Get your class and we can finally play.
The meteors are coming soon.
Other urls found in this thread:
What with people trying to force Homestuck again?
i still dont even really know what homestuck is but i got this
Prince of Void, reporting in.
Prince of Space.
Oh boy.
the pic looks cool and i'm a sucker for these types of complex interrelated systems, but is the game actually fun or just indie shit?
Prince of Blood
It's Homestuck.
Why you have to start a thread right before class and the day borderlands 3 gets released? Welp I'm sitting this one out
epilogue came out recently and shitty vn is releasing on steam
Reminder that the Epilogues are dogshit and Act 7 + Credits was a perfectly fine ending.
It's not a game, this is an autistic roleplaying thread about pretending to play the fictional game from Homestuck, a webcomic. The systems of the game aren't even properly explained in the comic, so OP's link is just fanfiction.
Literal who-stuck. Who fucking cares?
you, apparently, since you posted here
Based Catch-22 user.
That link almost killed my phone.
Too bad it was only almost, we could have gotten rid of a dumb phoneposter.
Would cumming inside Rose before she caught the gay make her straight?
yes, it's how cumming inside Roxy stopped her from being a tranny
I'll be your tank for this session.
I wonder what's the best combination possible for every classpect.
Lord of time
how do u define best
Something that will make the session go without a problem, something like Prince of Doom to destroy death and avoid people from dying altogether.
>page of doom
what does this mean
>heir of breath/void
hi lesbian
Knight of Space standing by
Page of Void here
>Yea Forums session
>half the people prototyped stuff to make the Black King almost impossible to beat
>the one user using dildos as weapons
>the other user that fucked his denizen and now is trying to get to his moon to fuck his dreamself
>the female knight(male) trying to get bred by the space player
>the one Lord of Rage fucking everything up
>the one super autist powergamer carrying everyone
>somehow we end up winning
>Prince of Light/Time
But I wanted to be a princess
Bard/Knight of Space/Void
So whats my powers?
This is more or less accurate in regards to how your powers are supposed to work.
Seers learn or understand through their aspect. Light involves luck, fortuitous outcomes, knowledge, etc.
As a seer of light you would always had the feel whats the best decision to take for you or your teammates, information and knowledge would present to you or simply have visions or epiphanies about current situations. Also you would have beam magic powers???
>Your classpect is: Bard/Heir/Knight/Mage/Maid/Page/Prince/Rogue/Seer/Sylph/Thief/Witch of Blood/Breath/Doom/Heart/Hope/Life/Light/Mind/Rage/Space/Time/Void
Princes are trouble no matter the aspect
Heirs embody their aspect, pick one tho.
Rogue of heart reporting in
>Heir/Page of Blood
Your classpect is:
Bard/Knight/Mage/Prince/Rogue/Prince/Rogue/Prince/Rogue/Prince/Rogue/Prince/Rogue/Page/Prince/Rogue/Page/Prince/Rogue/Page/Prince/Rogue/Page/Prince/Rogue/Page/Prince/Rogue/Page/Prince/Rogue/Page/Prince/Rogue/Page/Prince/Rogue/Page/Prince/Rogue/Seer/Page/Prince/Rogue/Seer/Page/Prince/Rogue/Seer/Page/Prince/Rogue/Seer/Thief of Blood/Breath/Doom/Heart/Hope/Life/Light/Mind/Rage/Space/Time/Void
Bad news lads
Caliborn kino is off the menu
Really we should have seen this coming. Dave was also the 3rd formal introduction in Homestuck proper, I'll bet that's the order they stick with. We'll know for sure if the trolls start with Karkat then Gamzee.
What a shame, but I'm not surprised either.
But we'll probably get more of that cryptic error message from before.
I know it was irrational to have hope but I was hoping we'd get to see some more of Caliborn being based and redpilled, and less of nuDave whining about "muh abusive bro"
>Page of Light/Space
If we're lucky caliborn will be a bonus like Mom Lalonde was.
>Void mage
So basically i'm a virgin dick, gotcha
If anyone seriously thought the four original kids wouldn't be the first four they're retarded
I miss him, bros...
So is Pesterquest about the MSPA Reader fixing how horrible Homestuck became?
in theory, but it's probably gonna end up worse
Rogue of Breath reporting in, what do I do
Maid of doom standing by. I really FUCKING wish there was a butler name option but here I am.
Damn, coulda fooled me
postan best song:
Take away other's freedom so your friends have more.
>homestuck player classes
?????? isn't homestuck just a comic
It's a "shitpost epic"
It's a comic about a video game, as well as three actual video games, two of which are unfinished.
