Makes a big deal of small things

>Makes a big deal of small things
>Sends idiots to complaing and bitch at hard-working companies
>Companies have to spend their hard-earned money of mitigating the damage instead of making good games
Can we agree he's doing more damage than anything else?

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's a kojimadrone so yes

Smelly, dumb, e-celeb scum

Get fucked OP

that can be applied to every "pro-consumer" youtube shit not just him.

>hard-working companies

The companies don't work hard, the workers do, and they get fucked constantly by them.

>Sucking the corporate cock that much

Are you retarded, or are you just pretending to be?

>talks for 25 minutes about nothing without saying anything
How does he do it bros?

OP, I am without a job and I would very much so love to be a paid shill like you.
Is there somewhere where I can apply or something? I really need my shekels.

He reads an article or two, just that, drones loves this and by drones I'm not 100% sure if I mean just Chinks or both

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I have literally never seen this guy in my life before now and I don't care to find out who this eceleb nobody is.

ah yes, the hard-working multi-billion dollar companies, i can't help it but now i now feel sorry for those rich CEOs that get mean comments on the internet.

the worst shit is when he recaps the last 4 videos he made on the topic for 5 minutes to make it over 10 minutes

This. How do I get in on the shekels?

He cost EA billions!

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The extent to which he sucks Valve and CDPR's dicks is pretty funny.

To save trillions

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Annoying ass robot voiced fuck.

seething dev.

I want Death Stranding to be bad just to see YongYea stammering and backpedaling and just spiraling with confusion.

This. I don't care about anything else, if you are a kujubodrone you deserve no respect.

I dunno, he makes money off gamergate crowd, i don't think he cares about companies and all that shit.
His subscribers eat that shit up and ask for more so he makes more.
Who cares man, companies don't care about what he says.

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LOL. Imagine seething this hard. Game Journos absolutely hate Yong Yea because he gets more clicks on one video than they get in an entire month.

And he's allowed to criticize the video game industry while game journos have to suck corporate cock every day

>He makes money off the GamerGate crowd

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>that filename
I was in Vancouver and it wasn't pretty. Honestly, what the fuck has happened to North America in the last 50 years?

>nasal voice
>can't argue for shit
>literally dumb as a rock despite chinks having "high IQ"
>can only parrot someone's else word
>can't think outside the box
>caters to onions boys and gamergate crowds
into the trash!

>letting retards on youtube to tell you what you should like
yikes: the thread

Jews, Jews happened

500 Atoms have been added to your account.
5% Origin discount has been added to your account.


But Yong makes plenty of acceptable videos on other topics so whatever.

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GamerGate is nothing more than Game Journos Salty Tears.

Don't like said Jounalist? "GamerGate!" : Some Sad Pathetic Games Journalist who probably couldn't get past the Tutorial for Cup Head either.

Games Journalists are the biggest sad sack of shit excuse for a career there has ever been.

You suck Corporate Cock for your food moneies. That's what you do.

Doesn't he?
I mean if i had a chance to make shitty videos and get stable 100k (aka 150 bucks a day or more) on every video where i just talk about random shit nobody cares about i would've taken it

don't call him a drone, the buzz of a drone's motors is less monotone than his delivery

>moves to los angeles to be a voice actor

How long before he is homeless?

>makes constant grammar mistakes when talking
>unappealing nasally voice
>robotic talking cadence
>"I'm moving to LA to become a voice actor for vidya.”

>don't read articles on actual news sites
>instead get those articles read to me by opinionated youtubers
Has anybody else realized how stupid this practice is?

Miss me?

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How the fuck does he have almost a million subs?

ya seething bestheda, EA, activsion- drone?

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To be honest yeah. He ignored all the politics and talked about relevant things

His channel blew up in 2014-2015 because he covered gamergate.

lmao this lil cum skin seething as fuck, based yongy

Go eat some bugs Chang



i'll kill a doggo and feed ya it david.

