>Probably Q4 2020 release date for the western territories
Why do we have to suffer?
Probably Q4 2020 release date for the western territories
Other urls found in this thread:
you're the only Ysfag excited for nox
Getting the nip release, not making the same mistake of waiting for a pc version again.
Ys peaked at 8.
You only played Celceta and 8, I don't think you have the attachment or the appreciation.
Why does Adol have claws?
>Ys peaked at 8
Ahem, Oath in Felghana and Origin would like a word with you.
who is we?
suffer? nox is fucking garbage dude lol
It looks pretty bad. Not sure what Falcom is thinking.
Why does Adol have edgy claws, long hair and an edgelord facial expression? Why does he have a ragtag band of overdesigned anime characters?
Can we go back to when his partneer in crime was a dude in commoner clothing that happened to be a martial artist?
i've only played 2 ys games, but this is almost the exact opposite of what i imagine when i think of ys.
You're still gonna pirate it.
Been playing since 1 & 2 Eternal, the only bad ones are the original Wanderers (though the NES and PS2 versions are pretty gooe) and Strategy. Super excited for IX
One Atlus game per year is already a great luxury and we should be grateful to get them at all.
I obviously meant Falcom...
These Kiseki-rejects that are Adol's companions don't excite me. And I hope they didn't spend so much time on implementing movement gimmicks like wallclimbing that they forgot to design interesting boss encounters.
But if the game is like Ys VIII, that would be fine. Would be better if it were more like Felghana and Origin, too, I guess. But I'd take that.
>>Probably Q4 2020 release date
Nothing is announced yet, is it? If not don't give me hopes already.
Aye remember when Ys had amazing designs like le dark edgy rival and le dark sephirothman and shoujoface adol.
9's NPC designs look great and god forbid they try something different with beast forms (r whatever the story mechanic is)
Demo looked like a step up from VIII dungeon wise but it's hard to tell when the girl doesn't know how to use a camera or lock on.
Peak Ys design.
No real Ys fan actually cares anymore, be a realist here.
I don't usually like the slow-but-heavy-hitting characters in the party-based titles.
But I guess that cow girl will have a permanent spot in my party.
>no oath meme zoomer cares anymore
fixed for ya you seething retard
I liked the one from Celceta but Sahad was awful.
>generic JRPG series but with spam X button to win
how do you pronounce the number in the title though
イース九? イースノベム?イースナイン?
the tittymonster is cute though even tho the aesthetic is super stupid
wise one x
>higher rating than p5 and dq11
>Adol not holding back and going full edge
It's going to be kino. Also,
>not knowing nip
Finally finished Oath of Felghana the other day. It's definitely overhyped. Origins is better. Though I must say that Galbalan is my favorite final boss in the series. He was really fun. If only the other bosses in the game were half as fun. Also, gunner boss in clocktower is easily one of the worst designed Ys boss. Fuck that machine.
Only nufans hate this new game because they are too new to realize that Ys evolves with every new entry. I bet you fags didn't even play the original games, fuck off.
That's what you get for not knowing weeaboonese
It's getting censored anyway
Only Ys newfags care about this one.
What's there to even censor in a Ys game?
>Origins is better
Origin. But yeah, I agree.
That aside, I like Chester II more than Galbalan, anway. Better fight and better theme.
Felghana also had some really shitty bosses.
>Look at the time, it's time to flip tiles!
I only played 8 and I don't give a fuck about this. What a downgrade from that awesome game.
>giving money to xseed and nisa
yeah, no shit?
looks bad desu, i'll just buy another Ys game
i miss huge anime pauldrons like you wouldnt believe
>flash move and guard are in
Yeah Chester II was great as well. Definitely one of the better humanoid bosses. Now I'm trying to decide to start Celceta or finish VIII. I heard mediocre things from Celceta and already enjoy VIII way more than Seven. I just don't want to go backwards in terms of gameplay.
