss Tier

>Wild Swede Tier

>Maximum Comfy Tier

>Meh Tier

>Boring Tier

>Fake Cunt Tier

>Why Tier

Does anyone have a good example of old Vinny (something he wouldn't get away with today).


Does Fred even exist?

This is a young man's board you boomer

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"I must tell people I hate Limes"

This is kind of sad

I watched a best of clip of this guy and he was really, really unfunny.

vinny (and maybe a few other members of vinesauce) is legitimately the only entertaining streamer out there with more than 50 viewers on average
anyways, inb4 404 because jannies dont know the rules

This is a Black thing, isn't it?

He died doing what he loved, fondling his meat while making mario voices to support LGBT rights and furry porn

What the fuck is up with vinny and the retards having a spurge out about him not playing undertale? I'm assuming it got worse during the smash sans reveal and vinny got annoyed

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>dude jojo lmao
>dude undertale
>boohoo Limmy gave me a sarcastic comment when I said I liked him
>boohoo someone didn't suck my dick for hosting them
>screams at the top of his lungs

Joel fucking sucks.

Learn the shit, you dumb baby.


rev's homestuck streams are pretty comfy to be honest

The retarded Undertale fanbase ruined the game for many people.


>liking homestuck


he said in a stream (i forget which) that he was always a left-leaning person but doesn't really like politics anyway, or something along those lines

There is no way to stream that game without people telling you exactly how to play it.

>boohoo Limmy gave me a sarcastic comment when I said I liked him
>boohoo someone didn't suck my dick for hosting them

When did these happen? Also Limmy isn't funny

Even if he does I can still watch Grayfruit and the same level of satisfaction.

What's wrong with limes

he's a white male in the current year, of course he's suicidal

My mom is dead too. But they're never gone if someone remembers them buddy

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That thread and post have a shit ton of upvotes, which shows most people understand why he won't stream it.

Also this

Vinny never went into details for obvious reasons. Vinny just said sometime after she passed that something went wrong at the hospital and him and his dad were talking to lawyers about a possible malpractice case then he never talked about it again.

I should. My aunt died and my cousin went through hell afterwards. Not grieving hell, but paperwork hell. Couldn't find any paperwork and almost lost the house, couldn't find anything to claim money or bank info. Couldn't figure out how to cancel her phone number and other shit. I think it took him like two years to get everything resolved. That would be me except I'd just die instead probably.

No shit

>popular internet person on Twitch claims to be left-wing on stream

It' be career suicide in that crowd to claim something else.

Is the vod still up?

Judging by what I've seen from Toby Fox he's probably incredibly embarrassed by his game's horrific fanbase. I recall that when Deltarune game out he wrote something about how Undertale was always going to be divisive and it's ok that not everyone likes it.

I can't help but laugh every time Vinny gets genuinely angry over someone calling him a boomer. It never gets old.

>It's a noose Luigi
>B-but Mario, what if..
>Remember Luigi, you go to hell before you die

He talks about both during the Mario 64 Desert Bus.

He hosted someone who was streaming Dwarf Fortress "to 2 people" and they gave an unenthusiastic "thanks" so Joel got offended that they didn't immediately start sucking him off.

Literally only went to reddit because I know for a fact vinny was going to say something to his audience after the sans smash reveal. And I was right he was annoyed and probably secretly hates anyone who mentions the game

>freely express themselves
>but only in the way that I a right wing redneck find acceptable such as incest and raping horses
You could've just said you were a retard.

He considers himself independent

holy based

Damn, there is so much sadness in his eyes near the end of the webm

I like how he complains about people comparing him to Dave just cause they live in Texas, when he's really more similar to Dave because of going on random tangents about extremely peripheral subjects in the middle of something else.

And his critical analysis of SBaHJ is great.

Sorry we're too busy passing corporate welfare and making the middle class even smaller. We could've reformed it when R's controlled all three branches but somehow missed it. Whoops! MAGA

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I feel like the well has completely run dry in terms of viable Sunday stream content.
The random indie games/walking simulators have been old hat for years now, he's already gone through the most infamous shovelware games and he's reaching for more shit to stream. Fucking edutainment games, really?
I like the idea of designating sunday for long-form weird games that are actually still competent video games, like The Neverhood.

