What are some MUST HAVE mods for a new playthrough?

I played this game when it came out and once since then. It's random encounters make it more fun to replay than New Vegas (still great game).

However I plan on modding it heavily BUT, keeping the vanilla feel. Give me some suggestions on mods you just have to have!

Attached: 220px-Fallout_3_cover_art.png (220x368, 127K)

the one that ports it to NV

I've seen that but, it feels dirty. If I want to play NV, I'll play NV. If I want to play FO3, etc.

the one that crashes it immediately upon playing it

It literally make F3 playable on anything more modern than Windows XP and you don't have to go to the mojave. The Big Guns/Small Guns merge and replacing shitty DR with chad DT was also objectively good.

Wait, I thought it was solely a content mod. Oooooh, it's fuckin' running off NV, isn't it?

Yup, actually works really well. Tale of Two Wastelands.

What is this gay shit? My PC is windows 10 and I can run fallout 3 fine with graphics mods, 1080p and 30fps (thats the highest the framefate will go for some reason) and it never crashes. Meanwhile new vegas crashes every 10 minutes no matter what settings I run it at, and still crashes even with no mods

And OP to answer your question for mods NCM's texture pack and fallout 3 redesigned are must have so the game doesnt look ugly as fuck, aside from those just get whatever you feel like

Get Tale of Two Wastelands, that's the only use of FO3 anymore

F3 works fine on Windows 10 you tard, you probably just used the stutter remover where one of the settings crashes the game. Edit the .ini or use Tick Fix

F3 runs fine at 60fps, uninstall your shitty mods if your PC/the game can't handle them

TTW is great until you come across someone wearing power armour and talking through the intercom. The filter either doesn't work or makes the audio clip FUCKING HORRIBLY

Plus the balance is fucked, some voice lines are missing (like the robot in georgetown) and if you want to use a lighting mod then outdoor interiors are fucked.

Either play NV is you want to play something vith at least a coherent plot, or Fallout 4 if you just want to dick around in a heavily modded sandbox. Playing 3 is the objective worst option possible.

I don't remember FO3 being unplayable in its vanilla state. Fellout was great to remove the green hue but, otherwise I'm not trying to run it at 4k 120 fps. 1080p with my trusty fx-8350 and a new GPU should do fine. It's an old game, no reason to pretend it's new.

>Fallout 4 is better than Fallout 3.

Is this how you spend your time after dropping your wife's son off at school?

Get TTW, then use enhanced shaders enb, New Vegas Reloaded, B42 weapon intertia, enhanced camera, and Azurah's weapon animations. IMO, texture overhauls cause further problems and instability if you start going for a fuck ton of mods. Also the battlefield quickthrow grenade hotkey is really good too. If you use enb and/or NVR, make sure to turn off AA and water displacement, else you'll have fucked up water

>F3 runs fine at 60fps, uninstall your shitty mods if your PC/the game can't handle them
My pc can more than handle it, it runs witcher smoothly. I have no idea why but it will only go up to 30, even skyrim will go to 60. I think its to do with the game been dated, but I honestly have no idea why. Its fine at 30 though desu, the framefate never drops and my game doesnt crash

Solid reccomendations, thanks fren. I'll check 'em out; I'm not familiar with several of those.

NP. I'd also recommend taking a trip to PC Gaming wiki for some other improvements to make it more stable. TTW just had a big update that broke a lot of mods for it, so make sure you're grabbing stuff that's made for 3.2.X and follow posts made on the TTW forums. Also yes, Sexout works with TTW

>I think its to do with the game been dated
It's nothing to do with the game being dated, you just fucked up your PC somewhere. 30fps is hardly fine especially if your hardware is more than capable.

Been modding games, especially Bethesda games, for a good long while. No blind downloads/installs for this cowboy.

Don't know what sexout is but, I can guess. I remember installing a sex mod for FO3 years ago. It was a horrible idea. Fuck the water, I'm going to breed the wasteland.....and spend 90% of my time fuckin' crankin' it while I do. The shame washed over me in an awesome wave.

Stability mods and tweaks, Broken Steel enemy rebalance, unique weapons textures, a save game at the vault 101 exit so that you can skip the turtorial. That is pretty much all I used

The one that opens uninstall.exe.

Only real reason to get sexout is for the lulz. Player/NPCs ragdoll after sexy times. Though there's a quest overhaul mod that works in both DC and the Mojave. If you ever wanted awkward teen years with Amata or to make Three-Dog cry over how he got his name, it's worth a play. There's also the pornstar mods if you're feeling nostalgic for that quest line in FO2

I never actually played the expansions/dlcs (I have the GotY, so I have all of them now)so I've never heard of that rebalance mod. Is the stock version that bad?

Do you know the name of the quest overhaul mod, off hand?

TTWQuestOverhaul. Its on the TTW forums under the 3.2 Adult mods section. The others are like Quo Vegas and the like. You'll be able to tell.

Fallout is one of the worst vidya franchises of all time. Cringe.

Now how do I get mods on the XBOX copy?

Zoom zoom zoom...