>sylph of light
>female only
im not a tranny i have a cock bro
Then why didn't you select male class only
>it's BUTLER of Doom, thank you very much
Bend over
Gender locked classes was retconned anyway
>page of space
Tavros is my favorite character :)
Never read Homestuck so I don't know what this means.
I have to say some of the questions in this quiz are just straight up fucking stupid though. What the fuck is "Consensus doesn't give me pause" supposed to mean?
>Boss of Wheels
What the fuck, is this thing broken? What kind of fucking Classpect is that?
>page of void
>Consensus doesn't give me pause
If there's an overwhelming majority saying to do a thing, you aren't swayed by it.
>Lord of Time
It means you're extremely based and more than a little redpilled
A revolucionario. You empower people with the power of wind and flying.
My nigga
I used to be a Knight though when I was a kid reading the comic
Its basically the same thing.
Holy fuck
Bard of Space here. This thread is finished.
why is Yea Forums filled with pages
>why is Yea Forums filled with the class for worthless pussies
Wasted potential: the class
I'm not a kid anymore, I'm 22. I can't play. It's meant for 13 year olds isnt it?
I've noticed the most common classes on Yea Forums are pages and princes
>pages are slimy manipulative losers who think they are self-important but in reality complete tossers
>princes are self-hating assclowns putting up a "too cool for school" facade which is the only thing keeping them from killing themselves
Really makes you think
I am a bard or knight.
>Mage of Hope
Imma DRAG you fuckers to victory if I have to bring you through multiple universes to get there
>all that jousting armor
>no horse
Witch of Mind.
I'm too much of a moody cunt to be of any use, just let me die. Go on without me. I'm sure you can do great things without someone like me to weigh you down, Yea Forums.
Maid of Hope time baby
Where are the Timechads at?
Prince of time
based timemind
>has basically mind control
Nah you're good bro, help us by making the enemies do nothing.
>Page of Mind/Rage
I feel like I don't quite understand still.
I have no idea what this test is but I got "Page of Time"
Seer of Void
what do i do now?
>Page of Void
Description makes it sound like quadratic wizard shit. Start out worthless, advance to literally erasing people/things from existence.
It's less quadratic and more sheer cliff climbing, but yeah.
why so many page of voids [myself included, last quote]
are we all just depressed in the specific way that creates that
thief of light. nothing like vriska but the aspect and application of it seem about right
Bard of time reporting in, fuck all of you.
What's his classpect, Yea Forums?
So I'm sure we can all agree that Lord of Time is the most based and redpilled classpect. What's the most cringe and bluepilled classpect?
Seer 9f 6l99d
>prince of time
So what does that mean?
I either get Muse / Sylph / Page of the same thing "Space"
Sure Beforus Kankri was pretty cringe but Alternia Kankri was pretty badass
The Sufferer will always be my favorite Ancestor
My nigga
Look at these bimbos getting bred by heirs lmao
Bard of Mind reporting in
Page of Blood
Imagine being a Blood player L8L
6-6ut I'm cele6ant...
Don't mind me, just leaving this lolipop here
Don't use it as a fireaxe or lick it.
Was that one of the first signs of Hussie breaking?
literally just woke jesus
I'm gonna lick it
>Calliope believes it's the solution to everyone's problems
>Makes everyone white
WHAT did Hussie mean by this?
Sylph of Void
how the fuk do u heal with void
It's just clown makeup
send injuries into not existing duh.
>Witch of Doom
What did they mean by this?
You decide who lives and who dies
so do i just pick one?
Pages are one of the more abstract and esoteric classes, usually living a life defined by their aspect without ever being in full control of it.
The canon Page of Breath is physically handicapped early in life, and loses his "freedom" so to speak. The accident only occurs because he lacks individuality and lives as a blind follower instead of a leader (like more powerful breath players). His development from there involves changing from a follower to a commander of a million-strong army in the end.
A Page of Mind might be plagued by indecision, or blame themselves for always making the wrong choices. It's pretty open to interpretation, but Pages always go through hell and often die in the process of becoming the "highest potential" user of their aspect.
So you're the school shooter?
You can basically set up the future death of people and stuff like that, but you have no idea why people will die and how. If someone is already fated to die there isn't much you can do.
Do the test again or look up for what looks closer to you.
Leave Dirk to me
No, Prince of Hope is the school shooter
Knight of Blood reporting in...
I shall protect the party and our bonds
Don't make me post it.
Would I just fuck up everything around me?
Where are all the Knights of Blood at?
What's the difference?