I only see two types of people complain about loot boxes and MTX being exposed for what they really are. Corporate shills and """"anons"""" on Yea Forums. Something is very fishy here.


Honestly sounds comfy as fuck. I can't say I respect him cause "gaming joirnalism" is the most retarded thing you can cover, but I do respect his hustle

>30 seconds of information
>stretch it to over 10 minutes by recapping old shit, reading tweets

He found his talent and he is making dosh out of it.


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>Companies have to spend their hard-earned money of mitigating the damage instead of making good games
There's the issue.
Not our fault corps are managed by people so disconnected with their own customers that they try to damage control instead of actually giving them what they want.
This is the circle:
>vidya corp develops a videogame
>videogame journalists complain about literal non issues
>company stakeholders think that journalists and customers have the same opinions
>vidya corp hires diversity expert and focuses on useless talk instead of actually producing decent games

Did your dad who works at EA beat you up again, OP? Harder times are coming.

You will be the next star of chinese gore vids when the dogs will eat you alive

well at least i'm not getting beheaded by spics or getting gundown by niggers i guess.

fuck off me board

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"Actual News Sites"

Are you fucking retarded?


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Same with the quarter pounder by the way.
He just reads some articles, says, "HURR SJWs are mad lol" and gets 100k+ views.
It's an extremely lazy and simple video format and these people don't even have a personality or anything, they just ended up in the right place at the right time.
I mean i'm jelly because for me to get 100k views i need to make some extremely successfull video with a potential to go viral and they don't need to do shit, just talk in front of a camera and that's it lol.

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No way your death was hilarious.

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>tfw his life capped at 30
hahahahahahhahhhah the state of this brit cuck

Yongyea here
>read newspaper for 20 minutes
Yongyea signing off!

The difference between you and me is that I can easly aim that you will eat a bug because most of Asians do that and you can't quess correctly how to shittalk me

eh, not particularly, fucking obnoxious cunt, but didnt want him to die at 30 because of that

Kojimbo is a hack, but he is far from being the worst cancer in this industry. Get a clue.

It's literally the same shit news anchors do. I don't see the problem and besides, it's nice having someone who is based find news stories for me, imagine giving those (((websites))) traffic.

well, you're all cumskins and all of you like to fuck dogs.
uh, sweetie, don't say that because the the SJW's (Whites) are going to get you, ya can't be proud to be white sweaty.

> "imagine giving those (((websites))) traffic."
> proceeds to give traffic to google

what a monster
how can a human say this?


i can't stand this greasy fatass

Simply reads an article or two and repeats them without changing much.
He is the equivalent of ToadFilms TTSing Reddit posts.

>imagine being upset at a dude calling out EA, Activsion, and all the shitty triple A company practices
I know Yea Forums is contrarian just for sakes of being a contrarian but i'm sure there are actually shills on here.

It's a small price to pay for hard hitting games journalism.

You're 100% correct. Look at all the "fellowkids" posts ITT

>hard working companies
holy dicksuck

>muh poor companies!

Shill faggot.

If the Industry and Game "Journos" weren't complete shit and invested with cancerous SJW's then he wouldn't have that to talk about, now would he?

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This is peak contrarianism or just petty jealousy. Anyways, if anyone can just record themselves bitch and moan about vidya wouldn't Yea Forums be the best at that?


Wow poor companies. I feel so sorry for them.

0.25 cents have been deposited into your account.

>Yongyea didn't even know who Norihiko Hibino was
fucking poseur metal gear fan

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none of that bothers me
only his monotone voice does

It's still an extremely lazy and boring video format.
I mean how is that different from reaction channels or "i will read Yea Forums or reddit posts"?
>hey i will read this article for 15-20 minutes in a monotone voice, this is serious guys oh my god

>>Makes a big deal of small things
He says on Yea Forums making someting of nobody
fuck off shill
low grade at that

he's turned into another jim sterling, who I also stopped watching because I want to hear the news, not the same topic over and over a fucking gain.