Whats the videogame equivalent of scrambled eggs?

Whats the videogame equivalent of scrambled eggs?

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I once made scrambled eggs with sausages, they were nice

>looks like shit and is pretty bland but tastes great if you add more shit to it
sounds like skyrim

Fuck off /ck/


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Scrambled eggs are actually good sometimes though

Eggs are disgusting. What is the fucking fascination with it in food?

might be the low res but those eggs look dry as hell
anyone who eats them dry is a tasteless subhuman

Hey, i like scrambled eggs alone and i don't find it visually awful

like skyrim

Dark Souls 2 is the video game equivalent of ketchup on scrambled eggs. Its a cheap disgusting perversion of something genuinely good that only literal children, and retards will defend.

Dark Souls 3 is the opposite, it is cheese and scrambled eggs. Universally loved, an improvement over the original and will leave you wanting more.

I think you mixed the two games up

God tier: scrambled eggs using mature cheese

Crap tier: scrambled eggs using milk

get better eggs, m8

Has anyone else tried making an omelette using red chilli powder?

Good fucking stuff.

>dry ass overcooked scramled eggs
should be a crime desu

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>food analogy

>Easy as fuck to make (play)
>Base ingredient (game) is cheap
>However it's bland and boring on its own without bacon, sausage, toast, etc. mods/addons
Minecraft maybe?

Post that pasta about bringing home a girl and feeding her eggs.

You know the one.

>Easy to make
>Delicious every single time
Doom WADs

eggs are delicious, especially raw ones

t. eats tamago gohan every day for breakfast

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I love scrambled eggs. I usually have them with toast and a slice of melted american cheese on top.

Enjoy your salmonella

2d platformer

Hey nice faggot ass breakfast. Faggot faggot fucking faggot my eggs a fag

>had this
>liked it
>top of my mouth got really itchy like allergic reaction

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I don't live in a third-world country like clapistan where salmonella is a concern.


They're great for baking though.

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train simulator, there are billions of extra things you can buy to put in it but on its own it's pretty bland


i feel like i want to vomit after eating eggs

You're also apparently unaware that the rice is supposed to cook the egg and that you are not supposed to eat it raw, you dumb fuck.

Maybe if you're a pussy. I bust that egg onto cold rice straight out of the fridge.

firstly secondly, you are supposed to serve the rice the moment it's done cooking so the heat can just slightly cook the egg once you mix it up

The human body has this really cool thing called an immune system, so named because of the fact that it makes you immune to disease. Just don't get complacent and turn it off like most people do and you'll be fine.

all that raw chicken has fried your brain, I think.

>t. jack scalfani

Lmao how do people even get sick just keep your immune system on nigga haha

have fun with your autoimmune disorders

Why do you say that?

without regular breaks your immune system gets paranoid and starts blasting randomly

Just getting this out of the way

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Imagine being this retarded.


holy FUUUUUUUUCK i wanna eat a calzone


Fools. This is the true game.

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/ck/ is the board of peace
I like my scrambled eggs with spinach and bacon bits, kimchi on the side.


Literally just egg on rice you fucking weeb.

Isn't that only on the shells? Just wash the egg first, lol

>getting this upset over the names of foreign foods
Why do Americans do this?

Fallout: New Vegas


I use both and some chives

Fuck off. It won't make you sick but it's not going to cook properly at all. The moment you serve the rice it'll have cooled off significantly, and then you're mixing in an egg, probably straight from the fridge, on top of that. It's just not going to stay hot enough.

i bet you call breaded pork tonkatsu too you fag

Don't try to bullshit us when it's clear you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.


Spellforce III


>hurr durr I'm gonna cook shit well below the boiling point
Stop posting any time, retard.

I do this and I'm an American

why are europeans so poor and ugly

Do you even understand the words you are using?


Takes little effort to make, but everyone appreciates it? Wholesome as fuck and always nice to have?

Snake. Not Solid Snake, the game Snake that you had on your cellphone in 2002.


Who the heck puts milk in scrambled eggs? I understand using butter to add a bit to the flavor and keeping the eggs from sticking to the skillet but milk?