>have to use fireballs to defeat Galbalan
come the fuck on i cant aim to save my life
>expecting a NISA localization to be as timely as Q4 2020
>tfw never found the fireball upgrade in an invisible chest and couldn't beat the 2nd boss
What would you choose:
Timely and "liberal" translation (with a few old memes added for taste)
Slow but faithful translation
>Why do we have to suffer?
I've played Ys 1 to 8 (including Mask of the Sun, Dawn of Ys, and Ys 5, haven't played Wanderers), and I'm pretty neutral about this. VIII was pretty damn good. Just beat it recently and now I'm on a Infinite Mode + Hard NG+ (that Gratika boss as Dana was fucking ordeal, I had to flash guard during that one fight almost as much as I did through an entire playthrough); the whole castaway island setting will be pretty hard to beat, and so far IX isn't looking like it will top it. But who knows, maybe it'll surprise me.
I'll give it a try, but I'm not losing sleep over it.
>that Gratika boss as Dana was fucking ordeal
Oh god, recently did that one on Inferno. Pretty tiresome, but at least the boss's attack patterns were very limited.
You can take like a third of its HP or maybe a little more if you get a flash guard, stun/break it with a couple of hits after that (so flash guard is still up), use your +damage skill that drains SP (what's it called again?) and use your EXTRA.
Thank goodness for that.
I really hope they managed to deliver on the massive city setting
I doubt they did, but if they manage to make the exploration as fun as in 8 and have the city give a similar feel to seeing mount gendarme in the distance, finally reaching it, climbing it and being able to see the entire part of the island you explored before it then I will have no complaints
>those massive empty corridors
I don't feel so good
Kisekichads had the last laugh.
>>recently did that one on Inferno
Congrats on that. The fight on Hard took me pretty much half an hour.
When I was fighting it I would avoid using Dana most powerfull skill (which is a laugh given how much Infinite Mode jacks the boss' level above yours) as I'd usually get nicked due to the long wind-up animation, and only use it sparingly. Having to bide your time waiting for the EXTRA guage to fill was daunting. It's kind of funny in that pretty much the rest of the game (right now I'm just before the quest to enter the underwater chasm), on Infinite mode was a fucking cake walk in comparison.
I almost wished I had leveled up to the 90's in my first playthrough, since leveling up on Infinite Mode is almost impossible (I mean you CAN do it, but I'm not spending several hours to go up 1 level).
>> (what's it called again?)
Dragon Aura I believe.
>>seeing mount gendarme in the distance, finally reaching it, climbing it and being able to see the entire part of the island you explored
That was so enjoyable. I especially liked that one, really extended ledge on your way down on the way to the Eternian ruins, the view was amazing.
イース Nine
For me it's Elena
>Ys VIII mobile
Oh? Well, I guess there was that mobile version of Seven, too.
Also Falcom apparenlty doesn't acknowledge that Taito remake of V, it seems. Or is that because it wasn't made by themselves? Or Niena(?) didn't get any updated art in that one.
Ys deserves to get localized sooner, even more niche games like Atelier only have a 2 month wait between the jap and western versions now.
It's pretty funny how shit most of those girls are
>generic shy and meek anime girl
>legit don't remember her at all
>was ok at best
>WORST GIRL ABSOLUTELY SHIT, doesn't deserve the main heroine spot
>was ok
>incredibly boring beyond the elf ears
>pretty bad but at least they didn't pussy out with her ending
For a series with so many main heronies it's surprising how unlikeable most of them are
that's just Koei Tecmo knowing what they're doing, even Sega's shit still takes like 6 months minimum
is this shit 30 fps?
I've beaten mostly all Ys games except this one (VI)
Would you recommend it and if so, which difficulty should I play it on?
I can't seem to get excited about 9
The whole 'chuunibyou gang' bit just doesn't seem interesting at all, and neither does the scenery
Just give Adol the main spotlight again, god damn
Where's Ys Origin's Heroine?
No items
It's not as polished as Felghana or Origin (As it was the first to use the engine), but it definitely feels unique and fun to play. The enviroments are very interesting.