Don't forget

>dude Metal
>dude Fist of the Northstar
>dude Skeletons
>dude Wrestling
>boohoo the 90s were the shit everything sucks now
>sells uneducated meme opinion from Yea Forums as his own

>it's a joel tries to flex with his middle school anime club japanese skills episode

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Watching him play Astral Chain is pathetic.

Nothing is ever free you retarded zoomer, especially health care.

>watching Vinny stream
>literally nothing of particular not is happening
>some dude just slaps that fucking trans flag heart emoji into the chat
Why? This shit happens like 10 times a stream, for no reason, with no provocation. What fucking drives these people to literally just drop that shit in chat out of the blue so often?

>his game created such an autistic fanbase that he has to tell them not to start shit if someone doesn't like it
Jesus I feel bad for the guy and that statement obviously was ignored since those idiots treat the game like some magnum opus and defend it

E-celebs are not videogames

Because these fucks are transtrender niggas who are just in it because its the cool and edgy thing to be currently, like emo/scene was back then.
Just that this has far more destructive shit attached to it.
Emos slit their arms with papercuts, these idiots do some insane body mod to belong to some crowd.
I think Vinny himself dislikes it because he knows it always only generates negativity in the chat.

They're either seeking attention through virtue signalling, or trying to piss of Vinny for lulz.

i feel like joel has a serious inferiority complex towards vinny that slips out every now and then

this really bothers me

he wasn't even good enough to talk with the guy he played street fighter against in japan

Because youre a faggot whos only mentioning it to garner sympathy and attention, not because you actually care
The sad part is, it worked

Wait, Vinny and Joel are two different people? was my entire life a lie?

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>Vinesauce streamer
>upcoming game you would want to see
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
>retro/vintage game they probably wouldn't play but you still want it anyways
I dunno if it's old enough to count as retro, but probably We Love Katamari.
>game you never want to see streamed, alternatively a streamed game you want to see blocked so it will never be touched again (can be one of the current)
Undertale. That game would fucking destroy the stream and especially the chat.
>never ever game they would need to get memed into playing
LISA the Painful RPG.

It's a need for constant positive reinforcement. A hope that the emote will be met with praise and encouragement.

Wojak poster proves to be the least funny person in the thread, surprising fucking no one.



It's odd. I don't even see gays push stuff as strong as they do now. Now everything is always about trans right for some reason

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It wasn't a joke, i'm serious. I legit thought that vinny and joel were the same person until now.

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His fans' autism did get him a date with sakurai so he did get something out of it

Because gays are just fine with being gay.
They don't need to shove it into everyones face all day.
Funniest shit is how these fucks pretend like spamming that fucking emote is somehow a fight for trans rights and visibility hahahah.

Because they know that if they put that emote into the chat once, it'll cause a wave of spam.

Wrong, Toby's own work and partnership to publish the game in japanese on the switch is what got him an in with Nintendo. You really think a bunch of autists are why Toby is composing music for gamefreak right now?

God imagine the asshurt from Undertale fans when Vinnie would stream LISA before Undertale. Oh man shit would be glorious.

>They don't need to shove it into everyones face all day.
Underage detected.

Never forget

I'd love to be young again

At this point it's simply too late to JUST "play" Undertale. The memes and fanbase predate the game by such a length that it would inevitably be poisoned for anybody who didn't play it in the first few months.
Especially for a streamer like Vinny. Just fucking imagine the hundreds if not thousands of people in chat absolutely screeching over literally every step he takes in-game. He would have to completely ignore chat throughout the entire duration of the game, and even then that wouldn't stop the dozens of emails he would receive fucking daily, lambasting him over even the smallest decisions.
It's just not worth it. If he ever played the game it would absolutely have to be off-stream, and he would probably never be able to mention it on-stream either.