It changes the resulting texture a bit. Nothing amazing, but it's different.

Literally every professional user. It makes them fluffier and adds a sweetness to them.

>true test of skill as a chef, can't hide any imperfections, often used as a litmus test for new chefs

King of Fighters

You don't?


If you've ever had scrambled eggs at a restaurant, hell even at fucking McDonald's, they do.

maybe starcraft

anyway i set another games resolution to something my monitor doesn't support was funny. commands don't work. oh well just re download the whole thing, see in three days

>not chilli cheese and bacon onion garlic chip fluffy omlette

You're wrong though retard. Go look up tamago kake gohan. You can even eat the rice cold, the main thing you're doing is whipping it up into a merengue-ish texture so you have fluffy yellow rice (or brown if you use onions sauce)

I wonder if someone made this and made a kickstarter campaign, all of you slapdicks would probably back it.

I also wonder how many kickstarter campaigns are interest free loans? You can accept donations, wait year and give refunds and bee perceived as a "good guy" when it's all over. It's a literal win-win.

oh wait i meant starbound

No, I coat the skillet with some salted butter, fry the eggs on top of that and melt some cheese on top. Sometimes I even sprinkle a little sugar to it or add a few green peppers, onions and tomatoes

ds2fags are cringe

Literally all sources mention that the rice has to be piping hot. You tried.

Even with those trips, no.

eggs are the perfect thing for tying other flavors together, almost every recipe is improved by adding an egg correctly

>sugar on eggs


Sucks to be those people with egg allergies

This. I genuinely can't think of a single food that couldn't be improved with an egg in some way. Someone think of one and I can probably debunk it.
I said food.


>Method of preparation
>A raw egg and Japanese rice are simply mixed in the rice bowl. The rice may be cold, recently cooked or reheated; the egg may be broken directly into the rice bowl (before or after the rice), or beaten in a separate bowl beforehand. Some people dig a "well" in the mound of rice to pour the egg into.

>The rice may be cold, recently cooked or reheated
>The rice may be cold
>may be cold

ive never had a dish with egg where the egg contributed positively at all

I'm not him but try it user.
I'm sorry you have shit taste.

tomato based sauce?

pretty sure this is a Gordon Ramsay reference.

Well you can't improve an egg with another egg as you can't make an egg taste more like an egg

>thinking wikipedia is a better source than actual fucking cooking sites and testimonies from Japanese people

imagine having no clue how cooking works. imagine thinking butter in eggs is for it to "not stick".

egg plus mayonnaise makes egg salad which is an improvement on a plain egg

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A sauce is not a food, it's a piece of it. But I'll bite.
>pasta with tomato sauce
Fry an egg, stick it on top of the full thing. Delicious.
You might have me there actually.
Another fried egg on top. That's gonna be the answer for a lot of different things.
But that's literally more of a good thing.

Weebs are disgusting.

Metal Slug

>he says on a weeb website

Hmm, this source looks familiar. Now where have I seen this before?

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You can put egg on ham pizza. It's really good.

Not enough estrogen for ya?

>>thinking wikipedia is a better source than actual fucking cooking sites and testimonies from Japanese people
Well, who are you to deny it? Are you Japanese?

Do you actually understand how things cook? It's literally impossible to cook an egg out of being raw with just heated rice. That's why you just get a froth in TKG.

Yes, user, it is the source saying that the rice needs to be hot. You would know if you spend two minutes reading instead of shitposting.

Will try. Thanks user. How should it be done? I imagine you'd just crack it onto the raw pizza and let it cook in the oven, but then it might be overdone.

But I am not denying it, simple brain, the links I posted are.

based and dandypilled

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It was in a restaurant, but it looked like they had put it on the raw pizza, yeah.

