Yea Forums

>Yea Forums
Wojaks, memes, shitting on anything remotely popular, console wars, "have sex", 39848559 daily smash threads, waifu fap threads, twitter screenshots

Go to the sub of your favourite game and enjoy actual discussion

Yea Forums will never have genuine discussion.

Attached: Screenshot_20190912-161322.jpg (1440x2226, 1.4M)

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>actually talking about games
God what cucks

>>Yea Forums
>Wojaks, memes, shitting on anything remotely popular, console wars, "have sex", 39848559 daily smash threads, waifu fap threads, twitter screenshots
>Go to the sub of your favourite game and enjoy actual discussion
>Yea Forums will never have genuine discussion.

Attached: Soyboy Wojak (89).png (708x800, 39K)

One reddit thread has as much meaningful content as 10 days here. OP pic has more vidya discussion than anything thats happened all day here.

>watch 40 mins of gameplay
>every Death Stranding thread is about Kojima

This board is incapable of actually discussing vidya.

But reddit is terrible for actual discussions. People rarely read past few top replies, don't forget forced groupthink of course.

I wish gaming forums were still a thing. ERA is ERA and Codex is focused on rpgs only (surprise, surprise).

Be the change you want to see
Post vidya threads

>Discussing vidya
>Imagine been this retard.
You better off just go to the official forum website for actual discussion

if you actually believed reddit was better, you'd stay there instead of posting bait threads on Yea Forums, faggot

No one will notice you leave.

There needs to be an inbetween but there is none. Reddit is just pure cringe when reading the comments, but then Yea Forums is just pure shitposting, waifus and the meme quality is just pisspoor now.

Not OP, but I browse a ton of social media sites, including Yea Forums and reddit, I bounce between all of them but only post on Yea Forums

>had to find a thread of a year ago

but if I dont post with some cropped hentai image nobody will respond

I don't even like reddit but lately that site seems to be improving in some manner in terms of discussions, even though it still has problems.

Yea Forums seems to be genuinely getting shittier lately, but I don't think it's a coincidence.

This is literally a thread right now. There is no vidya discussion here.

Attached: Screenshot_20190912-164144.png (1440x2560, 739K)

Can't read past the first 2 sentences of your pic without cringing. All redditors should be killed

We come here everyday and there’s nothing to talk about right now
When there’s nothing worth talking about it becomes a vidya themed random board.

There's decent SH and Megaman threads from time to time, as well as more niiche games like Underrail and Lobotomy Corp. Most discussion of newer/popular games is usually shit though

Or shit like this Literally nothing to do with vidya
There's other fucking boards besides Yea Forums. If you want to discuss off topic shit then go to a different board.

Reddit comes here to shitpost

How does /vr/, board dedicated to retro games, manage to have much better threads then? People actually discuss games there.