Seems like a spam combination of people legit supporting it and false flaggers who want the movement to fail.

>a grown man playing games for children to amuse other grown men

>streamer says anything slightly abrasive
>chat is full of D:
Why do these retards do this?

Attached: ratchet think.jpg (711x602, 66K)

you forgot
>guys holy shit
>wait hold up
>let me just
>*crops the "funny" part on screen*
>anyway lets continue
>oh shit you know what this reminds me of?
>let me just google it really quick

>Vinesauce streamer
>upcoming game you would want to see
Luigi's Mansion 3, really hyped because I'm positive he'll stream that one
>retro/vintage game they probably wouldn't play but you still want it anyways
Pikmin 2, it's a great game that I'm positive most of his audience hasn't seen and I feel like it'd make for a really entertaining stream, plus he streamed Pikmin 3. Maybe when Pikmin 4 is announced.
>game you never want to see streamed, alternatively a streamed game you want to see blocked so it will never be touched again (can be one of the current)
Undertale just because of how much people harassed him over it. I like the game myself but he shouldn't give those cunts any kind of validation
>never ever game they would need to get memed into playing

Attached: Vinny golden meat.png (1023x1134, 3.33M)

ok jobber

It's a shame that the fanbase is like that really. I'm happy I'm not an e-celeb so I can play any game I want any way I want at my own pace without harassment from attention hungry children/manchildren.

It's not even that, you don't need activism to spam emotes. I do agree that whoever started this trend attracted genuine retards though.

>being upset at Swedish retard who is retarded for your amusement.

Attached: 26124634.jpg (1224x1445, 174K)

>Guys I can talk Japanese let me translate this
>Give up
>Repeat 15 times

Attached: 1564433694952.jpg (1024x1024, 134K)

Because transgender stuff is the epitome of identity politics. There's no substance to it other than identity.

I don't believe for a second anyone that still watches Vinesauce isn't a woman, faggot, or underage.

>huh watashi wa-KANJIKANJIKANJI-sore ma se~

Attached: 1564060747780.png (1693x1955, 2.04M)

It's a meme you dip

It really is insane just how impossible it would be to play Undertale blind if you've been on the internet interacting with gaming circles regularly during the past few years.
The fact that Sans is the secret final boss of a hidden route is about as ubiquitous to gaming culture and knowledge as Aerith dying.

>even in Twitch, Nero is called a deadweight.

Attached: 1464802826734.png (825x661, 477K)

It's a joke.

My condolences, user.

God that just seems like a nightmare over a video game. Vinny can't even ignore it or tell them he has no interest since they're still going to bother him about it from time to time

>Rev's confusion when he saw alive Grandpa Harley

Give it two more failed music album attempts before he kurt cobains

Are you autistic? I hate chat as much as the next guy but that's obviously a joke reaction

Its not funny.

Attached: 322wU4Hy.jpg (271x271, 8K)

>Play spelunky
>Screech like a fucking banshee

I didn't say it was.

I can't stand Joel anymore. I got even more annoyed with the sans smash reveal since it shows how he's still attached to that shitty meme, meanwhile vinny didn't give that much of a reaction since he obviously doesn't give a fuck

Attached: 1563921632811.png (568x510, 227K)

An unfunny joke is still a joke


I'm surprised at how evolved Mario 64 romhacks have become.

>streamer says funny word
>chat *repeats said word 500 times*
>streamer does thing
>LUL emote spam

It's literal parrot behavior. It's absolutely spastic.

Mine’s been dead for a decade. I feel sorry for you, user :(

Hypocritical too when he hates certain memes of his own that were run into the ground like Grand Dad

Vinny had the best reaction to it i've seen so far
>Sans shows up
>utter silence for 5-10 seconds
>fumbling the headphones "oh sorry I was gone, what did I miss"
>a few chuckles
I always appreciate his ability to hold back chimpouts

>A hope that the emote will be met with praise and encouragement
It's the opposite actually, they spam it in the hope that it angers people to proves their point about "being oppressed" and act as the victim is that situation.

lol I was just messing around. Sticking to just one site is a good way to remain a close minded brainlet. I really don't give a shit where people go.

are you braindead? they sound nothing alike unless you somehow thought vinny had an entirely separate channel where he pretends to be swedish for absolutely no reason

Apparently his father has a bad skin condition since he used to work outside a lot in the sun. He may or may not have skin cancer.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Because he has nothing else he can talk about other than shilling his band and the one YouTube channel he actually enjoys watching.