I like eggs, but I also like the chicken

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>try to make omelette
>fuck it up, scrambled eggs
>try to make fried eggs
>fuck it up, scrambled eggs
>try to make fucking anything
>fuck it up, scrambled eggs

I'm gonna go with MMOs.
>Try to do something nice
>fuck it up, we WoW clone now

Gonna need some interpretation

i hated china in how they only made sunny side up eggs. its like they never heard of scrambled eggs before, like god damn

>All these basedboys and incels neets itt who dont know how fucking great eggs are for the single man living alone in an apartment

Eggs save my ass most days when I dont want to cook

Nowhere in that source does it mention the rice being hot.

t. someone who cooks with the heat up too high. Butter acts as an oiling agent that helps to keep the eggs from sticking to the skillet so you won't help to scrape off as much afterwards, that's assuming you're not actively turning and stirring the eggs to scramble them and keeping them from hardening


not him but i would rather just eat eggs and pizza with ham on it instead of pizza with egg and ham topping. shit none of the pizza places in my town even have egg as a topping.

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>he doesn't scoop sauce into his mouth for dinner

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Actual good post

but making eggs IS cooking, it takes longer than cereal or pancakes or slapping something in the microwave (as well as all that time having to wash everything) and all that effot just for a mere 70 calories per egg. i make them after work but it feels like such a chore to use the oven and then do this to the pan and then do that and get this out then get this out

That is because "cooked rice" implies "hot rice", unless stated otherwise. Have you never read a recipe in your life?

Because chickens used to be one of the most common food resources. So naturally people have used their eggs in a ton of different dishes, you wouldn't want anything to go to waste. I have chickens at my house so I eat a lot more eggs than I'd like to, but on the positive side of things I've learned a metric fuckton of egg dishes.

How long are you supposed to heat the egg mixture before starting to stir? I suck at cooking.

>Boil water
>Throw eggs
>Fuck around for 15 mins doing your stuff
>Remove eggs
>Peel and eat

Oh wow
Such a chore

Harboild Eggs are vastly superior especially if they’re pickled

they are so inept/lazy/apathetic that the most they are willing to do is microwave premade meals

imagine literally being nutritionally retarded. i bet you think oats are no good too. jesus shit food metaphors always bring out the retarded americans.

Honestly fuck the euro juicy egg method
Stick it in the hot pan and just stir it around a lot until it's all solid with just a little bit of shininess

just be yourslef and do it when you think it's the right time

This thread made me want breakfast so now im at Bob Evan's.
What should i get Yea Forums?

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Get scrambled eggs you fucking nincompoop.

depends on the heat and desired consistency. i only make scrambled eggs when i'm feeling lazy so i crank that shit up to the max and have slightly moist eggs in under a minute. most do not recommend this but i'm not too concerned, it still tastes good.

>Eggs are disgusting.
Shit taste

its for retards who think cooking eggs makes the a godamn sous chef. literally everyine that does it that ive met in honhon baguette faguette about it

I would argue Unreal Tournament. It's great as it is, but its base can be used for almost anything you can think of.


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I like scrambled eggs with ketchup. Only scrambled eggs though.

Sausage or Bacon
Scrambled Eggs
Hash Browns
Toast (Get butter and either grape or strawberry jelly to go on it)


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i dont salt my eggs i add eggs to my salt to improve the salt

Kirby. Simple, and difficult to fuck up.

Time for nostalgia. Wiggle diggle, yellow middle.

>more of a good thing isn't an improvement
Nigger please.
But also, you can make some scrambled eggs, and then wrap them in an omelet. Honestly really nice.

breakfast pizza> regular pizza

How lazy are you? Turn the burner on, melt a little butter or spray some cooking spray, crack eggs. Wait a couple minutes (or you can rough scramble them with the spatula as they cook), add salt and pepper, flip, salt and pepper, serve. Then just rinse the pan and spatula since it should only be butter on anything. Maybe a little egg on the spatula. I'm lazy as shit when it comes to cooking, but It's one of the easiest things to make and clean up.

Salt is a seasoning, not a food. Perhaps I should have said entree.

>15 mins
10 minutes you filthy philistine, what the fuck kind of retard boils an egg for 15 fucking minutes holy shit what is wrong with you?

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God I just got major deja reve. I swear I remember this post from a dream.