Gonna go for it on pc then. Which ver. Would you recommend? Are there even any major differences between Retail/GOG/Steam?
Just get GoG or Steam. Doesn't matter.
It think VI has one of the best soundtracks and I'd recommend it on that basis alone. Also the last good Dogi design.
As for the gameplay, it's like Origin and Felghana but was the first to use its engine so it is rough around the edges. Bosses in particular feel a bit sloppy in comparison.
The normal mode uses healing items (in boss battles, too) but there's Catastrophe mode where you can't use them. Not sure if I can recommend it, though, since I haven't tried it myself yet and the game might be balanced around the former?
As for the difficulty setting, Nightmare if you can beat the other games on Nightmare, too.
I beat it on Nightmare Catastrophe, it's definitely possible
>try to do a nightmare catastrophe run
>reach the stone golem gimmick boss of bad hitboxes
>drop the game
Just fucking tornado his shit man
Well considering youtube streams the video at 30 you can't really say anything about the game's framerate.
OiF > Origin > The Dawn of Ys > I&II > VII > VIII >> VI
Haven't played MoC, SNES version of IV and V yet.
Why do you put Seven above both of these?
I'd say VI over Seven because it's not party-based. And I don't see any reason why Seven would be better than VIII, except VIII has a Flash guard that's way more forgiving than Seven's.
Enjoy failing your lunge jumps through that one temple. So glad they finally added regular jumping after the game.
VI has awful dungeons with the exception of the first and last one, that's the main reason I put it so low even though I love the napishtim engine games the most.
>I don't see any reason why Seven would be better than VIII
I prefer Seven's more classic dungeons to the ones in VIII which are more like open areas with the exception of that oustanding set of Dana dungeons (the Sanctuary Crypt floors). I also loved the twist on the old formula when it comes to the main girl. The only faults I have with 7 are the first 2-3 dungeons which are really weak and the overworld (Ys 8 is stronger in that regard).
I like all Ys games
None of those designs are overly busy like Nox's.
Based and adventurepilled
holy based
I see, so it comes down to dungeon design for you.
From what I remember of Seven's dungeons, they were a bit more intricate and less of a "regular area except you don't heal when you stand still" which seems to apply to dungeons like e.g. Schlamm Jungle in VIII.
Don't remember much about VI in that regard.
Personally I also thought Seven had a rather weak soundtrack, at least in comparison to VIII and especially VI which has one of the best IMO.
This. I played every Ys title in existence and loved every single one of them. I'm looking forward to 9.
Rank the games, both of you
Ur me
The one you hate the most > your favourite
I really don't like flash dodge/guard because they ruin the tempo of fights and are too forgiving and easy to pull off in timings, they also make nightmare a rigid shitfest without much strategy or variety
I also hate how the more open nature of all games starting with seven devalued enemy encounter design and enemy designs themselves too, makes both exploration and gameplay itself really boring
I still enjoyed them, I just wish they were better games, Seven was the least bad out of all three in that regard at least
>using the "i love the thing you hate" meme
You have to go back
Why do you think that the more open nature devalued enemy encounter design and enemy designs?
Q2 2021 for the re-release that attempts to fix the original hack job western localization
Origin > VIII > Oath > I&II > VII > Dawn > VI > Celceta
Why is Celceta the lowest? Also why is VIII so high?
This is actually a blessing in disguise. After CS 3 crashes and burns at the hands of NISA, Falcom will finally tell them to fuck off
It's not like Ys ever had "encounter design" unless he means grinding zombies for 20 minutes so you can progress or beating on the undead thing in origin for 1 damage per hit before you can proceed.
Celceta is cringe
VIII is based
Why dont you stop asking ret questions
Because VIII is fantastic is Celceta inferior in every single way. Doesn't help that it did a medicore job of updating Dawn's ost.
Wasn't ys viii a 4 month wait in between? I don't think it will take an entire year.
Same. I like all Falcom games too tbqhwu
Ys VIII initially released on July 21st, 2016 on the Vita. We got it on Sept 21st, 2017.
You do the math.