Surprising amount of Touhou fans who watch his stuff. I know he did the fangame pack a year ago but I figured that people who enjoy shmups wouldn't be Vinny's audience. Then again, Touhou is known to be boomercore in some circles and Vinny's one himself so maybe there's some overlap? Or maybe it's just a coincidence.

Attached: JELLIES (WATCH OUT FOR THE STINGERS).jpg (994x624, 60K)

Did she go in her sleep because you didn't reply to this post?

>Joel said he'll get a facecam for charity milestone
>2 years later finally do them
>Without the facecam
I'm not saying I want facecam, but I fail to understand the point.

Attached: 1566813488921.png (168x261, 28K)

Vinny had a mom?

I personally he shouldn't touch anything Undertale/Deltarune related. It's not his cup of tea. I can really see him enjoying the LISA series tho.

You better start posting pics

No worries user

Attached: 1561055559854.gif (500x275, 996K)

It's just to get the donations rolling in.

I'm really not even that big of a fan of touhou, I just think its difficulty would provide for some fun reactions and moments of DEDICATION

>>boohoo Limmy gave me a sarcastic comment when I said I liked him
When did this happen?

>Rev uses his noggin and puts two and two together, figuring out some mysteries based on information already available
>Chat tells him this info is spoilers
>Rev then goes on an MS Paint rant about the difference of deductive analysis and spoilers
He really is Dave

Tumblr is what became wrong with it all. People getting sensitive to jokes. Can't say faggot, retard, or the spooky n-word because Twitch policies and chat would go apeshit filling his e-mail inbox with hatemail and more death threats.. Gotta stay PC and family-friendly despite playing games where you murder each other.

You asked why, faggot.

Were not all depressing contrarian fucks. If I know there's a game I'll never touch I want someone with at least a chill personality to touch it so I can be somewhat entertained

>>Vinesauce streamer
>>upcoming game you would want to see
Outer Wilds. Perfect game for Vinny
>>retro/vintage game they probably wouldn't play but you still want it anyways
None really
>>game you never want to see streamed, alternatively a streamed game you want to see blocked so it will never be touched again (can be one of the current)
Undertale is already there but again, never stream Undertale.
>>never ever game they would need to get memed into playing
Idk, some actually good weeb games maybe?

I doubt he would get hooked but I could see a collection showcase working. You take a handful of important games like HRtP, EoSD, StB, a phantasmagoria game and one of the aerial fighters and you are good to go.

Now Luna Nights, that's a game he would enjoy.

>Can't say faggot, retard, or the spooky n-word
I think the worse thing is that it's rarely the actual people related to those insults that demands the ban, like gays, retards or blacks, it's always fucking middle class sheltered kids wanting it to be banned in the name of others like those people are too dumb to defend themselves, it's irritating.

>dude beattles
>dude david bowey
>dude lord of the rings
>dude Star trek
>Joel cant play videogames, but Vinny sucks even more dick at them than he does

I cant understand how anyone would hype up vinny but hate on Joel. One is a normalfag who sucks at videogames and talks about normalfag shit, the other is a memefag who sucks at videogames and talks about homo anime and memes and shit.

Attached: 6bcf0c8951421c61a64dd0b01c3a2d01.jpg (199x200, 17K)

Would Vinny be considered a boomer or is he still a zoomer? Maybe a closet doomer?

To be fair, same

>Joel cant play videogames, but Vinny sucks even more dick at them than he does
Surprisingly it's because he's babysitting the chat, it's impressive how much he can get done in games when he's not streaming.