His stove probably doesn't generate a lot of heat, especially if it's an electric stove.

i inow what you meant i was just being a retard. i figured the lack of greentext would imply that

I eat six to eight eggs a day and buy multiple dozen at a time. Miracle food.

thanks I'll give them a try

You honestly never know on this Mongolian finger painting board.

fuck that sounds so good

>lemme guess tiny a small soda
>I'll take a double triple bossy deluxe, on a raft, four by four animal style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, make it cry, burn it, and let it swim
>we serve food here, sir

>This picture
very low IQ post

I like those fluffy omelets the nips make.

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>star allies literally plays itself and is impossible to die
I’d say they fucked that up

Based and tomboypilled

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Their fluffy pancakes make me horny

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That egg coulda used about 10 more seconds in the pan. Raw white is not tasty.

Over medium master race

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Enjoy your clogged arteries.

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Scrambled egg topped with sunny side up egg?

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>"i accidentally cooked this over-easy egg too long but not so long that it became over-hard so i guess it'll do" master race

It's gotta be pretty rare to actually want to eat a Salisbury steak outside of a quick hungryman meal you bought from the freezer section just because you don't feel like cooking

That's old news user, eggs don't clog your arteries anymore.

Food is for eating, not for fucking.

Yeah, I've been told by two other anons now.
But FUCK that looks really good.

Yeah but I'm roughly the size of a barge

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All are equally shit just for different reasons

food porn is the most dissappointing name for a show ever

Decided i wanted something sweet so i got some chocolate chip pancakes to go with the eggs. Honestly suprised all this was just 8 bucks.

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Your inability to cook a simple egg isn't an argument, user

ur never cooked before mate, scrambled eggs will go soggy and leak liquids if overcooked.

Looks great, user! Have a good breakfast!

Nor is "over-medium" any good. It's a culinary accident of a dish that no one wants.

Difficult, but not impossible to fuck up.


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Eggs arent hot but they're okay. 5.5/10 would get if i felt like eggs again.
Pancakes are smacking though.


americans are so fucking retarded haha.

Maybe he lives at a higher elevation gotta boil shit more because it's a lower boiling point up there

>Yea Forumstard spouting unfounded and outdated health facts
Wow I'm totally not surprised at all


Why can't you cook the eggs you want?

I baked some banana bread yesterday, it used 2 eggs. Its pretty yummy but I shoulda kept it vanilla like usual instead of randomly adding in cocoa powder..

He probably thinks medium rare pork still puts worms on your brain too.
Obviously if you're a faggot who buys "organic" shit then you'll have to cook everything longer, though.

I want mine sunny-side up. I do that.
Over-medium is for weirdos who can't decide if they want hard or liquid yolk, or people who think they're good at cooking but fuck up over-easy every time.

I cannot eat scrambled eggs anymore. They fucking nauseate me. I can do over easy/medium and hard boiled but scrambled is disgusting now. What happened bros? They used to be a fixture of my diet.

Do you like your yolk cooked or liquid Yea Forums?

>Inb4 liquid is the right way
There is no right way, this is a cooking lie

You're not making them right, user. Perhaps you're overcooking them. Maybe you're underseasoning them.

I’ll take it

Remember to cook them on a LOW heat SLOWLY.
Most people cook them too fast.

This happened to me with salmon
Cant put two forks of cooked salmon inside my mouth without feeling nauseated and full

sounds like you overcook your eggs

Depends fully on what I'm eating. Most of the time I want liquid.

I like to sop up the runny yolk with toast or if it’s a sandwhich dip that in the yolk

Over medium eggs have the correct viscosity. They are the thinking man's egg.

it doesn't matter, just aim for liquid and whenever the yolk breaks just go through with cooked

You don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to play through Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast.

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I like thick but runny yolk

This thread made me want pancakes but I don't have any banana so it's pointless to make pancakes right now. Maybe tomorrow.

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>fluffy omelet
I'm not beating egg whites in the morning, fuck that


those eggs look raw

Better yet, what are the eggs benedict of videogames?

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This thread is based and egg pilled

Oats are garbage carbohydrates that effectively turn into sugar and are almost completely indigestible. Fuck John Kellogg

fuck you oatmeal is based

A complete myth. No one gets Salmonella eating raw eggs, all your garbage pharmaceutical backed studies are based on food poisoning from cooked food.