And over a year from the jap vita release
September 12th, 2017 I mean.
Ys VIII is on sale for 17€, should i grab it? How long is it?
~50 hours
I don't get the problem with IX.
>implying theres a pc version to pirate
source if there is
As someone who likes the Ark engine best, I find my fellow fans of this sort insufferable. Why does it matter when other anons enjoys all the games, including the party based ones? The bias against them is so tiring to read and I feel like there's no way to properly discuss those games without some fuck harping on it like it's the worst thing ever. Can it be improved? Yes. But you complaining about it for the hundredths time is not going to change the fact that Falcom is unlikely to ever take it out. So either deal with it or go back to playing your beloved Oath of Felghana/Origin.
Oh nice, thanks user.
Are they using the same localization team?
Good bad, old new. It looks pretty empty but we will see
People complain because they want to go back to what they enjoyed the most, its not that hard to understand. Its the same deal why a lot of us cant stand csfags, Cold Steel ruined pretty much everything good about trails series except the combat, that shit is pretty fun
the areas look incredibly empty and dead in all trailers and pictures so far, 8 had way better enemy distribution
If im on PC what Ys games should i try?
They haven't even announced any English localization yet.
Pirate it if you are talking about the pc version. 35-70 hours depending on difficulty and side content.
Dark souls kiddies and oathzoomers are to blame.
Same happens in every fanbase on this website though. It's impossible to even talk about Yakuza anymore.
V > Origin > I = II > VIII > VII > III > VI > IV
The Oath in Felghana > Eternal Story > Chronicles > Memories of Celceta > DS
The Dawn of Ys > Strategy
Other than Strategy there's no bad Ys game in my opinion. What's great about Ys is that the games are extremely re-playable, even the very early games.
Not them but I've also played them all
Oath > Lacrimosa > Origins > Dawn of Ys > I & II Chronicles > Seven > Napishtim > Celceta > V
Every song that isn't a remix in Celceta is fucking fantastic.
>V at the top
You have to put way more effort into bait, man
What about Legacy of Ys?
Go for Ys I & II Chronicles, then to Origin or Oath in Felghana. Pick any game from there.
If you don't like the bump combat in I and II or aren't sure where to start, go for Felghana (I recommend playing Origin after I and II, though it isn't strictly required).
V was my first so I'm a little bit biased because of childhood nostalgia, I replayed it many times.
While I liked the DS remakes, it wasn't as good as the PS2 and PSP remakes imho. When I think about replaying the first games I'd go straight for my PSP, never touched the DS version after completing it.
>a little bit biased
>a little bit
Excuse me? I'm pretty sure less than 5% of the fan base likes that game 33% much as you do because it's extremely mediocre. Putting it above all other Ys games is lunacy.
>But you complaining about it for the hundredths time is not going to change the fact that Falcom is unlikely to ever take it out.
I don't want them to remove it, I want them to fix it.
>No Ys vs Kiseki
But... why?
How would you fix it? Besides changing flash guard/flash step timing to be more strict?
Forgive me for being a lil nostalgic "contrarian", then.
I never played a single Legend of Heroes game so I felt it would take from my enjoyment if I don't play that series first but I just don't have the time and the mental fortitude to play a huge, long and heavy series like The Legend of Heroes.
You're missing out
No need to apologize, it's your personal taste after all, nostalgia is always understandable in that case
If you were making some kind of an objective list, though, you'd need to be more objective
>Next YS game takes place in some giant city
>Characters look badass
At least it's not like YS VIII or whatever that takes place on a magical island and you literally form a party with people who zero combat experience. YS VIII was actually comfy, but the premise and story were retarded. Building a small town/camp was pretty fun and upgrading it was nice, like I enjoyed the island survival experience. I'd still give YS VIII at least like an 7/10, though combat was kind of repetitive and boring.
Adol looks so badass in this YS game though, like full on edgelord swordsman.
>YS peaked at 8
Kek, not really. It wasn't terrible, but I think based on the cover art of YS IX that it'll be more fun and have a better story, hopefully.