I got bard of doom. I don't like the sound of that
What's the meme? I don't know what any of this means and just did the quiz for fun. Knight of Blood sounds cool but in reality does it mean I'm a faggot or something?
the page unintentionally contracts HIV early in their life, possibly from a bad transfusion.
The Knight seeks out getting pozzed by a daddy.
literally yes
What the fuck is a page of light?
>Control over certain people's deaths
I can live with this.
I'm so sorry user. Maybe deactivate the female only classes, maybe you are lucky and aren't a page there.
How can a Knight be a faggot?
I deactivated the female only classes, still page of light. I take it's not a good thing
>thief of time
Wow just like Hussie with his shitty comic.
I cast FIST
By having ambition to become a leader and realizing he's actually shitty yet does nothing to improve himself
Well okay I guess
where my breath chads at?
You'd know better than me user :^)
It isn't.
Sorry user. You should do some introspection and rethink about stuff.
>Page of Space
Someone please explain.
where my wizards at
Don't listen to them user, they're just mad because they're faggy little pages and bards.
>a fully realized knight of blood would be able to weaponize their aspect in order to serve their team, with true stability and leadership, and guide the way to victory. in a more literal version of weaponizing their aspect they could literally control blood itself, like blood bending from AtlA, or even rally on their teammates through bonds and emotional manipulation to fight harder.
What the hell is a mage of void?
>2 page in the comics
>both failures
>somehow this makes all page wimps
papyrus is more of a page of mind though
ultimate autismo classpect
you hoard knowledge of nothing, secrets, the unimportant and get possessed by an eldritch abomination
You know about nothing. Meaning that you know things that are hidden, secrets and stuff like that.
Right here bros
Oh no?
He's definitely got that page vibe at least. I always thought he'd be Light because he seeks praise
>Sylph of Blood
So I'm the marriage counselor huh
>Heir of Void
great, I get to be the best character
Oh god oh fuck
>Rogue of Breath/Void
I'm p happy with that, both are really good and even better together
i got knight of space, i dont get it
I know nothing about homestuck
What's this mean?
>Party of bards
How fucked would the universe be?
>I know nothing about homestuck
then why are you on here? you're spoiling yourself!
Page starts sad and shitty but becomes the best if you grind enough
Void represents the unknown, the irrelevant, the nonexistent, and the horrorterrors
That shit's like a million page so I keep putting it off
And I really like personality quizzes
Sounds pretty neat, I can live with that
>bard of rage
What does this mean? I don't want to a bard. Bards fucking suck and I hate charisma.
it means you're a juggalo
>Mage of Time
Good or bad?
Congrats you're one of the canonically strongest characters but only when you feel like it
>mage of hope
it all makes sense now
This is the canon Yea Forumsirgin classpect
>Prince of Rage
It's funny because i do tend to shout at people who suck.
Joe from Act 2 is a Prince of Breath.
>Mods letting /hsg/ spread again
and yet there is smash thread dispite Yea Forums's rule 6.
Wtf does it mean Heir of Void?
>Knight of Blood
Suck some Spider8ulge, losers
>page of void
So i'm a pretentious nerd?
>Page of Hope
Don't worry guys, we can get through this if we work together.
You breed Seers.
Not a homefag, but it sounds I got an edgelord class, prince of space.
Page of Void
Is that good?
My gf got Heir of Heart/Time. That sounds pretty OP.
>Rouge of Rage
I don't get it.
What do you mean user? I'm a heir of void
What now?
>half the posters are pages of void
>majority of others are princes
how the FUCK are we supposed to beat the game with this kind of team
Ok, what now.
>Heir of Light
Ok idgi.
Stop being so fucking neutral on everything dickhead
I got Bard of Time, what does it do?
Mage of Space reportin'
Prepare to fuck every seer in this thread
Download the client of SBURB and connect to another player's server/host a server for someone to join the session, then deploy the basic devices and get crafting. Check the gamefaqs walkthrough for more basic info tho
remember that you're on a time limit, and the meteors are coming
the fuck are page/princes of void
Knight/Mage/Page/Witch of Blood/Rage/Time/Void
Why am I like 7 different things?
Crafting? I fucking hate crafting.
This doesnt sound exciting at all (and also i'm sleepy).
I'm sure the rest of my niggas can handle themsleves on their own, Prince of Doom/Mind signing out.
either retake the test or pick yourself from those
Pages are basically useless until endgame, then they become OP.
Princes destroy their aspect.
Void is secrets, misfortune, mystery, submission, and nothingness.
Can I actually play a stupidly complex game now or is it all just story still?
That kind of sucks. Whoever made it couldn’t take the time to decide on a class for my score